I understand why America so often feels like a 50-50 country, hopefully split right down the middle. In some ways, it is. But right now, on the key issue of trust, as the United States breaks , we are not split in half. It's more like 2 against 1.
New from Quinnipiac University found that only 30% of America's registered voters say they trust the information that President Trump is providing about the coronavirus. To repeat: Just 3 out of 10 voters trust what he says about the biggest crisis of his presidency.
Conversely, 67% of registered voters do not trust Trump's Covid-19 claims. This is in line with numerous past polls that show only about 1 in 3 Americans viewing Trump as honest and trustworthy. He has the Fox News fan base with him, but that's about it.
相反,67%的注册选民不信任特朗普的Covid-19主张。这与过去的许多民意调查一致,后者仅显示三分之一的美国人认为特朗普是诚实和值得信赖的。他有Fox News的粉丝群,但仅此而已。
I think are fascinating because they indicate that a significant chunk of his supporters -- folks who say they approve of his performance -- do so even though they don't trust him. But I think this next part of the Q poll is even more important: Nearly two-thirds of voters, 65%, "say they trust the information Dr. Anthony Fauci is providing about the coronavirus," the university said. Only 26% said they DON'T trust Fauci. There's clearly a gulf between the minority that trusts Trump and the majority that trusts Fauci.
我认为这很有趣,因为它们表明他的支持者中有很大一部分人表示赞成他的表现,即使他们不信任他,他们也表示支持。但是我认为Q问卷的下一部分更加重要:将近三分之二的选民(65%)“说他们相信Anthony Fauci博士提供的有关冠状病毒的信息,”该大学说。只有26%的人说他们不信任Fauci。信任特朗普的少数派和信任富奇的多数派之间显然存在鸿沟。
>> Quinnipiac also found that 61% trust what the CDC says about the virus...
>> Quinnipiac还发现61%的人相信CDC对病毒的看法...
>> Polling analyst Tim Malloy said: "He may be out of the loop and in disfavor with the White House, but it's clear from the numbers, voters would like Dr. Fauci back on call..."
>>投票分析师蒂姆·马洛伊(Tim Malloy)表示:“他可能出人意料,不赞成白宫,但从数字上可以明显看出,选民们希望福西博士能再度召集……”
Follow the polling numbers, and Wednesday night's breaking news about Trump campaign manager Brad Parscale being demoted makes perfect sense.
追踪民意调查数字,周三晚上有关特朗普竞选经理布拉德·帕斯卡尔(Brad Parscale)被降级的重大新闻是很合理的。
The NYT's Maggie Haberman this news, and the president confirmed it minutes later via a Facebook post. (He evidently headed over to FB while Twitter was crippled by a hacking attack.) Bill Stepien is the new campaign manager, and Parscale is now a senior advisor. the shakeup came as a surprise to Parscale.
纽约时报的玛吉·哈伯曼(Maggie Haberman)获此消息,并在几分钟后通过Facebook帖子证实了这一消息。 (他显然是去了FB,而Twitter遭到了黑客攻击而瘫痪。)Bill Stepien是新的竞选经理,而Parscale现在是高级顾问。这次改组令Parscale感到惊讶。
Both the Quinnipiac poll and a new NBC/WSJ poll Trump trailing Joe Biden by double digits. This has been happening for more than a month. Remember when the Trump campaign sent a ludicrous cease-and-desist letter to CNN for publishing a poll that showed Trump down by 12 points? Now poll after poll shows Trump down by 11, 12, 15 points. I don't see the campaign threatening legal action anymore...
昆尼皮亚克民意调查和新的NBC / WSJ民意调查都以两位数落后于乔·拜登。这已经发生了一个多月。还记得特朗普竞选活动向美国有线电视新闻网发送荒唐的停止和终止信的原因,该信发布了一项民意测验,显示特朗普下跌了12分?现在民意测验显示特朗普下跌了11、12、15点。我认为竞选活动不会再威胁采取法律行动了...
>> "Whispers: Parscale is not the reason the president's poll numbers are in the sewer," Jake Tapper ...
>>“窃窃私语:帕斯卡尔不是总统的民意调查数字出现在下水道的原因,”杰克·塔珀(Jake Tapper)...
During an interview at a virtual summit hosted by The Atlantic, Dr. Fauci was asked, "There's been some reporting that the Trump administration has tried to cut back on your TV interviews. Isn't it important at this moment for the nation and the world to hear from you?" Fauci said, "I can't make a comment on that, but I think you know what the answer to that is." Yes, we all do... The answer is yes...
Here's a great example of how Fauci is getting around the WH's attempts to block him from TV interviewers. Norah O'Donnell of CBS, who says she has known the Fauci family for years, interviewed him... but not on camera... instead, it was
这是一个很好的例子,说明Fauci如何绕开WH的企图阻止他成为电视访问员。哥伦比亚广播公司(CBS)的诺拉·奥多内尔(Norah O'Donnell)说,她已经认识Fauci家族多年了,但采访了他……但不是在镜头前……
InStyle published a digital cover of Dr. Fauci on Wednesday, see above, plus Fauci said he doesn't like to be pitted against Trump. Why? Because "it's pretty tough walking a tightrope while trying to get your message out and people are trying to pit you against the president. It's very stressful..."
Fauci's webcast strategy, which I wrote about last night, will continue on Thursday. Mark Zuckerberg said on Facebook Live Thursday at 5pm ET about "what we need to do next to stop the virus from spreading, and how close we are to a vaccine."
我昨晚写的Fauci的网络广播策略将在周四继续。马克·扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)在美国东部时间周四下午5点在Facebook Live上说:“下一步我们需要做什么以阻止病毒传播,以及我们离疫苗有多近。”
Timing: The interview comes as Facebook "Facts About Covid-19" section to provide users authoritative information about the virus...
时机:面试的同时,Facebook的“ Covid-19事实”部分向用户提供有关该病毒的权威信息...
Fauci described Peter Navarro's op-ed about him as a "major mistake" by the White House that reflected "poorly on them." He described it as "a bit bizarre" that the government is openly trying to discredit him, and said that Navarro is "in a world by himself."
Fauci将彼得·纳瓦罗(Peter Navarro)对他的评论描述为白宫的“重大错误”,反映出“对他们的可怜”。他称政府公开试图抹黑他“有点奇怪”,并说纳瓦罗“自己一个人在世界上”。
Trump chastised Navarro for the op-ed. And by the end of the day, it was clear that tensions between the WH and Fauci have eased, at least for a moment. This WaPo story is on Thursday's front page: