
As continue to spread throughout the country, videos posted to social media show a large gathering near one Georgia college with partiers crowded together and not appearing to wear masks.


The large group of people congregated at an off-campus housing apartment complex near the on Saturday night, the university's executive director of communications, Sylvia Carson, told CNN in an emailed statement on Sunday.

该大学的传播执行主任西尔维亚·卡森(Sylvia Carson)周日在一封电子邮件声明中告诉美国有线电视新闻网,一大群人聚集在星期六晚上附近的一个校外住房公寓大楼。

Videos posted to social media show dozens of people -- most not wearing masks -- tightly packed together while dancing to music and drinking outside the apartment complex.


There is  in the state of Georgia and UNG


"We are disappointed that many of our students chose to ignore Covid-19 public health guidance by congregating in a large group without social distancing or face coverings," Carson said. "The University of North Georgia continues to emphasize to our students and university community that everyone has an individual responsibility both on and off campus to follow guidance from the Georgia Department of Public Health and the CDC to prevent the spread of the virus."

卡森说:“令我们失望的是,我们的许多学生都选择无视Covid-19公共卫生指导,因为他们聚集在一起却没有社交疏远或面部遮盖物。” “北佐治亚大学继续向我们的学生和大学社区强调,每个人在校内和校外都有个人责任,要遵循佐治亚州公共卫生部和疾病预防控制中心的指导,以防止病毒传播。”

People aged 18 to 29 have the highest number of cases among any other age group in Georgia, accounting for more than 23% of all cases in the state, according to the website.


On Sunday, the department reported 1,873 new cases and 33 new deaths statewide, for a total of 237,030 cases and 4,702 deaths in Georgia since the state began tracking the virus.


Lumpkin County, where Dahlonega is located, accounts for 417 of those cases -- 116 of which were reported in the last two weeks, according to the county map breakdown on the health department's website. Nine deaths and 62 hospitalizations have also been reported in the county, the website shows.


