ML notes(10/03/20)

Nonlinear Regression Models(video1)


Nonlinear Regression is any relationship between an independent variable and a dependent variable which results in a non-linear function modelled data.

difference between Linear Regression & Non-Linear Regression

Linear Regression:

Non-Linear Regression

Remark:the is a mapping which satisfies that .(d is the dimension of independent variable)And the name of is basis functions. shown as follow.

Converting Non-Linear Regression to Linear Regression

  • Map to to obtain nonlinear features
  • Linear regression on and nonlinear features
    Hence,to solve the Non-Linear Regression,we only need to translate to
    which means:the parameter estimation for linear regression is


Common basis function design

  • polynomial:
  • Radial basis function
  • sigmoid where
  • splines
  • fourier
  • wavelets



A regularization technique is in simple terms a penalty mechanism which applies shrinkage (driving them closer to zero) of coefficient to build a more robust and parsimonious model.

A regularization technique helps in the following main ways:

  • Doesn’t assume any particular distribution of the independent variable(对自变量无限制)
  • Address Variance-Bias Tradeoffs. Generally will lower the variance from the model(降方差)
  • More robust to handle multicollinearity(很多列相关性高)
  • Better sparse data (observations即行数、观测值 < features特征值) handling
  • Natural feature selection(数据清洗)
  • More accurate prediction on new data as it minimizes overfitting on the train data
  • Easier interpretation of the output



Linear Regression:

Linear Regression with Regularization:

R function的处理

从上图不难看出Linear Regression和Linear Regression with Regularization的区别主要是在如何定义R function (即图中的)

  • LASSO:
  • Rigde:
  • Elastic Net:(LASSO和Rigde的综合):


Ridge Regression Properties:

  • Ridge regression shrinks the coefficients and it helps to reduce the model complexity and multi�collinearity.
  • Coefficient of parameters can approach to zero but never become zero .

Lasso Regression Properties:

  • The lasso is a shrinkage method like ridge, but acts in a nonlinear manner on the outcome .
  • regularization can lead to zero coefficients i.e. some of the features are completely neglected for the evaluation of output. So Lasso regression not only helps in reducing over-fitting but it can help us in feature selection.
  • In case, Lasso selects at mostvariable before it saturates.
  • If there is a group of variables among which the pairwise correlations are very high, then Lasso select one from the group.(高度相似的变量会随机选择,不固定)

Elastic Net Regression Properties:

  • Combination of both and and regularization
  • part of the penalty generates a sparse model
  • part of the penalty
  • Remove the limitation of the number of selected variables(可以选到p个)
  • Encouraging group effect
  • Stabilize theregularization path

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