讲解:MFE program、C++、C++、dataDatabase|Java

Exercises Module 1 1This material is intended for students of the “Advanced C++11/C++14 and Multidisciplinary Applications” certificateA joint project by the Baruch MFE program, Datasim Education BV and QUANTNET INC© Datasim Education BV 2016. Unauthorized distribution is prohibited.1.1 Lambda Functions1. (First Encounters with Lambda Functions)The objective of this exercise is to get you acquainted with lambda function syntax by examining somesimple examples. Lambda functions are very important and useful and we shall be using them in otherexamples during the course.In this exercise we concentrate on defining lambda functions that process arrays of double precisionnumbers (or integers) in various ways. In general, you need to think about a lambda’s signature, that is itsreturn type and input arguments.Answer the following questions:a) Create a lambda function that multiplies each element of an array by a number. This number is acaptured variable; test the function for the cases when it is copy-by-value and a reference. The originalarray is modified after having called the function.b) Print the values of the modified array using auto to initialise the iterator variable instead of declaringit explicitly.c) Write a lambda function to compute both the minimum and maximum of the elements in an array. Thereturn type is an std::pair (or if you prefer, std::tuple with two elements) containing thecomputed minimum and maximum values in the array.d) Compare the approach taken in part c) by calling std::minmax_element. For example, do you getthe same output? How easy is to understand and reuse the code?2. (Comparing Lambda Functions with Function Objects and Free Functions)The objective of this exercise is to examine the application of lambda functions in C++ code. In this casewe test some STL algorithms. In particular, we examine std::accumulate (by the way, it has two forms)that is a special fold function that iterates over the elements of an array and accumulates them in someway to produce scalar output. Consider the code to accumulate the elements of an array in some way. Inother words it is a scalar-valued function that maps a vector to a scalar value.The start code uses three functions, two of which are user-defined and the other is a predefined STLfunction object. The first two functions are:// N.B. Generic lambdaauto MyMultiply = [] (auto x, auto y) { return x*y ;};struct FOMultiply{template T operator () (const T& x, const T& y){ return x * y; }};and the algorithm is:std::vector vec { 1,2,3,4,5 };int acc2 = std::accumulate(vec.begin(), vec.end(), initVal,std::multiplies());int accA = accumulate(vec.begin(), vec.end(), initVal,FOMultiply());Answer the following questions:a) Implement and test the algorithm using the generic lambda:auto MyMultiply = [] (auto x, auto y) { return x*y ;};2 Exercises Module 1This material is intended for students of the “Advanced C++11/C++14 and Multidisciplinary Applications” certificateA joint project by the Baruch MFE program, Datasim Education BV and QUANTNET INC© Datasim Education BV 2016. Unauthorized distribution is prohibited.Can the algorithm also be used with complex numbers, for example? Can we use function objects tomultiply the elements of an array of complex numbers?template T MyMultiply2(const T& x, const T& y) { return x*y; };// Using complex numbersusing Complex = std::complex;std::vector complexArray{Complex(1.0, 1.0), Complex(2.0, 2.0) };Complex initCVal(1.0, 1.0);// auto acc6C = accumulate(complexArray.begin(), complexArray.end(),// initCVal, FOMultiply());Complex acc6C = accumulate(complexArray.begin(), complexArray.end(),initCVal, MyMultiply2);std::cout Experiment with this kind of code in order to reach your conclusions.b) Implement the accumulation algorithm using an embedded lambda function in combination withstd::for_each() and captured variables.c) Give an example of a stored lambda function that may be called from an STL algorithm (may be anyrelevant STL algorithm). Demonstrate using the STL algorithm with your stored lambda.3. (Review/Reflection for Yourself – no Submission required)Consider the code that you have written and consider the cases in which the use of lambda functions leadto more understandable, maintainable code than with function objects. For example, are lambdafunctions suitable for small chunks of code and system configuration? Some other tips:• More general function signatures.• Other data types.• Lambda versus free functions versus function object.Exercises Module 1 3This material is intended for students of the “Advanced C++11/C++14 and Multidisciplinary Applications” certificateA joint project by the Baruch MFE program, Datasim Education BV and QUANTNET INC© Datasim Education BV 2016. Unauthorized distribution is prohibited.1.2 New C++ Language Features (“Improving Your Classes”)SummaryThe objective of the exercises in this pivotal section is to improve the robustness, predictability andreliability of individual C++ classes. In particular, we wish to address some issues in C++98:• How to avoid the compiler implicitly generating special member functions, that is the defaultconstructor, destructor, copy constructor and copy assignment. These functions are generated only ifneeded.