
万思乐学V-learn小西妈双语工程200601期+184+Medal+打卡Day7 【英文】 ✓ listening: 1.1a 泛听1遍,1a第10单元精听3遍。11单位精听2遍。(洗漱起床穿衣)(玩玩具时) 2.字母发音歌(洗澡时间) 3.《小猪佩奇》(上学路上) 4.睡前动画音频。 ✓ reading: 1.海尼曼5本+牛津树9本。(早读时间海4本+放学后海10本。) 2.认识英文字母A~P总复习,查漏补缺。发现H,I,L这几个需要重复默背abc歌曲才会字母名,做连线迷宫小游戏/抓阄找单词首字母小游戏。 ✓ video: 1.sss字母音第3册h~o. 2.wow english之H部分。 ✓ 游戏对话: Mom bridge mom is London bridge ride on mom's back on the bridge. Okay, let's sing the song bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down. London bridge is falling down. My fair lady! Naughty boy! Go over the river. I'm a little mouse squeak! Squeak. Here is a little mouse walking on the ground, walking to the left, walking to the right. Watch out! There is a river in sight. I want to go over the river, but I can't swim. What should I do? Madam? Can you help me? How can I go over the river? You can swimming. It sounds good. Let's try. But I'm a mouse. I can't swim. I have an idea. How about we build a bridge? Let's find some material to build a brand. I think we can use this pillow to build a brand. Let's have a try. OK. Look, we made a bridge with the pillow. Now the little mouse can go over the river by walking on the bridge. London bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down. London bridge is falling down. The little mouse. Can you use other material to make a branch? Chairs. Yes, well done. London bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down. London bridge is falling down. The little mouse. Toys falling down Medal. Look, London bridge .raise your clothes. when London bridge falls down. You try to catch it like it is, London bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down. London bridge is falling down my little boy. Look, teddy bear. Do you want to get this card? Yes, mom. Teddy bear is falling down. Falling down, falling down. Teddy bear is falling down. My good boy! Here is a bomb. If you can't bomb the bomb where explode. Bomb, You will lose all your cards. Watch out! Black bomb is falling down, falling down, falling down. Black Bob is falling down.all My cars. Testing bridge design. Single strip bridge. Let's created a single strip bridge. It's made of a single piece of paper. And two cups. Help me place the strip paper on two cups. Add one coin At a time. The bridge is falling down. This type of bridge isn't Stable. folded bridge. Let's created a folded bridge by folding a strip of paper horizontally. The folds are very narrow. Let's place some coins on the folded bridge.Let's put more coins. Let's put all coins on it .wow. it can hold all the coins. The type of bridge  is more stable. It can hold more coins. At last, you can create a paper Bridge by yourself. Then let's test how many coins it can hold. 【中文】 拼音识字类: ✓ 1.《悟空识字》15分钟8旧+8新。 ✓ 2.《日有所诵》指读3篇。 ✓ 3.《默写小达人》一页。 语感背诵类: ✓ 1.《唐诗300首》3旧+1新。 ✓ 2.《三字经》前几段。 听读故事类: ✓ 1.《成语故事》 ✓ 2.《科学奇遇记》 ✓ 3.《十万个为什么》3集 【数学】 《举一反三》17单位最后一节。有点难度 【其他】 1.完成老师布置拼音,写字作业。
