

#(1)(2)(3) 代表执行步骤。
        查询列表 (3)
       表名  (1)


  • 一. 按条件表达式筛选
    简单条件运算符:> , <, = , >= , <= , <>(不等于), !=,<=>(安全等于)。

  • 二. 按逻辑表达式筛选(用于连接条件表达式)
    逻辑运算符:&& , || , !(与,或,非)
    或者是 :and ,or,not(mysql推荐使用)

  • 三. 模糊查询:

    • like(通常与通配符使用'%','_')
    • between and(包含临界值)
    • in(判断某一字段的值是否属于in列表中的某一项)
    • is null && is not null 可以判断Null值。
  • 注意

  • is null pk <=>.

  • is null:仅仅可以判断NULL值,可读性高。

  • <=>:既可以判断null值,也可以判断普通数值,可读性较低。

√一. 按条件表达式筛选的练习

 # 案例1 查询月薪大于12000的员工信息;
 mysql> select * from employees where salary >12000;
| employee_id | first_name | last_name | email    | phone_number       | job_id  | salary   | commission_pct | manager_id | department_id | hiredate            |
|         100 | Steven     | K_ing     | SKING    | 515.123.4567       | AD_PRES | 24000.00 |           NULL |       NULL |            90 | 1992-04-03 00:00:00 |
|         101 | Neena      | Kochhar   | NKOCHHAR | 515.123.4568       | AD_VP   | 17000.00 |           NULL |        100 |            90 | 1992-04-03 00:00:00 |
|         102 | Lex        | De Haan   | LDEHAAN  | 515.123.4569       | AD_VP   | 17000.00 |           NULL |        100 |            90 | 1992-04-03 00:00:00 |

 #案例2 查询部门编号不等于90的员工名和部门编号  
 mysql> select last_name,department_id from employees where department_id <>90;
| last_name   | department_id |
| Hunold      |            60 |
| Ernst       |            60 |
| Austin      |            60 |
| Pataballa   |            60 |
| Lorentz     |            60 |
| Greenberg   |           100 |
| Faviet      |           100 |
| Chen        |           100 |
| Sciarra     |           100 |
| Urman       |           100 |
| Popp        |           100 |
| Raphaely    |            30 |
| Khoo        |            30 |
| Baida       |            30 |

103 rows in set (0.37 sec)

√二. 按逻辑表达式筛选的练习

 mysql> select last_name, salary ,commission_pct from employees where salary >=10000 AND salary <=20000;
| last_name | salary   | commission_pct |
| Kochhar   | 17000.00 |           NULL |
| De Haan   | 17000.00 |           NULL |
| Greenberg | 12000.00 |           NULL |
| Raphaely  | 11000.00 |           NULL |
| Russell   | 14000.00 |           0.40 |
| Partners  | 13500.00 |           0.30 |
| Errazuriz | 12000.00 |           0.30 |
| Cambrault | 11000.00 |           0.30 |
| Zlotkey   | 10500.00 |           0.20 |
| Tucker    | 10000.00 |           0.30 |
| K_ing     | 10000.00 |           0.35 |
| Vishney   | 10500.00 |           0.25 |
| Ozer      | 11500.00 |           0.25 |
| Bloom     | 10000.00 |           0.20 |
| Abel      | 11000.00 |           0.30 |
| Hartstein | 13000.00 |           NULL |
| Baer      | 10000.00 |           NULL |
| Higgins   | 12000.00 |           NULL |
18 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select * from employees where department_id <= 90 AND department_id >=110 or salary > 15000;
| employee_id | first_name | last_name | email    | phone_number | job_id  | salary   | commission_pct | manager_id | department_id | hiredate            |
|         100 | Steven     | K_ing     | SKING    | 515.123.4567 | AD_PRES | 24000.00 |           NULL |       NULL |            90 | 1992-04-03 00:00:00 |
|         101 | Neena      | Kochhar   | NKOCHHAR | 515.123.4568 | AD_VP   | 17000.00 |           NULL |        100 |            90 | 1992-04-03 00:00:00 |
|         102 | Lex        | De Haan   | LDEHAAN  | 515.123.4569 | AD_VP   | 17000.00 |           NULL |        100 |            90 | 1992-04-03 00:00:00 |
3 rows in set (0.01 sec)

