一段代码 + 一张图 = 60天的坚持和总结(卡哥:弯路消失者)

fundamentals = 0 
while True:  
    error = grindLeetCode(fundamentals)  
    fundamentals = learnFromSolutions(error)  
    if fundamentals >= goodEnough:

一段代码 + 一张图 = 60天的坚持和总结(卡哥:弯路消失者)_第1张图片 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------



How to optimize using Leetcod a little:

  • keep doing , in the order summarized by 卡哥
  • Figure it out yourself first.
  • Read the answers and rethink profoundly

when meet a problem:

  • if there is an editorial already written for the problem, start with that. These tend to be fairly high-quality and often include a well-written code solution.
  • use the "Discuss" tab for the problem and read some of the posts. These vary wildly in quality: some people just post a solution; others go into great detail. Your mileage may vary here, but this is also often a helpful resource if you get stuck.
  • check the approaches from 卡哥, and oftentimes other people will have posted solutions or written about it on third-party sites, like their personal blog or Github repo.


There is a birdman in the group, very disgusting and talks everything out of his ass. Lying and arrogance are always with him, and every time I see his comments, it makes me sick, and many of my friends stop talking in the group. One bad apple spoils the whole bunch.
I need to strengthen my immunity to this type of sh*t.       btw: Birdman has no blog to record anything, so who reported the wedsite of recording it's apparently.
