作为一个酷爱喝水的人,也知道其实大多数建议多喝的并不只是白水,还有淡盐水、柠檬水……不管怎么说,每天要喝八杯水的说法估计和“an apple a day keeps the doctor away”一样会具有持久的生命力。但所谓八杯水只是一个平均的概念,每个人的情况不同,可能需要更少或更多的水。有个便捷的方法可以观察到你的饮水量是否达标——尿液的颜色。
If your urine is clear or very pale, congrats—you have good hydration. But if it’s a brighter yellow or amber color, you should probably be downing more water.
1. 能帮助你应对健身中的剧烈运动
Muscles need a good balance of electrolytes like sodium, potassium[pəˈtæsiəm], and magnesium[mæg'niːzɪəm] to function properly. Without proper hydration, electrolytes can’t exchange as easily, and the muscles can lose plumpness and be more prone to cramping.
肌肉有良好的电解质平衡,有助于钠离子,钾离子和镁离子正常工作。 如果没有适当的补水,电解质不能轻易交换,肌肉会失去丰满度,更容易发生痉挛。
* electrolyte/ɪ'lektrəlaɪt/: n. a liquid containing ions that electricity can pass through 电解质
2. 能使肾脏功能得到更好发挥
Plus, without needing regular bathroom visits, a hard mineral could form and cause kidney stones.
3. 水也可以成为你的能量棒
Your body needs water to keep up its energy levels, which is why you might feel sluggish if you aren’t drinking enough water every day. Some people turn to caffeine because they think they’re always tired, but something like caffeine won’t necessarily have beneficial effects on energy levels if they’re not hydrated as well.
* sluggish: adj. not performing or reacting as quickly as usual
e.g. She woke up feeling tired and sluggish.
4. 能容光焕发
When your skin cells aren’t getting the water they need, they’ll start to wither and shrink. But if you drink enough water, your skin will look more lustrous and get plumpness that erases fine lines that form when you’re dehydrated.
* lustrous: adj. bright and shiny
5. 能使身体运作更有规律
When your body needs to have more water in a certain area, it will take out of less essential areas—and that means it will take away from your digestive system. But by staying hydrated, you can avoid constipation.
* constipation: n. a condition in which you cannot move solid waste out of your body easily
6. 能帮助排除病菌
Your body has to ramp up to launch an attack against the germs when you’re sick, which means your cells need more calories and fluids to keep up with the demands. For instance, you’re losing fluids when your nose starts to run in your body’s attempt to flush out pathogens.
* ramp up: to increase sth such as a rate or level
* pathogen/'pæθədʒ(ə)n/ : sth such as bacteria or a virus that causes disease
7. 能减少头痛
When your body doesn’t have the fluids it needs, it can’t transfer important nutrients as easily, and a headache is your warning sign. It’s your body’s way of signaling that something is amiss.
* amiss: adj. [never before noun] likely to cause difficulties or problems
e.g. I was convinced that something was amiss.
8. 能排更多的汗
If you haven’t been drinking enough water, you might not create that cooling sweat during an intense workout. If you’re doing vigorous activity and weren’t sweating when you knew you would be, that’s a sign to seek rehydration. It could be a red flag for heat stroke or heat exhaustion.
9. 能减轻心脏负担
If you aren’t drinking enough water, your heart can’t pump blood as efficiently, raising your heart rate and decreasing blood pressure. If you’re not adequately hydrated, you’re putting additional strain on the heart.
p.s. 也别喝多了……