流利说懂你英语笔记要点句型·核心课·Level 6·Unit 1·Part 3·Dialogue New Policy of a Company

Dialogue--New Policy of a Company

We've got a real problem on our hands.

We're getting a lot of complaints.

About the proposed new policy?

ps: 关于提议的新政策

proposed提议; 建议; 打算; 希冀; 计划; 求婚; propose的过去分词和过去式

new policy新政策

Yes, people think it's an invasion of privacy.

ps: 人们认为这是对隐私的侵犯。

invasion of privacy干预个人事务,干预他人私生活;侵犯隐私

invasion英 [ɪnˈveɪʒn]  美 [ɪnˈveɪʒn] n.武装入侵;侵略;侵犯;(尤指烦扰的)涌入;干预

Don't you agree that regular exercise and staying in shape is good for everyone?

ps: stay in shape 保持身材

Sure, they agree.

But they don't think we have the right to use an APP to track how much they exercise.

Using the APP is the only way to make sure our employees get enough exercise.

This new policy will reduce our health costs and improve productivity, which helps everyone.

That's not how they see it.

This kind of regulation makes people feel like robots.

ps: 这种规定让人觉得自己像机器人。

They have no freedom anymore.

Requiring everyone to wear a smart device like this on the rest means they have no privacy.

Well, if you put it that way, I can see the problem.

However, I don't see any other way to change people's habits.

This is just a friendly reminder.

ps: 这只是一个友好的提醒。

reminder引起回忆的事物; 提醒人的事物; 通知单,提示信

It's more than a reminder.

It makes things public and puts pressure on people to meet the requirements.

ps: 它使事情公开化,并对人们施加压力以满足要求。

public平民的; 大众的; 公众的; 百姓的; 公共的; 公立的; 政府的; 有关政府所提供服务的; 平民; 百姓; 民众; 志趣相同的群体

puts放; 安置; 猛推; 用力插入; 将…送往; 使…前往; put的第三人称单数

pressure压力; 挤压; 压强; 大气压; 施加压力; 迫使; 使增压

It will force people to work out even when they don't want to.

ps: 它会迫使人们即使不想锻炼也要锻炼。

work out想出,得到; 解; 计算出,解出; 计算下来; 发生; 进展; 圆满结束; 完成; 继续

There won't be any choice.

No, it doesn't have to be that way.

We can still be flexible.

ps: flexible能适应新情况的; 灵活的; 可变动的; 柔韧的; 可弯曲的; 有弹性的

That's not the point.

People hate the idea that the company knows everything they do.

It's bad enough that they have to communicate with each other at night and on weekends.

What if we made the use of the APP an option?

If you do that, it still puts pressure on people to use it.

I think it's best that we get rid of this idea.

ps: 我认为我们最好摆脱这个想法

get rid of扔掉;丢弃; 摆脱;甩掉;赶走

I'm all for standards. But what about freedom and creativity?

ps: all for完全赞成,坚信

standards标准,水平,规格,规范; 正常的水平; 应达到的标准; 行为标准; 道德水准; 

If we go ahead with this policy, I think we will lose some of our best people.

ps: 如果我们继续执行这项政策,我想我们会失去一些最优秀的人才。

go ahead with带着…… 一道先走,走在前面; 继续进行; 继续讲本短语作此解时通常

There are other ways to deal with health issues.

Such as.

What's your suggestion?

Give extra holidays to people who take fewer sick days.

No that wouldn't work.

I would put pressure on people to come to work sick and get everyone else sick too.

If someone is sick, I‘d rather that they stay at home.

Then here's a radical idea.

ps: radical英 [ˈrædɪkl]  美 [ˈrædɪkl] adj.根本的;彻底的;完全的;全新的;不同凡响的;激进的;极端的n.激进分子;游离基;自由基   复数: radicals    派生词: radically adv.

Why not let your department managers handle it?

They are the ones who decide on promotions and bonuses.

ps: 他们是决定晋升和奖金的人。

promotions提升; 提拔; 晋升; 晋级,升级; 促销活动; 广告宣传; promotion的复数

bonuses奖金; 红利; 意外收获; bonus的复数

Setting everything in stone in the form of policies can be very dangerous.

ps: 以政策的形式把一切都摆在石头上是非常危险的。

Setting环境; 背景; 情节背景; 挡,级,点; 放; 置; 使处于; 使处于某种状况; 使开始; 把故事情节安排在; 以…为…设置背景; set的现在分词

everything每件事; 所有事物; 一切; 形势; 情况; 生活; 最重要的东西; 最要紧的事情

in the form of用…的形式

policies政策; 方针; 原则; 为人之道; 保险单; policy的复数

in stone 一成不变的

OK, i'll consider it.

For now, i'll give up the idea of using this APP.

Please let people know that we're listening to them.

We do care about our employees.

I will, I'm sure people will appreciate it.

It shows that you have faith in them.

ps: have faith in相信,信任; 

Thanks. I appreciate your advice.


1.What is the state of the new policy?

It hasn't been put into effect yet.

2. What is the company planning to do?

It's planning to use an APP to track the daily activities of its employees.

3. Why don't some employees like the proposed policy?

They think it gives the company too much control over their lives.

4.In this exchange, the HR manager is--- presenting the point of view of employees who don't like the new policy.

5.What was her suggestion?

To give extra holidays to people who take fewer sick days.

6.What does he finally decide to do?

He gives up the idea of using this app.

7.Requiring everyone to wear a smart device like this on the wrist means they have no privacy.

8.The data would be public and rank everyone's activities.

Repeat & Read Sentences:

1.This kind of regulation makes people feel like robots.

2.People think it's an invasion of privacy.

3.They think it gives the company too much control over their lives.

4. What if we make the use of the app an option?

5.However, I don't see any other way to change people's habits.

6.It will force people to work out even when they don't want to.

7.He would rather have sick people stay at home than come to work.

8.Give extra holidays to people who take fewer sick days.

9.Even if it were an option, it would still put pressure on people to use it.

10. I'm sure people will appreciate it.

11. I appreciate your advice.

12. Don't they agree that regular exercise and staying in shape is good for everyone?

13.People would be able to see how well they are doing in comparison with others.

14.It would require employees to wear a smart device and allow the company to tract their activities.

15.If someone is sick, I'd rather that they stay at home.

16.There are other ways to deal with health issues.

17.He would rather have sick people stay at home than come to work.

18.They don’t want the company to know so much about their lives.

19. If we go ahead with this policy, I think we will lose some of our best people.

20. People hate the idea that the company knows everything they do.

21. Well, if you put it that way, I can see the problem.

22. We're getting a lot of complaints.

23. Its purpose is to reduce health costs and improve productivity.

24. It is intended to reduce health costs and improve productivity.

25.It would put pressure on people to come to work sick and get everyone else sick too.

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