Java 集合框架(Queue 接口)

Queue 接口简介

对于 Queue 接口,Java的官方文只有这样一句话:

A Queue is a collection for holding elements prior to processing. Besides basic Collection operations, queues provide additional insertion, removal, and inspection operations.


  • Queue 是用于在处理之前保存元素的集合
  • Queue 提供额外的插入,删除和检查操作(相比于 Collection 的基本操作)

接着讲述了 Queue 接口的一些规则:(这里和原文档的顺序稍有不同)

Queues typically, but not necessarily, order elements in a FIFO (first-in-first-out) manner. Among the exceptions are priority queues, which order elements according to their values. Whatever ordering is used, the head of the queue is the element that would be removed by a call to remove or poll. In a FIFO queue, all new elements are inserted at the tail of the queue. Other kinds of queues may use different placement rules. Every Queue implementation must specify its ordering properties.
It is possible for a Queue implementation to restrict the number of elements that it holds; such queues are known as bounded. Some Queue implementations in java.util.concurrent are bounded, but the implementations in java.util are not.


  • 排序规则:
    队列通常(但不一定)以 FIFO 方式对元素进行排序。优先级队列(priority queues)除外,它们根据元素的值对元素进行排序 。
  • 删除及添加:
    无论使用什么排序,都是通过 remove ()poll() 方法删除头部元素。
  • 界限:
    java.util.concurrent 中的一些实现是有界的;java.util 中的所有实现均是无界的

Queue 接口相关操作

Queue 接口相关操作,文档中有这样一段描述:

Each Queue method exists in two forms: (1) one throws an exception if the operation fails, and (2) the other returns a special value if the operation fails (either null or false, depending on the operation).

Queue 接口的每个方法有两种形式:

  • 如果操作失败,抛出异常
  • 如果操作失败,返回一个特殊的值(nullfalse)
Type of Operation Throws exception Returns special value
Insert add(e) offer(e)
Remove remove() poll()
Examine element() peek()


  • Insert:在队列尾部插入元素
    add(e) :超出队列界限,抛出异常 IllegalStateException
    offer(e) :超出队列界限,返回 false

  • Remove:删除并返回头部元素
    remove() :空队列时,抛出异常 NoSuchElementException
    poll() :空队列时,返回 null

  • Examine:返回头部元素
    element() :空队列时,抛出异常 NoSuchElementException
    peek() :空队列时,返回 null

更多参考:The Queue Interface (The Java™ Tutorials > Collections > Interfaces)

你可能感兴趣的:(Java 集合框架(Queue 接口))