Name | Description | 备注 |
ActiveDrawingView | Gets the currently active drawing view. | 获取当前活动的图纸视图。 |
AutomaticViewUpdate | Gets or sets whether the drawing views in this drawing are automatically updated if the underlying model in that drawing view changes. | 获取或设置该工程图中的工程视图是否在该工程视图中的基础模型发生更改时自动更新。 |
BackgroundProcessingOption | Gets or sets the background processing option for this drawing. | 获取或设置此绘图的后台处理选项。 |
HiddenViewsVisible | Shows or hides all of the hidden drawing views. | 显示或隐藏所有隐藏的图纸视图。 |
IActiveDrawingView | Gets the currently active drawing view. | 获取当前活动的图纸视图。 |
Sheet | Gets the specified sheet. | 获取指定的工作表。 | BackgroundProcessingOption {get; set;}
This example shows how to fire notifications when background processing events occur.
// Preconditions:
// 1. Create a VSTA C# macro.
// a. Copy and paste SolidWorksMacro.cs code in the macro.
// b. Create a form, Form1, that contains the following
// controls:
// * CheckBox1 with caption Enable background processing and open
// drawing.
// * button1 with caption Close after background processing end event
// fires".
// c. Copy and paste Form1.cs code in your form's code window.
// d. Modify the path in Form1.cs to open a huge drawing document that
// contains many parts.
// 2. Press F5 to start and close the debugger.
// 3. Click Build > Build macro_name to build a DLL for the macro.
// 4. Save and close the macro.
// Postconditions:
// 1. Open the Windows Task manager, click the Processes tab, and click the CPU column
// header to sort the processes in descending order.
// 2. In SOLIDWORKS, click Tools > Macro > Run.
// a. Locate your macro's \SwMacro\bin\Debug folder.
// b. Select macro_name.dll.
// c. Click Open to open the form.
// 3. Select the Enable background processing and open drawing checkbox on the form.
// 4. Displays a checkmark in the check box.
// 5. Click OK to close the Background processing enabled message box.
// 6. Opens the specified drawing.
// 7. Fires the background processing start events.
// 8. Click OK to close the Background processing start event fired message box.
// 9. In the Windows Task Manager, observe that several sldbgproc.exe processes are
// occupying most of the CPU.
// 10. Click OK to close the Background processing stop event fired message box.
// 11. Click Close after background processing end event fired button on the form.
// 12. Unloads Form1.
using SolidWorks.Interop.sldworks;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace BackgroundProcessingEventsCSharp.csproj
public partial class SolidWorksMacro
public SldWorks swApp;
public void Main()
//Create and show an instance of the form
Form1 myForm = new Form1();
using SolidWorks.Interop.sldworks;
using SolidWorks.Interop.swconst;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Collections;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Text;
namespace BackgroundProcessingEventsCSharp.csproj
public partial class Form1 : Form
public Form1()
public SldWorks swApp;
public bool checkBoxClicked;
private void checkBox1_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
swApp = (SldWorks)System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.GetActiveObject("SldWorks.Application");
catch (Exception ex)
ModelDoc2 swModelDoc = default(ModelDoc2);
DrawingDoc swDrawingDoc = default(DrawingDoc);
string filePath = null;
filePath = "path_and_filename_of_huge_drawing";
DocumentSpecification docSpecification = default(DocumentSpecification);
// Set up events
// Enable background processing
swApp.EnableBackgroundProcessing = true;
MessageBox.Show("Background processing enabled");
// Open huge drawing
docSpecification = (DocumentSpecification)swApp.GetOpenDocSpec(filePath);
docSpecification.Silent = true;
swModelDoc = (ModelDoc2)swApp.OpenDoc7(docSpecification);
swDrawingDoc = (DrawingDoc)swModelDoc;
// Set document background processing to application setting
swDrawingDoc.BackgroundProcessingOption = (int)swBackgroundProcessOption_e.swBackgroundProcessing_DeferToApplication;
public void AttachEventHandlers()
public void AttachSWEvents()
swApp.BackgroundProcessingStartNotify += this.mySwApp_BackgroundProcessingStartNotify;
swApp.BackgroundProcessingEndNotify += this.mySwApp_BackgroundProcessingEndNotify;
private int mySwApp_BackgroundProcessingStartNotify(string filename)
MessageBox.Show("Background processing start event fired");
return 1;
private int mySwApp_BackgroundProcessingEndNotify(string filename)
MessageBox.Show("Background processing end event fired");
swApp.EnableBackgroundProcessing = false;
return 1;
public void CheckBox1_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
checkBoxClicked = true;
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Sheet Sheet( System.string Name) {get;}
This example shows how to get each sheet in a multi-sheet drawing document regardless whether the sheet is loaded.
// Preconditions:
// 1. Click File > Open.
// 2. Open public_documents\samples\tutorial\advdrawings\foodprocessor.sldrw.
// 3. Click Select sheets to open > Selected > Sheet1* (load) > OK >Open.
// 4. Open the Immediate window.
// Postconditions:
// 1. Loads Sheet1 only.
// 2. Mouse over Sheet2, Sheet3, and Sheet4 tabs and examine the
// Immediate window.
// NOTE: Because this drawing is used elsewhere, do not save changes.
using SolidWorks.Interop.sldworks;
using SolidWorks.Interop.swconst;
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
namespace SheetDrawingDocCSharp.csproj
partial class SolidWorksMacro
public void Main()
ModelDoc2 swModel = default(ModelDoc2);
DrawingDoc swDraw = default(DrawingDoc);
string[] vSheetName = null;
int i = 0;
bool bRet = false;
string sheetName;
swModel = (ModelDoc2)swApp.ActiveDoc;
swDraw = (DrawingDoc)swModel;
// Get the sheets in the drawing document
vSheetName = (string[])swDraw.GetSheetNames();
// Traverse the sheets and determine whether
// they're loaded
for (i = 0; i < vSheetName.Length; i++)
sheetName = (string)vSheetName[i];
bRet = swDraw.ActivateSheet(sheetName);
Sheet swSheet = default(Sheet);
swSheet = (Sheet)swDraw.get_Sheet(vSheetName[i]);
if ((swSheet.IsLoaded()))
Debug.Print(vSheetName[i] + " is loaded.");
Debug.Print(vSheetName[i] + " is not loaded.");
/// The SldWorks swApp variable is pre-assigned for you.
public SldWorks swApp;
Name | Description | 备注 |
ActivateSheet | Activates the specified drawing sheet. | 激活指定的图纸。 |
ActivateView | Activates the specified drawing view. | 激活指定的图纸视图。 |
AddChamferDim | Adds a chamfer dimension. | 添加倒角尺寸。 |
AddHoleCallout2 | Adds a hole callout at the specified position to the hole whose edge is selected. | 将指定位置的孔标注添加到其边缘被选中的孔中。 |
AddLineStyle | Adds a line style to the current drawing. | 向当前图形添加线型。 |
AlignHorz | Uses the selected edge to align the current drawing view. | 使用选定边对齐当前工程视图。 |
AlignOrdinate | Aligns the ordinate dimension. | 对齐纵坐标尺寸。 |
AlignVert | Uses the selected edge to align the current drawing view. | 使用选定边对齐当前工程视图。 |
AttachAnnotation | Attaches an existing annotation to a drawing sheet or view. | 将现有注释附加到工程图图纸或视图。 |
AttachDimensions | Attaches unattached dimensions. | 附加未附加的尺寸。 |
AutoBalloon5 | Automatically inserts BOM balloons in selected drawing views. | 在选定的工程视图中自动插入 BOM 球标。 |
AutoDimension | Automatically dimensions the selected drawing view. | 自动标注选定的工程视图。 |
BreakView | Breaks the drawing view along the existing break lines. | 沿现有断开线断开工程视图。 |
ChangeComponentLayer | Puts the selected components on the specified layer. | 将选定的组件放在指定的层上。 |
ChangeOrdDir | Changes the ordinate direction. | 改变纵坐标方向。 |
ChangeRefConfigurationOfFlatPatternView | Changes the referenced configuration of the flat-pattern view. | 更改平面模式视图的参考配置。 |
Create1stAngleViews2 | Creates standard three orthographic views (first angle projection) for the specified model. | 为指定模型创建标准的三个正交视图(第一角度投影)。 |
Create3rdAngleViews2 | Creates standard three orthographic views (third angle projection) for the specified model. | 为指定模型创建标准的三个正交视图(第三角度投影)。 |
CreateAngDim4 | Creates a non-associative angular dimension. | 创建非关联角度尺寸。 |
CreateAutoBalloonOptions | Creates an object that stores auto balloon options. | 创建一个存储自动气球选项的对象。 |
CreateAuxiliaryViewAt2 | Creates an auxiliary view based on a selected edge in a drawing view. | 基于工程视图中的选定边创建辅助视图。 |
CreateBreakOutSection | Creates a broken-out section in a drawing document. | 在工程图文档中创建断开的部分。 |
CreateConstructionGeometry | Sets the selected sketch segments to be construction geometry instead of sketch geometry. | 将选定的草图段设置为构造几何体而不是草图几何体。 |
CreateDetailViewAt4 | Creates a detail view in a drawing document. | 在工程图文档中创建局部视图。 |
CreateDiamDim4 | Creates a non-associative diameter dimension. | 创建非关联直径尺寸。 |
CreateDrawViewFromModelView3 | Creates a drawing view on the current drawing sheet using the specified model view. | 使用指定的模型视图在当前工程图纸上创建工程视图。 |
CreateFlatPatternViewFromModelView3 | Creates a flat-pattern view from a model view. | 从模型视图创建平面图案视图。 |
CreateLayer2 | Creates a layer for this document. | 为此文档创建一个图层。 |
CreateLinearDim4 | Creates a non-associative linear dimension. | 创建非关联线性标注。 |
CreateOrdinateDim4 | Creates a non-associative ordinate dimension. | 创建非关联的纵坐标标注。 |
CreateRelativeView | Creates a relative drawing view. | 创建相对绘图视图。 |
CreateSectionView | Creates a section view in the drawing using the selected section line. | 使用选定的剖面线在工程图中创建剖面视图。 |
CreateSectionViewAt5 | Creates the specified section view. | 创建指定的剖面视图。 |
CreateText2 | Creates a note containing the specified text at a given location. | 在给定位置创建包含指定文本的注释。 |
CreateUnfoldedViewAt3 | Creates an unfolded drawing view from the selected drawing view and places it in the drawing at the specified location. | 从选定的图纸视图创建展开的图纸视图,并将其放置在图纸中的指定位置。 |
CreateViewport3 | Creates a an empty view in a drawing. | 在工程图中创建一个空视图。 |
DeleteAllCosmeticThreads | Deletes all cosmetic threads, which do not have callouts, in a drawing of an assembly only. | 仅在装配体的工程图中删除所有没有标注的装饰螺纹。 |
DeleteLineStyle | Deletes the specified line style from the current drawing. | 从当前图形中删除指定的线型。 |
Dimensions | Adds dimensions to the drawing from model. | 从模型向工程图中添加尺寸。 |
DragModelDimension | Copies or moves dimensions to a different drawing view. | 将尺寸复制或移动到不同的工程视图。 |
DrawingViewRotate | Rotates the selected drawing view. | 旋转选定的工程视图。 |
DropDrawingViewFromPalette2 | Moves the specified drawing view from the View Palette to the current drawing sheet. | 将指定的工程视图从视图调色板移动到当前工程图纸。 |
EditCenterMarkProperties | Edits center mark properties. | 编辑中心标记属性。 |
EditOrdinate | Edits an ordinate dimension. | 编辑纵坐标尺寸。 |
EditSelectedGtol | Gets the selected GTol to edit. | 获取要编辑的选定 GTol。 |
EditSheet | Puts the current drawing sheet in edit mode. | 将当前图纸置于编辑模式。 |
EditSketch | Allows editing of a sketch in the selected drawing view or sheet. | 允许在选定的图纸视图或图纸中编辑草图。 |
EditTemplate | Puts the template of the current drawing sheet in edit mode. | 将当前图纸的模板置于编辑模式。 |
EndDrawing | Provides faster creation of entities in a drawing when used with IDrawingDoc::StartDrawing. | 与 IDrawingDoc::StartDrawing 一起使用时,可以更快地在绘图中创建实体。 |
FeatureByName | Gets the specified feature in the drawing. | 获取绘图中的指定特征。 |
FlipSectionLine | Flips the cut direction of the selected section line. | 翻转选定剖面线的切割方向。 |
GenerateViewPaletteViews | Adds the specified document's predefined drawing views to the View Palette. | 将指定文档的预定义工程视图添加到视图调色板。 |
GetCurrentSheet | Gets the currently active drawing sheet. | 获取当前活动的图纸。 |
GetDrawingPaletteViewNames | Gets the names of drawing views in the View Palette for the active drawing sheet. | 获取活动图纸的视图调色板中图纸视图的名称。 |
GetEditSheet | Gets whether the current drawing is in edit sheet mode or edit template mode. | 获取当前图形是处于编辑图纸模式还是编辑模板模式。 |
GetFirstView | Gets the first drawing view on the current sheet. | 获取当前图纸上的第一个绘图视图。 |
GetInsertionPoint | Gets the current insertion (pick) point in a drawing. | 获取绘图中的当前插入(拾取)点。 |
GetLineFontCount2 | Gets the a number line fonts supported by this drawing. | 获取此绘图支持的数字线字体。 |
GetLineFontId | Gets the associated line font ID. | 获取关联的行字体 ID。 |
GetLineFontInfo2 | Gets the detailed information about the specified line font. | 获取指定线条字体的详细信息。 |
GetLineFontName2 | Gets the name of the specified line font. | 获取指定线条字体的名称。 |
GetLineStyles | Gets all of the line styles used in the current document. | 获取当前文档中使用的所有线条样式。 |
GetPenCount | Gets the number of pens currently defined in SOLIDWORKS. | 获取当前在 SOLIDWORKS 中定义的笔数。 |