√三. 模糊查询的练习

mysql> select * from employees where last_name like'%a%';
| employee_id | first_name  | last_name  | email    | phone_number       | job_id     | salary   | commission_pct | manager_id | department_id | hiredate            |
|         101 | Neena       | Kochhar    | NKOCHHAR | 515.123.4568       | AD_VP      | 17000.00 |           NULL |        100 |            90 | 1992-04-03 00:00:00 |
|         102 | Lex         | De Haan    | LDEHAAN  | 515.123.4569       | AD_VP      | 17000.00 |           NULL |        100 |            90 | 1992-04-03 00:00:00 |
|         105 | David       | Austin     | DAUSTIN  | 590.423.4569       | IT_PROG    |  4800.00 |           NULL |        103 |            60 | 1998-03-03 00:00:00 |
|         106 | Valli       | Pataballa  | VPATABAL | 590.423.4560       | IT_PROG    |  4800.00 |           NULL |        103 |            60 | 1998-03-03 00:00:00 |
|         109 | Daniel      | Faviet     | DFAVIET  | 515.124.4169       | FI_ACCOUNT |  9000.00 |           NULL |        108 |           100 | 1998-03-03 00:00:00 |
|         111 | Ismael      | Sciarra    | ISCIARRA | 515.124.4369       | FI_ACCOUNT |  7700.00 |           NULL |        108 |           100 | 2000-09-09 00:00:00 |
|         112 | Jose Manuel | Urman      | JMURMAN  | 515.124.4469       | FI_ACCOUNT |  7800.00 |           NULL |        108 |           100 | 2000-09-09 00:00:00 |
|         114 | Den         | Raphaely   | DRAPHEAL | 515.127.4561       | PU_MAN     | 11000.00 |           NULL |        100 |            30 | 2000-09-09 00:00:00 |
|         116 | Shelli      | Baida      | SBAIDA   | 515.127.4563       | PU_CLERK   |  2900.00 |           NULL |        114 |            30 | 2000-09-09 00:00:00 |
|         117 | Sigal       | Tobias     | STOBIAS  | 515.127.4564       | PU_CLERK   |  2800.00 |           NULL |        114 |            30 | 2000-09-09 00:00:00 |
|         119 | Karen       | Colmenares | KCOLMENA | 515.127.4566       | PU_CLERK   |  2500.00 |           NULL |        114 |            30 | 2000-09-09 00:00:00 |
|         122 | Payam       | Kaufling   | PKAUFLIN | 650.123.3234       | ST_MAN     |  7900.00 |           NULL |        100 |            50 | 2004-02-06 00:00:00 |


mysql> select last_name,salary from employees where last_name like '__i_a%';
| last_name | salary  |
| Baida     | 2900.00 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select last_name from employees where last_name like '_$_%' ESCAPE'$';
| last_name |
| K_ing     |
| K_ing     |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

#√2.between and
mysql> select * from employees where department_id between 100 and 120;
| employee_id | first_name  | last_name | email    | phone_number | job_id     | salary   | commission_pct | manager_id | department_id | hiredate            |
|         108 | Nancy       | Greenberg | NGREENBE | 515.124.4569 | FI_MGR     | 12000.00 |           NULL |        101 |           100 | 1998-03-03 00:00:00 |
|         109 | Daniel      | Faviet    | DFAVIET  | 515.124.4169 | FI_ACCOUNT |  9000.00 |           NULL |        108 |           100 | 1998-03-03 00:00:00 |
|         110 | John        | Chen      | JCHEN    | 515.124.4269 | FI_ACCOUNT |  8200.00 |           NULL |        108 |           100 | 2000-09-09 00:00:00 |
|         111 | Ismael      | Sciarra   | ISCIARRA | 515.124.4369 | FI_ACCOUNT |  7700.00 |           NULL |        108 |           100 | 2000-09-09 00:00:00 |
|         112 | Jose Manuel | Urman     | JMURMAN  | 515.124.4469 | FI_ACCOUNT |  7800.00 |           NULL |        108 |           100 | 2000-09-09 00:00:00 |
|         113 | Luis        | Popp      | LPOPP    | 515.124.4567 | FI_ACCOUNT |  6900.00 |           NULL |        108 |           100 | 2000-09-09 00:00:00 |
|         205 | Shelley     | Higgins   | SHIGGINS | 515.123.8080 | AC_MGR     | 12000.00 |           NULL |        101 |           110 | 2016-03-03 00:00:00 |
|         206 | William     | Gietz     | WGIETZ   | 515.123.8181 | AC_ACCOUNT |  8300.00 |           NULL |        205 |           110 | 2016-03-03 00:00:00 |
8 rows in set (0.37 sec)