• Preventing generation of special functions by the compiler; preventing calls to these functions.• Creating move constructors and move assignment operators.• Explicit constructors.• Constructors and const expressions.• The noexcept keyword.Not all topics have been discussed yet, so you may need to do some research (www.cppreference.com).The objective is to introduce these new features into your code, test the code and make sure you arehappy with the results.First, you need to create a class (call it C) with an instance of std::vector as data member. Create publicdefault constructor, copy constructor, assignment operator and destructor. Test the code. Place printstatements in the bodies of each member function to show that it has been called. Furthermore, createsome member functions (for example a print() function or a modifier function to scale(double)the values in C’s data member) that you know will not throw an exception.This class will now be used as input in this exercise. You should spend some time on these exercises untilyou understand the bespoke core features.1. (Basic Improvements in Classes)a) Modify class C so that 1) its default constructor is absent and 2) copy constructor and assignment areprivate. To this end, use keyword default to explicitly tell the compiler to generate a defaultconstructor. Furthermore, use the keyword delete to mark the copy constructor and assignmentoperator as deleted functions. Deleted functions may not be used in any way, even by friends. Testyour code again, including calling the defaulted and deleted functions. What is the resulting behavior?b) Use the explicit keyword in the constructors to disallow implicit type conversion.c) Use constexpr keyword for those functions in which input arguments are known at compile-time (forexample, constructors and setters). Then the data members will also be known at compile-time.d) Use the keyword noexcept for those member functions which you know will not throw an exception.Run and test your code.2. (Move Semantics 101)The objective of this exercise is to get you used to move semantics and rvalue references, a warming-upsession if you like. Answer the following questions:a) Create a string and move it to another string. Check the contents of the source and target stringsbefore and after the move.b) Create a vector and move it to another vector. Check the contents of the source and target vectorsbefore and after the move. Compare the time it takes to move a vector compared to a copyconstructor or a copy assignment statement.4 Exercises Module 1This material is intended for students of the “Advanced C++11/C++14 and Multidisciplinary Applications” certificateA joint project by the Baruch MFE program, Datasim Education BV and QUANTNET INC© Datasim Education BV 2016. Unauthorized distribution is prohibited.c) Consider the following user-defined code to swap two objects:template void SwapCopyStyle(T& a, T& b){ // Swap a and b in copying way; temporary object neededT tmp(a); // Copy constructora = b; // Copy all elements from b to ab = tmp; // Copy all elements from tmp to b}How many temporary copies are created? Now create a function based on move semantics to swap twoobjects. Compare the relative performance of the two swap functions by timing the swap of two very largevectors. Use std::chrono.3. (Improvements in Classes, Part II)We now return to class C in exercise 1. Answer the following questions:a) Create the move constructor and the move assignment operator for class C.b) Test these new functions. How can you ensure that a move constructor is called instead of a copyconstructor?c) What happens if you use an lvalue as the source of a move operation?Exercises Module 1 5This material is intended for students of the “Advanced C++11/C++14 and Multidisciplinary Applications” certificateA joint project by the Baruch MFE program, Datasim Education BV and QUANTNET INC© Datasim Education BV 2016. Unauthorized distribution is prohibited.1.3 Advanced Language Features1. (Fundamentals of Variadics)In general terms, variadics in C++11 is concerned with defining functions having a variable number oftemplate parameters. The syntax can be confusing but it can be made more understandable when werealise that it is similar to how recursion in computer science works. In particular, a function of arity nprocesses the first argument in its argument list and then it calls itself as a function of arity n-1. The chainof function call terminates when the arity becomes one and then the function returns.The objective of this exercise is to create a variadic print function for objects that support overloading