
【】Depth map upsampling with a confidence-based joint guided filter✩

作为联合双边滤波器的扩展,Kim 等人。 提出了三边滤波方法[21]。 该方法侧重于由于深度和彩色图像未对齐而在边缘周围频繁出现的模糊伪影; 它使用额外的置信度来减少这些伪影,该置信度测量对齐程度。 

[21] J. Kim, J. Lee, S. Han, D. Kim, J. Min, C. Kim, Trilateral filter construction for depth map upsampling, IEEE Image Video Multidimens. Signal Process. Workshop (2013) 1–4.

七种最先进的图像上采样算法相比:联合双边滤波器 (JBF) [33]、联合双边上采样滤波器 [20]、各向异性扩散滤波器 [19]、噪声感知滤波器 [24]、加权模式滤波器 (WMF)[25],边缘加权非局部意味着正则化[15]和EGF[28]。

[33] G. Petschnigg, R. Szeliski, M. Agrawala, M. Cohen, H. Hoppe, K. Toyama, Digital photography with flash and no-flash image pairs, ACM Trans. Graph. 23 (3) (2004) 664–672.

[20] J. Kopf, M.F. Cohen, D. Lischinski, M. Uyttendaele, Joint bilateral upsampling, ACM Trans. Graph. 26 (3) (2007) 96.

[19] J. Liu, X. Gong, Guided depth enhancement via anisotropic diffusion, in: Springer Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia, 2013, pp. 408–417.

[24] D. Chan, H. Buisman, C. Theobalt, S. Thrun, A noise-aware filter for real-time depth upsampling, in: Workshop on Multi-Camera and Multi-Modal Sensor Fusion Algorithms and Applications, 2008.

[25] D. Min, J. Lu, M.N. Do, Depth video enhancement based on weighted mode filtering, IEEE Trans. Image Process. 21 (3) (2012) 1176–1190.

[15] J. Park, H. Kim, Y. Tai, M.S. Brown, I. Kweon, High quality depth map upsampling for 3D-TOF cameras, in: IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision, 2011, pp. 1623–1630.

[28] L. Hua, K. Lo, Y.F.F. Wang, Extended guided filtering for depth map upsampling, IEEE Multimedia 23 (2) (2016) 72–83.

 Image Fusion with Joint (Guided) filter

B.S. Kumar, “Image fusion based on pixel significance using cross bilateral filter,” Signal Image Video Process, vol. 9, no. 5, pp. 1193–1204, 2015.

Li et al. proposed a novel fusion method for medical images based on the joint bilateral filter and local gradient energy. The joint bilateral filter is used to decompose the source image into a structure layer and an intensity layer, while the local gradient energy model is employed to fuse the layers [41].

[41] X. Li, F. Zhou, H. Tan, W. Zhang, C. Zhao, Multimodal medical image fusion based on joint bilateral filter and local gradient energy, Inform. Sciences 569 (2021) 302–325.
