Learn Yii Framework

From Januarry 2010, I begin learn Yii Framework (http://www.yiiframework.com), when I entry it, felt it's really a greate Php Framework.

Here let's talk about Yii:

What's Yii
Usually I call it Yes it is(Yii), but the really meaning of Yii is easy, efficient and extensible. It's a really good framework that I have seen, It can support high performance. And it easy to understand, so you can do a awesome project quickly.

About the Yii features
This come from my mind depend on my use of it.
1. It's very quick, it use the cache(file cache ,memcache and datacache), you can choice which one you like.

2. It's very extensional, why say that, every model can be write in extension or component or module, very convenient.

3. It's have hight security, It have consider the code attack and sql attack, so rest your heart to use it.

4. It's easy, really. You needn't install some other software to make it work, it only needs the basic environment for php and mysql. Also the template is very agile, you can choice smarty, phptemplate or others.

5. It open source, share your mind and contribute is greate!

How to use that?
Now, please visite the Yii website (www.yiiframework.com), there already have lot of tutorial. And in the future I will write a learn process depend on myself process. We will see!

Any comments is welcome, I have there will lot of phper use this framework!