ofthe standard ouput stream operator Answer the following questions:a) Create the template variadic function with its parameter pack.b) Create the termination/tail function, that is the print function accepting a single input argument.c) Test the function. A typical example is:// Variadic function templatesint j = 1; double d = 2.0;print(j); print(d); print(j, d); print(d, j);std::cout print(d, j, std::bitset(233));2. (Variadics and Polymorphic Behaviour)In this exercise we apply variadic functions to allow us to call polymorphic and non-polymorphic functionson a fixed set of objects. This avoids us having to create a composite or aggregate object and then call oneof its polymorphic functions. To this end, consider the class hierarchy:class Shape{public:virtual void rotate(double d) = 0;};class Circle : public Shape{public:void rotate(double d) override { std::cout };class Line : public Shape{public:void rotate(double d) override { std::cout };and an unrelated class that also has a rotate member function:class Valve{public:void rotate(double d) { std::cout };6 Exercises Module 1This material is intended for students of the “Advanced C++11/C++14 and Multidisciplinary Applications” certificateA joint project by the Baruch MFE program, Datasim Education BV and QUANTNET INC© Datasim Education BV 2016. Unauthorized distribution is prohibited.Answer the following questions:a) In some situations we wish to apply a rotation to a finite but otherwise unknown number of objectsbut we do not want to have to create a special function for each possible combination of the numberof arguments to the new free function rotate() . This would lead to combinatorial explosion andinstead we use a variadic function which is created once and used many times. There is no codeduplication. An example of use is:Circle circle;Line line;Valve valve;double factor = 2.0;// We can in essence create compile-time aggregates/whole// part objects on the fly. We only need to write one function.rotate(factor, circle);rotate(factor, circle, line);rotate(factor, circle, valve);rotate(factor*2, circle, valve, line);Create this function.b) Based on the result in part a) create a rotation function that works with any object whose classimplements the member function rotate() . Test your code.c) Implement the alternative solution to this problem:// The other way of doing it.std::arrayshapeList{ &circle, &line, &circle, &circle, &line };double factor2 = 20.0;for (auto& elem : shapeList){elem->rotate(factor2);}Why can we not include valves in this array? And why can we include valves in the variadic approach?Exercises Module 1 7This material is intended for students of the “Advanced C++11/C++14 and Multidisciplinary Applications” certificateA joint project by the Baruch MFE program, Datasim Education BV and QUANTNET INC© Datasim Education BV 2016. Unauthorized distribution is prohibited.1.4 Some Data StructuresSummaryThe exercises in this section introduce universal function wrappers (std::function) and Bind(std::bind) in C+11. We start with relatively simple examples to get used to the syntax and we thenmove to design-level cases. We will be using these types in later sections.The prototypical function type is one that accepts a scalar as input argument and that has a scalar asreturn type. The type is generic in order to allow specialisations for various built-in data types:template using FunctionType = std::function;In the following exercises we shall use double as data type for convenience.1. (Function Wrappers’ Fundamentals 101)In this exercise we examine how to use function wrappers with a range of C++ function types as targetmethods.Answer the following questions:a) Create an instance of a function wrapper:FunctionType f;and a function to print the value of f (after it has been assigned to a target method) for a given inputargument:template void print(const FunctionType& f, T t){std::cout }b) We now wish to assign the newly created function wrapper to each of the following functions havingcompatible signatures:• A free function.• A function object.• A stored lambda function.Create the corresponding code for these functions and test your code.2. (Function Wrapper and partial Function Evaluation 101)Here we show how to reduce functions with a given arity to functions with a lower arity.In this case we take a simple example to get you used to std::bind and placeholders in conjunction withthe test function:double freeFunction3(double x, double y, double z){return x+y+z;}Answer the following questions:a) Define functions of arity 3, 2,1 and 0 based on the above function.b) Test these functions by binding the appropriate variables and checking that the output is correct.8 Exercises Module 1This material is intended for students of the “Advanced C++11/C++14 and Multidisciplinary Applications” certificateA joint project by the Baruch MFE program, Datasim Education BV and QUANTNET INC© Datasim Education BV 2016. Unauthorized