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Chinar 坚持将简单的生活方式,带给世人! (拥有更好的阅读体验 —— 高分辨率用户请根据需求调整网页缩放比例) |
助力快速理解 FSM 有限状态机,完成游戏状态的切换 为新手节省宝贵的时间,避免采坑! |
Chinar 教程效果:
有限状态机简称: FSM —— 简称状态机
极大的避免了当状态过多 / 转换状态过多时,每次都需要调用相应函数来完成转换的麻烦
众所周知 Chinar 讲的这些大神不同
Chinar 会通过一些简单的例子,来带领初学者了解并学会如何使用状态机来管理我们的工程.
师傅领进门,修行靠个人 ,一切都需要先入门后,自己再慢慢扩展,不然一切都是扯淡
脚本引用自 Wiki.unity3d —— 源码链接
这里 Chinar 用一个简单的游戏状态切换逻辑来说明状态机用法
MVC 设计模式
FSM 一共2个类,不需要挂载到游戏对象上
FSMState 状态父类,所有子类状态都继承与这个类
例如以下工程:我们要需要2个状态: 菜单状态 与 游戏状态
那么这两个类MenuState 和 GameState都需要继承自 FSMState
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine.Experimental.PlayerLoop;
/// Place the labels for the Transitions in this enum. —— 在此枚举中放置转换的标签。
/// Don't change the first label, NullTransition as FSMSystem class uses it. —— 不要改变第一个标签:NullTransition,因为FSMSystem类使用它。
public enum Transition
NullTransition = 0, // Use this transition to represent a non-existing transition in your system —— 使用此转换表示系统中不存在的转换
Game, //转到游戏
Menu //转到菜单
/// Place the labels for the States in this enum. —— 在此枚举中放置状态的标签。
/// Don't change the first label, NullStateID as FSMSystem class uses it.不要改变第一个标签:NullStateID,因为FSMSystem类使用它。
public enum StateID
NullStateId = 0, // Use this ID to represent a non-existing State in your system —— 使用此ID表示系统中不存在的状态
Menu, //菜单
Game //游戏
/// This class represents the States in the Finite State System.该类表示有限状态系统中的状态。
/// Each state has a Dictionary with pairs (transition-state) showing 每个状态都有一个对显示(转换状态)的字典
/// which state the FSM should be if a transition is fired while this state is the current state.如果在此状态为当前状态时触发转换,则FSM应处于那种状态。
/// Method Reason is used to determine which transition should be fired .方法原因用于确定应触发哪个转换。
/// Method Act has the code to perform the actions the NPC is supposed do if it's on this state.方法具有执行NPC动作的代码应该在这种状态下执行。
public abstract class FSMState : MonoBehaviour
public Dictionary<Transition, StateID> map = new Dictionary<Transition, StateID>(); //字典 《转换,状态ID》
protected StateID stateID; //私有ID
public StateID ID //状态ID
get { return stateID; }
protected GameManager manager; //保证子类状态可以访问到总控 GameManager
public GameManager Manager
set { manager = value; }
/// 添加转换
/// 转换状态
/// 转换ID
public void AddTransition(Transition trans, StateID id)
if (trans == Transition.NullTransition) // Check if anyone of the args is invalid —— //检查是否有参数无效
Debug.LogError("FSMState ERROR: NullTransition is not allowed for a real transition");
if (id == StateID.NullStateId)
Debug.LogError("FSMState ERROR: NullStateID is not allowed for a real ID");
if (map.ContainsKey(trans)) // Since this is a Deterministic FSM,check if the current transition was already inside the map —— 因为这是一个确定性FSM,检查当前的转换是否已经在字典中
Debug.LogError("FSMState ERROR: State " + stateID.ToString() + " already has transition " + trans.ToString() +
"Impossible to assign to another state");
map.Add(trans, id);
/// This method deletes a pair transition-state from this state's map. —— 该方法从状态映射中删除一对转换状态。
/// If the transition was not inside the state's map, an ERROR message is printed. —— 如果转换不在状态映射内,则会打印一条错误消息。
public void DeleteTransition(Transition trans)
if (trans == Transition.NullTransition) // Check for NullTransition —— 检查状态是否为空
Debug.LogError("FSMState ERROR: NullTransition is not allowed");
if (map.ContainsKey(trans)) // Check if the pair is inside the map before deleting —— 在删除之前,检查这一对是否在字典中
Debug.LogError("FSMState ERROR: Transition " + trans.ToString() + " passed to " + stateID.ToString() +
" was not on the state's transition list");
/// This method returns the new state the FSM should be if this state receives a transition and—— 如果该状态接收到转换,该方法返回FSM应该为新状态
/// 得到输出状态
public StateID GetOutputState(Transition trans)
if (map.ContainsKey(trans)) // Check if the map has this transition —— 检查字典中是否有这个状态
return map[trans];
return StateID.NullStateId;
/// This method is used to set up the State condition before entering it. —— 该方法用于在进入状态条件之前设置状态条件。
/// It is called automatically by the FSMSystem class before assigning it to the current state.—— 在分配它之前,FSMSystem类会自动调用它到当前状态
public virtual void DoBeforeEntering()
/// 此方法用于在FSMSystem更改为另一个变量之前进行任何必要的修改。在切换到新状态之前,FSMSystem会自动调用它。
/// This method is used to make anything necessary, as reseting variables
/// before the FSMSystem changes to another one. It is called automatically
/// by the FSMSystem before changing to a new state.
