

Bug Fixes
Fixes a bug where users were being double counted on mobile platforms
Fixes a bug which send incomplete telemetry events.

New Features
Editor Preview - Adds ability to preview maps in editor at design time. AbstractMap now has an Enable Preview toggle which displays the map with all current settings, and provides ability to modify settings while viewing the map outside of Play mode.
Pricing Update - Introduces new pricing framework.
Improves line mesh generation, adds options for join and cap types. Users have greater control over quality and styles of line meshes.
Improves terrain tile loading times by optimizing terrain pipeline.
Remove UV Modifier class and merge the functionality into polygon mesh modifier.
Optimized Vector feature textures, resulting in smaller file sizes.
Bug Fixes
Fixes a bug with UV calculation which caused textures to be stretched instead of tiled.
Fixes a bug where Vector feature layers that used the same texture style would not preserve layer-specific style parameter settings.
Fixes a bug where decoration spawning (SpawnInsideModifier) placed objects at wrong locations on recycled tiles.
Fixes a bug where point placement didn’t pate point location properly when zoom level changes.

New Features
Runtime editing of map features - Map elements like Imagery, Terrain, Feature Properties can now be updated during runtime, using AbstractMap UI in the Editor , or by using the API methods.
Map API’s - Maps SDK for Unity now has API methods to build and edit maps entirely using scripts.
Improves fallback for terrain tiles with missing or no data. Image will be now rendered on flat tiles instead of blank tiles.
Improves terrain height query by using local position/rotation/scale of a tile. Use QueryElevationInUnityUnitsAt or QueryElevationInMetersAt API methods to query height.
Terrain module “Sample Count” property changed to a slider.
Improves tile loading and recycling performance.
Bug Fixes
Fixes issue where Terrain was not turned off with None option.
Fixes issue where Node Editor script was throwing a compilation error due to deprecated API in Unity 2018.2
Fixes issue where SnapToZero moved the map for each new tile loaded instead of only using the first one.
Fixes issue with the height modifier where floor height calculations were wrong causing overlapping floors.
Fixes issue where dispose buffer setting was being ignored by RangeAroundTransform extent type.
Fixes builds for UWP/ Hololens environments.
Fixes issue where ARTableTop map would not snap to the detected plane on zooming in/out.
Fixes issue where BuildingsWithUniqueIds setting was getting applied incorrectly, resulting in missing buildings.
Breaking Changes
Any Feature layers under Map Layers using a Custom style type will need to be re-assigned through the AbstractMap UI. This change was necessary to persist custom style options when switching between different styles.

New Features
Added a ReplaceFeatureCollectionModifier class that allows multiple ReplaceFeatureModifiers to be run from one modifier.
Added seven hero structures - Transamerica Pyramid, Coit Tower, Salesforce Tower, Empire State Building, Chrysler Building, One World Trade Center, Statue of Liberty.
Added color option to texturing style
Added color palettes drop down to Simple texturing option. Allows users to choose between different color palettes.
Improvements to Tile states and map states. Map extent finished state is robust and deterministic.
Removed dependency of Tile Providers on Update methods.

New Features
Selecting Simple Texturing Style in a Vector Layer Visualizer exposes a drop down menu which allows users to select a color palette for that layer.
Added 2 examples to the setup dialog
AstronautGame - enhanced version of the Location Based game with custom styling and Astronaut asset
TrafficAndDirections - example built around using Mapbox’s traffic data layer and directions API
Fix an issue with factories where a racing condition causing tiles without imagery
Fixes the issue with Replacement Modifier to prevent duplicate prefab spawning and blocking wrong features.
Fixes the issue with custom styles that go missing after building to a device.
Fix an issue with factories where a racing condition causing tiles without imagery
Added a separate Traffic and Directions demo scene
Changed loft modifier to stretch texture horizontally
Changed Directions Factory to check waypoints on timer and recalculate path if there’s a chance