GetPenInfo | Gets information about the pens used in SOLIDWORKS. | 获取有关 SOLIDWORKS 中使用的笔的信息。 |
GetSheetCount | Gets the number of drawing sheets in this drawing. | 获取此绘图中的绘图页数。 |
GetSheetNames | Gets a list of the names of the drawing sheets in this drawing. | 获取此图纸中图纸名称的列表。 |
GetViewCount | Gets all of the number of all of views, including the number of sheets, in this drawing document. | 获取此绘图文档中所有视图的所有数量,包括图纸数量。 |
GetViews | Gets the all of the views, including the sheets, in this drawing document. | 获取此绘图文档中的所有视图,包括图纸。 |
HideEdge | Hides selected visible edges in a drawing document. | 在工程图文档中隐藏选定的可见边。 |
HideShowDimensions | Sets whether to display suppressed dimensions as dimmed and hide them. | 设置是否将抑制的尺寸显示为灰色并隐藏它们。 |
HideShowDrawingViews | Sets whether to hide or show hidden drawing views. | 设置是隐藏还是显示隐藏的工程视图。 |
IAddChamferDim | Adds a chamfer dimension. | 添加倒角尺寸。 |
IAddHoleCallout2 | Adds a hole callout at the specified position to the hole whose edge is selected. | 将指定位置的孔标注添加到其边缘被选中的孔中。 |
ICreateAngDim4 | Creates a non-associative angular dimension. | 创建非关联角度尺寸。 |
ICreateAuxiliaryViewAt2 | Creates an auxiliary view based on a selected edge in a drawing view. | 基于工程视图中的选定边创建辅助视图。 |
ICreateDiamDim4 | Creates a non-associative diameter dimension. | 创建非关联直径尺寸。 |
ICreateLinearDim4 | Creates a non-associative linear dimension. | 创建非关联线性标注。 |
ICreateOrdinateDim4 | Creates a non-associative ordinate dimension. | 创建非关联的纵坐标标注。 |
ICreateSectionViewAt5 | Creates a section view from the section line up to the specified distance at the specified distance. | 在指定距离处创建从剖面线到指定距离的剖面视图。 |
ICreateText2 | Creates a note containing the specified text at a given location. | 在给定位置创建包含指定文本的注释。 |
IEditSelectedGtol | Gets the selected GTol to edit. | 获取要编辑的选定 GTol。 |
IFeatureByName | Gets the specified feature in the drawing. | 获取绘图中的指定特征。 |
IGetCurrentSheet | Gets the currently active drawing sheet. | 获取当前活动的图纸。 |
IGetFirstView | Gets the first drawing view on the current sheet. | 获取当前图纸上的第一个绘图视图。 |
IGetInsertionPoint | Gets the current insertion (pick) point in a drawing. | 获取绘图中的当前插入(拾取)点。 |
IGetPenInfo | Gets information about the pens used in SOLIDWORKS. | 获取有关 SOLIDWORKS 中使用的笔的信息。 |
IGetSheetNames | Gets a list of the names of the drawing sheets in this drawing. | 获取此图纸中图纸名称的列表。 |
IInsertDowelSymbol | Inserts a dowel pin symbol on the currently selected edge or edges. | 在当前选定的一条或多条边上插入定位销符号。 |
IInsertMultiJogLeader3 | Inserts a multi-jog leader. | 插入多转折引线。 |
IInsertRevisionCloud | Inserts a revision cloud annotation with the specified shape into a view or sheet. | 将具有指定形状的修订云线注释插入到视图或图纸中。 |
INewGtol | Creates a new GTol. | 创建一个新的几何公差。 |
InsertAngularRunningDim | Inserts an angular running dimension into this drawing. | 在此工程图中插入角度运行尺寸。 |
InsertBaseDim | Inserts the base model dimensions into this drawing. | 将基础模型尺寸插入此工程图中。 |
InsertBreakHorizontal | Inserts a horizontal break in the drawing view. | 在工程视图中插入水平中断。 |
InsertBreakVertical | Inserts a vertical break in this drawing. | 在此图形中插入垂直中断。 |
InsertCenterLine2 | Inserts a centerline on the selected entities. | 在选定实体上插入中心线。 |
InsertCenterMark3 | Inserts a center mark in a drawing document. | 在工程图文档中插入中心标记。 |
InsertCircularNotePattern | Inserts a circular note pattern using the selected note. | 使用所选笔记插入圆形笔记模式。 |
InsertDowelSymbol | Inserts a dowel pin symbol on the currently selected edge or edges in this drawing. | 在此图形中当前选定的一条或多条边上插入定位销符号。 |
InsertGroup | Inserts the currently selected items into a group (or view). | 将当前选定的项目插入到一个组(或视图)中。 |
InsertHorizontalOrdinate | Inserts a horizontal ordinate dimension into this drawing. | 在此图形中插入水平坐标尺寸。 |
InsertLinearNotePattern | Inserts a linear note pattern using the selected note. | 使用选定的音符插入线性音符模式。 |
InsertModelAnnotations3 | Inserts model annotations into this drawing document in the currently selected drawing view. | 在当前选定的工程图视图中将模型注释插入到此工程图文档中。 |
InsertModelDimensions | Inserts model dimensions into the selected drawing view according to the option specified. | 根据指定的选项将模型尺寸插入选定的工程视图中。 |
InsertModelInPredefinedView | Inserts the model into the predefined drawing views in the active drawing sheet. | 将模型插入到活动图纸中的预定义图纸视图中。 |
InsertMultiJogLeader3 | Inserts a multi-jog leader. | 插入多转折引线。 |
InsertNewNote2 | Creates a new note in this drawing. | 在此绘图中创建一个新注释。 |
InsertOrdinate | Inserts an ordinate dimension into this drawing. | 在此工程图中插入纵坐标尺寸。 |
InsertRefDim | Inserts reference dimensions in this drawing. | 在此工程图中插入参考尺寸。 |
InsertRevisionCloud | Inserts a revision cloud annotation with the specified shape into a view or sheet. | 将具有指定形状的修订云线注释插入到视图或图纸中。 |
InsertRevisionSymbol | Inserts a revision symbol note in this drawing. | 在此工程图中插入修订符号注释。 |
InsertTableAnnotation2 | Inserts a table annotation in this drawing. | 在此图形中插入表格注释。 |
InsertThreadCallout | Inserts a thread callout into this drawing. | 在此图形中插入螺纹标注。 |
InsertVerticalOrdinate | Inserts a vertical ordinate dimension in this drawing. | 在此图形中插入垂直纵坐标尺寸。 |
InsertWeldSymbol | Creates a weld symbol located at the last edge selection. | 在最后一个边选择处创建一个焊接符号。 |
IReorderSheets | Reorders the drawing sheets per their positions in the input array. | 根据它们在输入数组中的位置对图纸重新排序。 |
IsolateChangedDimensions | Isolates changed dimensions. | 隔离更改的尺寸。 |
LoadLineStyles | Loads the specified line styles into the current drawing. | 将指定的线型加载到当前图形中。 |
MakeSectionLine | Makes a section line from a set of connected sketch lines. | 从一组连接的草图线制作剖面线。 |
ModifySurfaceFinishSymbol | Modifies the selected surface finish symbol. | 修改选定的表面粗糙度符号。 |
NewGtol | Creates a new GTol object and returns the pointer to that object. | 创建一个新的 GTol 对象并返回指向该对象的指针。 |
NewNote | Creates a new note at the selected location. | 在选定位置创建新笔记。 |
NewSheet4 | Creates a new drawing sheet in this drawing document. | 在此工程图文档中创建新的工程图图纸。 |
OnComponentProperties | Displays the Component Properties dialog for the selected view. | 显示所选视图的组件属性对话框。 |
PasteSheet | Copies and pastes a drawing sheet to the specified location of the drawing document, optionally renaming whenever duplicate names occur. | 将工程图复制并粘贴到工程图文档的指定位置,可以在出现重复名称时选择重命名。 |
ReorderSheets | Reorders the drawing sheets per their positions in the input array. | 根据它们在输入数组中的位置对图纸重新排序。 |
ReplaceViewModel | Replaces the specified instances of a model in the specified drawing views. | 替换指定工程视图中模型的指定实例。 |
ResolveOutOfDateLightWeightComponents | Resolves out-of-date lightweight components in the selected drawing view or drawing sheet. | 解决选定工程视图或工程图纸中过时的轻化零部件。 |
RestoreRotation | Restores rotation for the selected drawing view. | 恢复选定工程视图的旋转。 |
SaveLineStyles | Exports to a file the specified line styles in the current drawing. | 将当前图形中指定的线型导出到文件。 |
SetCurrentLayer | Sets the current layer used by this document. | 设置此文档使用的当前层。 |
SetLineColor | Sets the line color for a selected edge or sketch entity. | 设置选定边线或草图实体的线条颜色。 |
SetLineStyle | Sets the style or font for the line for a selected edge or sketch entity. | 为选定边线或草图实体设置线条的样式或字体。 |
SetLineWidth | Sets the line thickness for a selected edge or sketch entity to a SOLIDWORKS-supplied weight (width). | 将选定边线或草图实体的线宽设置为 SOLIDWORKS 提供的粗细(宽度)。 |
SetLineWidthCustom | Sets the line thickness to the specified custom width for a selected edge or sketch entity. | 将线条粗细设置为选定边线或草图实体的指定自定义宽度。 |
SetSheetsSelected | Sets the specified drawing sheets whose setups to modify. | 设置要修改其设置的指定图纸。 |
SetupSheet6 | Sets up the specified drawing sheet. | 设置指定的图纸。 |
SheetNext | Moves to the next sheet in the drawing. | 移动到工程图中的下一张图纸。 |
SheetPrevious | Returns to the previous sheet in a drawing. | 返回到工程图中的上一张图纸。 |
ShowEdge | Shows the selected hidden edges in a drawing document. | 显示工程图文档中选定的隐藏边。 |
SketchDim | Inserts a sketch dimension in this drawing. | 在此工程图中插入草图尺寸。 |
StartDrawing | Provides faster creation of entities within a drawing. | 提供在绘图中更快地创建实体。 |
SuppressView | Hides the selected drawing view. | 隐藏选定的工程视图。 |
TranslateDrawing | Translates the entire drawing. | 翻译整个绘图。 |
UnBreakView | Removes a break in the selected drawing view. | 删除选定工程视图中的中断。 |
UnsuppressView | Hides the selected drawing view. | 隐藏选定的工程视图。 |
ViewDisplayHidden | Sets the current display mode to Hidden Lines Removed. | 将当前显示模式设置为隐藏线已删除。 |
ViewDisplayHiddengreyed | Sets the current display mode to Hidden Lines Visible. | 将当前显示模式设置为隐藏线可见。 |
ViewDisplayShaded | Sets the current display mode to Shaded. | 将当前显示模式设置为阴影。 |
ViewDisplayWireframe | Sets the current display mode to Wireframe. | 将当前显示模式设置为线框。 |
ViewFullPage | Fits the drawing to the full page. | 使绘图适合整页。 |
ViewHlrQuality | Toggles the Hidden Lines Removed mode for the drawing view. | 切换绘图视图的隐藏线删除模式。 |
ViewModelEdges | Toggles the mode for viewing model edges when in shaded mode. | 在着色模式下切换查看模型边缘的模式。 |
ViewTangentEdges | Toggles display of tangent edges in the selected drawing view. | 在选定工程视图中切换相切边的显示。 |
System.bool ActivateSheet( System.string Name)
This example shows how to copy and paste drawing sheets.
// Preconditions:
// 1. Open a drawing document containing one sheet
// named Sheet1.
// 2. Open the Immediate window.
// Postconditions:
// 1. Activates Sheet1.
// 2. Copy and pastes Sheet1 as Sheet1(2) and activates Sheet1(2).
// 3. Copy and pastes Sheet1 as Sheet1(3) and activates Sheet1(3).
// 4. Examine the FeatureManager design tree and Immediate window.
using SolidWorks.Interop.sldworks;
using SolidWorks.Interop.swconst;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
namespace Macro1CSharp.csproj
public partial class SolidWorksMacro
public void Main()
DrawingDoc Part = default(DrawingDoc);
ModelDoc2 swModel = default(ModelDoc2);
bool boolstatus = false;
swModel = (ModelDoc2)swApp.ActiveDoc;
Part = (DrawingDoc)swModel;
if ((Part == null))
Debug.Print(" Please open a drawing document. ");
Sheet currentsheet = default(Sheet);
currentsheet = (Sheet)Part.GetCurrentSheet();
Debug.Print("Active sheet: " + currentsheet.GetName());
boolstatus = swModel.Extension.SelectByID2("Sheet1", "SHEET", 0.09205356547875, 0.10872368523, 0, false, 0, null, 0);
boolstatus = Part.PasteSheet((int)swInsertOptions_e.swInsertOption_BeforeSelectedSheet, (int)swRenameOptions_e.swRenameOption_No);
currentsheet = (Sheet)Part.GetCurrentSheet();
Debug.Print("Active sheet: " + currentsheet.GetName());
boolstatus = swModel.Extension.SelectByID2("Sheet1", "SHEET", 0.09205356547875, 0.10872368523, 0, false, 0, null, 0);
boolstatus = Part.PasteSheet((int)swInsertOptions_e.swInsertOption_AfterSelectedSheet, (int)swRenameOptions_e.swRenameOption_No);
currentsheet = (Sheet)Part.GetCurrentSheet();
Debug.Print("Active sheet: " + currentsheet.GetName());
/// The SldWorks swApp variable is pre-assigned for you.
public SldWorks swApp;
This example shows how to determine which sheets in a drawing are loaded.
// Preconditions:
// 1. Click File > Open.
// 2. Browse to public_documents\samples\tutorial\advdrawings.
// 3. Select foodprocessor.slddrw.
// 4. Click Select sheets to open > Selected > Sheet1* (Load) > OK > Open.
// 5. Open the Immediate window.
// Postconditions:
// 1. Loads Sheet1 only.
// 2. Mouse over the Sheet2, Sheet3, and Sheet4 tabs and
// examine the Immediate window to verify step 1.
// NOTE: Because this drawing is used elsewhere, do not save
// changes.
using SolidWorks.Interop.sldworks;
using SolidWorks.Interop.swconst;
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
namespace IsLoadedSheetCSharp.csproj
partial class SolidWorksMacro
public void Main()
ModelDoc2 swModel = default(ModelDoc2);
DrawingDoc swDraw = default(DrawingDoc);
object[] vSheetName = null;
int i = 0;
bool bRet = false;
string sheetName;
swModel = (ModelDoc2)swApp.ActiveDoc;
swDraw = (DrawingDoc)swModel;
// Get the sheets in the drawing document
vSheetName = (object[])swDraw.GetSheetNames();
// Traverse the sheets and determine whether
// they're loaded
for (i = 0; i < vSheetName.Length; i++)
sheetName = (string)vSheetName[i];
bRet = swDraw.ActivateSheet(sheetName);
Sheet swSheet = default(Sheet);
swSheet = (Sheet)swDraw.GetCurrentSheet();
if ((swSheet.IsLoaded()))
Debug.Print(vSheetName[i] + " is loaded.");
Debug.Print(vSheetName[i] + " is not loaded.");
/// The SldWorks swApp variable is pre-assigned for you.
public SldWorks swApp;
System.bool ActivateView( System.string ViewName)
This example demonstrates firing Undo pre- and post-notification events in a drawing document.
