
ICT638 Assessment 2- Portfolio v1.0 Page | 1School of Information TechnologyNew Zealand Diploma in Information Technology SoftwareDevelopment (Level 6)Course Code & Title: ICT638 Mobile and App DevelopmentAssignment Title 2 - Portfolio Assessment Type PracticalLevel 6 Credits 15Term & Cohort:Due date: Task 1: 11/03/2020, Task 2: 25/02/2020, Task 3: 08/04/2020,Task 4: 09/04/2020Overall Weighting: 80%Total marks available 100Course aimInvestigates the design and implementation of distributed systems, including contemporarytechnologies such as Java Enterprise Edition and .NET, as well as the development of mobilesystems.PurposeLearners will gain an understanding of mobile and application development. Students will learn howto create distributed applications making use of Android and ASP .NET.Assessment Information1. This is a combined individual and group open-book assessment which is worth 80% of yourtotal assessment weighting of the entire course. The tasks 2 and 3 of the assessment isgroup assessment and task 1 and 4 of the assessment is individual assessment.2. Resources and/or equipment which may be used for this activity:a. NZSE issued material;b. your own course notes; andc. Other resources (referenced and cited).3. Task 1 (individual) of the assessment is due on 11 March 2020, task 2 (group) is dueon 25 March 2020, task 3(group) is due on 8 April 2020 and task 4 is due on 9 April 2020.4. You have 7 weeks to complete this assessment.ICT638 Assessment 2- Portfolio v1.0 Page | 2Learning OutcomesThis assessment is mapped to the following learning outcomes for this course:LO1 Evaluate and implement features of client-server systems using Java Enterpriseedition and/or .NETLO2 Implement mobile systems utilizing messaging, Bluetooth, push registrations, andlocation-based servicesLO3 Demonstrate mastery of distributed algorithmsLO4 Research and apply contemporary remote technologies such as RMI, CORBA, .NETremoting, and web servicesLO5 Apply standard design principles and algorithms in the construction of a distributedsystemGPO’s (this course is mapped to)1 Analyse requirements, design and document software solutions for a range ofproblems in an organisational context.2 Write and maintain programs using design patterns, data structures and algorithms tomeet specifications.3 Apply a range of software quality assurance techniques to verify correctness ofsystems.4 Apply data management and storage technologies to support the software applicationand the development process.5 Establish application security by integrating security principles throughout softwaredevelopment to ensure system integrity.6 Choose, justify and apply architecture, technologies, and tools, to implement thesoftware solution.Plagiarism• Any submitted assessment or part of an assessment which has plagiarised content will not bemarked.• All cases of plagiarism and/or cheating will be investigated and dealt with according to A08:Misconduct in Assessment Policy.Submission InstructionsYou are required to ensure you have carried out the following before submitting your assessment:• Signed assignment coversheet• All answers are written in your own words• Proofread and spell check all written assessment work carefully• DO NOT email your document to your tutor, it must be uploaded to the NZSE LMSICT638 Assessment 2- Portfolio v1.0 Page | 3Evidence SubmissionYou are required to submit the below documents as the evidence of the work done towards theassessment• Visual Studio projects containing all the relevant project files and folders• Reports required for documentation (as .pdf or .doc/.docx file)ICT638 Assessment 2- Portfolio v1.0 Page | 4AssessmentScenarioYou have been hired as a software developer for a start-up firm i-Buy Technologies. You are part of ateam that has to create a shopping application on Android.Users of the application can post items for sale and can buy items that are available for sale fromother users. Clicking on each listing opens a new page with more details on the item and the pickuplocation on a map.The application is to obtain the data from another web application that stores all the data.Task 1 Due: 11/03/2020Individual Task - (25 marks)LO 1: Evaluate and implement features of client-server systems using Java Enterprise edition and/or .NETLO3: Demonstrate mastery of distributed algorithmsWrite a research report to:1. evaluate the applicability of a client-server system in the above scenario and describe 3features that can be implemented in the above scenario and how they can be implemented;and2. describe distributed algorithms, analyse why they are required in most applications thesedays and a minimum of 3 issues faced when implementing distributed algorithms.Task 2 Due: 25/03/2020Group Task - (25 marks)LO3: Demonstrate mastery of distributed algorithmsLO5: Apply standard design principles and algorithms in the construction of a