



7.1.1 及物动词与不及物动词

有些动词如:afford,allow,blame,bring,contain,deny,enjoy,examine,excuse,fetch,fix,get,greet,hit等,在使用的时候,其后必须跟宾语,称为及物动词;有些动词如:faint,hesitate,lie,occur,pause,remain,sneeze 等,在使用的时候,后面不能跟宾语,称为不及物动词

7.1.2 有些不表示动作,而表示状态(如感受,状况等)的动词称为状态动词 如:

like,love,think,understand,prefer,seem,belong,own,appear 等

状态动词在使用的时候,一般不用于进行时态。 如:She loves/loved her baby more than anything else in the world.

有些动词则表示有意识或无意识的动作或者变化着的 状况,称为行为动词。

如: I'm making a dress


7.2 助动词

7.2.1 助动词一般包括 am/is/are/was/were/,have/has/had,do/does/did,will/would,shall/should 它们的功能主要是帮助动词完成时态、语态的变化。

7.2.2 助动词be的用法

助动词 am/is/are 于现在分词构成现在进行时


I have been working for 8 hours(组动词 have been 与现在分词 working 构成现在完成时)

The big apple was taken by that small boy(组动词was与过去分词taken 构成被动语态)

7.2.3 组动词have的用法

I have eaten(组动词have 与过去分词eaten 构成现在完成时)

He has been eating(组组动词has been与现在分词eating 构成现在完成进行时)

She must have been delayed

(组动词have been 与过去分词delayed构成现在完成时的被动语态)


have 还表示“拥有”以外的其它含义 如:

类型 例举
祈使句 Have a cup of coffee
一般现在时 I always have milk in my tea
现在进行时 We are having a nice time
一般过去时 We had a lovely holiday last summer
过去进行时 I was having a bath when the phone rang
现在完成时 John has just had a accident
现在完成进行时 The children have been having a lot of fun
过去完成时 He went out to play basketball after he had finished his homework
过去完成进行时 The film had been showing for 15 minutes when I got to the cinema
一般将来时 I'll have my hair cut tomorrow
将来进行时 If anyone phones,I'll be having a bath
将来完成进行时 She will have been having treatment for three months in the hospital by the end of this week
将来完成时 Tom will have had his exam by 18 December
情态动词 You could have a cup of coffee if you like


7.2.5 助动词 do 的用法

助动词do最主要的用法有两个,其一:与动词原形搭配构成一般现在时或一般过去时的疑问句和否定句; 其二:用实义动词前起强调作用。

如:Do you do your shopping once a week

He didn't know when to set off

The farmer did drive the cattle into the field


7.3 情态动词


can/could,may/might,will/would,shall/should,must,ought to(must 和ought to 无过去式)。另外 ,need 和dear 即可以作实义动词也可以作情态动词

7.3.2 情态动词的主要功能 can/could 主要指能力(不需要再努力) 如:

I can lift 80 kilos may 主要指“允许”如:

You may leave early。 will主要指“预告,将要”

如:It will rain soon should/ought to 主要指“主要指不可推卸的义乌和责任”

如:You should do as you‘re told(你应该跟你说的去做) must 主要表示强令或”不可推卸的责任“

如:You must be quiet needn’t 指”没有义务“ 指可做可不做

You needn't  wait”



7.3.3 情态动词也叫情态助动词,她像组动词 be,do,have 一样可以直接在后面加not构成否定句或将其提到主句前面构成疑问句

如: You mustn’t move this table

Can’t you see the picture


7.3.4 情态动词每次只能用一个


7.3.5 如果需要同时表示两种意思,则要通过适当的解释

It may be necessary(for us)to call a doctor


7.3.6 情态动词的时态和语态 情态动词在形式上没有实义动词的各种变化,只有could,would,had to,was to/were to,might等几个过去式。 其它如must或ought to等几个过去式皆与现在式同形 如:

I can/may phone you now

我可能/也许现在给你打电话 would、could、might、should 在形式上都可以说是will,can,may,shall的过去式,但与他们的用法和意义却无多大关系,一般来说情态动词的过去式往往可以表示更加委婉、客气等含义,当情态动词用于表示过去的状态或动作时,则是他们的过去式

At that time,it could only get over the mountain if it rose 10,000 feet 情态动词 should/ought to/could/must 后接动词的完成时态时,往往可以表示一些特殊的含义

如:The lights in her room were out 15 minutes before i came here,so she must have been out then(表示对过去情况的推测)


7.3.7 can/could 和be able to的区别

一般来说,can/could 和be able to没有多大区别,经常可以互换。但can/could 侧重于表示能力 而 be able to “则强调通过努力才能够……”

如:He could/ was able to swim five miles when he was a boy

I can operate a computer


7.3.8 can/could, may/might 用于表示“允许别人请求或答复”的情况 can,may,could 和might通常都可以表示“请求别人允许的情况”。 其基本形式如下:

can/could/may/might I borrow your umbrella (please)? 但在使用的时候应注意以下几点区别:

(1) can 最常用,但也最不正式。如:

Can I borrow you umbrella?