// Preconditions: Open public_documents\samples\tutorial\AutoCAD\7550-021.slddrw.
// Postconditions:
// 1. Selects and deletes the note in Drawing View1.
// 2. Undoes the deleted note.
// 3. Fires pre-notification event indicating that an undo action is about to
// occur and fires post-notification event indicating that an undo
// action occurred.
// 4. Click OK to close each message box.
// NOTE: Because the drawing is used elsewhere, do not save changes.
using SolidWorks.Interop.sldworks;
using SolidWorks.Interop.swconst;
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace UndoPostNotifyDrawingCSharp.csproj
partial class SolidWorksMacro
public DrawingDoc swDrawing;
public void Main()
ModelDoc2 swModel = default(ModelDoc2);
ModelDocExtension swModelDocExt = default(ModelDocExtension);
bool boolstatus = false;
Hashtable openDrawing = default(Hashtable);
swModel = (ModelDoc2)swApp.ActiveDoc;
swModelDocExt = (ModelDocExtension)swModel.Extension;
// Event notification
swDrawing = (DrawingDoc)swModel;
openDrawing = new Hashtable();
// Activate the drawing view that contains
// the note you want to delete
boolstatus = swDrawing.ActivateView("Drawing View3");
boolstatus = swModelDocExt.SelectByID2("DetailItem77@Drawing View3", "NOTE", 0.3058741216774, 0.1870419466786, 0, false, 0, null, 0);
// Delete the selected note
// Undo deletion of note
// Post-notification is fired
// Rebuild the drawing
public void AttachEventHandlers()
public void AttachSWEvents()
swDrawing.UndoPostNotify += this.swDrawing_UndoPostNotify;
swDrawing.UndoPreNotify += this.swDrawing_UndoPreNotify;
private int swDrawing_UndoPostNotify()
// Display message after Undo
// NOTE: Because the message box may be displayed
// behind an opened window, you might not see it.
// If so, then check the Taskbar.
MessageBox.Show("An undo post-notification event has been fired.");
return 1;
private int b()
// Display message after Undo
// NOTE: Because the message box may be displayed
// behind an opened window, you might not see it.
// If so, then check the Taskbar.
MessageBox.Show("An Undo pre-notification event has been fired.");
return 1;
/// The SldWorks swApp variable is pre-assigned for you.
public SldWorks swApp;
//This example shows how to automatically insert a model's dimensions marked for drawings //into a drawing.
// Preconditions:
// 1. Assembly document to open exists.
// 2. Run the macro.
// Postconditions:
// 1. A new drawing document is opened.
// 2. A drawing view of the assembly document is created.
// 3. The dimensions in the assembly document that are marked for drawings,
// including any duplicate dimensions, appear in the drawing view.
// 4. The dimensions in the drawing, which are annotations,
// are selected and marked.
using SolidWorks.Interop.sldworks;
using SolidWorks.Interop.swconst;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System;
namespace SelectAnnotationsCSharp.csproj
public partial class SolidWorksMacro
public void Main()
ModelDoc2 swModel;
ModelDocExtension swModelDocExt;
DrawingDoc swDrawing;
SelectionMgr swSelmgr;
View swView;
object[] annotations;
object selAnnot;
Annotation swAnnotation;
SelectData swSelData;
int mark;
string retval;
bool status;
retval = swApp.GetUserPreferenceStringValue((int)swUserPreferenceStringValue_e.swDefaultTemplateDrawing);
swModel = (ModelDoc2)swApp.NewDocument(retval, 0, 0, 0);
swDrawing = (DrawingDoc)swModel;
swModelDocExt = (ModelDocExtension)swModel.Extension;
swSelmgr = (SelectionMgr)swModel.SelectionManager;
// Create drawing from assembly
swView = (View)swDrawing.CreateDrawViewFromModelView3("C:\\Users\\Public\\Documents\\SOLIDWORKS\\SOLIDWORKS 2018\\samples\\tutorial\\api\\wrench.sldasm", "*Front", 0.1314541543147, 0.1407887187817, 0);
// Select and activate the view
status = swModelDocExt.SelectByID2("Drawing View1", "DRAWINGVIEW", 0, 0, 0, false, 0, null, 0);
status = swDrawing.ActivateView("Drawing View1");
// Insert the annotations marked for the drawing
annotations = (object[])swDrawing.InsertModelAnnotations3((int)swImportModelItemsSource_e.swImportModelItemsFromEntireModel, (int)swInsertAnnotation_e.swInsertDimensionsMarkedForDrawing, true, false, false, false);
// Select and mark each annotation
swSelData = swSelmgr.CreateSelectData();
mark = 0;
foreach (object annot in annotations)
selAnnot = annot;
swAnnotation = (Annotation)selAnnot;
status = swAnnotation.Select3(true, swSelData);
swSelData.Mark = mark;
mark = mark + 1;
/// The SldWorks swApp variable is pre-assigned for you.
public SldWorks swApp;
System.bool AttachAnnotation( Option)
//This example shows how to attach an existing annotation to a drawing view.
// Preconditions: Open public_documents\samples\tutorial\api\replaceview.slddrw.
// Postconditions:
// 1. Inserts a note annotation n the drawing.
// 2. Selects the annotation.
// 3. Appends a face in a drawing view to the selection list.
// 4. Attaches the annotation to the selected face.
// 5. Examine the drawing.
// 6. Close the drawing without saving it.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
using SolidWorks.Interop.sldworks;
using SolidWorks.Interop.swconst;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System;
namespace AttachAnnotation_CSharp.csproj
partial class SolidWorksMacro
ModelDoc2 part;
DrawingDoc draw;
Note aNote;
Annotation anAnnot;
SelectData selectData = null;
int ret;
bool boolstatus;
public void Main()
part = (ModelDoc2)swApp.ActiveDoc;
draw = (DrawingDoc)part;
boolstatus = draw.ActivateSheet("Sheet1");
aNote = (Note)draw.CreateText2("This is a note.", 0.21, 0.12, 0, 0.005, 0);
anAnnot = (Annotation)aNote.GetAnnotation();
ret = anAnnot.SetLeader3(swLeaderStyle_e.swBENT, swLeaderSide_e.swLS_SMART, true, false, false, false);
anAnnot.Select3(false, selectData);
boolstatus = draw.ActivateView("Drawing View1");
boolstatus = part.Extension.SelectByID2("", "FACE", 0.0783563575357558, 0.17448024010205, -499.965138294658, true, 0, null, 0);
public SldWorks swApp;
System.object AutoBalloon5( AutoBalloonOptions BalloonOptions)
//This example shows how to automatically add BOM balloons to a drawing view.
// Preconditions: Open a drawing with a bill of materials (BOM) table.
// Postconditions: BOM balloons are added to the view.
using Microsoft.VisualBasic;
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data;
using System.Diagnostics;
using SolidWorks.Interop.sldworks;
using SolidWorks.Interop.swconst;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace AutoBalloon_CSharp.csproj
partial class SolidWorksMacro
ModelDoc2 Part;
DrawingDoc Draw;
object vNotes;
AutoBalloonOptions autoballoonParams;
bool boolstatus;
public void Main()
Part = (ModelDoc2)swApp.ActiveDoc;
Draw = (DrawingDoc)Part;
boolstatus = Draw.ActivateView("Drawing View1");
boolstatus = Part.Extension.SelectByID2("Drawing View1", "DRAWINGVIEW", 0, 0, 0, false, 0, null, 0);
autoballoonParams = Draw.CreateAutoBalloonOptions();
autoballoonParams.Layout = (int)swBalloonLayoutType_e.swDetailingBalloonLayout_Square;
autoballoonParams.ReverseDirection = false;
autoballoonParams.IgnoreMultiple = true;
autoballoonParams.InsertMagneticLine = true;
autoballoonParams.LeaderAttachmentToFaces = true;
autoballoonParams.Style = (int)swBalloonStyle_e.swBS_Circular;
autoballoonParams.Size = (int)swBalloonFit_e.swBF_5Chars;
autoballoonParams.UpperTextContent = (int)swBalloonTextContent_e.swBalloonTextItemNumber;
autoballoonParams.Layername = "-None-";
autoballoonParams.ItemNumberStart = 1;
autoballoonParams.ItemNumberIncrement = 1;
autoballoonParams.ItemOrder = (int)swBalloonItemNumbersOrder_e.swBalloonItemNumbers_DoNotChangeItemNumbers;
autoballoonParams.EditBalloons = true;
autoballoonParams.EditBalloonOption = (int)swEditBalloonOption_e.swEditBalloonOption_Resequence;
vNotes = Draw.AutoBalloon5(autoballoonParams);
public SldWorks swApp;
} AutoDimension( EntitiesToDimension, HorizontalScheme, HorizontalPlacement, VerticalScheme, VerticalPlacement)
//This example shows how to autodimension a selected drawing view.
// Preconditions: Verify that the specified drawing document to
// open exists.
// Postconditions:
// 1. Opens the specified drawing document.
// 2. Activates Drawing View1.
// 3. Selects a vertex.
// 4. Autodimensions the drawing view based on the
// selected vertex.
// 5. Examine the drawing.
// NOTE: Because the drawing is used elsewhere, do not save changes.
using SolidWorks.Interop.sldworks;
using SolidWorks.Interop.swconst;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System;
namespace AutodimensionCSharp.csproj
public partial class SolidWorksMacro
public void Main()
ModelDoc2 swModel = default(ModelDoc2);
DrawingDoc swDrawing = default(DrawingDoc);
ModelDocExtension swModelDocExt = default(ModelDocExtension);
bool status = false;
string fileName = null;
int errors = 0;
int warnings = 0;
int selmark = 0;
int ret = 0;
// Open drawing document of part
fileName = "C:\\Users\\Public\\Documents\\SOLIDWORKS\\SOLIDWORKS 2018\\samples\\tutorial\\advdrawings\\foodprocessor.slddrw";
swModel = (ModelDoc2)swApp.OpenDoc6(fileName, (int)swDocumentTypes_e.swDocDRAWING, (int)swOpenDocOptions_e.swOpenDocOptions_Silent, "", ref errors, ref warnings);
swDrawing = (DrawingDoc)swModel;
status = swDrawing.ActivateView("Drawing View1");
swModelDocExt = (ModelDocExtension)swModel.Extension;
// Select drawing view
status = swModelDocExt.SelectByID2("Drawing View1", "DRAWINGVIEW", 0, 0, 0, false, 0, null, 0);
// Horizontal and vertical datum, or a vertex datum, baselines for
// dimension creation
// These are optional; if not selected, autodimension uses default datums,
// the leftmost and bottommost edges
selmark = (int)swAutodimMark_e.swAutodimMarkHorizontalDatum;
selmark = (int)swAutodimMark_e.swAutodimMarkVerticalDatum;
selmark = (int)swAutodimMark_e.swAutodimMarkOriginDatum;
// Select a vertex
status = swModelDocExt.SelectByID2("", "VERTEX", 0.20215546544586, 0.2496899375, 0.00479999999998881, true, selmark, null, 0);
// Autodimensions the drawing view based on the selected vertex
ret = swDrawing.AutoDimension((int)swAutodimEntities_e.swAutodimEntitiesBasedOnPreselect, (int)swAutodimScheme_e.swAutodimSchemeBaseline, (int)swAutodimHorizontalPlacement_e.swAutodimHorizontalPlacementAbove, (int)swAutodimScheme_e.swAutodimSchemeBaseline, (int)swAutodimVerticalPlacement_e.swAutodimVerticalPlacementRight);
/// The SldWorks swApp variable is pre-assigned for you.
public SldWorks swApp;
void BreakView()
//This example shows how to create and remove a broken view.
// Preconditions:
// 1. Verify that the specified file to open exists.
// 2. Open the Immediate window.
// Postconditions:
// 1. Opens the specified drawing and selects Drawing View1.
// 2. Examine the drawing, then press F5.
// 3. Inserts break lines in Drawing View1.
// 4. Examine the drawing, then press F5.
// 5. Modifies the positions of the break lines and breaks the view.
// 6. Examine the drawing, then press F5.
// 7. Removes the break from Drawing View1.
// 8. Examine the drawing and the Immediate window.
// NOTE: Because this drawing document is used elsewhere,
// do not save changes.
using SolidWorks.Interop.sldworks;
using SolidWorks.Interop.swconst;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
namespace BreakViewDrawingDocCSharp.csproj
public partial class SolidWorksMacro
public void Main()
ModelDoc2 swModel;
DrawingDoc swDrawingDoc;
ModelDocExtension swModelDocExt;
SelectionMgr swSelectionManager;
SelectData swSelectData;
View swView;
BreakLine swBreakLine;
string fileName;
bool status;
int errors = 0;
int warnings = 0;
fileName = "C:\\Users\\Public\\Documents\\SOLIDWORKS\\SOLIDWORKS 2018\\samples\\tutorial\\api\\box.slddrw";
swApp.OpenDoc6(fileName, (int)swDocumentTypes_e.swDocDRAWING, (int)swOpenDocOptions_e.swOpenDocOptions_Silent, "", ref errors, ref warnings);
swModel = (ModelDoc2)swApp.ActiveDoc;
swDrawingDoc = (DrawingDoc)swModel;
swModelDocExt = (ModelDocExtension)swModel.Extension;
// Activate and select the view to break
status = swDrawingDoc.ActivateView("Drawing View1");
status = swModelDocExt.SelectByID2("Drawing View1", "DRAWINGVIEW", 0, 0, 0, false, 0, null, 0);
swSelectionManager = (SelectionMgr)swModel.SelectionManager; swSelectData = (SelectData)swSelectionManager.CreateSelectData();
swView = (View)swSelectionManager.GetSelectedObject6(1, -1);
// Examine the drawing; press F5
// Insert the break lines
swBreakLine = (BreakLine)swView.InsertBreak(0, -0.0291950859897372, 0.0198236302285804, 1);
// Break lines inserted; press F5
// Reset position of break lines
status = swBreakLine.SetPosition(-0.03, 0.05);
Debug.Print("Break line: ");
Selected: " + swBreakLine.Select(true, null));
Debug.Print(" Style: " + swBreakLine.Style);
Debug.Print(" Orientation: " + swBreakLine.Orientation);
Debug.Print(" Position: " + swBreakLine.GetPosition(0));
// Positions of the break lines are modified, and view is broken
// Press F5
status = swModelDocExt.SelectByID2("Drawing View1", "DRAWINGVIEW", 0, 0, 0, false, 0, null, 0);
// Break is removed
/// The SldWorks swApp variable is pre-assigned for you.
public SldWorks swApp;
void ChangeComponentLayer(
System.string Layername,
System.bool AllViews)
This example shows how to create a layer for the part in the selected drawing view.