distribution is prohibited.3. (Function Wrapper and Bind)In this exercise we modify function arguments so that function si代写MFE program作业、C++程序设计作业调试、C++语言作业代做、代写data作业 代写Database|代做gnature conforms to FunctionType. Inthis way we resolve the mismatches between functions that we have created and that have the wrongsignature for the current problem. To this end, consider the class:class C{ // Function object with extra member functionsprivate:double _data;public:C(double data) : _data(data) {}double operator () (double factor){return _data + factor;}double translate (double factor){return _data + factor;}double translate2 (double factor1, double factor2){return _data + factor1 + factor2;}static double Square(double x){return x*x;}};Answer the following questions:a) Bind the function wrapper to C’s static member function.b) Bind the function wrapper to C’s member functions using std::bind and placeholders.c) Test the function.4. (Function Wrapper and Inheritance)We modify a class hierarchy containing polymorphic functions to a class hierarchy that uses a functionwrapper. Thus, instead of a public pure virtual function we define a protected function wrapper in thebase class which will be implemented in derived classes. Take the following starting point of a traditionalC++ class hierarchy:// Class hierarchyclass Shape{public:virtual void rotate(double d) = 0;};class Circle : public Shape{public:void rotate(double d) override { std::cout };using VoidFunctionType = std::function;Exercises Module 1 9This material is intended for students of the “Advanced C++11/C++14 and Multidisciplinary Applications” certificateA joint project by the Baruch MFE program, Datasim Education BV and QUANTNET INC© Datasim Education BV 2016. Unauthorized distribution is prohibited.The objective of this exercise is to achieve the same (or better) level of flexibility of the polymorphicfunction void rotate (double d). To this end, we ‘emulate’ pure virtual functions by replacing them with aninstance of VoidFunctionType (call it f) as a protected data member in the base class.The steps are:• Create a constructor in the base and derived classes to initialize f with a target method, having acompatible signature with void rotate (double d).• Modify void rotate (double d) in the base class so that it calls f.• The derived classes may override void rotate (double d).• Create a test program with various examples of f.(Remark: the examples in this exercise will be extended into a larger next-generation design pattern thatwe discuss in Module 5.)5. (Function Wrapper and Composition)We modify a class hierarchy containing polymorphic functions to a single class that uses a functionwrapper. The approach is similar to that taken in exercise 4, except that we now have a single class C thatis composed of a function wrapper. There are no derived classes anymore, just instances of C.This design is a next-generation design pattern (to be described in more detail in Level 5) in the sense thatwe do not need to create a class hierarchy in combination with (pure) virtual functions, in order to createflexible software. In this particular case, we have a single class with one or more function wrappers asmembers (composition again). They must be initialised in the class constructor, but they can be assignedto another target method (function).We take an example of a class, with what we call a ‘customisable algorithm’. The class interface is:template class NextGenPolymorphism{private: FunctionType _func; T _fac;public: NextGenPolymorphism (const FunctionType& function, const T& factor) : _fac(factor) { _func = function; } T execute(double d) { return _func(d) * _fac; } void switchFunction(const FunctionType& function) { _func = function; }};Here is a test case to show how to use the new design idea:// Next gen stuffauto square = [](double d) {return d*d; };auto expo = [](double d) {return std::exp(d); };NextGenPolymorphism ng(square, 1.0);std::cout // square is not cool, switch to expong.switchFunction(expo);std::cout This approach is not necessarily a competitor to OOP polymorphism, although it could be under certaincircumstances.10 Exercises Module 1This material is intended for students of the “Advanced C++11/C++14 and Multidisciplinary Applications” certificateA joint project by the Baruch MFE program, Datasim Education BV and QUANTNET INC© Datasim Education BV 2016. Unauthorized distribution is prohibited.Answer the following questions:a) The goal of the exercise is to create a single Shape with an embedded command-style functionwrapper (such as rotate()or other ones).b) Test the new code.1.5 TupleSummaryThe exercises in this section are concerned with the C++ library std::tuple. Some C++ developers maynot be familiar with this library and we show how it can be used as a better solution to problems that havebeen resolved differently in the past (for example, using structs to group related data). We also show howto use tuples