distributed systemBased on the distributed system theory, design a solution for the above scenario applying designprinciples in the construction of a distributed system using REST API. You must include a diagramthat outlines the basics of the system and a service flow diagram from backend to frontend.You must satisfy the below requirements:1. apply and document a minimum of 2 design principles in constructing the distributedsystem;2. include a block diagram that outlines the basics of the system and explain the differentcomponents; and3. include a service flow diagram.ICT638 Assessment 2- Portfolio v1.0 Page | 5Task 3 Due: 08/04/2020Group Task - (40 marks)LO 1: Evaluate and implement features of client-server systems using Java Enterprise edition and/or .NETLO2: Implement mobile systems utilizing messaging, Bluetooth, push registrations, and location-based servicesLO4: Research and apply contemporary remote technologies such as RMI, CORBA, .NET remoting, and web servicesLO5: Apply standard design principles and algorithms in the construction of a distributed systemImplement a mobile app that allows the customer to view all available items for sale and a webservice that stores the data and transfers data as per request from the mobile application asspecified in the above scenario.Web Service RequirementsThe app must include the features as listed below.1. The API should follow REST API principles2. The API should be able to add new customer and item data coming from the application andsend it to the application according to the specific requests.Mobile Application RequirementsThe app must include the features as listed below.1. Register new user including user first name & last name, phone number, address, country,unique username and password. The user should be able to see if the username alreadyexists when registering the user.2. Allow customer to login3. View the list of all items available for sale and click the item on the list for more details.4. View the item description (that includes a title of the item listing, description of the item,price of the item and seller details such as the name, address and contact phone number)along with the marked pick up location of the item on map using tabbed navigation.5. Display your location using a location service on the map with a different pointer with acustom marker that says “I am here”6. The description page needs three buttons, one that can share the item description usingBluetooth, one that can buy the item and another that can send a text message to theseller with the default text saying “Hi, I am interested in the item you haveposted for sale. Could I please have more details?”7. Menu bar that includes options to go to the profile page and post an item for sale.8. View customer profile details and be able to edit it except the username, password andemail address.9. Able to add a new item for sale and mark an item sold.10. A push - notification on your phone when you open the app and an item you posted wassold by someone.11. All the data regarding customers and the items posted for sale are stored on the webserver and accessed as per requirements.ICT638 Assessment 2- Portfolio v1.0 Page | 6You will be assessed on the following for the applications:1. The functionality as listed above has been implemented for the mobile app and the web API2. The Coding structure follows recognised conventions3. Quality:- The solution maps to the requirements specified in above scenario.- The technologies selected are correct according to the requirements of the casestudy- The source code is optimisedYou are required to demonstrate the working of your application to a panel of tutors and yourclassmates on Wednesday, 08/04/2020.Task 4 Due: 09/04/2020Individual Task - (5 marks)You are required to write an individual report reflecting on how you think the group worked. Youshould also make sure that the below requirements are met:1. the group GitHub project link is provided.2. provide proof of collaboration throughout the tasks (See marking criteria below); and3. provide a document of what task were done by which team member signed by all teammembers.APA Referencing, spelling and grammar (5 Marks)There is a total of five (5) marks available for correct use of APA v6 referencing, correct spelling andgrammar for any document that you submit.ICT638 Assessment 2- Portfolio v1.0 Page | 7ICT638 Mobile and App DevelopmentAssessment 2: Portfolio Marking CriteriaTask AssessmentCriteriaEvidenceTASK 11a) Applicabilityof Client-ServerSystem(4 marks)Student provided a very clear and thoroughevaluation of applicability of Client-Serversystem in the given scenario(3-4 marks)Student has attempted to do an evaluation ofapplicability of Client-Server system in the givenscenario(1-2 marks)Student has not attempted to evaluate theapplicability of Client-Server system in the givenscenario(0 marks)a) Feature 