这种特性跟delphi的TList特别像,在delphi里面,放一个array of pointer的指针,
#ifndef CLASSES_H
#define CLASSES_H
const int MAXCAPACITY = 100000 ;
template < class Type >
class my_vector{
private :
typedef Type( * PType_Array)[MAXCAPACITY];
PType_Array data_list;
int count;
int capacity;
void grow();
public :
my_vector():count( 0 ), capacity( 0 ){}
~ my_vector(){clear();}
void set_Capacity( int cap);
int get_capacity();
void set_count( int count);
int get_count();
int add(Type t);
void clear();
void remove_by_index( int index);
void remove(Type t);
int index_of(Type t);
void insert( int index, Type t);
Type first();
Type last();
Type operator []( int i);
#include " stdafx.h "
#include " classes.h "
#include < cstdlib >
template < class Type > void my_vector < Type > ::grow(){
int delta;
if (capacity <= 8 )
delta = 4 ;
else if (capacity <= 64 )
delta = 16 ;
delta = capacity / 4 ;
set_Capacity(capacity + delta);
template < class Type > void my_vector < Type > ::set_Capacity( int new_capacity){
if (new_capacity < count || new_capacity > MAXCAPACITY){
std::cerr << " Capacity Invalid " << endl;
exit( 0 );
if (count == 0 ){
data_list = (PType_Array)malloc( sizeof (Type) * new_capacity);
capacity = new_capacity;
else if (new_capacity != capacity){
data_list = (PType_Array)realloc(data_list, sizeof (Type) * new_capacity);
capacity = new_capacity;
template < class Type > int my_vector < Type > ::get_capacity(){
return capacity;
template < class Type > void my_vector < Type > ::set_count( int new_count){
if (new_count < 0 || new_count > MAXCAPACITY){
std::cerr << " Capacity Invalid " << endl;
exit( 0 );
if (new_count > capacity)
if (new_count > count)
memset(( * data_list) + count, 0 , sizeof (Type) * (new_count - count));
else {
int i = 0 ;
for (i = count - 1 ; i >= new_count; -- i)
count = new_count;
template < class Type > int my_vector < Type > ::get_count(){
return count;
template < class Type > void my_vector < Type > ::remove(Type t){
int index = index_of(t);
if (index >= 0 )
template < class Type > void my_vector < Type > ::remove_by_index( int index){
if (index < 0 || index >= count)
std::cerr << " out of bound " << endl;
exit( 0 );
-- count;
memcpy( * data_list + index, * data_list + index + 1 , (count - index) * sizeof (Type));
template < class Type > int my_vector < Type > ::add(Type t){
int res;
res = count;
if (res == capacity)
( * data_list)[res] = t;
++ count;
return res;
template < class Type > void my_vector < Type > ::insert( int index, Type t){
if (index < 0 || index > count){
std::cerr << " out of bound " << std::endl;
exit( 0 );
if (count == capacity)
memcpy(( * data_list) + index + 1 , ( * data_list) + index, count - index);
( * data_list)[index] = t;
++ count;
template < class Type > Type my_vector < Type > ::first(){
if (count > 0 )
return ( * data_list)[ 0 ];
cerr << " no element " << endl;
exit( 0 );
template < class Type > Type my_vector < Type > ::last(){
if (count > 0 )
return (( * data_list)[count - 1 ]);
cerr << " no element " << endl;
exit( 0 );
template < class Type > Type my_vector < Type > :: operator []( int i){
if (i >= count || i < 0 ){
cerr << " No element " << endl;
exit( 0 );
return ( * data_list)[i];
template < class Type > void my_vector < Type > ::clear(){
set_count( 0 );
set_Capacity( 0 );
template < class Type > int my_vector < Type > ::index_of(Type t){
int i( - 1 ), res( - 1 );
for (i = 0 ; i < count; ++ i)
if (( * data_list)[i] == t)
res = i;
break ;
return res;
#include " stdafx.h "
#include " classes.cpp "
#include " classes.h "
#include < iostream >
#include < string >
using namespace std;
void display_vector(my_vector < char *> vec){
int i;
for (i = 0 ;i < vec.get_count(); ++ i)
cout << vec[i] << " " ;
cout << endl;
int _tmain( int argc, _TCHAR * argv[])
my_vector < char *> vec;
/// //test add
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 50 ; ++ i){
char * str = new char [ 10 ];
sprintf(str, " %d " , i);
/// /test remove;
cout << vec.get_count() << endl;
vec.remove_by_index( 5 );
cout << vec.get_count() << endl;
/// /test remove
cout << vec.get_count() << endl;
vec.remove( 0 );
cout << vec.get_count() << endl;
/// /test insert;
vec.insert( 12 , " asss " );
cout << vec.get_count() << endl;
所以在用的时候要确保能链接到header对应的源文件。c++ primer里面用的是在header文件里面#include "xxxx.cpp"的方式
我用的这种方式比较挫一点,直接在主函数的cpp文件里 #include "xxx.cpp"的方式。