' Preconditions:
' 1. Open a drawing of a part.
' 2. Select a drawing view in the FeatureManager design tree.
' 3. Open the Immediate window.
' Postconditions:
' 1. Creates a layer for the part in the selected drawing view.
' 2. Click the Layer Properties tool on the Line Format toolbar to verify
' that the newly created layer is selected in the Layers dialog box.
' 3. Examine the Immediate window.
Option Explicit
Private Sub ChangeComponentLayer _
( _
swApp As SldWorks.SldWorks, _
swDraw As SldWorks.DrawingDoc, _
sLayerName As String _
Dim bRet As Boolean
' Form a valid layer name
sLayerName = Replace(sLayerName, "/", "_")
sLayerName = Replace(sLayerName, "@", "_")
bRet = swDraw.CreateLayer2( _
sLayerName, _
"Layer for part in " & sLayerName, _
0, swLineCONTINUOUS, swLW_NORMAL, True, True)
' Change in all drawing views
swDraw.ChangeComponentLayer sLayerName, True
End Sub
Sub main()
Dim swApp As SldWorks.SldWorks
Dim swModel As SldWorks.ModelDoc2
Dim swDraw As SldWorks.DrawingDoc
Dim swSelMgr As SldWorks.SelectionMgr
Dim swView As SldWorks.View
Dim swDrawModel As SldWorks.ModelDoc2
Dim swDrawPart As SldWorks.PartDoc
Dim vBody As Variant
Dim swBody As SldWorks.Body2
Dim swFace As SldWorks.Face2
Dim swEnt As SldWorks.Entity
Dim nErrors As Long
Dim nWarnings As Long
Dim bRet As Boolean
Set swApp = Application.SldWorks
Set swModel = swApp.ActiveDoc
Set swDraw = swModel
Set swSelMgr = swModel.SelectionManager
Set swView = swSelMgr.GetSelectedObject6(1, -1)
Set swDrawModel = swApp.OpenDoc6(swView.GetReferencedModelName, swDocPART, swOpenDocOptions_Silent, "", nErrors, nWarnings)
Set swDrawPart = swDrawModel
Debug.Print "File = " & swModel.GetPathName
Debug.Print " View = " & swView.Name
Debug.Print " View Model = " & swView.GetReferencedModelName
vBody = swDrawPart.GetBodies2(swSolidBody, True)
Set swBody = vBody(0)
Set swFace = swBody.GetFirstFace
Set swEnt = swFace
bRet = swView.SelectEntity(swEnt, False)
ChangeComponentLayer swApp, swDraw, swView.Name
End Sub
System.object CreateDetailViewAt4(
System.double X,
System.double Y,
System.double Z, Style,
System.double Scale1,
System.double Scale2,
System.string LabelIn, Showtype,
System.bool FullOutline,
System.bool JaggedOutline,
System.bool NoOutline, ShapeIntensity)
//This example shows how to create a detail circle and a detail view.
// Preconditions:
// 1. Verify that the drawing to open exists.
// 2. Open the Immediate window.
// Postconditions:
// 1. Opens the specified drawing.
// 2. Activates Drawing View4.
// 3. Creates a detail circle and a detail view using the visible
// corner of Drawing View4.
// 4. Activates the detail view.
// 5. Gets and sets some properties of the detail circle and detail view.
// 6. Examine the drawing document and Immediate window.
// NOTE: Because the drawing is used elsewhere, do not save changes.
using SolidWorks.Interop.sldworks;
using SolidWorks.Interop.swconst;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
namespace Macro1CSharp.csproj
partial class SolidWorksMacro
public void Main()
ModelDoc2 swModel = default(ModelDoc2);
DrawingDoc swDrawing = default(DrawingDoc);
SketchManager swSketchManager = default(SketchManager);
SketchSegment swSketchSegment = default(SketchSegment);
View swView = default(View);
DetailCircle swDetailCircle = default(DetailCircle);
SelectionMgr swSelMgr = default(SelectionMgr);
SelectData swSelData = default(SelectData);
string fileName = null;
bool status = false;
int errors = 0;
int warnings = 0;
// Open drawing
fileName = "C:\\Users\\Public\\Documents\\SOLIDWORKS\\SOLIDWORKS 2018\\samples\\tutorial\\api\\replaceview.slddrw";
swModel = (ModelDoc2)swApp.OpenDoc6(fileName, (int)swDocumentTypes_e.swDocDRAWING, (int)swOpenDocOptions_e.swOpenDocOptions_Silent, "", ref errors, ref warnings);
swDrawing = (DrawingDoc)swModel;
swSelMgr = (SelectionMgr)swModel.SelectionManager;
swSelData = (SelectData)swSelMgr.CreateSelectData();
swApp.ActivateDoc3("replaceview - Sheet1", false, (int)swRebuildOnActivation_e.swDontRebuildActiveDoc, ref errors);
// Activate Drawing View4 and create detail circle and detail view
status = swDrawing.ActivateView("Drawing View4");
swSketchManager = (SketchManager)swModel.SketchManager;
swSketchSegment = (SketchSegment)swSketchManager.CreateCircle(0.007581, 0.053509, 0.0, 0.013533, 0.016475, 0.0);
swView = (View)swDrawing.CreateDetailViewAt4(0.22305342706156, 0.0762140266484527, 0, (int)swDetViewStyle_e.swDetViewSTANDARD, 1, 1, "A", (int)swDetCircleShowType_e.swDetCircleCIRCLE, true, true, false, 5);
// Activate detail view
status = swDrawing.ActivateView("Drawing View5");
// Get and set some properties of detail circle and detail view
swDetailCircle = (DetailCircle)swView.GetDetail();
Debug.Print("Detail circle:");
Debug.Print(" Selected: " + swDetailCircle.Select(true, null));
Debug.Print(" Label: " + swDetailCircle.GetLabel());
Double xpos;
Double ypos;
swDetailCircle.GetLabelPosition(out xpos, out ypos);
Debug.Print(" Label X position: " + xpos);
Debug.Print(" Label Y position: " + ypos);
Debug.Print(" Type of circle: " + swDetailCircle.GetDisplay());
Debug.Print(" Name: " + swDetailCircle.GetName());
Debug.Print(" Style: " + swDetailCircle.GetStyle());
Debug.Print(" Default document text formatting? " + swDetailCircle.GetUseDocTextFormat());
if (swDetailCircle.NoOutline == false)
Debug.Print(" No outline? False");
if (swDetailCircle.JaggedOutline == true)
swDetailCircle.ShapeIntensity = 2;
Debug.Print(" Jagged outline and shape intensity? True and 2");
/// The SldWorks swApp variable is pre-assigned for you.
public SldWorks swApp;
System.bool CreateBreakOutSection(
System.double Depth)
//This example shows how to create a broken-out section in a drawing view.
// Preconditions:
// 1. Open a drawing.
// 2. Select Drawing View1.
// Postconditions: A broken-out section is created in Drawing View1
// using the specified closed spline.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
using Microsoft.VisualBasic;
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data;
using System.Diagnostics;
using SolidWorks.Interop.sldworks;
using SolidWorks.Interop.swconst;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace CreateBreakOutSection_CSharp.csproj
partial class SolidWorksMacro
ModelDoc2 Part;
object pointArray;
double[] points = new double[12];
SketchSegment skSegment;
SelectData selectData = null;
DrawingDoc dDoc;
public void Main()
Part = (ModelDoc2)swApp.ActiveDoc;
points[0] = -0.0544316967839374;
points[1] = 0.0413619530906299;
points[2] = 0;
points[3] = 0.0530556603589196;
points[4] = 0.0413619530906299;
points[5] = 0;
points[6] = 0.00783232107320536;
points[7] = 0.00720299635749822;
points[8] = 0;
points[9] = -0.0544316967839374;
points[10] = 0.0413619530906299;
points[11] = 0;
pointArray = points;
skSegment = Part.SketchManager.CreateSpline((pointArray));
skSegment.Select4(true, selectData);
dDoc = (DrawingDoc)Part;
public SldWorks swApp;
View CreateRelativeView(
System.string ModelName,
System.double XPos,
System.double YPos, ViewDirFront, ViewDirRight)
//This example shows how to create a relative drawing view.
// ******************************************************************************
// Preconditions:
// 1. Open public_documents\samples\tutorial\api\maingrip.sldprt.
// 2. Select File > Make Drawing from Part.
// 3. Run the macro.
// Postconditions:
// 1. Iterates through the drawing views
// in the View Palette and drops
// *Current drawing view in the drawing.
// 2. Activates the part.
// 3. Selects two faces for the relative drawing view.
// 4. Activates the drawing.
// 5. Creates and inserts a relative drawing
// view using the selected faces.
// NOTE: Because the part document is used elsewhere, do not
// save any changes when closing it.
// ******************************************************************************
using SolidWorks.Interop.sldworks;
using SolidWorks.Interop.swconst;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System;
namespace CreateRelativeViewCSharp.csproj
partial class SolidWorksMacro
ModelDoc2 swModel;
DrawingDoc swDrawing;
View swView;
ModelDocExtension swModelDocExt;
string fileName;
bool status;
int errors;
int warnings;
int numViews;
object[] viewNames;
string viewName;
string viewPaletteName;
int i;
public void Main()
swDrawing = (DrawingDoc)swApp.ActiveDoc;
// Get number of views on View Palette
numViews = 0;
viewNames = (object[])swDrawing.GetDrawingPaletteViewNames();
// Iterate through views on View Palette
// When view name equals *Current, drop
// that view in drawing
if (!((viewNames == null)))
numViews = (viewNames.GetUpperBound(0) - viewNames.GetLowerBound(0));
for (i = 0; i <= numViews; i++)
viewPaletteName = (string)viewNames[i];
if ((viewPaletteName == "*Current"))
swView = (View)swDrawing.DropDrawingViewFromPalette2(viewPaletteName, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
// Activate the part document and
// select two faces for the relative drawing view
swApp.ActivateDoc3("maingrip.sldprt", false, (int)swRebuildOnActivation_e.swUserDecision, ref errors);
swModel = (ModelDoc2)swApp.ActiveDoc;
swModelDocExt = (ModelDocExtension)swModel.Extension;
status = swModelDocExt.SelectByID2("", "FACE", 0.0466263268498324, 0.00558799999987514, -0.00617351393179888, false, 1, null, 0);
status = swModelDocExt.SelectByID2("", "FACE", 0.0504738910727269, 0.00167315253537481, -0.00496149996774875, true, 2, null, 0);
// Activate the drawing document
// Create and insert the relative drawing view using
// the selected faces
// Activate the relative drawing view
swApp.ActivateDoc3("maingrip - Sheet1", false, (int)swRebuildOnActivation_e.swUserDecision, ref errors);
swDrawing = (DrawingDoc)swApp.ActiveDoc;
fileName = "C:\\Users\\Public\\Documents\\SOLIDWORKS\\SOLIDWORKS 2018\\samples\\tutorial\\api\\maingrip.sldprt";
swView = (View)swDrawing.CreateRelativeView(fileName, 0.203608914116486, 0.493530187561698, (int)swRelativeViewCreationDirection_e.swRelativeViewCreationDirection_FRONT, (int)swRelativeViewCreationDirection_e.swRelativeViewCreationDirection_RIGHT);
status = swDrawing.ActivateView("Drawing View2");
/// The SldWorks swApp variable is pre-assigned for you.
public SldWorks swApp;
View CreateSectionViewAt5(
System.double X,
System.double Y,
System.double Z,
System.string SectionLabel, Options,
System.object ExcludedComponents,
System.double SectionDepth)
//This example creates a section view and sets and gets some of the section view's data.
// Preconditions:
// 1. Open public_documents\samples\tutorial\driveworksxpress\mobile gantry.slddrw
// 2. Open the Immediate window.
// Postconditions:
// 1. Creates a section view of Drawing View4.
// 2. Sets and gets some section view settings.
// 3. Examine the drawing and the Immediate window.
// NOTE: Because this drawing is used elsewhere, do not save changes.
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using SolidWorks.Interop.sldworks;
using SolidWorks.Interop.swconst;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace CreateSectionView_CSharp.csproj
partial class SolidWorksMacro
ModelDoc2 swModel;
DrawingDoc swDrawing;
SketchManager swSketchMgr;
SketchSegment swSketchSegment;
object excludedComponents;
View swView;
DrSection swSectionView;
bool boolstatus;
public void Main()
swModel = (ModelDoc2)swApp.ActiveDoc;
swDrawing = (DrawingDoc)swModel;
// Activate the view for which you want to create a section view
boolstatus = swDrawing.ActivateView("Drawing View4");
// Create section-view line
swSketchMgr = swModel.SketchManager;
swSketchSegment = swSketchMgr.CreateLine(-1.383705, 2.078706, 0.0, 2.747162, 0.0441, 0.0);
// Create the section view at the specified coordinates
// and up to the specified distance from the section-view line
excludedComponents = null;
swView = swDrawing.CreateSectionViewAt5(0.1604082711061, 0.2048687170364, 0, "D", 32, (excludedComponents), 0.00835);
Debug.Print("View data: ");
Debug.Print(" Emphasize outlines of section views? " + swView.EmphasizeOutline);
swSectionView = (DrSection)swView.GetSection();
// Set some section-view settings
swSectionView.CutSurfaceBodies = true;
swSectionView.DisplaySurfaceBodies = true;
swSectionView.ExcludeSliceSectionBodies = false;
// Get some section-view settings
Debug.Print("Section view data: ");
Debug.Print(" Label: " + swSectionView.GetLabel());
Debug.Print(" Name of section line: " + swSectionView.GetName());
Debug.Print(" Depth: " + swSectionView.SectionDepth * 1000.0 + " mm");
Debug.Print(" Cut direction reversed from default direction? " + swSectionView.GetReversedCutDirection());
Debug.Print(" Partial section cut? " + swSectionView.GetPartialSection());
Debug.Print(" Display only the surface cut by the section line? " + swSectionView.GetDisplayOnlySurfaceCut());
Debug.Print(" Display surface bodies? " + swSectionView.DisplaySurfaceBodies);
Debug.Print(" Exclude slice section bodies? " + swSectionView.ExcludeSliceSectionBodies);
Debug.Print(" Display only SpeedPak bodies? " + swSectionView.GetDisplayOnlySpeedPakBodies());
Debug.Print(" Scale with model changes? " + swSectionView.GetScaleWithModelChanges());
Debug.Print(" Auto-hatch enabled? " + swSectionView.GetAutoHatch());
Debug.Print(" Hide cut surface bodies? " + swSectionView.CutSurfaceBodies);
public SldWorks swApp;
View CreateUnfoldedViewAt3(
System.double X,
System.double Y,
System.double Z,
System.bool NotAligned)
//This example shows how to create an unfolded view from an existing view.
