专升本英语作文 常用句型(三)


第①段:图表变化趋势 / 数据比例

第②段:影响 / 原因




a) The line chart above demonstrates clearly that noticeable changes have arisen in terms of the number of both museums and their visitors.

b) In the light of the specific statistics offered, one can see the museums throughout the country have witnessed a consistent increase in recent years.

c) Meanwhile, the number of people visiting museums presents a trend of startling rise as well.

d) In the year of 2013, the number was merely 637.8 million, while just two years later it jumped to 781. 1 million.


a) The chart above clearly demonstrates a variety of factors that residents in a certain city take into consideration while choosing a restaurant.

b) Depending upon the figures in the chart, we can notice surprisedly that price ranks the lowest among all the specific aspects, only responsible for 8.4%.

c) In comparison, however, such factors as feature, service and environment take up36.3%,26.8% and 23.8% respectively.

d) Needless to say, the chart is intended to represent the vast improvement of the Chinese people's living quality and consumption level.

e) The chart patently crystalizes the different traveling purposes of students in a certain university.

f) In the light of the data offered, one can see enjoying fascinating scenery ranks the first among all the categories, responsible for 37%.

g) Next to it are relieving pressure, making friends and cultivating independence, which account for 33%,9% and 6% respectively.

h) It goes without saying that the chart is meant to emphasize our Chinese people's accent upon interpersonal relationships.


a) An array of integrated factors contributes to the ... The first role that should blamed is ... Another equally important factor lies in ... Last but not least...

b) The underlying forces behind this tendency can be summarized as follows.

c) lt is no difficult job for us to come up with a few possible influences contributing to this phenomenon.

d) d. What triggers the occurrence of this scenario? For my part, at least three contributing influences are worth considering.

中间段:影响/ 后果

a) ... bring about a damaging impact on/ exert a disastrous influence on ...

e.g. Urban construction brings about a damaging impact on historical sites.

b) If no effective remedy were introduced, it would become difficult for ...to ...

e.g. If no effective remedy were introduced, it would become difficult for people to live a safe and comfortable life.


1. ... has caused huge economic/environmental/cultural losses.

e.g. Deforestation has caused huge environmental losses.


2. ... are putting people's lives/property at risk.

e.g. Buildings of poor quality are putting people's lives at risk.


3. ... deprives... of the chance/opportunity /right to ...

e.g. Unfair recruitment deprives capable people without privileged background of the chance to get great career opportunities.


4. .. will lead to degradation of social atmosphere./... will poison social atmosphere.

e.g. Greediness for wealth will poison social atmosphere.


5. ... will hamper/impede/halt the development of ...

e.g. Lack of face-to-face communication will hamper the development of interpersonal relationship.


6... does harm to one's healthy growth and makes one unable to stand oneself in good stead in the competitive society.

e.g. Lacking honesty does harm to a company's healthy growth and makes it unable to stand itself in good stead in the competitive society.



a) It is no easy task to do sth ..., however, something must be done.

b)Considering the seriousness of the issue, it is imperative to implement some practical solutions.

c) Confronted with such a thorny issue, people come up with a variety of constructive countermeasures. Personally, the following are worth recommendation.


1.The officers should offer effective supervision and impose harsh punishment on those who. . .

e.g. The officers should offer effective supervision and impose harsh punishment on those who pollute scenic spots.


2.Necessary laws and regulations should be adopted and enforced to protect one's benefits.

e.g. Necessary laws and regulations should be adopted and enforced to protect aged peoples' benefits.


3.Moral education should be promoted and laws and regulations should be tightened to ensure that ... fully take responsibility towards sb./for sth.

e.g. Moral education should be promoted and laws and regulations should be tightened to ensure that young people fully take responsibility towards their parents.


4.People should regulate their own behaviors and prevent others' improper conducts.


5.... should be encouraged to bravely fight against... by using the legal weapons.

e.g. The aged people should be encouraged to fight against mistreatment by using the legal weapons.


6.People should be educated to realize the value of ... and voluntarily protect/promote/seek/adopt/practice it.

People should be educated to realize the importance of.. . and then act on that knowledge.

e.g. People should be educated to realize the value of a trust-worthy economicand social environment and voluntarily protect it.


7.... should be encouraged to expand income channels to avoid only depending on ... for their revenue.

e.g. Tour guides should be encouraged to expand income channels to avoid only depending on tourists’ purchases for their revenue.


8....should be controlled within a reasonable range with effective measures.

e.g. The admiration should be controlled within a reasonable range with effective measures.


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