
                                STARTING BRIDGEWATER(开启桥水基金)

Actually, Irestarted it. Just after I graduated from HBS and went towork in commodities at Dominick & Dominick, I’d set up a little businesswith Bob Scott, a friend from HBS. Along with a fewpalsin other countries, we madehalfheartedattempts tosell commodities from the U.S. to other countries. We called it Bridgewaterbecause we were “bridging the waters” and it had agood ringto it. By 1975 there wasn’t muchleft of this commodities company, but as it did already exist on paper, I usedit.




good ring==契合、贴合、贴切。


I worked out of mytwo-bedroom apartment. When apalfrom HBS who I shared the apartment with moved out, I madehis bedroom an office. I worked with another friend I playedrugbywith, and we hireda great young woman who worked as our assistant. That was Bridgewater.




Pal==菲律宾人 ,菲律宾航空公司


I spent most of my timefollowing the markets and putting myselfin the shoes ofmy corporate clients to show themhow I would handle market risks if I were them. And of course I continued totrade my own account. Pursuing a mission with friends to help clients beat themarkets was much more fun than having a real job. As long as my basic livingexpenses were covered, I knew I’d be happy.



In the shoes of ==站在立场,处于同一种环境下。


In 1977, Barbara and Idecided to have a child, so we got married. We moved into a rentedbrownstonein Manhattanand I moved the company there too. The Russians were buying lots of grain atthe time and wanted my advice, so I took Barbara on a combinedhoneymoon–business trip to the USSR. We arrived in Moscow on New Year’s Eve androde by bus from the drab airport through a dusting of snow, past St. Basil’sCathedralto a big partywith a lot of incredibly friendly, fun-loving Russians.


读后感:当时还处于冷战期间(cold war),到前苏联,多疯狂 ,好奇心,好冒险就是这样。



My business has always beena way to get me into exotic places and allow me to meet interesting people. IfI make any money from those trips, that’s just icing on the cake.



icing on the cake==锦上添花





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