// Preconditions: Open:
// public_documents\samples\tutorial\advdrawings\foodprocessor.slddrw
// Postconditions: A new unfolded view is created from Drawing View1.
// NOTE: Because the model is used elsewhere,
// do not save changes when closing it.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
using Microsoft.VisualBasic;
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data;
using System.Diagnostics;
using SolidWorks.Interop.sldworks;
using SolidWorks.Interop.swconst;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace InsertUnfoldedView_CSharp.csproj
partial class SolidWorksMacro
ModelDoc2 Part;
DrawingDoc ddoc;
View myView;
bool boolstatus;
public void Main()
Part = (ModelDoc2)swApp.ActiveDoc;
ddoc = (DrawingDoc)Part;
boolstatus = Part.Extension.SelectByID2("Drawing View1", "DRAWINGVIEW", 0, 0, 0, false, 0, null, 0);
myView = ddoc.CreateUnfoldedViewAt3(0.379074752406062, 0.276482735105582, 0, false);
public SldWorks swApp;
System.bool DrawingViewRotate(
System.double NewAngle)
This example shows how to rotate the selected drawing view 45º.
// Preconditions: Verify that the specified file to open exists.
// Postconditions: Rotates the selected drawing view 45º.
//---------------------------------------- ----------------------
using SolidWorks.Interop.sldworks;
using SolidWorks.Interop.swconst;
using System;
namespace DrawingViewRotateCSharp.csproj
partial class SolidWorksMacro
public void Main()
ModelDoc2 swModel = default(ModelDoc2);
ModelDocExtension swModelDocExt = default(ModelDocExtension);
DrawingDoc swDrawing = default(DrawingDoc);
bool status = false;
int errors = 0;
int warnings = 0;
swModel = (ModelDoc2)swApp.OpenDoc6("C:\\Users\\Public\\Documents\\SOLIDWORKS\\SOLIDWORKS 2018\\samples\\tutorial\\driveworksxpress\\mobile gantry.slddrw", (int)swDocumentTypes_e.swDocDRAWING, (int)swOpenDocOptions_e.swOpenDocOptions_Silent, "", ref errors, ref warnings);
swModelDocExt = (ModelDocExtension)swModel.Extension;
swDrawing = (DrawingDoc)swModel;
status = swDrawing.ActivateView("Drawing View4");
status = swModelDocExt.SelectByID2("Drawing View4", "DRAWINGVIEW", 0.1122300799499, 0.1471819585104, 0, false, 0, null, 0);
//Convert degrees to radians, the default system unit
// 1 radian = 180º/p = 57.295779513º or approximately 57.3º
status = swDrawing.DrawingViewRotate(45 / 57.3);
/// The SldWorks swApp variable is pre-assigned for you.
public SldWorks swApp;
View DropDrawingViewFromPalette2(
System.string PaletteViewName,
System.double X,
System.double Y,
System.double Z)
//This example shows how to get the number of lines in a flat-pattern drawing view's //boundary-box sketch.
// Preconditions:
// 1. Open public_documents\samples\tutorial\api\SMGussetAPI.SLDPRT.
// 2. Create a new drawing document.
// 3. Select SMGussetAPI.SLDPRT in the View
// Palette's dropdown list box.
// 4. Open the Immediate window.
// Postconditions:
// 1. Examine the Immediate window and the drawing.
// 2. If necessary, drag the drawing onto the drawing sheet
// and zoom in on the drawing view.
// NOTE: Because the part is used elsewhere, do not save
// changes.
using SolidWorks.Interop.sldworks;
using SolidWorks.Interop.swconst;
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
namespace GetSMBoundaryBoxDisplayDataViewCSharp.csproj
partial class SolidWorksMacro
public void Main()
ModelDoc2 swModel;
DrawingDoc swDrawing;
View swView;
Sheet swSheet;
DisplayData swDisplayData;
double[] sheetProperties = null;
double sheetScale = 0;
swDwgPaperSizes_e paperSize;
double width = 0;
double height = 0;
long numViews = 0;
object[] viewNames = null;
string viewPaletteName = "";
string drawingViewName = "";
int i = 0;
bool status = false;
swModel = (ModelDoc2)swApp.ActiveDoc;
swDrawing = (DrawingDoc)swModel;
// Get current sheet
swSheet = (Sheet)swDrawing.GetCurrentSheet();
sheetProperties = (double[])swSheet.GetProperties();
sheetScale = (double)sheetProperties[2] / sheetProperties[3];
paperSize = (swDwgPaperSizes_e)swSheet.GetSize(ref width, ref height);
// Get number of views on View Palette
numViews = 0;
viewNames = (object[])swDrawing.GetDrawingPaletteViewNames();
// Iterate through views on View Palette
// When view name equals "Flat pattern", drop
// that view in drawing
if (!((viewNames == null)))
numViews = viewNames.GetUpperBound(0) - viewNames.GetLowerBound(0);
for (i = 0; i <= numViews; i++)
viewPaletteName = (string)viewNames[i];
if ((viewPaletteName == "Flat pattern"))
Debug.Print("Dropping View Palette view named: " + viewPaletteName);
swView = (View)swDrawing.DropDrawingViewFromPalette2(viewPaletteName, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
drawingViewName = swView.GetName2();
Debug.Print("Dropped View Palette view into drawing view named: " + drawingViewName);
// Activate view and get number of lines in
// its boundary box sketch
status = swDrawing.ActivateView(drawingViewName);
swView = (View)swDrawing.ActiveDrawingView;
swDisplayData = (DisplayData)swView.GetSMBoundaryBoxDisplayData();
Debug.Print("Number of lines in boundary box of flat-pattern drawing view: " + swDisplayData.GetLineCount());
/// The SldWorks swApp variable is pre-assigned for you.
public SldWorks swApp;
void EditSheet()
This example shows how to place a note behind a drawing sheet.
// Preconditions:
// 1. Verify that the specified drawing file to open exists.
// 2. Open the Immediate window.
// Postconditions:
// 1. Places the selected note, 2012-sm in the drawing template,
// behind the drawing sheet.
// 2. To verify:
// a. Examine the Immediate window.
// b. Right-click the drawing and click
// Edit Sheet Format.
// c. Right-click 2012-sm and examine the
// the short-cut menu to verify that Display
// Note Behind Sheet is selected.
// d. Exit drawing sheet edit mode.
// NOTE: Because this drawing is used elsewhere, do not
// save changes.
using SolidWorks.Interop.sldworks;
using SolidWorks.Interop.swconst;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
namespace NoteBehindSheetCSharp.csproj
partial class SolidWorksMacro
public void Main()
ModelDoc2 swModel = default(ModelDoc2);
ModelDocExtension swModelDocExt = default(ModelDocExtension);
DrawingDoc swDrawing = default(DrawingDoc);
SelectionMgr swSelectionMgr = default(SelectionMgr);
Note swNote = default(Note);
string fileName = null;
bool status = false;
int errors = 0;
int warnings = 0;
// Open drawing
fileName = "C:\\Users\\Public\\Documents\\SOLIDWORKS\\SOLIDWORKS 2018\\samples\\tutorial\\api\\2012-sm.slddrw";
swModel = (ModelDoc2)swApp.OpenDoc6(fileName, (int)swDocumentTypes_e.swDocDRAWING, (int)swOpenDocOptions_e.swOpenDocOptions_Silent, "", ref errors, ref warnings);
swDrawing = (DrawingDoc)swModel;
// Put drawing template and sheet in edit mode
swModelDocExt = (ModelDocExtension)swModel.Extension;
status = swModelDocExt.SelectByID2("Sheet1", "SHEET", 0.0399580396732789, 0.20594194865811, 0, false, 0, null, 0);
// Select note to place behind the sheet
status = swModelDocExt.SelectByID2("DetailItem3@Sheet Format1", "NOTE", 0.155548914819136, 0.017885845974329, 0, false, 0, null, 0);
swSelectionMgr = (SelectionMgr)swModel.SelectionManager;
swNote = (Note)swSelectionMgr.GetSelectedObject6(1, -1);
swNote.BehindSheet = true;
Debug.Print("Was the selected note placed behind the sheet? " + status);
/// The SldWorks swApp variable is pre-assigned for you.
public SldWorks swApp;
System.object FeatureByName( System.string Name)
//This example shows how to get and set the table anchor of a hole table in a drawing.
// Preconditions: Verify that the specified drawing to open exists.
// Postconditions:
// 1. Opens the drawing.
// 2. At System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Break(), examine the position
// of the hole table in the drawing.
// 3. Click the Continue button in the SOLIDWORKS Visual Studio Tools for
// Applications IDE.
// 4. Sets the position of the hole table's anchor
// to the specified location.
// 5. Examine the hole table in the drawing.
// NOTE: If prompted, do not save changes when closing the drawing.
using SolidWorks.Interop.sldworks;
using SolidWorks.Interop.swconst;
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
namespace TableAnchorPositionCSharp.csproj
partial class SolidWorksMacro
public void Main()
string filename = null;
filename = "C:\\Users\\Public\\Documents\\SOLIDWORKS\\SOLIDWORKS 2018\\samples\\tutorial\\api\\SimpleHole.slddrw";
ModelDoc2 model = default(ModelDoc2);
int errors = 0;
int warnings = 0;
model = (ModelDoc2)swApp.OpenDoc6(filename, (int)swDocumentTypes_e.swDocDRAWING, (int)swOpenDocOptions_e.swOpenDocOptions_Silent, "", ref errors, ref warnings);
if (model == null)
TableAnnotation swTable = default(TableAnnotation);
// If document is a drawing, then continue
switch (model.GetType())
case (int)swDocumentTypes_e.swDocDRAWING:
DrawingDoc drw = default(DrawingDoc);
drw = (DrawingDoc)model;
// Get the current sheet
Sheet drwSheet = default(Sheet);
drwSheet = (Sheet)drw.GetCurrentSheet();
// Select the Sheet2 feature
ModelDocExtension modeldocext = default(ModelDocExtension);
bool status = false;
modeldocext = (ModelDocExtension)model.Extension;
status = modeldocext.SelectByID2("Sheet2", "SHEET", 0, 0, 0, false, 0, null, 0);
// Get the views on Sheet2
object[] views = null;
views = (object[])drwSheet.GetViews();
foreach (object vView in views)
View drwView = default(View);
drwView = (View)vView;
Feature viewFeature = default(Feature);
viewFeature = (Feature)drw.FeatureByName(drwView.Name);
// Traverse the features in the view
Feature subFeature = default(Feature);
subFeature = (Feature)viewFeature.GetFirstSubFeature();
// If the feature is HoleTableFeat, then get the table annotations
while (!(subFeature == null))
if (subFeature.GetTypeName2() == "HoleTableFeat")
HoleTable swHoleTable = default(HoleTable);
swHoleTable = (HoleTable)subFeature.GetSpecificFeature2();
object[] holeTables = null;
holeTables = (object[])swHoleTable.GetTableAnnotations();
// If the annotation is a hole table, then continue
if ((holeTables != null))
foreach (object table in holeTables)
swTable = (TableAnnotation)table;
// If the hole table is anchored, then continue
if (swTable.Type == (int)swTableAnnotationType_e.swTableAnnotation_HoleChart)
if (swTable.Anchored != false)
TableAnchor holeTableAnchor = default(TableAnchor);
holeTableAnchor = (TableAnchor)drwView.Sheet.get_TableAnchor((int)swTableAnnotationType_e.swTableAnnotation_HoleChart);
// Get the position of the table anchor
double[] anchorPosition = null;
anchorPosition = (double[])holeTableAnchor.Position;
// Determine type of table anchor
swBOMConfigurationAnchorType_e newCorner = default(swBOMConfigurationAnchorType_e);
string corner = null;
switch (swTable.AnchorType)
case (int)swBOMConfigurationAnchorType_e.swBOMConfigurationAnchor_BottomLeft:
corner = " Bottom-left ";
newCorner = swBOMConfigurationAnchorType_e.swBOMConfigurationAnchor_TopRight;
case (int)swBOMConfigurationAnchorType_e.swBOMConfigurationAnchor_BottomRight:
corner = " Bottom-right ";
newCorner = swBOMConfigurationAnchorType_e.swBOMConfigurationAnchor_TopLeft;
case (int)swBOMConfigurationAnchorType_e.swBOMConfigurationAnchor_TopLeft:
corner = " Top-left ";
newCorner = swBOMConfigurationAnchorType_e.swBOMConfigurationAnchor_BottomRight;
case (int)swBOMConfigurationAnchorType_e.swBOMConfigurationAnchor_TopRight:
corner = " Top-right ";
newCorner = swBOMConfigurationAnchorType_e.swBOMConfigurationAnchor_BottomLeft;
swTable.AnchorType = (int)newCorner;
// Set the new position of the table anchor
double[] dNewPosition = new double[2];
dNewPosition[0] = 0.0;
dNewPosition[1] = 0.0;
holeTableAnchor.Position = dNewPosition;
subFeature = (Feature)subFeature.GetNextSubFeature();
case (int)swDocumentTypes_e.swDocASSEMBLY:
case (int)swDocumentTypes_e.swDocPART:
/// The SldWorks swApp variable is pre-assigned for you.
public SldWorks swApp;
System.bool GenerateViewPaletteViews( System.string FileName)
//This example shows how to get and set whether to hide cutting line shoulders in a //section view.
// Preconditions:
// 1. Verify that the part and templates exist.
// 2. Open the Immediate window.
// Postconditions:
// 1. Opens the part.
// 2. Creates a drawing of the part.
// 3. Creates a section view.
// 4. Gets and sets whether to hide cutting line shoulders in the section
// view.
// 5. Examine the Immediate window.
