2018-10-18 每日一词 factor in

Day 22

释义:include something as a relevant element when making a decision

=take something into account/consideration


1-In designing "One Word A Day" and "One Paragraph A Week", we have factored in the greatest challenges facing students.

2-When housing and other living costs are factored in, a monthly salary of ¥15,000  in Beijing adn Shanghai does not seem that handsome.

handsome adj. a handsome amount of money is large, only used before noun. 

3-Once you factor in the specific circumstances, you will appreciate how heroic the pilot's action was.

4-Students who are considered underachievers are actually overachievers once their socioeconomic statuses are factored in.


1-翻译: (经验丰富的写作者总会考虑到写作目的和读者群体。→ Experienced writors always factor in the purpose of writing and the readers' needs.(参考翻译) Experienced writors always factor in their writing purpose and the audience./Experienced writors always factor in what they want to achieve and who the intended audience is.)


场景:老师备课应考虑学生会面临的最大挑战。When design a lesson, every teacher should factor in the greatest challenges facing students.

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