New Features
Added a Feature Replacement Modifer that allows replacement of a vector feature at a given Latitude,Longitude with a supplied prefab. Enables replacing a procedurally generated building at a given Latitude,Longitude with a custom 3D model.
Texturing Style dropdown now allows users to select from prepackaged texture styles or custom, which allows for user-defined texturing.
Mesh and GameObject modifiers can now be created and added to AbstractMap via Add New buttons.
Example scene LocationProvider can be used to log GPS traces. See documentation on how to copy logs from devices.
GPS traces can be played back in the Editor with EditorLocationProviderLocationLog.
UserHeading and DeviceOrientation values can be smoothed via different smoothing algorithms.
Improvements to UV mapping for side walls of extruded polygons when using atlas textures. Enables better handling of leftover areas when creating columns.
DeviceLocationProvider should work on devices. Tested with iPhone 7/8/X, Google Pixel 2, Samsung S8, Samsung Galaxy Note 8, OnePlus 3
Bug Fixes
Fix issue with UvModifier which caused wrong roof uv positions calculations.
Fix issue with data fetcher to handle failed connections properly, which caused IndexOutOfRangeException during tile loading/unloading.
Fix issue with ambient file caching on Windows with .NET4.6 runtime and long file names.
Known Issues
ARInterface related errors and crashes on Unity 2018.1.1f1 related to bug in Unity

New Features
Layer names and property names are preloaded from the data source into a dropdown.
Add Location Prefabs section to AbstractMap. Enables users to spawn prefabs at points-of-interest on the map directly from the AbstractMap UI.
Add options to spawn prefabs on points-of-interest using Mapbox Category, Name, or a list of Address or LatLon.
Add methods on AbstractMap to spawn prefabs. Enables users to add layers via script.
Add the LocationPrefabs.unity example scene. Demonstrates the basics of using the Location Prefabs feature.
Add OnUpdated event to AbstractMap. Enables subscribers to get a notification when the map location and/or zoom gets updated.
DeviceLocationProviderAndroidNative: a native location provider for Android that directly accesses location and orientation provided by the operating system not using Unity’s Input.location which has some shortcomings, eg coordinates truncated to float precision. Only available on Android 7.0 (Nougat, API Level 24) and up!
EditorGpsLogLocationProvider: an Editor location provider to replay real world GPS traces logged with GNSSLogger
New example scene showing UserHeading and DeviceOrientation
UnityARInterface updated to commit 67351b6 from March 1st 2018
Additional properties on RotateWithLocationProvider to account for new Location properties UserHeading and DeviceOrientation.
Changes to terrain factory (#623)
Create a new base class
Introduce all different terrains as strategies
Change sidewalls as a property on elevated terrain strategy
Data Fetching Changes (#622)
Move data calls from factories to DataFetcher classes
Factories register to events in DataFetchers
Layer Name , Extrusion Property Name and Filter Key are now selectable dropdowns indicating the layers and properties available in the current Data Source. Layers and properties no longer require manual string entry.
Bug Fixes
Added checks to prevent NRE in GeocodeAttributeSearchWindow when searching with an invalid token or no connection.
Fix issue where side wall mesh generation did not work with elevated terrain.
Fix issue with scaling prefabs for POI’s. Enables correct scaling of objects with map.
Known Issues
Filters with empty key or value parameters will exclude all features in a layer.
SDK will throw [Physics.PhysX] cleaning the mesh failed error if a MapFeature is used with the following options: {Primitive Type: Line, LayerName: Road, Collider Type: Mesh Collider}
Property Heading on Location object has been split into UserHeading and DeviceOrientation.
UserHeading: the direction the user is moving. This is calculated from the latest position. If the user stops moving the last heading value is kept.
DeviceOrientation: value obtained from the device compass. Where the device is looking to.

