
11.1 倒装句分为完全倒装句和部分倒装句。完全倒装句是指谓语动词完全在主句前面,而部分倒装则是指相应的组动词在主语前面,而谓语动词任在主语后面

如: Here comes the taxi

Seldom did I go to the cinema

11.2 完全倒装句

11.2.1 当地点副词如here,there 以及back down off up等在句首时,要求句子为完全倒装。

如 Down Came  the rain and up the umbrellas

There is no shortage of tipsters around offering “get-rich-quick” opportunities

11.2.2 但是,当主语为代词时,主谓并不需要倒装

There comes the bus

There she comes

11.2.3 地点状语在句首时,一般也要完全倒装。 如:

At the top of the hill stood the tiny chapel

11.2.4 定语从句里面也有少数情况使用这个规则

如:We arrived at a farm house,in front of which sat a girl

11.2.5 此规则也使用于被动语态中 如

In the distance could be seen the purple mountains


11.3 部分倒装句

11.3.1 当表示否定概念的副词,如:little,seldom,hardly,scarcely,never 等,在句首时,要求使用 部分倒装句。部分倒装句指的是谓语动词位置不变,而其相应的组动词要放在主语前面 如:

Never/Seldom has there been so much protest against the bomb

11.3.2 但是,当否定副词不在句首时,则不倒装 如:

There has never/seldom been so much protest against the bomb

Cats never fail to fascinate human beings


11.3.3 当only 修饰状语或状语从句时,要求部分倒装;但当only不修饰状语而修饰其它成分时(如主语),则不需要倒装

The pilot reassured the passengers 。 Only then did I realize how dangerous the situation had been

Only girls are permitted to enter the theatre

Only very thrifty children manage to fill up a money box。

Not only was the meal well below the usual standard,but Bessie seemed unable to walk steadily

11.3.4 关于so 和much 的倒装句 so和much在句首时,也可引起部分倒装,通常可以分为两种情况:

(1) so+形容词+从句/such + 从句

So sudden was the  attack(that) we had no time to escape

Such was his strength that he could bent iron bars

(2)在表示与前面句子形同情形时,常用“so+倒装结构” 如:

He likes fishing,So do I 当前面的句子为否定形式时,则应用”neither/nor+倒装句“而不是使用”so+ 否定式“ 如:

She  doesn't like dancing ,neither do I 当前面句子中的动词出现并列,而且形式不统一时,后面的句子要用so it is/was with 结构 请比较

He was once a soldier and enjoyed hunting ,so it was with me

11.3.4 在as 引导的让步状语从句中,需要倒装其表语、宾语或状语部分

Much as we may pride ourselves on our good taste,we are no longer free to choose the things we want