案例一:查询员工工种号是 IT_PROG,AD_VP,AD_PRES中的员工名和工种编号;
mysql> select last_name,job_id from employees where job_id in('IT_PROG','AD_VP','AD_PRES');//里面的字符值要用单引号引起来。
| last_name | job_id  |
| K_ing     | AD_PRES |
| Kochhar   | AD_VP   |
| De Haan   | AD_VP   |
| Hunold    | IT_PROG |
| Ernst     | IT_PROG |
| Austin    | IT_PROG |
| Pataballa | IT_PROG |
| Lorentz   | IT_PROG |
8 rows in set (0.34 sec)


#√4.is null
mysql> select last_name ,commission_pct from employees where commission_pct is null;
| last_name   | commission_pct |
| K_ing       |           NULL |
| Kochhar     |           NULL |
| De Haan     |           NULL |
| Hunold      |           NULL |
| Ernst       |           NULL |
| Austin      |           NULL |
| Pataballa   |           NULL |
| Lorentz     |           NULL |
| Greenberg   |           NULL |
| Faviet      |           NULL |
| Chen        |           NULL |
| Sciarra     |           NULL |
| Urman       |           NULL |
| Popp        |           NULL |
| Raphaely    |           NULL |
mysql> select last_name ,commission_pct from employees where commission_pct <=> null;

#√is not null
mysql> select last_name ,commission_pct from employees where commission_pct is not null;
| last_name  | commission_pct |
| Russell    |           0.40 |
| Partners   |           0.30 |
| Errazuriz  |           0.30 |
| Cambrault  |           0.30 |
| Zlotkey    |           0.20 |
| Tucker     |           0.30 |
| Bernstein  |           0.25 |
| Hall       |           0.25 |
| Olsen      |           0.20 |
| Cambrault  |           0.20 |
| Tuvault    |           0.15 |
| K_ing      |           0.35 |
| Sully      |           0.35 |
| McEwen     |           0.35 |
| Smith      |           0.30 |
| Doran      |           0.30 |
| Sewall     |           0.25 |
| Vishney    |           0.25 |
| Greene     |           0.15 |
| Marvins    |           0.10 |
| Lee        |           0.10 |
| Ande       |           0.10 |
| Banda      |           0.10 |
| Ozer       |           0.25 |
| Bloom      |           0.20 |
| Fox        |           0.20 |
| Smith      |           0.15 |
| Bates      |           0.15 |
| Kumar      |           0.10 |
| Abel       |           0.30 |
| Hutton     |           0.25 |
| Taylor     |           0.20 |
| Livingston |           0.20 |
| Grant      |           0.15 |
| Johnson    |           0.10 |
35 rows in set (0.00 sec)


mysql> select last_name, department_id, salary*12*(1+Ifnull(commission_pct,0)) as 年薪 from employees;
| last_name   | department_id | 年薪      |
| K_ing       |            90 | 288000.00 |
| Kochhar     |            90 | 204000.00 |
| De Haan     |            90 | 204000.00 |
| Hunold      |            60 | 108000.00 |
| Ernst       |            60 |  72000.00 |
| Austin      |            60 |  57600.00 |
| Pataballa   |            60 |  57600.00 |
| Lorentz     |            60 |  50400.00 |
| Greenberg   |           100 | 144000.00 |
| Faviet      |           100 | 108000.00 |
| Chen        |           100 |  98400.00 |
| Sciarra     |           100 |  92400.00 |
| Urman       |           100 |  93600.00 |
| Popp        |           100 |  82800.00 |
| Raphaely    |            30 | 132000.00 |
| Khoo        |            30 |  37200.00 |
| Baida       |            30 |  34800.00 |

