


内容摘要:本文是翻译Scatter 的代币介绍:RIDL,主要内容是Scatter如何在所有网络上提供唯一的名称,以及如何建立信誉系统。译文若有不当之处还望指出,欢迎感兴趣的朋友多多交流 !









How can Scatter provide unique names across all networks?

Identities are validated by referring back to the Scatter Endorsed Network ( the network that the RIDL contract lives on, the mainnet for instance ). Because of this if an application is registered on network A, and then created on network B by another user maliciously, Scatter will instantly be able to warn the user browsing that application that it is an impersonation of a real RIDL registered application.

When Scatter looks up RIDL information it does so internally, and because Scatter runs locally on a machine/phone it can not be tampered with by outside sources such as applications. Applications may also request RIDL information however they must be a registered Identity and have a good standing.

The Reputation System

Reputation can be shared between applications and users who have registered with RIDL. User Reputation is global and travels with Identities to all networks however Application Reputation will always only exist on the network it was originally registered on.

Reputation allows for applications to gauge a user’s likelihood to commit to certain actions such as paying back loans or posting appropriately on a forum. Conversely it also allows for users to gauge the security and usability of applications, for instance whether an exchange is trustworthy and pays out promptly.

