
dbCAN(碳水化合物酶基因数据库)是一个专门用于在基因组中预测碳水化合物酶基因的在线工具。它基于隐马尔可夫模型(HMM)和BLAST搜索,能够在蛋白质序列中识别和注释不同类型的碳水化合物酶基因,包括纤维素酶、木质素酶、半纤维素酶、淀粉酶、果糖酶等等。 dbCAN是一个非常有用的生物信息学工具,对于研究纤维素生物转化、生物能源、生产生物基化学品等领域的研究具有重要意义。



dbCAN2: a meta server for automated carbohydrate-active enzyme annotation | Nucleic Acids Research | Oxford Academic

dbCAN3: automated carbohydrate-active enzyme and substrate annotation | Nucleic Acids Research | Oxford Academic

dbCAN-seq: a database of carbohydrate-active enzyme (CAZyme) sequence and annotation | Nucleic Acids Research | Oxford Academic


GitHub - linnabrown/run_dbcan: Run_dbcan V4, using genomes/metagenomes/proteomes of any assembled organisms (prokaryotes, fungi, plants, animals, viruses) to search for CAZymes.


CAZy - Home

Index of /dbCAN2/download (unl.edu)





conda create -n run_dbcan python=3.8 dbcan -c conda-forge -c bioconda
conda activate run_dbcan

docker 拉取

docker pull haidyi/run_dbcan:latest

docker run --name  -v : -it haidyi/run_dbcan:latest run_dbcan  [params] --out_dir 



test -d db || mkdir db
cd db \
    && wget http://bcb.unl.edu/dbCAN2/download/Databases/fam-substrate-mapping-08252022.tsv \
	&& wget http://bcb.unl.edu/dbCAN2/download/Databases/PUL.faa && makeblastdb -in PUL.faa -dbtype prot \
	&& wget http://bcb.unl.edu/dbCAN2/download/Databases/dbCAN-PUL_07-01-2022.xlsx \
    && wget http://bcb.unl.edu/dbCAN2/download/Databases/dbCAN-PUL_07-01-2022.txt \
	&& wget http://bcb.unl.edu/dbCAN2/download/Databases/dbCAN-PUL.tar.gz && tar xvf dbCAN-PUL.tar.gz \
    && wget http://bcb.unl.edu/dbCAN2/download/Databases/dbCAN_sub.hmm && hmmpress dbCAN_sub.hmm \
    && wget http://bcb.unl.edu/dbCAN2/download/Databases/V11/CAZyDB.08062022.fa && diamond makedb --in CAZyDB.08062022.fa -d CAZy \
    && wget https://bcb.unl.edu/dbCAN2/download/Databases/V11/dbCAN-HMMdb-V11.txt && mv dbCAN-HMMdb-V11.txt dbCAN.txt && hmmpress dbCAN.txt \
    && wget https://bcb.unl.edu/dbCAN2/download/Databases/V11/tcdb.fa && diamond makedb --in tcdb.fa -d tcdb \
    && wget http://bcb.unl.edu/dbCAN2/download/Databases/V11/tf-1.hmm && hmmpress tf-1.hmm \
    && wget http://bcb.unl.edu/dbCAN2/download/Databases/V11/tf-2.hmm && hmmpress tf-2.hmm \
    && wget https://bcb.unl.edu/dbCAN2/download/Databases/V11/stp.hmm && hmmpress stp.hmm \
    && cd ../ && wget http://bcb.unl.edu/dbCAN2/download/Samples/EscheriaColiK12MG1655.fna \
    && wget http://bcb.unl.edu/dbCAN2/download/Samples/EscheriaColiK12MG1655.faa \
    && wget http://bcb.unl.edu/dbCAN2/download/Samples/EscheriaColiK12MG1655.gff

 手动下载位置:Index of /dbCAN2/download (unl.edu)



文章:Predicting Secretory Proteins with SignalP | SpringerLink

SignalP 4.1 - DTU Health Tech - Bioinformatic Services





Required arguments:
  inputFile             User input file. Must be in FASTA format.
  {protein,prok,meta}   Type of sequence input. protein=proteome; prok=prokaryote; meta=metagenome

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        Indicate the file name of HMM database such as dbCAN.txt, please use the newest one from dbCAN2 website.
  --dia_eval DIA_EVAL   DIAMOND E Value
  --dia_cpu DIA_CPU     Number of CPU cores that DIAMOND is allowed to use
  --hmm_eval HMM_EVAL   HMMER E Value
  --hmm_cov HMM_COV     HMMER Coverage val
  --hmm_cpu HMM_CPU     Number of CPU cores that HMMER is allowed to use
  --out_pre OUT_PRE     Output files prefix
  --out_dir OUT_DIR     Output directory
  --db_dir DB_DIR       Database directory
  --tools {hmmer,diamond,dbcansub,all} [{hmmer,diamond,dbcansub,all} ...], -t {hmmer,diamond,dbcansub,all} [{hmmer,diamond,dbcansub,all} ...]
                        Choose a combination of tools to run
  --use_signalP USE_SIGNALP
                        Use signalP or not, remember, you need to setup signalP tool first. Because of signalP license, Docker version does not have signalP.
  --signalP_path SIGNALP_PATH, -sp SIGNALP_PATH
                        The path for signalp. Default location is signalp
  --gram {p,n,all}, -g {p,n,all}
                        Choose gram+(p) or gram-(n) for proteome/prokaryote nucleotide, which are params of SingalP, only if user use singalP
  -v VERSION, --version VERSION

dbCAN-sub parameters:
  --dbcan_thread DBCAN_THREAD, -dt DBCAN_THREAD
  --tf_eval TF_EVAL     tf.hmm HMMER E Value
  --tf_cov TF_COV       tf.hmm HMMER Coverage val
  --tf_cpu TF_CPU       tf.hmm Number of CPU cores that HMMER is allowed to use
  --stp_eval STP_EVAL   stp.hmm HMMER E Value
  --stp_cov STP_COV     stp.hmm HMMER Coverage val
  --stp_cpu STP_CPU     stp.hmm Number of CPU cores that HMMER is allowed to use

