
摘 要


With the development of information technology, various management systems and application software have been produced, among which the university alumni information management system is one of them. Everyone will experience the learning process of primary school, middle school and University, and there are more and more students in the class. However, after graduation, everyone is busy studying or working, and the contact information of many students is easy to be lost. Through the university alumni information management system, the contact information of the whole class can be quickly found anytime and anywhere. And through the university alumni information management system to view the previous forum information, establish a communication platform to help students deepen their feelings.
The university alumni information management system uses web development and runs on the Internet environment. The background programming language of the system uses Java and the database uses mysql. Completed the functions of two user roles, the administrator manages all information, the front desk student user logs in to view the announcement, online donation application, alumni information and online communication. This paper discusses the background of university alumni information management system, puts forward the significance of the development project, then designs the system according to the demand analysis, divides the functional modules and designs the database of the system, realizes the code of the functional modules, and finally summarizes and prospects the completion of the system.
Key words: students, alumni, Java, MySQL

目  录
摘 要    2
Abstract    3
1 项目概述    1
1.1 开发背景和意义    1
1.2 系统研究现状    1
1.3 研究内容    2
2相关技术介绍    3
2.1 JAVA技术    3
2.2 数据库技术    4
2.3 B/S结构    4
3系统分析    5
3.1 系统目标    5
3.2 系统功能需求    5
3.2.1 功能性需求分析    5
3.2.2 系统用例    6
3.2.3 系统用例描述    6
3.3 系统可行性分析    7
3.3.1技术的可行性    7
3.3.2经济的可行性    8
3.3.3操作可行性    8
3.3.4法律的可行性    8
4系统设计    9
4.1 系统结构设计    9
4.1.1界面层设计    9
4.1.2数据层设计    9
4.1.3业务逻辑层设计    9
4.2 功能模块设计    9
4.2.1学生功能设计    10
4.2.2管理员功能设计    13
4.3 数据库设计    14
4.3.1数据库概念结构设计    14
4.3.2 数据库逻辑结构设计    14
5系统实现    19
5.1 主页面    19
5.2用户登录注册模块设计    19
5.2.1用户登录    19
5.2.2用户注册    20
5.3 捐赠功能实现    21
5.3.1捐赠信息查看    21
5.3.2捐赠申请信息    21
5.4 留言交流功能    22
5.5后台管理    23
5.5.1后台主界面模块    23
5.5.2公告管理    23
5.5.3留言管理    24
5.6 校友用户管理    25
6  系统测试    27
6.1  测试目的    27
6.2  测试用例    27
6.3  测试说明    28
总结    29
参考文献    30
致谢    32
在本校系统中,主要是为了实现以下的基本功能,首先就是对校友的基本信息(例如姓名、联系电话等)或者学籍信息(姓名、入学年份、毕业年份、 院系、专业),还有用户信息和日志信息等进行实时动态的编辑和操作,实时动态操作可以对校友的信息进行添加、删除和查询以及修改等工作,并对校友信息和数据进行收集和整理。其次,还包括对校友信息系统的用户权限管理功能,校友用户、管理员可浏览校园新闻、校友风采、校友留言等。校友用户可以查找校友。使用校友专享提供的便捷服务。





