英文 | 中文 |
Previously on "Mistresses"... | 《春心荡漾》前情回顾 |
Aren't you the boss? | 你是老板你说了算 |
I have never met anyone like you, Joss. | 我从没遇见过你这样的女人乔斯 |
This is our son Sam. Dr. Kim was dad's therapist. | 这是我们的儿子山姆金医生是爸爸的心理医生 |
I don't want to see you again. Do you understand? | 我不想再见到你明白吗 |
Richard, would you like to go out to dinner with me sometime? | 理查德你愿意和我共进晚餐吗 |
- Pick me up at 8:00. - Okay. | -八点来接我-好的 |
Her name is Miranda Nickleby. | 姓名米兰达·尼克贝 |
Then I-I just don't understand how anyone can cheat. | 我就是不明白怎么会有人搞外遇 |
I cheated on Harry last night. | 我昨晚跟别人睡了 |
You should've kept that to yourself. | 这事你就该烂在肚子里 |
No. No. Don't touch. Don't touch. Don't touch. | 不不别碰别碰别碰我 |
No. No. Don't. Don't. Don't move. | 不不别别别动 |
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You mean like this? | 你是说这样吗 |
No. No. No. No. No. | 别别别闹 |
God, I love you lately. | 天啊我喜欢最近的你 |
I love you lately, too. | 我也是 |
This is the 22-year-old surf goddess I met at Byron Bay. | 这才是我在拜伦湾遇到的年轻貌美的冲浪女神 |
Mmm. Minus the crop top and the cornrows. | 只是没穿露脐上衣发型不是玉米辫子 |
Yes. | 是啊 |
And your infected belly ring. Remember that? | 你的肚脐环还感染了记得吗 |
Oh, you know you loved that infected belly ring. | 你知道你喜欢那个感染了的肚脐环 |
It was all green and crusty. | 绿绿的还结了壳 |
Mm. No way. | 我才不喜欢 |
What? | 怎么了 |
Babe, it's quarter after 9:00. | 亲爱的现在九点十五了 |
So? | 所以呢 |
So shouldn't you get to the office? | 你不去上班吗 |
Sav, seriously. | 小萨我说真的 |
Come on. | 快起来吧 |
A week of lazy mornings in? "Lunches" at home? | 睡一周懒觉在家吃午饭 |
I mean, don't get me wrong, | 别误会我 |
I'm--I'm loving every minute of it, but... | 我很喜欢这样的生活但是... |
somebody's gotta be missing you at work, right? | 你的同事怕是会想你吧 |
Be... | 享 |
here... | 受 |
now. | 现在 |
Aren't you gonna answer it? | 你不接吗 |
Who's Miranda? She's called you, like, three times this morning. | 米兰达是谁今早给你打了三次电话了 |
Oh, she's my gynecologist. | 她是我的妇科医生 |
You have your gyno programmed by her first name? | 你给妇科医生存的是名字不是姓吗 |
Well, when you have a gynecologist, | 当你有了妇科医生 |
you'll understand how close a relationship it is. | 就会知道这是多么亲密的关系 |
If it's such a close relationship, | 如果关系这么亲密 |
why do you keep ignoring her calls? | 那为什么不接她电话 |
Go to school. | 去上学吧 |
Love you. | 爱你 |
Richard, hi. | 理查德好啊 |
Mm. I had a-a patient once with an apartment like this. | 我之前有个病人她的公寓也是这样 |
He had, uh, 14 cats and a pluralist manifesto. | 他有十四只猫还有一份兼职声明 |
These ancient files should be on hard drive. | 这种老文件应该存在硬盘里 |
So you're just over a crisis then? | 你又渡过一个难关了吧 |
- What? - Well, whenever you're fresh out of a crisis, | -什么-每次你刚刚度过一个难关 |
you throw your entire office into the center of the room | 就会把办公室里的文档都放到中间来 |
and alphabetize it. | 然后按字母顺序排列 |
I had some personal stuff, and now it's over. | 我之前有些私事现在了结了 |
Putting the past on the cloud, as the kids say nowadays. | 像如今的孩子们所说的让过去随风而逝 |
Yeah, I wouldn't quote the kids you talk to. | 我不会引用和你谈心的孩子说的话 |