(2) could 比can 更为犹豫和客气,通常用于不能确定请求能否得到同意的时候

(3) may 比can could 更正式,而且更客气和恭敬。

(4) might 显得最犹豫,也最客气而恭敬


7.3.9 对情态动词表示推测 在对所发生的事情进行描述的时候,一般有肯定、可能和推测三种情况

(1) 如果说话人对所描述事实确信无疑,就可以用be或任意的实义动词直接描述

如 Jane is at home

(2)  如果说话人指的是可能发生的事,就可以用“may/might/could+动动词原形”结构表示 如:

Jane may/might be at home


(3) 可以将上下文这种可能性与有根据的推论区别开来。“must+动词原形”一般表示有根据而且是近乎肯定的推测;must 一般用于肯定句,否定句和疑问句则通常用“can/can’t+动词”。在表示有根据,但不太肯定的情况下常常用“may/might+动词的原型或完成时”表示 如:

Jane's light is on,She must be at home

She can't be out。 在表示推测时,其附加问句是通过情态动词后的动词形式来处理句尾的附加问句。并且,因为情态动词+动词的完成时 表示对过去事实的推测,所以有明确的时间状语时,附加问句部分动词一般应用过去时的助动词;如果没有明确的时间状语,则可以采取 have/has 或did 两种形式中的任意一种 如:

I saw Jones in the park yesterday. She can’t have been in the cinema then?


She can't have been in the cinema then,was she?


在明确的时间状语 then 及上文中的yesterday,这种情况一般要用过去式。假如没有时间状语的话,使用have/has 或 did/was/were 皆可。

She might have left(无时间状语)

She might have left the day before yesterday(有时间状语)

She might have left,hasn’t/didn’t else she?

She might have left the day before yesterday,didn’t she?


7.3.10 must,have to, 和have got to 这三种情况就其表示的意义而言,一般可以互换,但也有区别。用于第一人称时,must 通常强调主观因素,或内在因素;而have to,have got to则常常强调客观因素或外在因素。请比较:

We have to/have got to send these VAT forms back before the end of the month.

We really must do something about the weeds in this garden.(这只是我们主观想要做的,如果不做也不必向谁说明什么) 用于其他人称时,must表示不可推卸的责任,其迫切性往往要比have to/have got to 还强。 如:

You must phone home at once. It’s urgent.


7.3.11 may在套语中可表示”祝愿“或”非常希望“,may 通常用在句首

May gad be with you!

7.3.12 作情态动词的need 和dare need和dare 可以作情态动词也可以作实义动词
如:Need you leave so soon?

I need to see the teacher!(实义)

Dare you do it? dare 可表示 ”气愤“的强烈语气

How dare you?


7.3.13 would 和used to 情态动词would 和used to 可以表示习惯或”过去常常“ 如:

When we were students we would often stay up all night。


Jane used to make her own dresses。

Jane 过去常常自己做衣服 used to 强调”过去常常。。。。。。而现在已近不了。。。。。。“。 如:

I used to smoke,But I don't smoke any more。

I used to collect stamps when i was a boy。 used to be/ have 可以描述过去的状态 如:

He used to be a postman a long time ago。He's tax driver now.

I used to have a beard,But I’ve shaved it off


7.4 非谓语动词

非谓语动词包括不定式、现在分词、过去分词 和动名词。非谓语动词在句子中,一般相当于形容词、副词或名词的作用,虽然仍有动作概念但不能直接充当宾语。

She asked whether she should speak to him in person。

她问她是否应该亲自对他说(asked 和should 均为谓语动词,分别作主语和宾语从句的谓语)

It's useless waiting here

在这等 也没用(waiting 作动名词,作真正主语)

Judging from her accent,I think she‘s from Los Angeles。(judging 为现在分词,做状语)