as part the GOF Builder design pattern that we shall meet again in later sections on designand applications.1. (Tuple 101)In this exercise we create code that creates and manipulates tuples and we endeavor to emulate similarfunctionality when working with databases.Answer the following questions:a) Create a tuple that models some attributes of a Person consisting of a name, address (bothstd::string ) and date of birth (as a Boost date). Create some instances of Person and modify theirelements.b) Create a function to print the elements of Person.c) Create a list/vector of Person and add some instances of Person to it.d) Write a function to sort the list based on one of the elements (for example, we can sort by name,address or date of birth).2. (Application I, Numeric Algorithms with Tuples)In this exercise we develop a number of functions to aggregate the elements of variadic tuples whoseunderlying types are numeric. It is necessary that you know some of the technical details of std::tuple.Answer the following questions:a) Create a template class with static member functions to compute the maximum, sum and average ofthe elements in the tuple. A typical class is:template struct Calculator{// TBD};b) Test the code on tuples with two and three elements whose underlying type is double.c) Compute the sum and average of a tuple whose element type is std::complex.3. (Application II, Tuples as Return Types of Functions)In many applications we may wish to create functions that return multiple values and we decide toencapsulate these values in tuples. Some examples are:• A function that returns a value and a status code.• The STL algorithm std::minmax_element that returns a std::pair instance.• A tuple representing and IP address and a communication endpoint.Exercises Module 1 11This material is intended for students of the “Advanced C++11/C++14 and Multidisciplinary Applications” certificateA joint project by the Baruch MFE program, Datasim Education BV and QUANTNET INC© Datasim Education BV 2016. Unauthorized distribution is prohibited.In this exercise we create functions to compute computed numerical properties of instances ofstd::vector and the STL-compatible boost::numeric::ublas::vector .Answer the following questions:a) Create a function that returns the following statistical properties of a numeric vector as a tuple: mean,mean deviation, range (the difference between the largest and smallest numbers in the vector),standard deviation and variance.b) Test the function from part a). In order to make the code more readable you can use tied variables andstd::ignore.c) Write a function that computes the median of a sorted vector (the median is either the middle value orthe arithmetic mean of the two middle values) and the mode which is the value that occurs with thegreatest frequency.When there are two or more values that are candidates to be the mode, then the smallest value will bechosen. For example, the time between eruptions of Old Faithful geyser (in minutes, to nearestminute) on 1 August 1978 were: {78,74,68,76,80,84,50, 93,55,76,58,74,75}. Both values 74 and 76 arecandidates for mode, so we choose the smaller value, namely 74.(Remark: the following are outside the scope of this exercise: The mode’s associated frequency (forexample, both 74 and 76 have frequency two), and the arrays candidate’s modes and possibly theirassociated frequencies).4. (Adapters for STL algorithms)We need to create special functionality when working with vectors in numerical analysis, for example:• Given a sorted numeric vectorv, find the first indexisuch that v[i] valuex.• Find the maximum error between two vectorsv1andv2in a given index range[i; j ].To this end, we use the functionality in STL (in particular, std::find and std::distance). However,there is an interface mismatch between what we want (integral indexes) while STL works with iterators.We morph the STL algorithms by creating adapters.Answer the following questions:a) Given a sorted numeric vectorvand a target valuex, find the first indexisuch that v[i] Determine the return type.b) Find the maximum error between two vectorsv1andv2in a given index range[i; j ]. We wish tocompute the difference in some (customisable) norm, specifically the absolute error, relative error andthe index values where these errors occur.Ideally, you should use the following C++ functionality if possible:• Move semantics instead of copy constructors.• Smart pointers (if applicable).• Function objects and lambda functions.