2018.12.17 The pursuit of happiness (chapter 1)




a particular type of art, writing, music etc,which has certain features that all examples of this type share 〔艺术、写作、音乐等的〕类型,体裁


to tell someone that you do not approve of something that they have done or said 责备,指责,批评 

chid sb for doing sth


to force something firmly into a narrow space 把…挤入[插入]

eg:My mom found her little son wedge in between in her bed.

bulldozer:to destroy buildings etc with a bulldozer 〔用推土机〕推倒

2.to push objects such as earth and rocks out of the way with a bulldozer 〔用推土机〕推平,平整

3 bulldoze sb into (doing) sth

to force someone to do something that they do not really want to do 强迫某人做某事

eg:She bulldozed his way into my life.



1.Books allowed me not only to travel in my imagination but to look through windows into the world of the unknown and not feel afraid.

2. I would find the destiny that awaited me.

3. He was immaculate in his grooming.他的打扮很干净。

4. My hunch was confirmed when xxx


5. We were dating time.我们在等待时机。

6.  In the dead of winter one year ,we changed the game in recognition of Christmas.


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