Elizabeth. | 伊丽莎白 |
Karen. | 凯伦 |
A place we can talk? | 能找个地方谈谈吗 |
Get a longer skirt. | 买条长点的裙子吧 |
Get a taller child. | 养个高点的孩子吧 |
What's wrong with Mona? They close the nearest blouse barn? | 莫娜怎么了他们关闭了最近的女装仓库吗 |
We're all getting fired. | 我们都要被炒了 |
- What? - Oh, we're not getting fired, Mona. | -什么-我们不会被炒的莫娜 |
Our boss just got fired. You don't think we're next? | 老板刚刚被炒了接下来不就是我们吗 |
- Mac was fired? - The firm's been bought out. | -麦克被炒了-公司被收购了 |
- Who would buy us? We kinda suck. - Mm, he won't tell us. | -谁会收购我们公司效益又不好-他不肯告诉我们 |
- Who won't? - That jerk in Mac's office. | -谁不肯-麦克办公室里那个混蛋 |
He's been in there for an hour on the phone, | 他都在里面打了一小时电话了 |
just trying to make us sweat. | 就想让我们瞎紧张 |
Don't worry, people. I'll get him off. | 别担心伙计们我去把他弄走 |
If anyone can. | 要是可以就好了 |
Come in. | 请进 |
Si. Si. E un modo molto | 是是毫无疑问 |
decisamente americano della morale. | 绝对的美国精神 |
Si. Si. | 是是 |
Josslyn Carver, top sales associate. And you are? | 我是乔斯琳·卡佛顶级销售助理怎么称呼 |
I'm sure you don't mean to terrorize everyone | 我敢肯定您无意在如此敏感的时候 |
at such a vulnerable time. | 让大家紧张兮兮的 |
Perhaps it would relieve some of the tension out there | 如果可以出去和大家谈谈 |
if you'd just go out and talk to the team. | 也许会减轻一下大家的压力 |
Introduce yourself | 可以自我介绍一下 |
or just let 'em know they're not all canned. | 或者告诉他们不是所有人都被炒了 |
Hmm. Parla inglese? | 会说英语吗 |
Mm. Scusa. | 不好意思 |
Scusi. | 请稍等 |
Yes, I speak English | 是的我会说英语 |
and French and Spanish and German and Dutch. | 还会法语西班牙语德语和荷兰语 |
Well, do you have anything to say to us | 你愿意用你会说的任何一门语言 |
in any of your languages? | 给我们说点什么吗 |
This that you're wearing-- it's not suitable for an office. | 你这种穿着在公司不合适 |
Apprennez un nouveau truc. | 有点创意吧 |
Find another way to impress me. | 换一种方式来打动我 |
So... | 那么... |
this is where my husband came | 这就是我丈夫三年来 |
once a week for three years... | 每周都要来一次的地方 |
And told you things about me, no doubt. | 毫无疑问也对你说了我的事 |
I was glad to be there for your family around Thomas' death, | 托马斯去世的时候我很乐意陪伴你的家人 |
but I really think it would be best if we try to move on. | 但我真的觉得我们大家释怀会更好 |
You know, no one in my family besides Tom | 除了汤姆之外我的家人都没有 |
has ever been to therapy. | 进行过心理咨询 |
In fact, you're the only shrink I know. | 其实你是我唯一认识的精神病医生 |
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Is that what this is about? | 这就是你来的目的吗 |
I can recommend someone for you. | 我可以给你推荐位医生 |
Oh, no. No. | 不是不是 |
No, it's not for me. | 不是给我 |
It's for Sam. | 是给山姆的 |
He's falling apart. | 他快崩溃了 |
Well, I don't know anyone in Providence-- | 普罗维登斯我没有认识的 |
He's not in Providence. | 他不在普罗维登斯 |
He's here. | 他在这里 |
Sam dropped out of college. | 山姆从大学辍学了 |
I'm sorry to hear that. | 我很遗憾 |
It would break Tom's heart if he knew that his death... | 如果汤姆知道自己的去世让山姆的生活 |
has thrown Sam's life off course. | 脱离了正轨他一定很伤心 |