New Features
Add two new modules, KdTreeCollection and AddToCollection Gameobject modifier.
Add Collider option for vector features.
Add scale factor for extrusion value derived from feature property.
Add camera script with zoom & pan support for TabletopAR scene.
Bug Fixes
Remove buildingsWithUniqueIds setting for Mapbox Streets data source.
Change Style Name to Data Source
Fix to make filter values case insensitive.
Fix issue where position vector features was not being set.
Fix Range Property extrusion option for vector features.
Select newly created layer visualizer.
Fix typo in colorPalette.
Add defaults for all sublayer properties to not carry over any options from the previous layer.
Don’t allow empty names for layer visualizers.
Fix foldouts not retaining states between play mode & editor.
Add missing tooltips.
Fix issue with Satellite TextureType.
Added a check to prevent NRE on tile update because map was not initialized.
Added method to disable InitializeOnStart in the Initialize With Location Provider script.
Fix loop counter in SpawnInsidePrefabModifier which was causing an infinite loop.

Drag and drop prefabs for most common use cases.
New Abstract Map UI
Style development - colorization and atlas template generator
Use texture atlas for building geometries.
Merge buildings with unique ids using the experimental 3D buildings tileset.
Added a API call on AbstractMap to query height at a certain latitude longitude.
Included EditorConfig file to enforce coding style
Integration of previously seperate AR support

Upgrade Instructions
As always, if you already have a project with a previous version of the SDK, please remove older versions before installing this new one!
FeatureBehaviour is no longer added to feature gameobjects by default. Use a FeatureBehaviourModifier to add this component (optimization).
TextureModifier is obsolete. Please use MaterialModifier.
LocationProvider has been heavily modified to support additional features. Please update you references accordingly.
MeshFactory and PoiVisualizer have been deprecated (previously obsolete).
Memory/Performance Upgrades
Added ability to use coroutines inside VectorLayerVisualizer—this option will help prevent locking main thread during tile creation. Note that this will normally result in longer map load times, however.
Objects generated from vector tiles (meshes, game objects, colliders, renderers, etc.) are now pooled and re-used accordingly. This expedites feature creation and helps prevent memory fragmentation.
Fixed some memory leaks.
General performance improvements—maps should now load much faster, in general.
New Features
Added convenience methods to AbstractMap to convert between Lat/Lon ↔ Vector3. This also works for maps that have been translated, rotated, or scaled! #387
Added tile error exception events that you can hook into to know when specific tiles fail to load. We provide an example TileErrorHandler object that logs these to console.
Added C# wrapper for Mapbox Token API (to validate tokens).
Added transparency shader for raster tiles—this enables you to convert black to alpha from Mapbox studio styles (to render just road labels, for example).
Added new LoftModifier—use this to make complex geometry from line features.
Added prefabs for location provider and “player” avatar for convenience. #382
Added Mapbox Map Matching API #302
Bug Fixes
It should now be safe to nest the Mapbox folder (SDK) in your own projects.
You can now properly change/load scenes at runtime. #381
Fixed token validation issues (validate token when initializing MapboxAccess). #430
Custom inspectors now properly serialize assets assigned via built-in object browser.
Fix for certain tile providers not updating properly when re-initializing a map.
Fixed issue where clipped features would result in several new features. #398
Fixed one potential race condition with DeviceLocationProvider on iOS devices, where location would not properly send locations as expected.
Conversions.cs are now properly supported in zoomable map implementations.
Fixed bug where certain tile providers would give out of sync exception.
Fixed duplicate keys exception related to some slippy maps.
Fixed bugs related to snap modifiers not working properly depending on feature position of the stack.
Removed duplicate event registration in MapVisualizer.
Fixed bugs associated with Filters and string comparisons in VectorLayerVisualizer.
Made several methods virtual to better support extension.
Improvements to map editor. #343
Map editor will refresh automatically when window receives focus.
VectorTileFactory now has checkboxes to toggle specific layer visualizers.
Use InitializeMapWithLocationProvider to initialize a map at a specific location (device location), but don’t forget to disable InitializeOnStart on your map object!
LocationProvider has been abstracted for easier serialization/assignment in the Unity editor.
LocationProvider now supports sending additional data with Location object.
It is now easier to mock locations in the editor.
Array support to mock a specific route (LocationArrayEditorLocationProvider).
Transform support on EditorLocationProvider to create simple offsets.
Use Unity Remote app to send location updates directly to the Unity editor from your device!
DynamicZoom example has been improved, see new Zoomable map example.
Added string to lat/lon conversion method.
Various nodes in the map factory framework now have public fields to support run-time styling or modification before map generation (based on settings, for example).
Maps now support float values for zoom level—you can use this to inform camera controllers, for example.
Added UnityTile getter to AbstractMapVisualizer. This enables UnityTile lookup at runtime. #382
Optimized and consolidated examples.
Removed Drive example.
Removed DynamicZoom example (replaced with ZoomableMap).
Removed LowPoly.
Removed MapReload (many examples now support this functionality).
Removed SlippyTerrain example (see ZoomableMap for similar and improved functionality).
Removed TerracedWorld.
Added Explorer example—vector map example covering a variety of layers and features.
Added ZoomableMap example.
Combined MeshGeneration Examples into BasicVectorMap folder.
See here for the latest.
Known Issues
ZoomableMap does not constrain map position to camera bounds. At some zoom levels, the map will go above the camera.
iOS/Unity 2017.1+ sometimes location updates are delayed or not sent properly. We suspect this is an iOS/Unity issue.
If you have issues with missing libraries in Xcode, please check that you are not using symlink in your Unity build settings and that your min. target OS is 8.
Requesting too many tiles at once (on client) will often lead to many failed tile requests. We recommend that you distribute these requests over many frames!

