酒店第八层 Part 1

I was staying at a hotel in Chicago lllinois during a business trip and i was going to stay for the whole weekend.


It was an older hotel ,one that still used small keys rather than keycards to enter the rooms.


I didn’t mind. It seemed nice to get away from the onslaught of technology.


When i checked into the hotel, it was completely packed.


A nasty storm had rolled in, stranding many tourists and cancelling flights.


No more rooms were available and many people were being turned away because of the lack of vacancy.


When i approached the front desk to check in, I noticed that all the keys for the rooms on the 8th floor were still on the wall.


Not a single key was missing.


It seemed odd that an entire floor would be vacant when so many people were all clambering to check in and get to their rooms.


I could see the clerk was stressing out and he was ready to to just give up and go home, so I tried to lighten the mood a little bit.


“Kind of weird,isn’t it?”


“What is ?”The clerk asked.


“How everybody on the 8th floor is missing.”


The clerk gave me an odd look and his face paled. “What do you know about the 8th floor ?” He replied in a serious tone.


“What ? Oh , nothing!” I answered honestly , a little embarrassed that my attempt to lighten the mood backfired. “ I just noticed that all the keys for the 8th floor are still behind the desk.”


He went back to check in me and handed me the key to my room on the ninth floor. “Enjoy your stay.”


“I will… thanks.” I awkwardly accepted the key and grabbed my bag, heading for the elevator.


Just like the lobby, the elevator was also packed.


It was difficult ti stand next to so many strangers so close by, let alone enter and exit a small car.


I struggled to reach and press the button for the ninth floor,but i managed to see over the crowd of people and reach the button panel.


It was then that i noticed that the buttons seemed to be missing a floor:8.


“That’s funny.” I thought out loud. “ I wonder why there’s no button for the 8th floor.”


But no one in the elevator reacted. They either didn’t care or they were too preoccupied and didn’t hear me.


你可能感兴趣的:(酒店第八层 Part 1)