1 –C-S System(2 marks)Student has clearly identified and described thefeature and how it can be implemented for thescenario(2 marks)Student has clearly identified the feature and haseither described the feature or how it can beimplemented for the scenario(1 mark)Student has not attempted to identify the featureor identified the feature with no description at all(0 marks)a) Feature 2 –C-S System(2 marks)Student has clearly identified and described thefeature and how it can be implemented for thescenario(2 marks)Student has clearly identified the feature and haseither described the feature or how it can beimplemented for the scenario(1 mark)Student has not attempted to identify the featureor identified the feature with no description at all(0 marks)a) Feature 3 –C-S System(2 marks)Student has clearly identified and described thefeature and how it can be implemented for thescenario(2 marks)Student has clearly identified the feature and haseither described the feature or how it can beimplemented for the scenario(1 mark)Student has not attempted to identify the featureor identified the feature with no description at all(0 marks)ICT638 Assessment 2- Portfolio v1.0 Page | 8b) Analysis ofrequirement ofDS(10 marks)Student provided avery clear andthorough analysis ofthe necessity ofdistributedalgorithms inapplications withclear and logicalreasoning.(9-10 marks)Student providedanalysis of thenecessity ofdistributedalgorithms inapplications withgood but limitedreasoning.(7-8 marks)Student provideda good analysis ofthe necessity ofdistributedalgorithms inapplications withlimited reasoning.(5-6 marks)Student attempted toanalyse the necessity ofdistributed algorithms inapplications with limitedreasoning.(3-4 marks)Poor or no attempt toanalyse the necessity ofdistributed algorithmsin applications with noreasoning.(1-2 mark)No attempt toanalyse thenecessity ofdistributedalgorithms inapplications withno reasoning.(0 marks)TASK 22API designprinciples(5 marks)Provides a very cleardescription of fiveprinciples used indesigning the API.(5 marks)Provides a veryclear descriptionof four principlesused in designingthe API.(4 marks)Provides a veryclear descriptionof three principlesused in designingthe API.(3 marks)Provides a very cleardescription of twoprinciples used indesigning the API.(2 marks)Provides a very cleardescription of the oneprinciple used indesigning the API.(1 mark)Provides a veryclear descriptionof the none ofdifferent principlesused in designingthe API.(0 marks)b) BlockDiagram(10 marks)Included a blockdiagram thatoutlines the basics ofthe system.Has included athoroughexplanation of thedifferentcomponents of theblock diagram.(9-10 marks)Included a blockdiagram thatoutlines the basicsof the system.Has included anexplanation ofmost of thecomponents in theblock diagram.(7-8 marks)Included a blockdiagram thatoutlines the basicsof the sysICT638作业代做、代写Software留学生作业、Java程序语言作业调试、Java实验作业代做 代写R语言程序|帮tem.Has included anexplanation of afew of thecomponents in theblock diagram.(5-6 marks)Included a block diagramthat outlines the basicsof the system but doesn’tcontain any explanationof the components orcontains a very poorexplanation of thediagram.(3-4 marks)Have described a fewcomponents poorlywithout a diagram.(1-2 marks)Doesn’t includethe block diagramand has noexplanation.(0 marks)c) Service FlowDiagram(10 marks)Has included a neatand detailed serviceflow diagram thatincludes all theHas included aneat and detailedservice flowdiagram thatHas included aservice flowdiagram thatincludes few theHas included a basicservice flow diagram thatjust providesHas included aninsufficient diagram.Hasn’t included aservice flowdiagram.ICT638 Assessment 2- Portfolio v1.0 Page | 9services that areaccessed/providedby the differentcomponents of thedistributed system.(9-10 marks)includes most theservices that areaccessed/providedby the differentcomponents ofthe distributedsystem.(7-8 marks)services that areaccessed/providedby the differentcomponents ofthe distributedsystem.(5-6 marks)representation for a fewservices in the system.(3-4 marks) (1-2 marks) (0 marks)TASK 33Web API(6 marks)Students have applied and documented 2 RESTAPI principles while constructing the Web API(2 marks)Students have applied and documented 1 REST APIprinciple while constructing the Web API(1 mark)Students haven’t applied and documented RESTAPI principles while constructing the Web API(0 marks)API can successfully add, edit, select and deleteall data coming from clients using theappropriate URL.(3 – 4 marks)API can successfully add, edit, select and deletesome data coming from clients using theappropriate URL.(1 – 2 marks)API failed to add, edit, select and delete datacoming from clients using the appropriate URL.(0 marks)MobileApplication –Register newuser and Userlogin(2 marks)The feature has been fully implemented andworking successfully.