A transformation manipulates the geometry of an object. QML Items can, in general, be translated, rotated and scaled. There is a simple form of these operations and a more advanced way.
Let’s start with the simple transformations. Here is our scene as our starting point.
A simple translation is done via changing the x,y
position. A rotation is done using the rotation
property. The value is provided in degrees (0 .. 360). A scaling is done using the scale
property and a value <1 means the element is scaled down and >1
means the element is scaled up. Rotation and scaling do not change an item's geometry: the x,y
and width/height
haven’t changed; only the painting instructions are transformed.
Before we show off the example I would like to introduce a little helper: the ClickableImage
element. The ClickableImage
is just an image with a mouse area. This brings up a useful rule of thumb - if you have copied a chunk of code three times, extract it into a component.
// ClickableImage.qml
// Simple image which can be clicked
import QtQuick
Image {
id: root
signal clicked
MouseArea {
anchors.fill: parent
onClicked: root.clicked()
We use our clickable image to present three objects (box, circle, triangle). Each object performs a simple transformation when clicked. Clicking the background will reset the scene.
// TransformationExample.qml
import QtQuick
Item {
// set width based on given background 根据给定的背景设置宽度
width: bg.width
height: bg.height
Image { // nice background image 一张漂亮的背景图片
id: bg
source: "assets/background.png"
MouseArea {
id: backgroundClicker
// needs to be before the images as order matters 需要在图像之前放置
// otherwise this mousearea would be before the other elements 否则该鼠标区域将覆盖在其他元素之上
// and consume the mouse events 无法触发其他对象鼠标事件
anchors.fill: parent
onClicked: {
// reset our little scene 重置场景
circle.x = 84
box.rotation = 0
triangle.rotation = 0
triangle.scale = 1.0
ClickableImage {
id: circle
x: 84; y: 68
source: "assets/circle_blue.png"
antialiasing: true
onClicked: {
// increase the x-position on click 单击时增加x坐标
x += 20
ClickableImage {
id: box
x: 164; y: 68
source: "assets/box_green.png"
antialiasing: true
onClicked: {
// increase the rotation on click 点击时,增加旋转度数
rotation += 15
ClickableImage {
id: triangle
x: 248; y: 68
source: "assets/triangle_red.png"
antialiasing: true
onClicked: {
// several transformations 复合变换
rotation += 15
scale += 0.05
// ...
The circle increments the x-position on each click and the box will rotate on each click. The triangle will rotate and scale the image up on each click, to demonstrate a combined transformation. For the scaling and rotation operation we set antialiasing: true
to enable anti-aliasing, which is switched off (same as the clipping property clip
) for performance reasons. In your own work, when you see some rasterized edges in your graphics, then you should probably switch smoothing on.
圆圈对象会在每次点击时,增加x坐标,方块对象会在每次点击时,增加旋转度数。三角形对象将在每次单击时,同时旋转和缩放图像(组合转换)。对缩放和旋转操作,我们设置antialiasing: true,来启用抗锯齿,出于性能原因,它默认关闭(与剪切属性clip类似)。在自己的项目中,若看到图形中有一些栅格化的边缘,可以使用该属性平滑下。
To achieve better visual quality when scaling images, it is recommended to scale down instead of up. Scaling an image up with a larger scaling factor will result in scaling artifacts (blurred image). When scaling an image you should consider using smooth: true
to enable the usage of a higher quality filter at the cost of performance.
为了在缩放图像时,获得好的视觉效果,建议将图像缩小而不是放大。过度放大图像将导致失真(图像变模糊)。缩放图像时,应该考虑使用smooth: true,以获得高质量的图像,但会牺牲性能为代价。
The background MouseArea
covers the whole background and resets the object values.
Elements which appear earlier in the code have a lower stacking order (called z-order). If you click long enough on circle
you will see it moves below box
. The z-order can also be manipulated by the z
property of an Item.
This is because box
appears later in the code. The same applies also to mouse areas. A mouse area later in the code will overlap (and thus grab the mouse events) of a mouse area earlier in the code.
Please remember: the order of elements in the document matters.