2019-03-03 The 7 Habits P61-65


发现自己很喜欢里面的对话内容,有一段是讲作者(父亲)与女儿的对话,带着真诚(earnestly)和女儿商量她想做什么,自己也会想去做。但女儿很实在地说,她想看Star Wars [有点儿惊喜看见了这一影视剧节目名字,是听Eric的分享里首次碰面的] 而爸爸却对这个不感冒(slept through it),最后女儿作为解说员带着父亲一起看这个。然后这个过程的结果(Production)就是拉近了俩人的距离,增进了关系。


1.Effectiveness Defined


True effectiveness is a function of two things: what is produced (the golden eggs) and the producing asset or capacity to produce(the goose).

Effectiveness lies in the balance—what I call the P/PC Balance. P stands for production of desired results, the golden eggs. PC stands for production capability, the ability or asset that produces the golden eggs.


在这里提出,也是一种思维方式的体现,二者兼具(产物production和产能production capability),才会有效能(effectiveness)一说。即作者说的the P/PC Balance

2.Three Kinds of Assets(资产)


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