
  As long as I get my memory. My parents told me that"The ability to read is a gift from God".Because of this, I love reading since I was very young. From simple picture books to later DK knowledge book to some popular science books, and the last novel.

  When other children were crying and screaming to ask their parents for toys.I will ask my parents to buy books .They never refused the request.When I was in primary school, my teacher paid great attention to the cultivation of reading ability. She once launched an activity requiring our classmates to read 1.5 million words in a month. I read 5.28 million words that month.After entering the seventh grade, the reading time was shortened, but after finishing the homework, I still went to borrow a book from the downstairs book bar in the evening self-study.

  I think time and money are not the reasons why we don't like reading.So I hope everyone can develop the habit of reading not for the sake of college but for personal accomplishment

  That's my point.