public virtual void DoBeforeLeaving()
/// 这个方法决定状态是否应该转换到它列表上的另一个NPC是对这个类控制的对象的引用
/// This method decides if the state should transition to another on its list
/// NPC is a reference to the object that is controlled by this class
public virtual void Reason()
/// 这种方法控制了NPC在游戏世界中的行为。
/// NPC做的每一个动作、动作或交流都应该放在这里
/// NPC是这个类控制的对象的引用
/// This method controls the behavior of the NPC in the game World.
/// Every action, movement or communication the NPC does should be placed here
/// NPC is a reference to the object that is controlled by this class
public virtual void Act()
/// FSMSystem class represents the Finite State Machine class.FSMSystem类表示有限状态机类。
/// It has a List with the States the NPC has and methods to add, 它句有一个状态列表,NPC有添加、删除状态和更改机器当前状态的方法。
/// delete a state, and to change the current state the Machine is on.
public class FSMSystem
private List<FSMState> states; //状态集
// The only way one can change the state of the FSM is by performing a transition 改变FSM状态的唯一方法是进行转换
// Don't change the CurrentState directly 不要直接改变当前状态
private StateID currentStateID;
public StateID CurrentStateID
get { return currentStateID; }
private FSMState currentState;
public FSMState CurrentState
get { return currentState; }
/// 默认构造函数
public FSMSystem()
states = new List<FSMState>();
/// 设置当前状态
/// 初始状态
public void SetCurrentState(FSMState state)
currentState = state;
currentStateID = state.ID;
state.DoBeforeEntering(); //开始前状态切换
/// This method places new states inside the FSM, —— 这个方法在FSM内部放置一个放置一个新状态
/// or prints an ERROR message if the state was already inside the List. —— 或者,如果状态已经在列表中,则打印错误消息。
/// First state added is also the initial state. 第一个添加的状态也是初始状态。
public void AddState(FSMState fsmState, GameManager manager)
// Check for Null reference before deleting 删除前判空
if (fsmState == null)
Debug.LogError("FSM ERROR: Null reference is not allowed");
else // First State inserted is also the Initial state, —— 插入的第一个状态也是初始状态,// the state the machine is in when the simulation begins —— 状态机是在模拟开始时
fsmState.Manager = manager; //给每个状态添加总控 GameManager
if (states.Count == 0)
foreach (FSMState state in states) // Add the state to the List if it's not inside it 如果状态不在列表中,则将其添加到列表中 (添加状态ID)
if (state.ID == fsmState.ID)
Debug.LogError("FSM ERROR: Impossible to add state " + fsmState.ID.ToString() +
" because state has already been added");
/// This method delete a state from the FSM List if it exists, —— 这个方法从FSM列表中删除一个存在的状态,
/// or prints an ERROR message if the state was not on the List. —— 或者,如果状态不存在,则打印错误信息
public void DeleteState(StateID id)
if (id == StateID.NullStateId) // Check for NullState before deleting —— 判空
Debug.LogError("FSM ERROR: NullStateID is not allowed for a real state");
foreach (FSMState state in states) // Search the List and delete the state if it's inside it 搜索列表并删除其中的状态
if (state.ID == id)
Debug.LogError("FSM ERROR: Impossible to delete state " + id.ToString() +
". It was not on the list of states");
/// This method tries to change the state the FSM is in based on
/// the current state and the transition passed. If current state
/// doesn't have a target state for the transition passed,
/// an ERROR message is printed.