The girls were walking along the country road,singing and dancing。(其中were walking 为谓语动词,做谓语; singing and dancing 为并列现在分词短语,作伴随状语)


7.4.2 不定式 不定式是非谓语动词中比较常用的一种。它通常由”to+动词原形“构成,如 to ask,to wait,to swim,to do 等 有些情况下 to 可以忽略


It‘s easy to say。 (作真正主语)

I'm waiting here to see the sunrise(做目的状语)

However they have decided to use the post office(作宾语)

He seems to be fond of playing the guitar (作表语)

I have a lot of things to deal with today(做定语) 在有些情况下不定式小品词 to 是可以省略的。当不定式作let,have和make(这些词都当“让”讲的补语时),不定式小品词 to 可以省略

如Let's (=Let us) take a taxi。

The landlord makes the peasants work ten hours a day。

Have the next patient come in,please ,nurse。

(1) 但是这些词用于被动语态时,不定式的小品词to 则不能省略

如 The peasants were made to work ten hours a day.


(2) help 和know之后作补语的不定式小品词to可以省略亦可不省,而有时作其宾语的不定式小品词 to 也可以省略亦可不省

Mother help me (to)do my homework。

I've never known her (to) be late before。

(to) be 作her的补语

(3) 被动的help 和help所带的被动的不定式的区别:



Jane was helped to overcome her fear of flying.

I’m sure his treatment will help her (to) be cured.


(4) 并列不定式可以由 and,or,but,except 等连接。 如:

which do you prefer,to win a million US dollars or (to) have a brain like Einstein’s ?


(5) 在并列不定式中,第二个 to 常可以省略,而只使用其纯并列部分:

I'd like to lie down and go to sleep

(6) 叙述一系列动作时则多用不带to的不定式,或者叫“省略不定式的符号to” 如:

The crowd watched the fireman climb the ladder, break a window on the first floor,and enter the building “动词+宾语” 作宾语补足语

feel、hear、listen to、 look at、 notice、 observe、perceive、see、smell、watch 等动词后经常跟不带to的不定式或现在分词作补语

如:I watched a pavement-artist draw a portrait in crayons.(强调了从开始到结束的全过程)

People can stand on the platform and watch the workers building in progress。(强调动作是进行的)

(1) 这些词后接不带to的不定式,一般表示动作的全过程,其后的补语动作往往是一些短暂性动词,而当其后跟的是动词的现在分词形式时,则通常动作正在进行中,尚未结束

如: I heard the girls sing a Japanese song in the next room

(2) 大部分情况,两者是通用的

如:I hear someone unlock/unlocking the door

(3) 使用短暂动词的现在分词时,一般强调动作的反复性

I heard him cough

(4)感官动词后也可用现在分词的被动形式。 如:

I saw him being taken away by the police。 =I saw him taken away by the police


如: I'll have you speaking English in six months。

(6) 这种句型使用否定式时,通常可表示“不愿引起的后果”或“不可容忍之意” 如:

I can‘t have the neighbours complaining! 带to的不定式

(1) 不定式的一般用法是作句子的目的状语,而且经常用in order to 或so as to等词组来表示目的

I went to live in France to learn French

(2) 用not to 可以表示取舍 如:

I went to France not to study French,but to study architecture.

(3) so as not to 和in order not to可以用来表示反面的目的 如:

She shut the door quietly,so as not to wake the baby.

(4) 句子的主语和不定式的逻辑主语(即发出不定式动词动作的主语)不相同时,可以用“for sb。+不定式” 如:

I bought a second car (in order)for my son to learn driving。

(5) only to 常常描述连续的事件或出乎意料的概念,作结果状语。 如:

We came home after our holiday only to find our garden neat and tidy。

(6) 分裂不定式

分裂不等式就是指在不定式符号to和动词之间放一个副词,如completely,fully,truly等,表示强调或突出该副词的含义。 如: I want you to clearly understand what I’m telling you

(7) 不定式 to 后的动词的省略

为了避免重复,在有上文的时候, to 右面的动词经常省略

You don't have to eat it if you don't want to (eat).