I know an excellent local grief therapist. | 我认识当地一名非常优秀的悲伤治疗专家 |
His name's Dr. Hansen. | 是汉森医生 |
Thank you so much. | 真是太谢谢你了 |
Sam's just getting further and further from my reach. | 山姆现在跟我越来越疏远了 |
Yesterday, he announced | 昨天他说 |
that he wasn't gonna live in the house with me. | 他不跟我一起住 |
He wants to move into Tom's old apartment next week. | 他想下周搬去汤姆之前的公寓 |
Tom kept a place in town. | 汤姆在城里有处房子 |
Maybe he told you about it. | 他应该告诉过你吧 |
Well, I don't know why he would've. | 是啊也没必要告诉你 |
It was for all those late work nights. | 加班熬夜时他就去那边 |
It's a long drive home to Zuma. | 那里离祖玛很远 |
Uh, hey, Dom. | 你好多姆 |
You're here. | 你来了啊 |
Oh, I've been here. You've been out. | 我一直在是你不在 |
Yeah, I had court, and, uh, depos to take all over town, | 对我得上庭得到处取证词 |
and I had the longest week of my life | 这周还坐了好久的车 |
on one car ride to Camarillo. | 去了趟卡马里奥 |
I've been calling you and calling you. | 我都给你打过多少次电话了 |
I'm sure I called you back. | 抱歉应该抽时间回电的 |
Sullivan v. Sullivan got moved up to next week. | 沙利文的案子提到下周了 |
What? | 什么 |
We got a new judge. He picked a new date. | 新上任的法官重新定的时间 |
We're not really ready. | 我们还没准备好呢 |
Which is why I've been calling you. | 所以我才拼命给你打电话 |
Listen, don't panic. | 不过不必惊慌 |
Not panicking. | 没有惊慌 |
All right. We're not so far off. | 好吧我们也快准备好了 |
But no more off sites and house calls. | 但是不要离开去搞什么家访了 |
Okay. Okay. I think I got it, Dom. | 好吧我明白了多姆 |
Listen, a win in this case puts us on track for partnership. | 赢了这个案子我们就可以开始搭档了 |
I said I got it. | 我明白了 |
Okay, so you're here then? | 好那你进入状态了 |
- I'm here. - Excellent. | -进入状态了-很好 |
- Good. - Pack your P.J.'s, | -行了-打包好睡衣吧 |
'cause this is home for the next 150 hours. | 接下来六七天得在这里过了 |
I can't do that right now. | 现在不行 |
Look, you want to get caught up, | 如果你想赶上进度 |
it's gonna take some late nights, | 就得熬几天夜 |
a-a lot of late nights. | 熬好几天夜 |
You all right with that? | 这个可以吗 |
So Sam is moving in to your love nest? | 山姆要搬进你们的爱巢 |
So what? | 那又怎样 |
What if I left something there, some evidence of myself? | 要是我留下什么证据在那里呢 |
Like what? Your camp towel with your name sewn on it? | 什么证据绣着你名字的毛巾吗 |
I don't know. A credit card receipt? | 我也不知道信用卡收据 |
Sweetie, you remove your own hair from your hairbrush | 亲爱的你每次用完自己的梳子 |
every single time you use it. | 都会把上面的头发弄干净 |
There is no way Karen Kim left anything behind. | 凯伦·金是不可能留下任何证据的 |
You're right. | 说得对 |
You're right. | 你说得对 |
How are you? | 你呢 |
How's being back at work? | 回去工作后情况如何 |
Terrible. And I have a week of all night cram sessions | 很糟整整一周我都梦见和多姆一起 |
coming up with Dom. | "加班开小灶" |
Oh, that's-- | 那可真是... |
Right? I mean, this is not the moment in my marriage | 是吧现在可真不是什么好时候 |
that I want to be crawling into bed at 2:00 A.M., | 我真不想闻着多姆的古龙香水味 |
smelling of Dom's cologne. | 每天凌晨两点爬上床 |
Why would you smell-- | 为什么你会闻着... |
It wafts, | 一直飘在我周围 |
then lingers. | 久久不能散去 |
Savi, it's okay | 萨维没事的 |