Mr. L 的ScalersTalk第四轮《新概念》朗读持续力训练 Day73 - 20181219

2018-12-19, starting at 2018-10-08

    新概念英语第二册 Lesson 73


    Lesson seventy-three, The record-holder. First listen and then answer the question: Did the boy go where he wanted to?    

    [ˈlɛsən] [ˈsɛvənti]-[θri], [ðə] [ˈrɛkərd]-[ˈhoʊldər]. [fɜrst] [ˈlɪsən] [ənd] [ðɛn] [ˈænsər] [ðə] [ˈkwɛsʧən]: [dɪd] [ðə] [bɔɪ] [goʊ] [wɛr] [hi] [ˈwɑntəd] [tʊ]?  

    Children who play truant from school are unimaginative. A quiet days fishing, or eight hours in a cinema seeing the same film over and over again, is usually as far as they get. They have all been put to shame by a boy who, while playing truant, travelled 1,600 miles. He hitchhiked to Dover and, towards evening, went into a boat to find somewhere to sleep. When he woke up next morning, he discovered that the boat had, in the meantime, travelled to Calais. No one noticed the boy as he crept off. From there, he hitchhiked to Paris in a lorry. The driver gave him a few biscuits and a cup of coffee and left him just outside the city. The next car the boy stopped did not take him into the centre of Paris as he hoped it would, but to Perpignan on the French-Spanish border. There he was picked up by a policeman and sent back to England by the local authorities. He has surely set up a record for the thousands of children who dream of evading school.

    [ˈʧɪldrən] [hu] [pleɪ] [ˈtruənt] [frəm] [skul] [ər] [ənɪˈmæˌʤɪnətɪv]. [ə] [ˈkwaɪət] [deɪz] [ˈfɪʃɪŋ], [ɔr] [eɪt] [ˈaʊərz] [ɪn] [ə] [ˈsɪnəmə] [ˈsiɪŋ] [ðə] [seɪm] [fɪlm] [ˈoʊvər] [ənd] [ˈoʊvər] [əˈgɛn], [ɪz] [ˈjuʒəwəli] [əz] [fɑr] [əz] [ðeɪ] [gɛt]. [ðeɪ] [həv] [ɔl] [bɪn] [pʊt] [tə] [ʃeɪm] [baɪ] [ə] [bɔɪ] [hu], [waɪl] [ˈpleɪɪŋ] [ˈtruənt], [ˈtrævəld] 1,600 [maɪlz]. [hi] [ˈhɪʧˌhaɪkt] [tə] [ˈdoʊvər] [ænd], [təˈwɔrdz] [ˈivnɪŋ], [wɛnt] [ˈɪntə] [ə] [boʊt] [tə] [faɪnd] [ˈsʌmˌwɛr] [tə] [slip]. [wɛn] [hi] [woʊk] [ʌp] [nɛkst] [ˈmɔrnɪŋ], [hi] [dɪˈskʌvərd] [ðət] [ðə] [boʊt] [hæd], [ɪn] [ðə] [ˈminˌtaɪm], [ˈtrævəld] [tə] [kəˈleɪ]. [noʊ] [wʌn] [ˈnoʊtəst] [ðə] [bɔɪ] [əz] [hi] [krɛpt] [ɔf]. [frəm] [ðɛr], [hi] [ˈhɪʧˌhaɪkt] [tə] [ˈpɛrɪs] [ɪn] [ə] [ˈlɔri]. [ðə] [ˈdraɪvər] [geɪv] [ɪm] [ə] [fju] [ˈbɪskəts] [ənd] [ə] [kʌp] [əv] [ˈkɑfi] [ənd] [lɛft] [ɪm] [ʤəst] [ˈaʊtˈsaɪd] [ðə] [ˈsɪti]. [ðə] [nɛkst] [kɑr] [ðə] [bɔɪ] [stɑpt] [dɪd] [nɑt] [teɪk] [ɪm] [ˈɪntə] [ðə] [ˈsɛntər] [əv] [ˈpɛrɪs] [əz] [hi] [hoʊpt] [ɪt] [wʊd], [bət] [tə] Perpignan [ɑn] [ðə] [frɛnʧ]-[ˈspænɪʃ] [ˈbɔrdər]. [ðɛr] [hi] [wəz] [pɪkt] [ʌp] [baɪ] [ə] [pəˈlismən] [ənd] [sɛnt] [bæk] [tʊ] [ˈɪŋglənd] [baɪ] [ðə] [ˈloʊkəl] [əˈθɔrətiz]. [hi] [həz] [ˈʃʊrli] [sɛt] [ʌp] [ə] [ˈrɛkərd] [fər] [ðə] [ˈθaʊzəndz] [əv] [ˈʧɪldrən] [hu] [drim] [əv] [ɪˈveɪdɪŋ] [skul].

任务配置:L0 + L3 + L4  (L0 朗读;L1 音标朗读;L2 点评;L3 复述;L4 读后感)



        - play truant, truant

        - unimaginative vs imaginative

        - be put to shame by sb.

        - hitch-hike

        - creep off

        - in a lorry

        - local authorities, 复数

        - evade school

        - Dover

        - Calais

        - Perpignan


        - record, 名词 [ˈrɛkərd]; 动词 [rəˈkɔrd]

        - truant

        - Calais

        - Perpignan



Answer: Nope, just he was sent back to England by the French local authorities. 

Thoughts: 每日精进就是确认自己的朗读首先自己挑不出问题了(朗读10遍+ and 复述)。

你可能感兴趣的:(Mr. L 的ScalersTalk第四轮《新概念》朗读持续力训练 Day73 - 20181219)