AndroidR 学习与整理(2)



public interface ViewManager {
    void addView(View var1, LayoutParams var2);

    void updateViewLayout(View var1, LayoutParams var2);

    void removeView(View var1);

The interface that apps use to talk to the window manager



public interface WindowManager extends ViewManager {


    public static class LayoutParams extends ViewGroup.LayoutParams implements Parcelable {
public int type;

      /** Window flag: as long as this window is visible to the user, keep
         *  the device's screen turned on and bright. */
        public static final int FLAG_KEEP_SCREEN_ON     = 0x00000080;


有一些业务场景需要注意这个:如近感灭屏,第三方通话,Q上不会亮屏,R上会亮屏。Google dialer 52如前所述,最新的dialer已修改这个bug,需要应用做亮屏适配


    boolean getTurnScreenOnFlag() {
        return mTurnScreenOn || containsTurnScreenOnWindow();

    private boolean containsTurnScreenOnWindow() {
        // When we are relaunching, it is possible for us to be unfrozen before our previous
        // windows have been added back. Using the cached value ensures that our previous
        // showWhenLocked preference is honored until relaunching is complete.
        if (isRelaunching()) {
            return mLastContainsTurnScreenOnWindow;
        for (int i = mChildren.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
            if ((mChildren.get(i).mAttrs.flags & LayoutParams.FLAG_TURN_SCREEN_ON) != 0) {
                return true;
        return false;


    void prepareWindowToDisplayDuringRelayout(boolean wasVisible) {
        // We need to turn on screen regardless of visibility.
        final boolean hasTurnScreenOnFlag = (mAttrs.flags & FLAG_TURN_SCREEN_ON) != 0
                || (mActivityRecord != null && mActivityRecord.canTurnScreenOn());


IBinder,这个是窗口令牌。但system窗口的这个属性没有,即mAttrs.token = null。所以在系统窗口上,添加popupWindow,会导致子窗口没有令牌,从而子窗口显示不出来

         * Identifier for this window.  This will usually be filled in for
         * you.
        public IBinder token = null;


            ActivityRecord activity = null;
            final boolean hasParent = parentWindow != null;
            // Use existing parent window token for child windows since they go in the same token
            // as there parent window so we can apply the same policy on them.
            WindowToken token = displayContent.getWindowToken(
                    hasParent ? parentWindow.mAttrs.token : attrs.token);
           IBinder parentWindow_Token = new IBinder();
           if (hasParent){
               parentWindow_Token = parentWindow.mAttrs.token != null ? parentWindow.mAttrs.token : parentWindow.mToken.token;
            WindowToken token = displayContent.getWindowToken(
                    hasParent ? parentWindow_Token : attrs.token);


         * Name of the package owning this window.
        public String packageName = null;

    if (mWindowAttributes.packageName == null) {
        mWindowAttributes.packageName = mBasePackageName;

layoutInDisplayCutoutMode 刘海屏控制flag,应用布局,是否占用Notch区域。真正的全面屏,是没有Notch,市面的全面屏,都是根据这个flag,拉伸应用布局,使其占用Notch区域


         * Controls how the window is laid out if there is a {@link DisplayCutout}.

* Defaults to {@link #LAYOUT_IN_DISPLAY_CUTOUT_MODE_DEFAULT}. * * @see #LAYOUT_IN_DISPLAY_CUTOUT_MODE_DEFAULT * @see #LAYOUT_IN_DISPLAY_CUTOUT_MODE_SHORT_EDGES * @see #LAYOUT_IN_DISPLAY_CUTOUT_MODE_NEVER * @see #LAYOUT_IN_DISPLAY_CUTOUT_MODE_ALWAYS * @see DisplayCutout * @see android.R.attr#windowLayoutInDisplayCutoutMode * android:windowLayoutInDisplayCutoutMode */ @LayoutInDisplayCutoutMode public int layoutInDisplayCutoutMode = LAYOUT_IN_DISPLAY_CUTOUT_MODE_DEFAULT;

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