// NOTE: Because the part is used elsewhere, do not save it or the drawing.
using SolidWorks.Interop.sldworks;
using SolidWorks.Interop.swconst;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
namespace Macro1CSharp.csproj
public partial class SolidWorksMacro
public void Main()
ModelDoc2 swModel = default(ModelDoc2);
DrawingDoc swDrawing = default(DrawingDoc);
Sheet swSheet = default(Sheet);
View swView = default(View);
ModelDocExtension swModelDocExt = default(ModelDocExtension);
SketchSegment swSketchSegment = default(SketchSegment);
SketchManager swSketchMgr = default(SketchManager);
DrSection swSectionView = default(DrSection);
bool status = false;
int errors = 0;
int warnings = 0;
string fileName = null;
double swSheetWidth = 0;
double swSheetHeight = 0;
string drawingTemplate = null;
string sheetTemplate = null;
//Open part
fileName = "C:\\Users\\Public\\Documents\\SOLIDWORKS\\SOLIDWORKS 2018\\samples\\tutorial\\api\\cam roller.sldprt";
swModel = (ModelDoc2)swApp.OpenDoc6(fileName, (int)swDocumentTypes_e.swDocPART, (int)swOpenDocOptions_e.swOpenDocOptions_Silent, "", ref errors, ref warnings);
//Create drawing of part
swSheetWidth = 1.189;
swSheetHeight = 0.841;
drawingTemplate = "C:\\ProgramData\\SolidWorks\\SOLIDWORKS 2017\\templates\\Drawing.drwdot";
swDrawing = (DrawingDoc)swApp.NewDocument(drawingTemplate, (int)swDwgPaperSizes_e.swDwgPapersUserDefined, swSheetWidth, swSheetHeight);
swSheet = (Sheet)swDrawing.GetCurrentSheet();
swSheet.SetProperties2((int)swDwgPaperSizes_e.swDwgPapersUserDefined, (int)swDwgTemplates_e.swDwgTemplateCustom, 1, 2, false, swSheetWidth, swSheetHeight, true);
sheetTemplate = "C:\\ProgramData\\SolidWorks\\SOLIDWORKS 2017\\lang\\english\\sheetformat\\a0 - iso.slddrt";
status = swDrawing.GenerateViewPaletteViews(fileName);
swView = (View)swDrawing.DropDrawingViewFromPalette2("*Left", 0.580930433566434, 0.431525272727273, 0);
//Create section view
swDrawing = (DrawingDoc)swApp.ActiveDoc;
status = swDrawing.ActivateView("Drawing View1");
swModel = (ModelDoc2)swDrawing;
swSketchMgr = (SketchManager)swModel.SketchManager;
swSketchSegment = (SketchSegment)swSketchMgr.CreateLine(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.012168, 0.021283, 0.0);
swSketchSegment = (SketchSegment)swSketchMgr.CreateLine(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.024347, -0.010966, 0.0);
swModelDocExt = (ModelDocExtension)swModel.Extension;
status = swModelDocExt.SelectByID2("Line1", "SKETCHSEGMENT", 0.690604633175108, 0.625483883858213, 0, false, 0, null, 0);
status = swModelDocExt.SelectByID2("Line2", "SKETCHSEGMENT", 0.747211061353527, 0.357889859742052, 0, true, 0, null, 0);
swView = (View)swDrawing.CreateSectionViewAt5(0.676815388637685, 0.116110180826413, 0, "A", (int)swCreateSectionViewAtOptions_e.swCreateSectionView_OffsetSection, null, 0);
status = swDrawing.ActivateView("Drawing View2");
//Get section view and get and set whether to hide cutting line shoulders
swSectionView = (DrSection)swView.GetSection();
if (swSectionView.CuttingLineShoulders)
Debug.Print("Hide cutting line shoulders = True");
Debug.Print("Setting hide cutting line shoulders to False");
swSectionView.CuttingLineShoulders = false;
Debug.Print(" Hide cutting line shoulders = " + swSectionView.CuttingLineShoulders);
Debug.Print("Hide cutting line shoulders = False");
Debug.Print("Setting hide cutting line shoulders to True");
swSectionView.CuttingLineShoulders = true;
Debug.Print(" Hide cutting line shoulders = " + swSectionView.CuttingLineShoulders);
/// The SldWorks swApp variable is pre-assigned for you.
public SldWorks swApp;
System.object GetCurrentSheet()
This example shows how to create a title block in a drawing, if one does not already exist, and how to get the notes from an existing title block in a drawing.
// Preconditions: Drawing document is open.
// Postconditions: If the drawing contains a title block, then
// the notes of that block are printed
// to the Immediate window. If not,
// a title block is created.
using SolidWorks.Interop.sldworks;
using SolidWorks.Interop.swconst;
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace ExampleCS.csproj
public partial class SolidWorksMacro
ModelDoc2 swModel;
ModelDocExtension swExt;
SelectionMgr swSelMgr;
View swView;
DrawingDoc swDraw;
public void Main()
swModel = swApp.ActiveDoc as ModelDoc2;
swExt = swModel.Extension;
swSelMgr = swModel.SelectionManager as SelectionMgr;
swDraw = swModel as DrawingDoc;
Sheet swSheet;
swSheet = swDraw.GetCurrentSheet() as Sheet;
TitleBlock swTitleBlock;
swTitleBlock = swSheet.TitleBlock;
object[] vNotes;
int i;
// Create title block if one doesn't exist
if (swTitleBlock == null)
swView = swDraw.GetFirstView() as View;
vNotes = (object[])swView.GetNotes();
// Add first two notes to the title block
DispatchWrapper[] notesArray = new DispatchWrapper[2];
notesArray[0] = new DispatchWrapper(vNotes[0]);
notesArray[1] = new DispatchWrapper(vNotes[1]);
swTitleBlock = swSheet.InsertTitleBlock(notesArray);
vNotes = (object[])swTitleBlock.GetNotes();
for (i = 0; i < vNotes.Length; i++)
Note swNote;
swNote = (Note)vNotes[i];
Debug.Print("Name: " + swNote.GetName());
Debug.Print("Value: " + swNote.GetText());
/// The SldWorks swApp variable is pre-assigned for you.
public SldWorks swApp;
System.object GetFirstView()
//This example shows how to get the drawing view's bounding box, position, and position //lock status.
// Preconditions:
// 1. Verify that the drawing document to open exists.
// 2. Open the Immediate window.
// Postconditions:
// 1. Opens the specified drawing document.
// 2. Gets each drawing view's:
// * origin's x and y positions relative
// to the drawing sheet origin
// * bounding box
// * position lock status
// 3. Examine the Immediate window.
// NOTE: Because the drawing is used elsewhere, do not save
// changes.
using SolidWorks.Interop.sldworks;
using SolidWorks.Interop.swconst;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
namespace Macro1.csproj
public partial class SolidWorksMacro
public void Main()
DrawingDoc swDraw = default(DrawingDoc);
View swView = default(View);
double[] outline = null;
double[] pos = null;
string fileName = null;
int errors = 0;
int warnings = 0;
fileName = "C:\\Users\\Public\\Documents\\SOLIDWORKS\\SOLIDWORKS 2018\\samples\\tutorial\\api\\replaceview.slddrw";
swDraw = (DrawingDoc)swApp.OpenDoc6(fileName, (int)swDocumentTypes_e.swDocDRAWING, (int)swOpenDocOptions_e.swOpenDocOptions_Silent, "", ref errors, ref warnings);
swView = (View)swDraw.GetFirstView();
while ((swView != null))
outline = (double[])swView.GetOutline();
pos = (double[])swView.Position;
Debug.Print("View = " + swView.Name);
Debug.Print(" X and Y positions = (" + pos[0] * 1000.0 + ", " + pos[1] * 1000.0 + ") mm");
Debug.Print(" X and Y bounding box minimums = (" + outline[0] * 1000.0 + ", " + outline[1] * 1000.0 + ") mm");
Debug.Print(" X and Y bounding box maximums = (" + outline[2] * 1000.0 + ", " + outline[3] * 1000.0 + ") mm");
Debug.Print(" Position locked?" + swView.PositionLocked);
swView = (View)swView.GetNextView();
/// The SldWorks swApp variable is pre-assigned for you.
public SldWorks swApp;
System.object GetSheetNames()
//This example shows how to modify and reload a sheet format template.
// Preconditions:
// 1. Make a copy of:
// C:\ProgramData\SolidWorks\SOLIDWORKS version\lang\english\sheetformat\a0 - iso.slddrt.
// 2. Create a new blank drawing using standard sheet size AO (ISO).
// 3. Add another blank sheet to the drawing, for a total of two sheets.
// 4. Open the Immediate window.
// Postconditions:
// 1. Modifies the sheet format template to include a new
// note.
// 2. Examine Sheet1, Sheet2, and the Immediate window.
// 3. Delete:
// C:\ProgramData\SolidWorks\SOLIDWORKS version\lang\english\sheetformat\a0 - iso.slddrt.
// 4. Rename the copy that you made in Preconditions step 1 to:
// C:\ProgramData\SolidWorks\SOLIDWORKS version\lang\english\sheetformat\a0 - iso.slddrt.
using SolidWorks.Interop.sldworks;
using SolidWorks.Interop.swconst;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
namespace Macro1CSharp.csproj
public partial class SolidWorksMacro
const bool TEST_APPLY_CHANGES_TO_ALL = true;
private string GetReloadResult(swReloadTemplateResult_e result)
string functionReturnValue = null;
switch (result)
case (swReloadTemplateResult_e)swReloadTemplateResult_e.swReloadTemplate_Success:
functionReturnValue = "Success";
case (swReloadTemplateResult_e)swReloadTemplateResult_e.swReloadTemplate_UnknownError:
functionReturnValue = "FAIL - Unknown Error";
case (swReloadTemplateResult_e)swReloadTemplateResult_e.swReloadTemplate_FileNotFound:
functionReturnValue = "FAIL - File Not Found";
case (swReloadTemplateResult_e)swReloadTemplateResult_e.swReloadTemplate_CustomSheet:
functionReturnValue = "FAIL - Custom Sheet";
case (swReloadTemplateResult_e)swReloadTemplateResult_e.swReloadTemplate_ViewOnly:
functionReturnValue = "FAIL - View Only";
functionReturnValue = "FAIL - ";
return functionReturnValue;
public void Main()
ModelDoc2 swModel = default(ModelDoc2);
swModel = (ModelDoc2)swApp.ActiveDoc;
if (swModel == null)
Debug.Print("Create a new empty drawing and add a second sheet to the drawing.");
if (swModel.GetType() != (int)swDocumentTypes_e.swDocDRAWING)
DrawingDoc swDrwng = default(DrawingDoc);
swDrwng = (DrawingDoc)swModel;
//Get the current sheet
Sheet activeSheet = default(Sheet);
activeSheet = (Sheet)swDrwng.GetCurrentSheet();
Debug.Print("Active sheet name: " + activeSheet.GetName());
//Get the sheet format template
string templateName = null;
templateName = activeSheet.GetTemplateName();
Debug.Print("Sheet format template name to modify: " + templateName);
//Add a new note to the sheet format template
Note swNote = default(Note);
swNote = (Note)swModel.InsertNote("A New Note");
Annotation swAnno = default(Annotation);
swAnno = (Annotation)swNote.GetAnnotation();
swAnno.SetPosition2(0, 0.2, 0);
TextFormat txtFormat = default(TextFormat);
txtFormat = (TextFormat)swAnno.GetTextFormat(0);
txtFormat.BackWards = (txtFormat.BackWards == false);
txtFormat.Bold = true;
txtFormat.CharHeightInPts = 10 * txtFormat.CharHeightInPts;
swAnno.SetTextFormat(0, false, txtFormat);
//At this point, the active sheet's format has changed
//Save sheet format back to original sheet format template
//Reload all other sheets from the updated sheet format template
object[] vSheetNames = null;
vSheetNames = (object[])swDrwng.GetSheetNames();
foreach (string vName in vSheetNames)
if (vName != (string)activeSheet.GetName())
Debug.Print("Other sheet name: " + vName);
Sheet otherSheet = default(Sheet);
otherSheet = (Sheet)swDrwng.get_Sheet(vName);
if (otherSheet.GetTemplateName() == templateName)
swReloadTemplateResult_e reloadResult = default(swReloadTemplateResult_e);
//Keep modifications and and reload all other elements
//from original sheet format template
reloadResult = (swReloadTemplateResult_e)otherSheet.ReloadTemplate(true);
//Discard modifications and reload all elements from
//original sheet format template
//reloadResult = otherSheet.ReloadTemplate(False)
Debug.Print("Reload sheet format for <" + otherSheet.GetName() + ">: " + GetReloadResult(reloadResult));
//Discard the changes and reload the original sheet format template
swReloadTemplateResult_e reloadResult = default(swReloadTemplateResult_e);
reloadResult = (swReloadTemplateResult_e)activeSheet.ReloadTemplate(false);
Debug.Print("Done - " + GetReloadResult(reloadResult));
/// The SldWorks swApp variable is pre-assigned for you.
public SldWorks swApp;
} GetViewCount()
This example shows how to get all of the views and notes in a drawing document.
' Preconditions: Drawing document is open and at least
' one view has some notes.
' Postconditions: None
' NOTE: IDrawingDoc::GetViews returns both sheets and views.
Option Explicit
Dim swApp As SldWorks.SldWorks
Dim swModel As SldWorks.ModelDoc2
Dim swDrawDoc As SldWorks.DrawingDoc
Dim swView As SldWorks.View
Dim swNote As SldWorks.Note
Dim sheetCount As Long
Dim viewCount As Long
Dim noteCount As Long
Dim i As Long
Sub main()
Set swApp = Application.SldWorks
Set swModel = swApp.ActiveDoc
Set swDrawDoc = swModel
Dim viewCount As Long
viewCount = swDrawDoc.GetViewCount
Dim ss As Variant
ss = swDrawDoc.GetViews
For sheetCount = LBound(ss) To UBound(ss)
Dim vv As Variant
vv = ss(sheetCount)
For viewCount = LBound(vv) To UBound(vv)
Debug.Print (vv(viewCount).GetName2())
Dim vNotes As Variant
noteCount = vv(viewCount).GetNoteCount
If noteCount > 0 Then
vNotes = vv(viewCount).GetNotes
For i = 0 To noteCount - 1
Debug.Print " Note text: " & vNotes(i).GetText
End If
Next viewCount
Next sheetCount
End Sub
void HideEdge()
//This example shows how to hide and then show all of the edges in the root component in //a drawing view.
// Preconditions:
// 1. Verify that the specified drawing document to open exists.
// 2. Open the Immediate window.
// Postconditions:
// 1. Opens the specified drawing document.
// 2. Hides and then shows all edges in the root component in
// Drawing View1.