Please note: this release marks the beginning of official support for the Unity 2017 lifecycle.
Upgrade Instructions
As always, please remove older versions before installing!
AbstractMap has officially been abstracted! This means that you must substitute, in your own scenes, a concrete implementation. We offer BasicMap, MapAtSpecificLocation and DynamicZoomMap.
MapVisualizer has also been abstracted for tile placement purposes. You may need to point your existing maps to the new concrete implementation (MapVisualizer) and re-serialize your references (Factories).
General performance optimizations.
New Features
DynamicZoomMap, DynamicMapVisualizer and DynamicZoomTileProvider demonstrate how to build web-like maps that can pan and zoom smoothly.
You can now convert latitude/longitude to a position on the sphere (see Conversions.cs and the Globe example).
Use the new MapAtSpecificLocation component to create a map that is centered precisely at a given location.
Use the new RangeAroundTransformTileProvider component to procedurally load tiles as a transform changes. This is useful for loading map content as a player avatar moves based on physical location. Check the LocationProvider example for more information.
Map Editor (Mapbox --> Map Editor)
Allows navigation of any Map Factory Frameworks referenced in the current scene
Selecting a node will select the corresponding asset for manipulation in the inspector
Added new asset browsing capabilities to these nodes (factories, modifiers, etc.)

Bug Fixes
We now catch exceptions when parsing Android library file names (duplicate library check).
Fixed some wrong Conversions values and methods that would lead to improper positioning or gaps between tiles.
The Mapbox configuration window no longer gets stuck validating a token.
Wolfulus line ending fixer issues in Unity 2017 have been resolved.
Fixed broken VectorTileExample.
AbstractMapVisualizer state change events no longer fire improperly when loading tiles from cache.
Tiles should no longer appear all white or all black when using very small UnityTileSize.
Map.cs no longer executes the notify callback twice.
Maps can now be Initialized with a latitude/longitude and a zoom level, at any time!
This means that you can re-use a map for a new location or zoom.
Scaling is now performed at a vertex level, which helps prevent floating-point imprecision and leads to a cleaner hierarchy.
Vector2d is now serializable (for inspector purposes).
MapId and Factories are now public so that you can change them at runtime.
New Examples
See here for the latest.

