


C programming standard library provides strcmp() function in order to compare two strings and return the results whether they are identical or different.


语法和参数 (Syntax and Parameters)

As stated previously strcmp() function takes two char array or string arguments.


int strcmp (const char* str1, const char* str2);
  • const char* str1 is the first string or char array which will be compared the second one. const is mainly used to prevent given char array pointer to be changed.

    const char * str1是第一个字符串或char数组,将与第二个字符串或char数组进行比较。 const主要用于防止更改给定的char数组指针。
  • const char* str2 is the second string or char array which will be compared with the first one.

    const char * str2是第二个字符串或char数组,将与第一个比较。

返回值 (Return Values)

strcmp() function returns an int or integer type. We can get 3 types of return value that are explained below.

strcmp()函数返回一个int或整数类型。 我们可以得到以下三种返回值类型。

  • `0` is returned if both strings are identical, equal or the same.

    如果两个字符串相同,相等或相同,则返回“ 0”。
  • `Negative Integer` if the ASCII value of the first unmatched character is less then second

  • `Positive Integer` if the ASCII value of the first unmatched character is greater than second


比较两个字符串 (Compare Two Strings)

We can compare two strings which are expressed as char array in C programming language. We will compare strings “I love poftut.com” and “I loves poftut.com” .

我们可以比较两个用C编程语言表示为char数组的字符串。 我们将比较字符串“我爱poftut.com”和“我爱poftut.com”。


int main()
    char str1[] = "I love poftut.com", str2[] = "I loves poftut.com";
    int result;

    // comparing strings str1 and str2
    result = strcmp(str1, str2);
    printf("strcmp(str1, str2) = %d\n", result);

    return 0;

We will compile with gcc like below and then run the binary.