CGC_Finder parameters:
  --cluster CLUSTER, -c CLUSTER
                        Predict CGCs via CGCFinder. This argument requires an auxillary locations file if a protein input is being used
  --cgc_dis CGC_DIS     CGCFinder Distance value
  --cgc_sig_genes {tf,tp,stp,tp+tf,tp+stp,tf+stp,all}
                        CGCFinder Signature Genes value

CGC_Substrate parameters:
  --cgc_substrate       run cgc substrate prediction?
  --pul PUL             dbCAN-PUL PUL.faa
  -o OUT, --out OUT
  -w WORKDIR, --workdir WORKDIR
  -env ENV, --env ENV
  -oecami, --oecami     out eCAMI prediction intermediate result?
  -odbcanpul, --odbcanpul
                        output dbCAN-PUL prediction intermediate result?

dbCAN-PUL homologous searching parameters:
  how to define homologous gene hits and PUL hits

  -upghn UNIQ_PUL_GENE_HIT_NUM, --uniq_pul_gene_hit_num UNIQ_PUL_GENE_HIT_NUM
  -uqcgn UNIQ_QUERY_CGC_GENE_NUM, --uniq_query_cgc_gene_num UNIQ_QUERY_CGC_GENE_NUM
  -tpn TOTAL_PAIR_NUM, --total_pair_num TOTAL_PAIR_NUM
  -ept EXTRA_PAIR_TYPE, --extra_pair_type EXTRA_PAIR_TYPE
                        None[TC-TC,STP-STP]. Some like sigunature hits
  -eptn EXTRA_PAIR_TYPE_NUM, --extra_pair_type_num EXTRA_PAIR_TYPE_NUM
                        specify signature pair cutoff.1,2
  -iden IDENTITY_CUTOFF, --identity_cutoff IDENTITY_CUTOFF
                        identity to identify a homologous hit
  -cov COVERAGE_CUTOFF, --coverage_cutoff COVERAGE_CUTOFF
                        query coverage cutoff to identify a homologous hit
  -bsc BITSCORE_CUTOFF, --bitscore_cutoff BITSCORE_CUTOFF
                        bitscore cutoff to identify a homologous hit
  -evalue EVALUE_CUTOFF, --evalue_cutoff EVALUE_CUTOFF
                        evalue cutoff to identify a homologous hit

dbCAN-sub major voting parameters:
  how to define dbsub hits and dbCAN-sub subfamily substrate

  -hmmcov HMMCOV, --hmmcov HMMCOV
  -hmmevalue HMMEVALUE, --hmmevalue HMMEVALUE
                        define how many domains share substrates in a CGC, one protein may include several subfamily domains.
                        define how many sequences share substrates in a CGC, one protein may include several subfamily domains.
  -subs SUBSTRATE_SCORS, --substrate_scors SUBSTRATE_SCORS
                        each cgc contains with substrate must more than this value


run_dbcan [inputFile] [inputType] [-c AuxillaryFile] [-t Tools]

uniInput - The unified input file for the rest of the tools
		(created by prodigal if a nucleotide sequence was used)
dbsub.out - the output from the dbCAN_sub run
diamond.out - the output from the diamond blast
hmmer.out - the output from the hmmer run
tf.out - the output from the diamond blast predicting TF's for CGCFinder
tc.out - the output from the diamond blast predicting TC's for CGCFinder
cgc.gff - GFF input file for CGCFinder
cgc.out - ouput from the CGCFinder run
overview.txt - Details the CAZyme predictions across the three tools with signalp results



run_dbcan EscheriaColiK12MG1655.fna prok --out_dir output_EscheriaColiK12MG1655

run_dbcan EscheriaColiK12MG1655.faa protein --out_dir output_EscheriaColiK12MG1655

run_dbcan EscheriaColiK12MG1655.fna prok -c cluster --out_dir output_EscheriaColiK12MG1655

run_dbcan EscheriaColiK12MG1655.faa protein -c EscheriaColiK12MG1655.gff --out_dir output_EscheriaColiK12MG1655



wget -c http://bcb.unl.edu/dbCAN2/download/CAZyDB.07312020.fa
wget -c http://bcb.unl.edu/dbCAN2/download/Databases/CAZyDB.07302020.fam-activities.txt


diamond makedb --in CAZyDB.07312020.fa --db CAZyDB.07312020

# 提取fam对应注释
grep -v '#' CAZyDB.07302020.fam-activities.txt |sed 's/ //'| sed '1 i CAZy\tDescription' > CAZy_description.txt

###位置 /database/CAZyDB
diamond blastp --db /database/CAZyDB/CAZyDB.07312020 --query out_pro.fa --threads 10 -e 1e-5 --outfmt 6 --max-target-seqs 1 --quiet --out ./gene_diamond.f6

# 提取基因与dbcan分类对应表
perl ./format_dbcan2list.pl -i gene_diamond.f6 -o gene.list

python ./summarizeAbundance.py -i gene.count -m gene.list -c 2 -s ',' -n raw -o ./TPM



YongxinLiu/EasyMicrobiome (github.com)