// 3. Examine the drawing and Immediate window.
using Microsoft.VisualBasic;
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data;
using System.Diagnostics;
using SolidWorks.Interop.sldworks;
using SolidWorks.Interop.swconst;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace HideShowEdges_CSharp.csproj
partial class SolidWorksMacro
ModelDoc2 swModel;
DrawingDoc swDraw;
DocumentSpecification swDocSpecification;
Sheet swSheet;
View swView;
DrawingComponent swDrawingComponent;
Component2 swComponent;
Entity swEntity;
object[] vEdges;
bool bRet;
int i;
public void Main()
// Specify the drawing to open
swDocSpecification = (DocumentSpecification)swApp.GetOpenDocSpec("C:\\Users\\Public\\Documents\\SOLIDWORKS\\SOLIDWORKS 2018\\samples\\tutorial\\advdrawings\\foodprocessor.SLDDRW");
swModel = (ModelDoc2)swApp.ActiveDoc;
if (swModel == null)
swModel = swApp.OpenDoc7(swDocSpecification);
swModel = (ModelDoc2)swApp.ActiveDoc;
swDraw = (DrawingDoc)swModel;
// Get the current sheet
swSheet = (Sheet)swDraw.GetCurrentSheet();
// Select Drawing View1
bRet = swModel.Extension.SelectByID2("Drawing View1", "DRAWINGVIEW", 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, true, 0, null, (int)swSelectOption_e.swSelectOptionDefault);
swView = (View)((SelectionMgr)swModel.SelectionManager).GetSelectedObject6(1, -1);
// Print the drawing view name and get the component in the drawing view
swDrawingComponent = swView.RootDrawingComponent;
swComponent = swDrawingComponent.Component;
// Get the component's visible entities in the drawing view
int eCount = 0;
eCount = swView.GetVisibleEntityCount2(swComponent, (int)swViewEntityType_e.swViewEntityType_Edge);
vEdges = (object[])swView.GetVisibleEntities2(swComponent, (int)swViewEntityType_e.swViewEntityType_Edge);
Debug.Print("Number of edges found: " + eCount);
// Hide all of the visible edges in the drawing view
for (i = 0; i <= eCount - 1; i++)
swEntity = (Entity)vEdges[i];
swEntity.Select4(true, null);
// Clear all selections
// Show all hidden edges
swView.HiddenEdges = vEdges;
public SldWorks swApp;
void HideShowDrawingViews()
//This example shows how to set the display mode of a drawing view.
// Preconditions:
// 1. Open a drawing document.
// 2. Select a view.
// 3. Inspect the graphics area and press F5 six times.
// Postconditions: The display mode, hide/show, and suppression
// settings for the document are modified as specified.
using Microsoft.VisualBasic;
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data;
using System.Diagnostics;
using SolidWorks.Interop.sldworks;
using SolidWorks.Interop.swconst;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace DisplayHiddenLinesinDrawing_CSharp.csproj
partial class SolidWorksMacro
public void Main()
ModelDoc2 swModel = default(ModelDoc2);
DrawingDoc swDraw = default(DrawingDoc);
swModel = (ModelDoc2)swApp.ActiveDoc;
swDraw = (DrawingDoc)swModel;
// Suppress view
// Display an X where the view was suppressed
// Unsuppress view
public SldWorks swApp;
Centerline InsertCenterLine2()
//This example shows how to get all of the centerlines in all of the drawing views in a //drawing.
// Preconditions:
// 1. Verify that the drawing document to open exists.
// 2. Open the Immediate window.
// Postconditions:
// 1. Opens the specified drawing.
// 2. Inserts a centerline annotation.
// 3. Prints the path and file name of the drawing document
// to the Immediate window.
// 4. Iterates the sheet and drawing view, prints their names, and
// prints the name of the centerline annotation to
// the Immediate window.
// 5. Examine the Immediate window.
// NOTE: Because this drawing document is used elsewhere,
// do not save any changes.
using SolidWorks.Interop.sldworks;
using SolidWorks.Interop.swconst;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
namespace CenterLinesCSharp.csproj
public partial class SolidWorksMacro
public void Main()
ModelDoc2 swModel = default(ModelDoc2);
ModelDocExtension swModelDocExt = default(ModelDocExtension);
DrawingDoc swDrawing = default(DrawingDoc);
View swView = default(View);
Centerline swCenterLine = default(Centerline);
Annotation swAnnotation = default(Annotation);
bool status = false;
int errors = 0;
int warnings = 0;
string fileName = null;
fileName = "C:\\Users\\Public\\Documents\\SOLIDWORKS\\SOLIDWORKS 2018\\samples\\tutorial\\api\\cylinder20.SLDDRW";
swModel = (ModelDoc2)swApp.OpenDoc6(fileName, (int)swDocumentTypes_e.swDocDRAWING, (int)swOpenDocOptions_e.swOpenDocOptions_Silent, "", ref errors, ref warnings);
swDrawing = (DrawingDoc)swModel;
swModelDocExt = (ModelDocExtension)swModel.Extension;
status = swDrawing.ActivateView("Drawing View1");
status = swModelDocExt.SelectByID2("cylinder20-9@Drawing View1", "COMPONENT", 0, 0, 0, false, 0, null, 0);
status = swModelDocExt.SelectByID2("", "FACE", 0.513454307125032, 0.454946591641617, 250.013794595267, false, 0, null, 0);
swCenterLine = (Centerline)swDrawing.InsertCenterLine2();
swView = (View)swDrawing.GetFirstView();
Debug.Print("File = " + swModel.GetPathName());
while ((swView != null))
Debug.Print(" View = " + swView.GetName2());
swCenterLine = (Centerline)swView.GetFirstCenterLine();
while ((swCenterLine != null))
swAnnotation = (Annotation)swCenterLine.GetAnnotation();
Debug.Print(" Name = " + swAnnotation.GetName());
swCenterLine = swCenterLine.GetNext();
swView = (View)swView.GetNextView();
/// The SldWorks swApp variable is pre-assigned for you.
public SldWorks swApp;
System.bool InsertCircularNotePattern(
System.double ArcRadius,
System.double ArcAngle, PatternNum,
System.double PatternSpacing,
System.bool PatternRotate,
System.string DeleteInstances)
This example shows how to insert linear and circular note patterns in a drawing.
// Preconditions: Verify that the specified drawing document
// to open exists.
// Postconditions:
// 1. Inserts a note in the drawing and selects the note.
// 2. Inserts a linear note pattern (2 instances, including
// the original note) in the drawing.
// 3. Inserts a circular note pattern (4 instances, including
// the original note) in the drawing.
// NOTE: Because the model is used elsewhere, do not save
// changes.
using SolidWorks.Interop.sldworks;
using SolidWorks.Interop.swconst;
using System;
namespace InsertLinearCircularNotePatternsCSharp.csproj
partial class SolidWorksMacro
public void Main()
ModelDoc2 swModel = default(ModelDoc2);
DrawingDoc swDrawingDoc = default(DrawingDoc);
Note swNote = default(Note);
bool status = false;
int errors = 0;
int warnings = 0;
// Open drawing document, activate sheet, and make it the active document
swModel = (ModelDoc2)swApp.OpenDoc6("C:\\Users\\Public\\Documents\\SOLIDWORKS\\SOLIDWORKS 2018\\samples\\tutorial\\advdrawings\\foodprocessor.slddrw", 3, 0, "", ref errors, ref warnings);
swApp.ActivateDoc2("foodprocessor - Sheet1", false, ref errors);
swDrawingDoc = (DrawingDoc)swApp.ActiveDoc;
// Insert a note
swNote = (Note)swModel.InsertNote("Test inserting linear and circular note patterns");
// Select the just-inserted note
status = swModel.Extension.SelectByID2("DetailItem174@Sheet1", "NOTE", 0.2558797881203, 0.3700526, 0, false, 0, null, 0);
// Create a linear note pattern using the selected note
status = swDrawingDoc.InsertLinearNotePattern(2, 1, 0.01, 0.01, 0.7853981633975, 1.570796326795, "");
// Create a circular pattern using the selected note
status = swDrawingDoc.InsertCircularNotePattern(0.075, 4.03202193189, -4, 1.570796326795, true, "");
/// The SldWorks swApp variable is pre-assigned for you.
public SldWorks swApp;
System.object InsertRevisionCloud( CloudShape)
//This example shows how to insert revision clouds into a drawing and access revision //cloud data.
// Preconditions: Open public_documents\samples\tutorial\api\resetsketchvisibility.slddrw.
// Postconditions:
// 1. Inserts an elliptical revision cloud in the drawing.
// 2. Examine the Immediate window.
// NOTE: Because the drawing is used elsewhere, do not save changes.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
using Microsoft.VisualBasic;
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data;
using System.Diagnostics;
using SolidWorks.Interop.sldworks;
using SolidWorks.Interop.swconst;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace InsertRevisionCloud_CSharp.csproj
partial class SolidWorksMacro
DrawingDoc Part;
RevisionCloud RevCloud;
Annotation RevCloudAnno;
bool boolstatus;
public void Main()
Part = (DrawingDoc)swApp.ActiveDoc;
boolstatus = Part.ActivateView("Drawing View1");
// Create a revision cloud with an elliptical shape
RevCloud = (RevisionCloud)Part.InsertRevisionCloud(1);
if ((RevCloud != null))
RevCloudAnno = (Annotation)RevCloud.GetAnnotation();
if ((RevCloudAnno != null))
// Position the center of the elliptical revision cloud
boolstatus = RevCloudAnno.SetPosition(0.270847371964905, 0.553263328912467, 0);
RevCloud.ArcRadius = 0.00508;
// Create a path point on the corner of an ellipse-inscribed rectangle
boolstatus = RevCloud.SetPathPointAtIndex(-1, 0.378419710263212, 0.511051398694144, 0);
// Close the revision cloud path
boolstatus = RevCloud.Finalize();
public SldWorks swApp;
TableAnnotation InsertTableAnnotation2(
System.bool UseAnchorPoint,
System.double X,
System.double Y, AnchorType,
System.string TableTemplate, Rows, Columns)
This example shows how to get a general table feature and some of its table annotation data.
// Preconditions:
// 1. Verify that the specified drawing document to open exists.
// 2. Open the Immediate window.
// Postconditions:
// 1. Opens the specified drawing document.
// 2. Inserts a table annotation.
// 3. Gets the general table feature.
// 4. Prints the name of the general table feature and
// some of its annotation table data the Immediate window.
// 5. Examine the Immediate window.
// NOTE: Because the drawing document is used elsewhere, do not
// save changes.
using SolidWorks.Interop.sldworks;
using SolidWorks.Interop.swconst;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
namespace GeneralTableFeatureCSharp.csproj
public partial class SolidWorksMacro
public void Main()
ModelDoc2 swModel = default(ModelDoc2);
DrawingDoc swDrawing = default(DrawingDoc);
bool status = false;
int errors = 0;
int warnings = 0;
string fileName = null;
TableAnnotation swTableAnnotation = default(TableAnnotation);
GeneralTableFeature swGeneralTableFeature = default(GeneralTableFeature);
SelectionMgr swSelectionMgr = default(SelectionMgr);
ModelDocExtension swModelDocExt = default(ModelDocExtension);
Feature swFeature = default(Feature);
int nbrTableAnnotations = 0;
object[] tableAnnotations = null;
int i = 0;
bool anchorAttached = false;
int anchorType = 0;
int nbrColumns = 0;
int nbrRows = 0;
//Open drawing document
fileName = "C:\\Users\\Public\\Documents\\SOLIDWORKS\\SOLIDWORKS 2018\\samples\\tutorial\\api\\assem20.slddrw";
swModel = (ModelDoc2)swApp.OpenDoc6(fileName, (int)swDocumentTypes_e.swDocDRAWING, (int)swOpenDocOptions_e.swOpenDocOptions_Silent, "", ref errors, ref warnings);
//Insert table annotation
swDrawing = (DrawingDoc)swModel;
swTableAnnotation = (TableAnnotation)swDrawing.InsertTableAnnotation2(false, 0.0275123456559767, 0.132124518483965, 1, "", 2, 2);
if ((swTableAnnotation != null))
swTableAnnotation.BorderLineWeight = 0;
swTableAnnotation.GridLineWeight = 0;
//Select and get general table feature
swModelDocExt = (ModelDocExtension)swModel.Extension;
status = swModelDocExt.SelectByID2("General Table1", "GENERALTABLEFEAT", 0, 0, 0, false, 0, null, 0);
swSelectionMgr = (SelectionMgr)swModel.SelectionManager;
swGeneralTableFeature = (GeneralTableFeature)swSelectionMgr.GetSelectedObject6(1, -1);
swFeature = (Feature)swGeneralTableFeature.GetFeature();
Debug.Print("General table feature name: " + swFeature.Name);
//Get general table feature's annotation data
nbrTableAnnotations = swGeneralTableFeature.GetTableAnnotationCount();
Debug.Print("Number of annotations = " + nbrTableAnnotations);
tableAnnotations = (object[])swGeneralTableFeature.GetTableAnnotations();
for (i = 0; i <= (nbrTableAnnotations - 1); i++)
swTableAnnotation = (TableAnnotation)tableAnnotations[i];
anchorAttached = swTableAnnotation.Anchored;
Debug.Print("Table anchored = " + anchorAttached);
anchorType = swTableAnnotation.AnchorType;
Debug.Print("Anchor type = " + anchorType);
nbrColumns = swTableAnnotation.ColumnCount;
Debug.Print("Number of columns = " + nbrColumns);
nbrRows = swTableAnnotation.RowCount;
Debug.Print("Number of rows = " + nbrRows);
/// The SldWorks swApp variable is pre-assigned for you.
public SldWorks swApp;
void IsolateChangedDimensions()
This example shows how to isolate a changed dimension.
// Preconditions: The specified drawing and part
// documents exist.
// Postconditions:
// 1. Opens the drawing document.
// 2. Sets the system option to display
// changed dimensions in the color selected
// for Tools > Options > System Options >
// Colors > Color scheme settings >
// Drawings, Changed dimensions.
// 3. Saves and closes the drawing document.
// 4. Opens the part document of the drawing document.
// 5. Changes a dimension.
// 6. Saves and closes the part document.
// 7. Opens the previously saved drawing document.