/// 该方法尝试根据当前状态和已通过的转换改变FSM所处的状态。如果当前状态没有传递的转换的目标状态,则输出错误消息。
public void PerformTransition(Transition trans)
if (trans == Transition.NullTransition) // Check for NullTransition before changing the current state 在更改当前状态之前检查是否有NullTransition
Debug.LogError("FSM ERROR: NullTransition is not allowed for a real transition");
StateID id = currentState.GetOutputState(trans); // Check if the currentState has the transition passed as argument 检查currentState是否将转换作为参数传递
if (id == StateID.NullStateId)
Debug.LogError("FSM ERROR: State " + currentStateID.ToString() + " does not have a target state " +
" for transition " + trans.ToString());
currentStateID = id; // Update the currentStateID and currentState 更新当前状态和ID
foreach (FSMState state in states)
if (state.ID == currentStateID)
currentState.DoBeforeLeaving(); // Do the post processing of the state before setting the new one 在设置新状态之前是否对状态进行后处理
currentState = state;
currentState.DoBeforeEntering(); // Reset the state to its desired condition before it can reason or act 在它推动和动作之前,重置状态到它所需的条件
/// 菜单状态
public class MenuState : FSMState
void Awake()
stateID = StateID.Menu;
AddTransition(Transition.Game, StateID.Game); //(菜单状态下:需要转游戏)→→添加转换,转换游戏 —— 对应游戏状态
//map.Add(Transition.Game, StateID.Game);//上边也可这么写
void Start()
/// 开始游戏
public void OnStarGameClick()
/// 进入该状态时
public override void DoBeforeEntering()
/// 离开该状态时
public override void DoBeforeLeaving()
/// 游戏状态
public class GameState : FSMState
void Awake()
stateID = StateID.Game;
AddTransition(Transition.Menu, StateID.Menu); //(游戏状态下:点击暂停需要转菜单)→→添加转换,转换菜单—— 对应菜单状态
//map.Add(Transition.Menu, StateID.Menu);//上边也可这么写
void Start()
/// 暂停
public void OnPauseButton()
/// 进入该状态时
public override void DoBeforeEntering()
/// 离开该状态时
public override void DoBeforeLeaving()
游戏总控脚本:GameManager —— 用来控制全局游戏逻辑 ©
这里我通过修改,传入了 GameManager 到所有状态中
这样我们后期可以在各个状态中完成对 GameManager中函数的调用,同时节省了代码,逻辑也非常清晰
using UnityEngine;
/// 游戏总控脚本
public class GameManager : MonoBehaviour
public FSMSystem Fsm; //有限状态机系统对象
public View View; // 显示层
private void Awake()
View = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("View").GetComponent<View>(); //这里要给 View 游戏对象设置标签 "View"
//添加所有状态到状态集(这里,我也通过修改,将 GameManager传到所有状态中,简化代码,便于调用)
Fsm = new FSMSystem(); //调用构造函数,内部会自动初始化 状态集
FSMState[] states = GetComponentsInChildren<FSMState>(); //找到所有 状态
foreach (FSMState state in states)
Fsm.AddState(state, this); //将状态,逐个添加到 状态机中
MenuState menuState = GetComponentInChildren<MenuState>();
Fsm.SetCurrentState(menuState); //默认状态是 菜单状态
用 View 脚本来对我们所有 UI 元素进行赋值与管理
项目中引用了 DoTween 插件,来完成对UI简单动画的控制
using DG.Tweening;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
/// 视图脚本 —— 管理UI元素
public class View : MonoBehaviour
private RectTransform menuUi; //菜单页
private RectTransform gameUi; //游戏页
public Button StartButton; //开始按钮
public Button PauseButton; //暂停按钮
public Ease PubEase;
/// 初始化函数
void Awake()
menuUi = (RectTransform) Find("Menu Ui");
gameUi = (RectTransform) Find("Game Ui");
StartButton = Find("Menu Ui/Menu Button").GetComponent<Button>();
PauseButton = Find("Game Ui/Pause Button").GetComponent<Button>();
/// 显示菜单页
public void ShowMenuUi()
menuUi.DOScale(new Vector3(0.3f, 0.3f, 0.3f), 0.1f).OnComplete(() =>
menuUi.DOScale(Vector3.one, 0.3f);
StartButton.enabled = true;
menuUi.DOAnchorPos(Vector2.zero, 0.3f).SetEase(PubEase);
/// 隐藏菜单页
public void HideMenuUi()
menuUi.DOScale(new Vector3(0.3f, 0.3f, 0.3f), 0.1f).OnComplete(() =>
menuUi.DOAnchorPos(new Vector2(-600, -450), 0.3f);
menuUi.DOScale(Vector3.zero, 0.3f).OnComplete(() => { StartButton.enabled = false; }).SetEase(PubEase);
/// 显示游戏页
public void ShowGameUi()
gameUi.DOScale(new Vector3(0.3f, 0.3f, 0.3f), 0.1f).OnComplete(() =>
gameUi.DOScale(Vector3.one, 0.3f);
PauseButton.enabled = true;
gameUi.DOAnchorPos(Vector2.zero, 0.3f).SetEase(PubEase);
/// 隐藏游戏页
public void HideGameUi()
gameUi.DOScale(new Vector3(0.3f, 0.3f, 0.3f), 0.1f).OnComplete(() =>
gameUi.DOAnchorPos(new Vector2(-600, -450), 0.3f);
gameUi.DOScale(Vector3.zero, 0.3f).OnComplete(() => { PauseButton.enabled = false; }).SetEase(PubEase);
/// 查找对Ui元素完成赋值
/// Ui名查找路径
Transform Find(string uiElement)
return transform.Find("Canvas/" + uiElement);
我们通过状态机简单的完成了 开始游戏 和暂停的状态切换
1. GameManager 完成将所有子类状态添加到状态集中
2. View 获取到我们所需要的所有 UI 元素对象,并提供公有方法可供各个状态访问
3. 做好各个状态的进入 与离开时机发生时,该执行的事件,交由状态机去管理!
4. 例子较为简单,为了方便初学者理解学习只写了2个状态
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