• Use as much of STL Algorithms as you can (investigate what’s in the library).12 Exercises Module 1This material is intended for students of the “Advanced C++11/C++14 and Multidisciplinary Applications” certificateA joint project by the Baruch MFE program, Datasim Education BV and QUANTNET INC© Datasim Education BV 2016. Unauthorized distribution is prohibited.5. (A simple next-Generation Builder Pattern)In this exercise we consider how to create and package objects that can be used when configuring anapplication. In the interest of separation of concerns (and Single Responsibility Principle) we deploy aspecial GOF factory pattern called the Builder to create the application objects in a step-by-step fashion.The added value in the current case is that the objects will be contained in a tuple that clients can use atwill. This is a major improvement on the traditional Builder pattern that does not provide a clear entrypoint to the objects that clients need.The problem description is as follows: We take the case of a two-dimensional Shape CAD C++ hierarchy. Itmust be possible to present these graphics objects in various media (base class IODevice) and the couplingbetween CAD objects and their IO driver should be as loose as possible. The relevant interfaces are:class IODevice{ // Interface for displaying CAD objectspublic:virtual void operator virtual void operator };and// Class hierarchyclass Shape{public:virtual void display(IODevice& ioDevice) const = 0;};Answer the following questions:a) Create derived classes Circle and Line. Create I/O device classes to display CAD shapes in differentways.b) We wish to configure different shapes to work with various I/O devices. To this end, we create thewell-known interface for the Builder pattern but in this case the newly created objects are elements ofa tuple:using ShapePointer = std::shared_ptr;using IODevicePointer = std::shared_ptr;class Builder{ // A Builder hierarchy that builds shapes and io devicespublic:std::tuple getProduct(){ // GOF (!) Template Method pattern// TBD}// Hook functions that derived classes must implementvirtual ShapePointer getShape() = 0;virtual IODevicePointer getIODevice() = 0;};Create and test a number of builders and apply them in the current context.RemarkWe shall extend this example and concept to larger designs in later sections.Exercises Module 1 13This material is intended for students of the “Advanced C++11/C++14 and Multidisciplinary Applications” certificateA joint project by the Baruch MFE program, Datasim Education BV and QUANTNET INC© Datasim Education BV 2016. Unauthorized distribution is prohibited.1.6 Other C++ FeaturesSummaryThe exercises in this section deal with some remaining syntactical features in C++11. They are probablynot the most critical things to know but we include them for completeness.1. (Using Sealed Classes and Sealed Member Functions)Below is C++ code that does not compile for a number of reasons:struct Base{virtual void draw() { std::cout void print() {}~Base() { std::cout };struct Derived final : public Base{Derived() {}void draw() override{ std::cout void draw() const override {}void print() override {}~Derived() { std::cout };class Derived2 : public Derived{};Answer the following questions:a) Fix this code without removing any of the (perceived) functionality.b) Once fixed, create instances of Derived using Base smart pointers. Check that you get the expectedoutput.2. (Implementing the GOF Template Method Pattern == TMP)In software engineering, the template method pattern is a behavioral design pattern that defines theprogram skeleton of an algorithm in a method, called template method, which defers some steps tosubclasses. It lets one redefine certain steps of an algorithm without changing the algorithms structure.This use of template is unrelated to C++ templates. (Source: Wikipedia).The objective of this exercise is to implement TMP in C++11 using a combination of sealed/final memberfunctions and universal function wrappers. The problem description is: design an algorithm to multiplyeach of the elements of a vector by a given value (from an abstract input source) and then send themodified vector to some abstract output device. In short, the algorithm consists of the following steps:• Preprocessor: get the value that multiplies the elements of the vector.• Computation: use std::transform and a lambda function to perform the steps in the algorithm.• Postprocessor: send the data to the output device.The problem is similar to data flow. The I/O interfaces are defined as:using InputFunction = std::function;using OutputFunction = std::function&)>;14 Exercises Module 1This material is intended for students of the “Advanced C++11/C++14 and Multidisciplinary Applications” certificateA joint project by the Baruch MFE program, Datasim Education BV and QUANTNET INC© Datasim Education BV 2016. Unauthorized distribution is prohibited.Answer the following:a) Create a single class TMPClass consisting of a vector, input device and output device. Build the codefor the algorithm.b) Instantiate TMPClass by the constructor:TMPClass(std::size_t n, double startValue,InputFunction iFunction, OutputFunction oFunction);The input device produces a hard-coded value while you should implement the output device by a rangebasedloop app转自:http://www.daixie0.com/contents/13/5094.html

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