(2 marks)The feature has been fully implemented but notworking successfully or has been partially done.(1 mark)The feature hasn’t been implemented(0 marks)MobileApplication –List items forsale – Clickable(2 marks)The feature has been fully implemented andworking successfully.(2 marks)The feature has been fully implemented but notworking successfully or has been partially done.(1 mark)The feature hasn’t been implemented(0 marks)MobileApplication –Itemdescriptionpage with buybutton andpickup locationmap usingThe feature has been fully implemented andworking successfully.(2 marks)The feature has been fully implemented but notworking successfully or has been partially done.(1 mark)The feature hasn’t been implemented(0 marks)ICT638 Assessment 2- Portfolio v1.0 Page | 10tabbednavigation(2 marks)MobileApplication –Marked userlocation andpick up location(2 marks)The feature has been fully implemented andworking successfully.(2 marks)The feature has been fully implemented but notworking successfully or has been partially done.(1 mark)The feature hasn’t been implemented(0 marks)MobileApplication –Bluetoothbutton to shareitem details(2 marks)The feature has been fully implemented andworking successfully.(2 marks)The feature has been fully implemented but notworking successfully or has been partially done.(1 mark)The feature hasn’t been implemented(0 marks)MobileApplication –Message buttonto text sellerwith defaulttext(2 marks)The feature has been fully implemented andworking successfully.(2 marks)The feature has been fully implemented but notworking successfully or has been partially done.(1 mark)The feature hasn’t been implemented(0 marks)MobileApplication –Menu bar –Profile page andpost item forsale(2 marks)The feature has been fully implemented andworking successfully.(2 marks)The feature has been fully implemented but notworking successfully or has been partially done.(1 mark)The feature hasn’t been implemented(0 marks)MobileApplication –View userprofile and edit(2 marks)The feature has been fully implemented andworking successfully.(2 marks)The feature has been fully implemented but notworking successfully or has been partially done.(1 mark)The feature hasn’t been implemented(0 marks)MobileApplication –Add item forsale and marksoldThe feature has been fully implemented andworking successfully.(2 marks)The feature has been fully implemented but notworking successfully or has been partially done.(1 mark)The feature hasn’t been implemented(0 marks)ICT638 Assessment 2- Portfolio v1.0 Page | 11(2 marks)MobileApplication –Pushnotification(2 marks)The feature has been fully implemented andworking successfully.(2 marks)The feature has been fully implemented but notworking successfully or has been partially done.(1 mark)The feature hasn’t been implemented(0 marks)MobileApplication –Data accessusing API(2 marks)The feature has been fully implemented andworking successfully.(2 marks)The feature has been fully implemented but notworking successfully or has been partially done.(1 mark)The feature hasn’t been implemented(0 marks)Connectionbetween APIand App(2 marks)The connection between the API and Appworks seamlessly(2 marks)The code to connect has been implemented but notworking or has been done partially(1 mark)The connection has not been implemented(0 marks)CodingStandards(5 marks)The code adheres toall standards. Thecode is exceptionallywell organized andvery easy to follow.Comments arecomplete and useful;variables’ purposesare clearlycommunicated bytheir names.(5 marks)There may besome minorfailures to adhereto standards, forinstance,indentation maybe inconsistent,some lines may betoo long, or a fewvariables mayhave unobviousnames or beundocumented.(4 marks)There are some moderate violations of thestandards. The code may be difficult to read inplaces, or some of the function comments maybe sketchy. However, the code is still generallyreadable and there is enough commenting,good enough variable names, etc. thatsomeone could still figure out what’s going onwithout too much difficulty.(2-3 marks)There are majorproblems with theprogram’s design orcoding style that wouldinterfere with itscomprehension, reuse,or maintenance. File orfunction comments maybe sketchy, variabledescriptions or namesmay be unenlightening.The code may be poorlyformatted.(1 mark)The code is poorlydesigned andorganized, withfew or no usefulcomments. It isvery difficult toread orunderstand.(0 marks)QualityStandards(5 marks)Quality standardsare excellent as perthe below criteria.• The solution mapsto therequirementsQuality standardsmet by meeting atleast 2 criteriabelow fully andone partially.Quality standardspartially met bymeeting at least 2criteria belowfully.Quality standardspartially met by meeting1 criteria below fully andat least two partially.• The solution maps tothe requirementsQuality standards arenot satisfactory as thestudent only meets onerequirement fully.