IPWorks SSH Delphi Edition Crack

IPWorks SSH Delphi Edition Crack

  IPWorks SSH allows developers to rapidly build SSH secured applications including secure file transfer, secure remote login, secure email, and more. IPWorks SSH includes full support for Secure Shell (SSH) and other security features like strong 3DES encryption, message integrity checking and secure secret key exchange. The included components are very easy to use, with a uniform, intuitive and extensible design.IPWorks SSH Delphi Edition Crack_第1张图片

  IPWorks SSH is a suite of Secure Shell (SSH) enabled components for Internet development. Developers can build SSH secured apps using tools including a generic SSH component, Secure FTP (SFTP / SCP), SExec, SSHTunnel, etc.

  Support for SSH version 2.0.

  Security features include strong encryption algorithms such as AES GCM, ChaCha20-Poly1305, and many more. Message integrity checking, secure secret key exchange, and ECDH SSH key exchange algorithms.

  Easy to use SSH-enabled components supporting..
