2022-04-14 Flow Around Obstacles like Water

Your attitude towards life’s obstacles defines whether they are a temporary hindrance or an enduring part of your journey.

We all have to deal with them in one form or another, but what matters most is how you choose to handle these challenges and obstacles as they come along.

Some people choose to complain and give up, while others power through with a sense of urgency that borders on manic desperation!

We can use the nature of water to overcome life’s problems.

The best way for us to adapt as individuals is through flexibility because we all live with uncertainty every day which means our lives should too; With difficult people, situations, and even with our own selves.

Be like water in life — it is always changing.

You can never be sure what you will encounter or who might show up next but when the flow of a situation changes and there are no more consistent patterns, don’t get stuck on one side!

When one avenue might seem blocked be persistent like water and find another way around.

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