sudo apt update
sudo apt install flashrom
sudo flashrom -p ch341a_spi -r backup.bin -c MX25L12805D
$ binwalk backup.bin
80649 0x13B09 xz compressed data
81388 0x13DEC CRC32 polynomial table, little endian
327744 0x50040 xz compressed data
2424832 0x250000 Squashfs filesystem, little endian, version 4.0, compression:xz, size: 7370730 bytes, 2104 inodes, blocksize: 131072 bytes, created: 2020-09-15 08:29:51
10158080 0x9B0000 JFFS2 filesystem, little endian
11804260 0xB41E64 JFFS2 filesystem, little endian
15387028 0xEAC994 JFFS2 filesystem, little endian
16646255 0xFE006F Unix path: /usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Shanghai
$ binwalk tf_update.img
64 0x40 xz compressed data
2097152 0x200000 Squashfs filesystem, little endian, version 4.0, compression:xz, size: 7370730 bytes, 2104 inodes, blocksize: 131072 bytes, created: 2020-09-15 08:29:51
9830400 0x960000 JFFS2 filesystem, little endian
这里的DECIMAL,代表十进制的起始地址,如要提取tf_update.img 中Squashfs filesystem文件系统,就在终端输入
dd if=tf_update.img of=rootfs.bin bs=1 count=7733248 skip=2097152
这里的skip代表起始地址,count代表读取内容的大小,bs代表块的大小设为1计算简单点一个块一个字节,通过下一个数据的起始地址减当前数据起始地址得到9830400-2097152 = 7733248
最后一个分区的count 使用文件大小的size来减去这个分区起始地址来计算
mkdir files
mkdir out
dd if=tf_update.img of=files/kernel.bin bs=1 count=2097152 skip=0 #从文件tf_update.img,读取从地址0开始,大小为2097152字节的数据
dd if=tf_update.img of=files/rootfs.bin bs=1 count=7733248 skip=2097152 #读取从地址2097152开始,大小为7733248字节的数据
dd if=tf_update.img of=files/data.bin bs=1 count=6488144 skip=9830400
dd if=dumped_firmware.bin of=files/vendor1.bin bs=1 count=131072 skip=16646144
dd if=backup.bin of=files/vendor2.bin bs=1 count=65536 skip=16711680
cp dumped_firmware.bin -f out/flash.bin
dd if=files/kernel.bin of=out/flash.bin bs=1 count=2097152 seek=327680 # 把数据kernel.bin从地址327680覆盖2097152个数据到flash.bin
dd if=files/rootfs.bin of=out/flash.bin bs=1 count=7733248 seek=2424832
dd if=files/data.bin of=out/flash.bin bs=1 count=6488144 seek=10158080
dd if=files/vendor1.bin of=out/flash.bin bs=1 count=131072 seek=16646144 #这里的seek由上面data的地址加数据大小得到10158080 + 6488144 = 16646144
dd if=files/vendor2.bin of=out/flash.bin bs=1 count=65536 seek=16711680
$ sudo flashrom -p ch341a_spi -w out/flash.bin -c MX25L12805D
A firmware hack is possible, but requires some tools:
CH341A flash programmer
SOIC8 clip and some dupont wires
Complete device teardown
Basic steps are:
Create a flash backup:
flashrom -p ch341a_spi -r backup.bin
Download the firmware and put it into the same folder.
Run this script to patch the backup:
# extract firmware
mkdir -p files
dd if=tf_recovery.img of=files/kernel.bin bs=1 count=2097152
dd if=tf_recovery.img of=files/rootfs.bin bs=1 count=7733248 skip=2097152
dd if=tf_recovery.img of=files/data.bin bs=1 count=6488064 skip=9830400
dd if=backup.bin of=files/vendor.bin bs=1 count=131072 skip=16646144
# patch jffs2 partition
sudo modprobe mtdblock
sudo modprobe mtdram total_size=6336
sudo dd if=files/data.bin of=/dev/mtdblock0 bs=1
mkdir mount
sudo mount -t jffs2 /dev/mtdblock0 mount
echo '#!/bin/sh' | sudo tee -a mount/bin/log_diag_platform.sh
echo '/mnt/sdcard/override.sh' | sudo tee -a mount/bin/log_diag_platform.sh
sudo chmod 755 mount/bin/log_diag_platform.sh
sudo umount mount
rmdir mount
sudo dd if=/dev/mtdblock0 of=files/data.bin bs=1
# update flash backup
mkdir -p out
cp backup.bin -f out/flash.bin
dd if=files/kernel.bin of=out/flash.bin bs=1 count=2097152 seek=327680
dd if=files/rootfs.bin of=out/flash.bin bs=1 count=7733248 seek=2424832
dd if=files/data.bin of=out/flash.bin bs=1 count=6488064 seek=10158080
dd if=files/vendor.bin of=out/flash.bin bs=1 count=131072 seek=16646144
Re-flash the modified backup:
flashrom -p ch341a_spi -w out/flash.bin
Prepare the sdcard script:
main() {
# start telnet
/mnt/sdcard/busybox telnetd
if [ ! -f /tmp/.override ]; then
touch /tmp/.override
Press the reset button (briefly) on the camera to launch the override script.