2018-01-26Chapter 6 You Are Wrong About Everything (But So am I )


1. Why “we are wrong about everything?”

Growth is a iterative process. When we learn something new, we don’t go from ‘wrong’ to “right”. Rather ,we go from wrong to slightly less wrong .And when we learn something additional, we go from slightly less wrong to slightly less wrong than that, and then to even less wrong than that, and so on. We are always in the process of approaching truth and perfection without actually ever reaching truth or perfection.

2.What caused the “false memory syndrome”?

When our minds are process new experiences, we tend to interpret them in such a way that they will cohere with all of our previous experiences, feelings, and beliefs. But we often run into life situations where past and present cohere :on such occasions, what we are experiencing in the moment flies in the face of everything we’ve accept as true and reasonable about our past. In an effort to achieve coherence, our minds will sometimes in case like that invent false memories. This process and the state of mind it resulted In is called “false memory syndrome”.

3. Tell us a story where you had adamantly thought you were right, but later you found you were wrong.

My sister has a boyfriend, who has no stable job nor a agreeable personality. His parents also owed the bank much money .None of my family members like him. Because in my metric, a good relationship must has a material base(such as good job, big house and no debt). Besides my sister has a good job and higher academic level. She can easily finds some guy who is much better than him. But in my sister eyes, he is quite good-looking and considerate and genuine. My mother and I admonish her nonstop for her wrong choice by listing some miserable marriages caused by such kind of relationship. We told her what we said all for her own sake. Because of our disapproval, my sister seldom goes home, and apparently she was disappointed with us and felt unhappy. One day when I called her and asked her to break up with his boyfriend, she said sternly she didn’t care about his material background. She even pointed out that when I got married, I didn’t have a big house, a car and even my husband had a poorer parents. But now I live a pretty good life.  She just wanted me to realize that she didn’t care anything except his boyfriend .She believed in his boyfriend’s ability and they can gain what they want .It proved to be a happy ending .

4.How to be little less certain of yourself ? Please include a personal example.

Questioning ourselves and doubting our own thoughts and belief is one of the hardest skills to develop. But it can be done and the following questions can help breed less certain of myself:

(1)what if I am wrong?

(2)what would it mean if I were wrong?

(3)would being wrong create a better or a worse problem than my current problem, for both myself and others?

Words and expressions:

1. But since the engagement, my friend’s brother has been admonishing her nonstop about her immature life choice.

admonish:  If you admonish someone, you tell them very seriously that they have done something wrong. 告诫,劝诫

Eg: They admonished me for taking risks with my health.

2. But when the relationship sours…(熟词生义)

Sour: If a friendship, situation, or attitude sours or if something sours it, it becomes less friendly, enjoyable, or hopeful. 使变糟; 变糟

Eg: Relations between the two friends have soured.

3…that she used to harass me as well as people close to me.

harass: If someone harasses you, they trouble or annoy you, for example by attacking you repeatedly or by causing you as many problems as they can.使困扰,使烦恼

eg: The boss of this company harasses his female co-workers.

4…they must feel an unwavering certainty in their own righteousness.

Unwavering:  If you describe a feeling or attitude as unwavering, you mean that it is strong and firm and does not weaken. (情感、态度)强烈的; 坚定的

Eg: His determination to go to the west to be a voluntary teacher is unwavering.

My thoughts:

Certainty is the enemy of growth. Nothing is for certain until it has already happened-and even then, it’s still debatable.


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