Please note: our next release will end support for the Unity 5.x lifecycle. We look forward to taking advantage of Unity 2017 optimizations and features.
Upgrade Instructions
As always, please remove older versions before installing!
TypeFilter now uses an array. You will need to update your filters!
MeshFactory is obsolete. Please replace with VectorTileFactory or StyleOptimizedVectorTileFactory.
PoiVisualizer is obsolete. Please use a standard VectorLayerVisualizer with a PrefabModifier.
Triangle.NET has been replaced with Earcut. If you were using Triangle features, you will need to import that library yourself.
If you were using a RangeTileProvider, you will need to update its parameters, which are now described in terms of North, East, South, and West (for readability).
ChamferModifier has been replaced with ChamferHeightModifier. This new version looks and performs better.
Ensure your MapImageFactories have the expected Map Id! We’ve updated the way Ids are serialized, and your old Ids may have been lost–sorry!
Added support for style-optimized vector tiles! Read more here.
You will need to use the new StyleOptimizedVectorTileFactory.
This can result in far less data transfer/data processing.
Replaced Triangle.NET with Earcut which results if much faster geometry construction.
Removed expensive string concatenation process in FeatureBehaviour.
MeshFactory no longer waits for Terrain or Raster results before making its own web request.
New Features
Added ability to cache successful tile requests to disk (via SQL database). If a tile is found in the database, it will not make a web request.
Note that tiles in this database only expire when the cache fills up!
Want to create a low-poly landscape? Use the new LowPolyTerrainFactory!
Maps can now be snapped to y=0 (this prevents the need to reposition your camera at higher elevations).
Added ability to choose pivot of objects generated with the ModifierStack (tile center, first vertex, or vertex average).
Use the new GameObjectModifier AddMonoBehavioursModifier to “generically” add Components to your game objects.
Added ability to snap to terrain/other objects with SnapTerrainRaycastModifier. This is more accurate (but slower) than SnapTerrainModifier.
Added “example” SpawnInsideModifier which can be used to add procedural decoration inside a mesh (for example, Landuse).
Added ChamferHeightModifier which, obviously, combines Chamfer and Height modifiers.
Added GlobeTileProvider to request the entire world at once (be advised that this may result in MANY tile requests!).
Project your tiles on a sphere! Use the new GlobeTerrainFactory to make a globe.
Added ability to pick a custom style from the Mapbox Styles API.
Use the search button and enter your user name (for Mapbox Studio).
Note that this requires you to create an API token that supports styles:list!
Bug Fixes
WebGL builds now work as expected!
Fixed Unity Cloud Build and iOS signing issues that were related to native iOS libraries.
Map tiles are now parented correctly to the map root (on device). If you previously had trouble rotating/moving/scaling a map on device, fret no longer!
Fixed some bad height calculations for buildings.
PolygonModifier now correctly generates holes and better handles multiple parts.
Tiles should now wrap at world boundaries correctly (rather than producing invalid tile requests).
Unity/C# warnings have been addressed.
Added preprocess build step and a unit test that checks for duplicate Android libraries.
Example CameraMovement script has been improved to allow for mouse wheel translational zoom and precise touch drag (for panning).
Added option to remove sidewalls from height-extruded geometry (for roads, for example).
Use VertexDebugger to debug vertices for procedurally generated meshes.
Added timeout exception to HttpRequest.
RangeTileProvider is now more readable.
New Examples
See Globe example for one method of spherically projecting tiles.
MeshGenerationBasics has new interactive elements to demonstrate some of the new features we’ve added.
StylingDemoMeshGeneration uses SpawnInsideModifier to add “bushes” to landuse:park.
Check TerracedWorld to see an example of how to use contour data to generate Godus-like worlds.

