数据算法 Hadoop/Spark大数据处理---第十章




  1. 基于传统spark来实现
  2. 基于传统Scala来实现


- spark:
  • 1.先创建JavaSparkContext,textFile读入文件。
  • 2.对String进行切分,转换成key = Movie3 value=(User1,3)。
  • 3.之后对key进行分组,得到key=Movie2 value=[(User1,4),(User2,5),(User3,3),(User4,3)]
  • 4.对Uset进行groupByKey,得到key = user value = Tuple3[Movie2,4,4],Tuple3[Movie1,2,4]之类的。
  • 5.对value进行操作,转换成<1 10 2 20 2 1 4> <1 10 3 30 3 1 9>
  • 6.对进行分组,转换成: [<1 10 2 20 2 1 4> <2 10 3 20 6 4 9>]
  • 7.之后可以通过pearsonCorrelation,cosineCorrelation,jaccardCorrelation公式来求得两个movie之间的相似值


 JavaPairRDD> moviesRDD = usersRatings.mapToPair(new PairFunction>() {
            public Tuple2> call(String s) throws Exception {
                String[] record = s.split("\t");
                String user = record[0];
                String movie = record[1];
                Integer rating = new Integer(record[2]);
                Tuple2 userAndRating = new Tuple2<>(user, rating);
                return new Tuple2<>(movie, userAndRating);
 //生成key=User1 value=Tuple3[Movie2,4,4]  key=User2 value=Tuple3[Movie2,5,4]
JavaPairRDD> usersRDD = moviesGrouped.flatMapToPair(new PairFlatMapFunction>>, String, Tuple3>() {
            public Iterator>> call(Tuple2>> s) throws Exception {
                ArrayList> listOfUsersAndRating = new ArrayList<>();
                String movie = s._1;
                Iterable> pairsOfUserAndRating = s._2;
                int numberOfRates = 0;
                for (Tuple2 t2 : pairsOfUserAndRating) {
                ArrayList>> results = new ArrayList<>();
                for (Tuple2 t2 : listOfUsersAndRating) {
                    String user = t2._1;
                    Integer rating = t2._2;
                    Tuple3 t3 = new Tuple3<>(movie, rating, numberOfRates);
                    results.add(new Tuple2<>(user, t3));
                return results.iterator();
//<1 10 2 20 2 1 4> <1 10 3 30 3 1 9>的格式,之后就可以给其它的公式去求相似度了
 JavaPairRDD, Tuple7> moviePairs = groupedbyUser.flatMapToPair(new PairFlatMapFunction>>, Tuple2,
                Tuple7>() {
            public Iterator, Tuple7>>
            call(Tuple2>> s) throws Exception {
                String user = s._1;
                Iterable> movies = s._2;
                List> listOfMovies = toList(movies);
                List>> comb2 = Combination.findSortedCombinations(listOfMovies, 2);
                ArrayList, Tuple7>> result = new ArrayList<>();
                for (List> twoMovies : comb2) {
                    //从组合的 movie对中获取
                    Tuple3 movie1 = twoMovies.get(0);
                    Tuple3 movie2 = twoMovies.get(1);
                    Tuple2 k3 = new Tuple2(movie1._1, movie2._1);
                    Tuple7 v3 = getTuple7(movie1, movie2);
                    //这一步生成大概像:<1 10 2 20 2 1 4> <1 10 3 30 3 1 9>
                    Tuple2, Tuple7> k3v3 = new Tuple2<>(k3, v3);
                return result.iterator();


val userMovieRating = userRatings.map(line =>{
      val tokens = line.split("\\s+")
      // user      movie      rate
    val numberOfRatePerMovie = userMovieRating.map(umr => (umr._2,1)).reduceByKey(_+_)
 //先从(umr._2, ((umr._1, umr._3),numberOfRatersPerMovie)) =(movie, ((user, rate),count))
    val userMovieRatingNumberOfRater = userMovieRating.map(umr =>(umr._2,(umr._1,umr._3))).join(numberOfRatePerMovie)
      .map(tuple =>(tuple._2._1._1,tuple._1,tuple._2._1._2,tuple._2._2))

//对user进行排序得到User1 [,,],后面是一个Iterable
    val groupByUser = userMovieRatingNumberOfRater.map(f =>(f._1,(f._2,f._3,f._4))).groupByKey()
//生成<1 10 2 20 2 1 4>
val moviePairs = groupByUser.flatMap(tuple=>{
      val sorted = tuple._2.toList.sortBy(f => f._1)
      val tuple7 = for{
        movie1 <- sorted
        movie2 <- sorted
        if(movie1._1 < movie2._1)
        ratingProduct = movie1._2 * movie2._2
        rating1Squared = movie1._2 * movie1._2
        rating2Squared = movie2._2 * movie2._2
      }yield {
        ((movie1._1, movie2._1), (movie1._2, movie1._3, movie2._2, movie2._3, ratingProduct, rating1Squared, rating2Squared))
// [<1 10 2 20 2 1 4> <2 10 3 20 6 4 9>]
 val moviePairsGrouped = moviePairs.groupByKey()
val result = moviePairsGrouped.mapValues(itr =>{
      val groupSize = itr.size
      val (rating1, numOfRaters1, rating2, numOfRaters2, ratingProduct, rating1Squared, rating2Squared) =
        itr.foldRight((List[Int](), List[Int](), List[Int](), List[Int](), List[Int](), List[Int](), List[Int]()))((a, b) =>
            a._1 :: b._1,
            a._2 :: b._2,
            a._3 :: b._3,
            a._4 :: b._4,
            a._5 :: b._5,
            a._6 :: b._6,
            a._7 :: b._7))
      val dotProduct = ratingProduct.sum // sum of ratingProd
      val rating1Sum = rating1.sum // sum of rating1
      val rating2Sum = rating2.sum // sum of rating2
      val rating1NormSq = rating1Squared.sum // sum of rating1Squared
      val rating2NormSq = rating2Squared.sum // sum of rating2Squared
      val maxNumOfumRaters1 = numOfRaters1.max // max of numOfRaters1
      val maxNumOfumRaters2 = numOfRaters2.max // max of numOfRaters2

      val numerator = groupSize * dotProduct - rating1Sum * rating2Sum
      val denominator = math.sqrt(groupSize * rating1NormSq - rating1Sum * rating1Sum) *
        math.sqrt(groupSize * rating2NormSq - rating2Sum * rating2Sum)
      val pearsonCorrelation = numerator / denominator
      val cosineCorrelation = dotProduct / (math.sqrt(rating1NormSq) * math.sqrt(rating2NormSq))
      val jaccardCorrelation = groupSize.toDouble / (maxNumOfumRaters1 + maxNumOfumRaters2 - groupSize)

      (pearsonCorrelation, cosineCorrelation, jaccardCorrelation)

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