(8) 一些带to的固定短语


如 to be honest,to begin with,to cut a long story short、to get back to the point、not to make too much of it

(9) 动词+名词/代词(宾语)+带to 的不定式



(10) 不定式也可用于被动语态中,作宾语补足语

如 You were advised to leave

(11) 疑问句+不定式


I don't know what to choose。


如 Please show me how to start the engine。 It+ is/was + 形容词+of+名词/代词 + 带 to 的不定式,it 作为形式主语的用法比作人称主语的用法更为常见。

It’s very kind of her to help us

在这个结构中,有时形容词之后的介词of 也可以用for。使用of时,该形容词所表示的意思往往指介词of之后的名词或代词表示的意思,具有所属关系;当没有所属关系时,则应使用介词 for

It was silly of us to believe him

(=We were silly to believe him)

(2) 然而,有些形容词 如:afraid,anxious,ashamed,careful/careless ,sorry 等 却直接使用人称代词作主语,而不使用上述结构

如: He is always ready to take a lot of trouble。

(3) 有限的几个形容词,如:anxious,determined,eager,keen也可用“of/for+名词/代词+ to的不定式”的结构当中。

如: She's anxious for her daughter to win the competition

(4) 在一些情况下,“be+形容词+带to的不定式”可与无生命的主语连用

My car is reluctant to start in cold weather


7.4.3 动词的 ing 形式  动名词和现在分词 皆有“动词+ing 构成”,但是这两个词的用法却大不一样,动名词具有名词的性质,因此在句子中充当主语、宾语或表语;而现在分词具有形容词或副词的性质,因此在句子中充当定语、状语或补语。

Seeing is believing (眼见为实),(Seeing 和 believing 均为动名词,前者作主语,后者作表语)

Walking in the park the other day,I saw a bird building a nest

(几天前我在公园里散步,看见一只鸟在筑巢 walking 做伴随状语修饰谓语动词 saw,后者作宾语补足语修饰 bird) 动名词和现在分词虽然同型,但其作用是完全不一样的,动名词因具有名词性质,因此常常可以作主语或宾语。而且由于他是从动词变化而来,所以也可以在后面跟上自己的宾语。 如:

Washing the car seems to be his main hobby

(1) 动名词也可以有自己的修饰成分,比如定语。 如: The sinking of the Titanic has never been forgotten

(2) 动名词也可以有自身的状语。 如:

Walking quickly on the muddy road is difficult.

(3) 根据需要,动名词 也可有时态和语态的变化

如:I'm sorry for having wasted your time(完成时,强调其 动作发生在谓语动作之前)

He can't forgive himself for having been taken by surprise。(完成时的被动式)

(4) 动名词也可作介词宾语

如 This is a tool used for cutting hedges.


如:slow cooking makes tough meat tender

(6) 只能接动名词作宾语的动词有:

admit,appreciate,avoid,celebrate,consider,contemplate,defer,delay,deny,detest,discontinue,dislike,dispute,enjoy,escape,excuse,explain,finish,forgive,hinder,imagine,keep,loathe,mind,mean,mention,miss,pardon,postpone,practise,prevent,recall,regret,report,resent,resist,risk,suggest,understand etc .

Susan regrets saying anything

(7) need ,want,require和demand 之后的动名词。有用主动形式表示被动的含义。

The front gate needs mending

(8) 有些情况下,不定式和动名词作动词的宾语的时候,意义基本是相同的

I can't bear  to see / seeing people suffering

(9) 但有些动词 ,如: stop、mean、remember、forget、regret、try 等,后接动名词和不定式时的意义或作用却完全不一样

如 remember to post the letter(remember to do 表示将来的含义)

I remembered posting the letters (我已经把信寄完了,remember doing 表示完成 的含义)

You really should try to overcome your  shyness(try to do 努力做)

If no one answers,try knocking the back door.(try doing 试试做)

On the way to the station I stopped to buy a paper(停下当前的事,去做别的事)

Stop smoking!(stop doing停下正在做的事)

7.4.4 过去分词 过去分词和现在分词 一样,具有形容词或副词的功能


如:Seen from the plane,the villas look like some toy boxes(方式状语)

Pay attention to the broken glasses。(定语) 现在分词和过去分词的区别


She was sitting in an armchair,telling stories。

Guided by the local farmer,We succeed in climbing the mountain.


7.4.5 独立主格结构

独立主格结构 是由“名词+代词 逻辑主语部分+逻辑谓语部分”组成的,其逻辑谓语部分可以是现在分词、过去分词、不定式或介词短语。独立主格结构一般用于逻辑主语与句子的真正主语不同的 句子中

Seeing the  red traffic lights turning on, the driver stopped his car。

The red traffic lights turning on, the driver stopped his car

第二句中的句子主语为driver,而现在分词 turning on 的逻辑主语却是 the traffic lights 构成独立主格结构

The teacher came into the classroom,a book in (the) arm。