// 8. Examine the drawing document to verify that
// the changed dimension is displayed in the
// changed-dimension color. Place your cursor over
// the dimension to see its previous value.
using SolidWorks.Interop.sldworks;
using SolidWorks.Interop.swconst;
using System;
namespace IsolateChangedDimensionsDrawingDocCSharp.csproj
partial class SolidWorksMacro
public void Main()
ModelDoc2 swModel = default(ModelDoc2);
ModelDocExtension swModelDocExt = default(ModelDocExtension);
DrawingDoc swDrawing = default(DrawingDoc);
string fileName = null;
string saveFileName = null;
int errors = 0;
int warnings = 0;
bool status = false;
// Open drawing document
fileName = "C:\\Users\\Public\\Documents\\SOLIDWORKS\\SOLIDWORKS 2018\\samples\\tutorial\\api\\box.slddrw";
swModel = (ModelDoc2)swApp.OpenDoc6(fileName, (int)swDocumentTypes_e.swDocDRAWING, (int)swOpenDocOptions_e.swOpenDocOptions_Silent, "", ref errors, ref warnings);
// Isolate changed dimensions
// Equivalent to selecting Tools > Options > System Options > Colors >
// Use specified color for changed drawing dimensions on open
swApp.SetUserPreferenceToggle((int)swUserPreferenceToggle_e.swUseChangedDimensions, true);
swDrawing = (DrawingDoc)swModel;
// Save drawing document to another name
saveFileName = "C:\\Users\\Public\\Documents\\SOLIDWORKS\\SOLIDWORKS 2018\\samples\\tutorial\\api\\box_changed.slddrw";
swModelDocExt = (ModelDocExtension)swModel.Extension;
status = swModelDocExt.SaveAs(saveFileName, (int)swSaveAsVersion_e.swSaveAsCurrentVersion, (int)swSaveAsOptions_e.swSaveAsOptions_Silent, null, ref errors, ref warnings);
// Open the part document referenced by the drawing document,
// change a dimension, and save the document
fileName = "C:\\Users\\Public\\Documents\\SOLIDWORKS\\SOLIDWORKS 2018\\samples\\tutorial\\api\\box.sldprt";
swModel = (ModelDoc2)swApp.OpenDoc6(fileName, (int)swDocumentTypes_e.swDocPART, (int)swOpenDocOptions_e.swOpenDocOptions_Silent, "", ref errors, ref warnings);
swModelDocExt = (ModelDocExtension)swModel.Extension;
status = swModelDocExt.SelectByID2("Sketch1", "SKETCH", 0, 0, 0, true, 0, null, 0);
status = swModelDocExt.SelectByID2("D2@Sketch1@box.SLDPRT", "DIMENSION", -0.03613329319351, -0.02215939491444, 0.02938582119709, true, 0, null, 0);
Dimension swDimension = default(Dimension);
swDimension = (Dimension)swModel.Parameter("D2@Sketch1");
swDimension.SystemValue = 0.185;
status = swModel.EditRebuild3();
status = swModel.Save3((int)swSaveAsOptions_e.swSaveAsOptions_Silent, ref errors, ref warnings);
// Open the previously saved drawing document
// and place your cursor on the changed dimension,
// which displays in the color specified for
// changed dimensions, to see its previous value
swModel = (ModelDoc2)swApp.OpenDoc6(saveFileName, (int)swDocumentTypes_e.swDocDRAWING, (int)swOpenDocOptions_e.swOpenDocOptions_Silent, "", ref errors, ref warnings);
/// The SldWorks swApp variable is pre-assigned for you.
public SldWorks swApp;
System.bool NewSheet4(
System.string Name, PaperSize, TemplateIn,
System.double Scale1,
System.double Scale2,
System.bool FirstAngle,
System.string TemplateName,
System.double Width,
System.double Height,
System.string PropertyViewName,
System.double ZoneLeftMargin,
System.double ZoneRightMargin,
System.double ZoneTopMargin,
System.double ZoneBottomMargin, ZoneRow, ZoneCol)
This example shows how to create a drawing sheet with zones, modify the zones in the drawing sheet, and insert a revision table.
// Preconditions:
// 1. Verify that the specified model document and templates exist.
// 2. Open an Immediate window.
// Postconditions:
// 1. Creates a new sheet named Test with four zones.
// 2. Inspect the graphics area.
// 3. Press F5.
// 4. Modifies Test to contain nine zones.
// 5. Creates Revision Table1.
// 6. Adds a revision row to the table.
// 7. Inspect the FeatureManager design tree, the graphics area, and the
// Immediate window.
// NOTE: Because the model is used elsewhere, do not save changes to it.
using Microsoft.VisualBasic;
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data;
using System.Diagnostics;
using SolidWorks.Interop.sldworks;
using SolidWorks.Interop.swconst;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace InsertRevisionTable_CSharp.csproj
partial class SolidWorksMacro
DrawingDoc swDraw;
Sheet currentsheet;
ModelDoc2 swModel;
RevisionTableAnnotation revTableAnno;
bool boolstatus;
int longstatus;
int longwarnings;
public void Main()
swModel = swApp.OpenDoc6("C:\\Users\\Public\\Documents\\SOLIDWORKS\\SOLIDWORKS 2018\\samples\\tutorial\\api\\assem20.slddrw", 3, 0, "", ref longstatus, ref longwarnings);
swApp.ActivateDoc2("assem20 - Sheet1", false, ref longstatus);
swModel = (ModelDoc2)swApp.ActiveDoc;
swDraw = (DrawingDoc)swModel;
boolstatus = swModel.Extension.SetUserPreferenceToggle((int)swUserPreferenceToggle_e.swShowZoneLines, 0, true);
boolstatus = swModel.Extension.SetUserPreferenceInteger((int)swUserPreferenceIntegerValue_e.swRevisionTableMultipleSheetStyle, 0, (int)swRevisionTableMultipleSheetStyle_e.swRevisionTable_Independent);
if ((swDraw == null))
Debug.Print(" Please open a drawing document. ");
currentsheet = (Sheet)swDraw.GetCurrentSheet();
// Create sheet, Test, with 4 zones
boolstatus = swDraw.NewSheet4("Test", (int)swDwgPaperSizes_e.swDwgPaperAsize, (int)swDwgTemplates_e.swDwgTemplateAsize, 1, 1, true, "", 0, 0, "",
0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 2, 2);
boolstatus = swModel.Extension.SelectByID2("Sheet Format2", "SHEET", 0, 0, 0, false, 0, null, 0);
boolstatus = swModel.Extension.SelectByID2("Sheet Format2", "SHEET", 0.0812585524728589, 0.139959974668275, 0, false, 0, null, 0);
// Modify Test to have 9 zones
boolstatus = swDraw.SetupSheet6("Test", (int)swDwgPaperSizes_e.swDwgPapersUserDefined, (int)swDwgTemplates_e.swDwgTemplateCustom, 1, 1, true, "C:\\Program Files\\SOLIDWORKS Corp\\SOLIDWORKS\\lang\\english\\sheetformat\\a - landscape.slddrt", 0.2794, 0.2159, "Default",
false, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 3, 3);
currentsheet = (Sheet)swDraw.GetCurrentSheet();
// Insert a revision table and add a revision row
revTableAnno = currentsheet.InsertRevisionTable2(true, 0.0, 0.0, (int)swBOMConfigurationAnchorType_e.swBOMConfigurationAnchor_TopLeft, "C:\\Program Files\\SOLIDWORKS Corp\\SOLIDWORKS\\lang\\English\\standard revision block.sldrevtbt", (int)swRevisionTableSymbolShape_e.swRevisionTable_CircleSymbol, true);
Debug.Print("Revision table annotation");
Debug.Print(" New revision: " + revTableAnno.AddRevision("A"));
Debug.Print(" Current revision: " + revTableAnno.CurrentRevision);
RevisionTableFeature revTableFeat = default(RevisionTableFeature);
revTableFeat = revTableAnno.RevisionTableFeature;
Debug.Print("Revision table feature");
Debug.Print(" Number of revision table annotations: " + revTableFeat.GetTableAnnotationCount());
Feature feat = default(Feature);
feat = (Feature)revTableFeat.GetFeature();
Debug.Print("Feature: " + feat.Name);
/// The SldWorks swApp variable is pre-assigned for you.
public SldWorks swApp;
System.bool ReplaceViewModel(
System.string NewModelPathName,
System.object Views,
System.object Instances)
This example shows how to replace a model in drawing views.
// Preconditions:
// 1. Open public_documents\samples\tutorial\api\assem20.slddrw.
// 2. Verify that the specified replacement model exists.
// Postconditions: Replaces the specified component in Drawing View1
// with the specified model.
// NOTE: Because the model is used elsewhere, do not save changes
// when closing it.
using SolidWorks.Interop.sldworks;
using SolidWorks.Interop.swconst;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System;
namespace ReplaceViewModel_CSharp.csproj
partial class SolidWorksMacro
public void Main()
ModelDoc2 swModel;
ModelDocExtension swModelDocExt;
DrawingDoc swDrawingDoc;
SelectionMgr swSelectionMgr;
DrawingComponent swDrawingComponent;
View swView;
Component2 swComponent;
object view;
object instance;
object[] views = new object[1];
object[] instances = new object[1];
DispatchWrapper[] viewsIn = new DispatchWrapper[1];
DispatchWrapper[] instancesIn = new DispatchWrapper[1];
bool status;
swModel = (ModelDoc2)swApp.ActiveDoc;
swDrawingDoc = (DrawingDoc)swModel;
status = swDrawingDoc.ActivateView("Drawing View1");
//Select the view in which to replace the model
swModelDocExt = (ModelDocExtension)swModel.Extension;
status = swModelDocExt.SelectByID2("Drawing View1", "DRAWINGVIEW", 0, 0, 0, false, 0, null, 0);
swSelectionMgr = (SelectionMgr)swModel.SelectionManager;
swView = (View)swSelectionMgr.GetSelectedObject6(1, -1);
view = (object)swView;
views[0] = view;
viewsIn[0] = new DispatchWrapper(views[0]);
// Select the instance of the model to replace
status = swModelDocExt.SelectByID2("Assem20-3@Drawing View1", "COMPONENT", 0, 0, 0, false, 0, null, 0);
swDrawingComponent = (DrawingComponent)swSelectionMgr.GetSelectedObject6(1, -1);
swComponent = (Component2)swDrawingComponent.Component;
instance = (object)swComponent;
instances[0] = instance;
instancesIn[0] = new DispatchWrapper(instances[0]);
status = swDrawingDoc.ReplaceViewModel("C:\\Users\\Public\\Documents\\SOLIDWORKS\\SOLIDWORKS 2018\\samples\\tutorial\\api\\bagel.sldprt", (viewsIn), (instancesIn));
public SldWorks swApp;
void SetSheetsSelected( System.object NewSheetList)
//This example shows how to modify the setups of multiple drawing sheets.
// Preconditions:
// 1. Verify that the drawing and sheet format files exist.
// 2. Open the Immediate window.
// Postconditions:
// 1. Opens the drawing.
// 2. Sets Sheet1, Sheet2 and Sheet3 drawing sheet formats
// to portrait.
// 3. Rebuilds the drawing.
// 4. Click each sheet tab, click Zoom to Fit, and examine
// the sheet.
// NOTE: Because the drawing is used elsewhere, do not
// save changes.
using SolidWorks.Interop.sldworks;
using SolidWorks.Interop.swconst;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System;
namespace Macro1CSharp.csproj
public partial class SolidWorksMacro
public void Main()
ModelDoc2 swModel = default(ModelDoc2);
ModelDocExtension swModelDocExt = default(ModelDocExtension);
DrawingDoc swDrawing = default(DrawingDoc);
string fileName = null;
bool status = false;
int errors = 0;
int warnings = 0;
object sheetNameArray = null;
string[] sheetNames = new string[2];
fileName = "C:\\Users\\Public\\Documents\\SOLIDWORKS\\SOLIDWORKS 2018\\samples\\tutorial\\advdrawings\\foodprocessor.slddrw";
swModel = (ModelDoc2)swApp.OpenDoc6(fileName, (int)swDocumentTypes_e.swDocDRAWING, (int)swOpenDocOptions_e.swOpenDocOptions_Silent, "", ref errors, ref warnings);
swModelDocExt = (ModelDocExtension)swModel.Extension;
swDrawing = (DrawingDoc)swModel;
sheetNames[0] = "Sheet2";
sheetNames[1] = "Sheet3";
sheetNameArray = sheetNames;
status = swDrawing.SetupSheet6("Sheet3", (int)swDwgPaperSizes_e.swDwgPapersUserDefined, (int)swDwgTemplates_e.swDwgTemplateCustom, 1, 1, true, "C:\\ProgramData\\SOLIDWORKS\\SOLIDWORKS 2017\\lang\\english\\sheetformat\\a4 - portrait.slddrt", 0.2794, 0.2159, "Default",
true, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
/// The SldWorks swApp variable is pre-assigned for you.
public SldWorks swApp;
void SuppressView()
//This example shows how to automatically insert center marks in multiple drawing views.
// Preconditions: Open public_documents\samples\tutorial\advdrawings\foodprocessor.slddrw.
// Postconditions:
// 1. Clears the Tools > Options > Document Properties > Centerlines/Center Marks >
// Scale by view scale check box.
// 2. Activates Sheet3.
// 3. Suppresses Drawing View9.
// 4. Inserts center marks in Drawing View9 and Drawing View11.
// 5. Unsuppresses Drawing View9.
// 6. Examine the drawing.
// NOTE: Because the drawing is used elsewhere, do not save changes.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
using System;
using SolidWorks.Interop.sldworks;
using SolidWorks.Interop.swconst;
namespace AutoInsertCenterMarks_CSharp.csproj
partial class SolidWorksMacro
ModelDoc2 Part;
DrawingDoc Draw;
ModelDocExtension ModelDocExt;
View swActiveView;
bool boolstatus;
public void Main()
Part = (ModelDoc2)swApp.ActiveDoc;
Draw = (DrawingDoc)Part;
ModelDocExt = (ModelDocExtension)Part.Extension;
// Clear the Scale by view scale check box to set gap
ModelDocExt.SetUserPreferenceToggle((int)swUserPreferenceToggle_e.swDetailingCenterMarkScaleByViewScale, (int)swUserPreferenceOption_e.swDetailingNoOptionSpecified, false);
// Suppress Drawing View9
boolstatus = ModelDocExt.SelectByID2("Drawing View9", "DRAWINGVIEW", 0, 0, 0, false, 0, null, 0);
// Insert center marks for all holes, fillets, and slots in the specified view
boolstatus = Draw.ActivateView("Drawing View9");
swActiveView = (View)Draw.ActiveDrawingView;
boolstatus = swActiveView.AutoInsertCenterMarks2(7, 11, true, true, true, 0.0025, 0.0025, true, true, 0);
boolstatus = Draw.ActivateView("Drawing View11");
swActiveView = (View)Draw.ActiveDrawingView;
boolstatus = swActiveView.AutoInsertCenterMarks2(7, 11, true, true, false, 0.005, 0.005, true, false, 0);
// Unsuppress Drawing View9
boolstatus = ModelDocExt.SelectByID2("Drawing View9", "DRAWINGVIEW", 0, 0, 0, false, 0, null, 0);
public SldWorks swApp;