• The solution maps tothe requirementsQuality standardsare notsatisfactory as thestudent meets norequirements fully.ICT638 Assessment 2- Portfolio v1.0 Page | 12specified in thecase study that issubject of Task 2.• The technologiesselected arecorrect accordingto therequirements ofthe case study• The source code isoptimized(5 marks)• The solutionmaps to therequirementsspecified in thecase study thatis subject ofTask 2.• Thetechnologiesselected arecorrectaccording to therequirements ofthe case study• The source codeis optimized(4 marks)• The solutionmaps to therequirementsspecified in thecase study thatis subject ofTask 2.• Thetechnologiesselected arecorrectaccording to therequirements ofthe case study• The source codeis optimized(3 marks)specified in the casestudy that is subject ofTask 2.• The technologiesselected are correctaccording to therequirements of thecase study• The source code isoptimized(2 marks)specified in the casestudy that is subjectof Task 2.• The technologiesselected are correctaccording to therequirements of thecase study• The source code isoptimized(1 mark)• The solutionmaps to therequirementsspecified in thecase study thatis subject ofTask 2.• Thetechnologiesselected arecorrectaccording to therequirements ofthe case study• The source codeis optimized(0 marks)TASK 44Collaboration(3 marks)Students have used git effectively forversion control and collaboration as perbelow criteria.• There are evidences of branches for allmembers of the group.• 3 or more commits seen per groupmember.• Branches merged with comments onfunctionality integrated using thebranch.(3 marks)Students have used git for version control andcollaboration but not extensively as per belowcriteria.• There are evidences of branches for allmembers of the group.• One/two commits seen per group member.• Branches merged with comments onfunctionality integrated using the branch.(1 – 2 marks)Students have not used git effectively forversion control and collaboration as perbelow criteria.• Only one member has added code.(0 marks)ReflectiveReport(2 marks)The student provides a clear reflection onthe group work with details such as groupdynamics, how other members of theteam performed and how you wereThe student provides a reflection on the groupwork but lacks some details.The student has not provided a reflectionreport.ICT638 Assessment 2- Portfolio v1.0 Page | 13involved in the group. Also mentions whatcould be better next time.(2 marks)(1 mark) (0 marks)Structure andorganisation of ideas,English writing, andAPA Referencing(5 marks)APA 6th editionreferencing isproperly applied toboth in-text citationand reference list.(2.5 marks)APA 6th editionreferencing isapplied to both intextcitation andreference list butwith minor errors.(2 marks)APA 6th editionreferencing is appliedto both in-textcitation andreference list but withmajor errors.(1.5 marks)APA 6th editionreferencing is notapplied properly toeither in-text citationor reference list.(1 mark)APA 6th edition referencing is not applied orvery poorly applied to both in-text citationand reference list.(0.5 marks)There are no morethan three spelling,grammar, or syntaxerrors.(2.5 marks)There are no morethan five spelling,grammar, or syntaxerrors.(2 marks)There are more thanten spelling,grammar, or syntaxerrors.(1.5 marks)There are numerousof spelling, grammar,or syntax errors.(1 mark)It is full of spelling, grammar, or syntax errorsthroughout the report and makes it difficultto read.(0.5 marks)ICT638 Assessment 2- Portfolio v1.0 Page | 14School of Information TechnologyNew Zealand Diploma in Information Technology Software Development(Level 6)Cover Sheet and Student DeclarationThis sheet must be signed by the student and attached to the submitted assessment.Course Title: Mobile and App Development Course code: ICT638Student Name: Student ID:Assessment No& Type:2 – PortfolioTheory/Practical Cohort:Due Date:DateSubmitted:Tutor’s Name:AssessmentWeighting 80%Total Marks 100Student Declaration:I declare that:• I have read the New Zealand School of Education Ltd policies and regulations on assessments andunderstand what plagiarism is.• I am aware of the penalties for cheating and plagiarism as laid down by the New Zealand School ofEducation Ltd.• This is an original assessment and is entirely my own work.• Where I have quoted or made use of the ideas of other writers, I have acknowledged the source.• This assessment has been prepared exclusively for this course and has not been or will not besubmitted as assessed work in any other course.• It has been explained to me that this assessment may be used by NZSE Ltd, for internal and/orexternal moderation.• If I am late in handing in this assessment without prior approval (see student regulations inhandbook), marks will be deducted, to a maximum of 50%.Student signature:Date:Tutor only to completeAssessment result: Mark /100 Grade转自:http://www.3zuoye.com/contents/9/4837.html
