



Your Mac’s fans probably aren’t something you think about very often—until something goes wrong. Maybe you hear the fan too often, and it’s driving you nuts. Maybe you’ve stopped hearing your fan altogether, even when you Mac feels hot. Either way, you should probably look into that.

Mac的粉丝可能不是您经常想到的东西,直到出现问题为止。 也许您经常听到风扇的声音,这让您发疯。 甚至在Mac感觉很热的时候,也许您已经完全听不见风扇了。 无论哪种方式,您都应该调查一下。

For that, we recommend an app called Macs Fan Control. This free program lets you see the temperature of all your Mac’s components, and the speed of your fans in RPM (rotations per minute.) You can even adjust the fans manually, though it’s probably not a good idea to do this very often.

为此,我们建议使用一个名为Macs Fan Control的应用程序。 这个免费程序可让您查看所有Mac组件的温度以及风扇的转速(以RPM为单位)(每分钟旋转)。您甚至可以手动调整风扇,尽管经常这样做不是一个好主意。

Mac风扇控制入门 (Getting Start With Macs Fan Control)

To get started, head to the Macs Fan Control download page and grab the Mac version (There’s a Windows version, but is only intended for Macs running Windows with Boot Camp—other PC fans aren’t supported.) The download comes in a ZIP archive, which you can unarchive simply by opening it.

首先,请转到Macs Fan Control下载页面并获取Mac版本(有Windows版本,但仅适用于运行带有Boot Camp的Windows的Mac ,不支持其他PC风扇。)下载以ZIP格式提供存档,只需打开即可将其取消存档。


Drag the application icon to your Applications folder, then fire it up. You’ll see a list of fans in the large left panel, and all of your temperature sensors on the right.

将应用程序图标拖到“应用程序”文件夹中,然后启动它。 您将在左侧的大面板中看到一个风扇列表,而所有的温度传感器都在右侧。


The CPU will pretty much always be the warmest thing on your Mac, and the most important temperature to check—but it can be interesting to check the other sensors.


For the most part, however, we’re interested in your fan’s current speed. The minimum, current, and maximum speed are shown in that order. If you see high CPU temperatures—say, over 80 or 90 degrees—and that the fans aren’t running, you might have an issue. The same goes if you see a low CPU temperature—say, around 45—and the fans are running at full speed.

但是,在大多数情况下,我们对您的风扇的当前速度很感兴趣。 最小,当前和最大速度按该顺序显示。 如果看到较高的CPU温度(例如,超过80或90度),并且风扇没有运行,则可能有问题。 如果看到较低的CPU温度(例如大约45),并且风扇以全速运行,也是如此。

To find out if your fans are working at all, you can click the “Custom” speed button.



Turn the fan up and see if you can hear anything. If not, your fan has some issues. I really do not recommend disabling the automatic fan control: leaving your fans on constantly will wear them out and waste energy, and leaving them off will overheat your Mac over time. But for the occasional test, it’s nice to have control—just turn things back to automatic when you’re done.

打开风扇,看看是否能听到任何声音。 如果没有,您的粉丝有一些问题。 我真的不建议禁用自动风扇控制:持续打开风扇会使风扇磨损并浪费能量,而关闭风扇会使Mac过热。 但是对于偶尔进行的测试,最好有控制权-完成后将一切变回自动。

如何对Mac的风扇进行故障排除 (How to Troubleshoot Your Mac’s Fan)

Think your fan might be broken? The first thing you should do is launch Apple Diagnostics, one of the hidden startup options on your Mac. Turn your computer off, then hold the “D” key while turning it on. Your Mac will test your hardware, and let you know if your fan is broken.

认为您的风扇可能坏了? 您应该做的第一件事是启动Apple Diagnostics,这是Mac上隐藏的启动选项之一。 关闭计算机,然后在打开计算机的同时按住“ D”键。 您的Mac将测试您的硬件,并通知您风扇是否损坏。


If you have a broken fan, you need to replace it. My advice: head to the Apple Store or any authorized Apple repair shop. I managed to replace my own broken fan on a 2011 MacBook Pro, but the internals inside more recent Macs are a great deal less friendly for home repair. It’s not impossible, however: check out iFixIt‘s guides if you want to attempt the repair yourself. But look at all the steps carefully, and only proceed if you’re completely confident you can get this done yourself.

如果风扇损坏,则需要更换它。 我的建议:前往Apple Store或任何授权的Apple维修店。 我设法在2011年的MacBook Pro上更换了自己的破风扇,但较新的Mac内置的内部组件对于家庭维修的友好程度大大降低。 但是,这并非不可能:如果您想自己尝试维修,请查阅iFixIt指南。 但是,请仔细查看所有步骤,只有在完全确定自己可以完成此步骤的情况下,才能继续操作。

If the hardware report says everything is fine with your fan, your issue is probably a software one. In these cases, resetting the SMC often works—this is the low-level controller that manages thermal management and other things. If that doesn’t solve your issue, consider heading to an Apple Store, or another authorized repair shop.

如果硬件报告说您的风扇一切正常,那么您的问题可能是软件问题。 在这些情况下,重置SMC通常是有用的-这是管理热量管理及其他功能的低级控制器。 如果那不能解决您的问题,请考虑前往Apple Store或其他授权的维修店。

被动监控风扇速度 (Passively Monitor Your Fan Speed)

If you want to impress your friends in conversation, you should keep track of your Mac’s fans and relay to them how fast they tend to spin during particular tasks. I’m sure everyone will be fascinated at your next dinner party.

如果您想在对话中打动您的朋友,则应跟踪Mac的粉丝,并向他们传达他们在特定任务中旋转的速度有多快。 我敢肯定,大家在下一次晚宴上都会着迷的。

To do this, open Mac Fan Control, then click the Preferences button in the bottom-left corner.

为此,请打开Mac Fan Control,然后单击左下角的“首选项”按钮。


Head to the Menubar Display tab, then select a fan and/or a sensor to display in the menu bar.



Click “Close”, and you’ll see the information in your menu bar at all times.



Outside of amazing conversations, monitoring the fan speed passively like this can be helpful if you suspect there’s a problem. It’s nothing I’d keep on constantly, but when things are acting funny it’s a nice tool to have around.

在令人难以置信的对话之外,如果您怀疑有问题,可以像这样被动监视风扇速度可能会有所帮助。 我不会一直坚持下去,但是当事情变得有趣时,这是一个很好的工具。

Image credit: Christoph Bauer

图片来源: Christoph Bauer