Added support for runtime texture compression (DXT) in the MapImageFactory
MapVisualizer now pools gameobjects/textures/data to avoid instantiation and destruction costs
TerrainFactory now allocates less memory when manipulating geometry
Elevation textures are no longer held in memory and height data parsing and access is much faster
Added new FlatTerrainFactory that is optimized specifically for flat maps
Tiles can now be cached in memory—configure the cache size in MapboxAccess.cs (default size is 500)
Slippy maps now dispose tiles that determined to be “out of range”
Tiles that are out of range before completion are properly cancelled
Terrain generation in Unity 5.5+ should be much faster and allocate less memory
New Features
Added new retina-resolution raster tiles
Added mipmap, compression, and retina-resolution support to MapImageFactory
The PoiGeneration example now includes clickable 3D world-space gameobjects—use these as reference for placing objects in Unity space according to a latitude/longitude
MapVisualizer and TileFactories now invoke state change events—use these to know when a map or specific factory is completed (loaded)
See an example of implementing a loading screen in Drive.unity
You can now specify GameObject Layer for tiles in the TerrainFactory
Add colliders to your terrain by checking the Add Collider flag in the TerrainFactory
Add colliders or specify GameObject Layer for buildings, roads, etc. with ColliderModifier and LayerModifier
Bug Fixes
Building snapped to terrain are now rendered correctly (check Flat Tops in the HeightModifier)
Web request exceptions are now properly forwarded to the Response (should fix Unknown tile tag: 15)
Complex building geometry should now be rendered correctly (holes, floating parts, etc.)
Materials assigned to a TerrainFactory are now properly applied at runtime
Because of UnityTile pooling, you should no longer encounter key already exists in dictionary exceptions related to tile factories—this means you can change map attributes (location, zoom, terrain, etc.) at runtime without throwing exceptions
Map configuration values are no longer static, and an OnInitialized event is invoked when the AbstractMap reference values have been computed (prevents temporal coupling)
Snapping to terrain has been simplified—just add a SnapToTerrainModifier to your ModifierStack
Slippy.cs has been refactored to CameraBoundsTileProvider.cs and the backing abstraction enables you to write your own tile provider system (zoomable, path-based, region, etc.)
MapController.cs has been refactored to AbstractMap —this is not yet abstract, but should provide an example of how to construct a map using a MapVisualizer and a TileProvider
UnityTile has been refactored to support reuse and has the ability to cancel its backing web requests
DirectionsFactory no longer relies on a MapVisualizer or DirectionsHelper, but can still use existing MeshModifiers

Terrain height works as intended again (fixed out of range exception)
Fixed issue where visualizers for MeshFactories were not being serialized properly
Fixed null reference exception when creating a new MeshFactory

Added support for UWP
Share your Hololens creations with us!
Fixed precision issue with tile conversions
Replaced Geocoordinate with Vector2d
Mapbox API Token is now stored in MapboxAccess.txt
MapboxConvenience has been removed
Added LocationProviders and example scene to build maps or place objects based on a latitude/longitude
Mesh Generation:
General performance improvements (local tile geometry)
Custom editors for map factories
Added new MergedModifierStack which will reduce the number of transforms and draw calls in dense maps
Continuous UVs for building facades
DirectionsFactory now draws full geometry, not just waypoints
Fixed occasional vertex mismatch in PolygonMeshModifier.cs (which caused an index out of range exception)

Updates mapbox-sdk-unity-core to v1.0.0-alpha13; features vector tile overzooming
Updates to attribution guidelines in README.MD
Added Conversions.cs and VectorExtensions.cs to enable simple conversions from geocoordinate to unity coordinate space

Added new infrastructure for mesh generation
Added new demos for basic, styled, point of interest vector mesh generation
Added new demo for vector tiles + terrain with a slippy implementation (dynamic tile loading)
Added a new demo for Mapbox Directions & Traffic
Deprecated old slippy demo
Deprecated old directions component demo

Added core sdk support for mapbox styles
vector tile decoding optimizations for speed and lazy decoding
Added attribution prefab
new Directions example
All examples scripts updated streamlined to use MapboxConvenience object

removed orphaned references from link.xml, this was causing build errors
moved JSON utility to Mapbox namespace to avoid conflicts with pre-exisiting frameworks

PS :
