oracle 创建无参存储过程

create or replace procedure pro_miss_history as
t_waybillNo varchar2(20);
t_checkCode varchar2(20);
t_checkTime date;
t_missTime date;
t_compareTime date;
t_compareCheckTime date;

cursor cur_task is
select f1.waybillcode, f1.check_zone
from ompweb.tt_doubt_miss_check f1
where f1.doubt_miss_time > sysdate - 8;
-- group by f1.waybillcode, f1.check_zone
--having count(waybillcode) > 1;

cursor cur_time is
select tt.doubt_miss_time as missTime, tt.check_time as checkTime
from ompweb.tt_doubt_miss_check tt
where tt.waybillcode = t_waybillNo
and tt.check_zone = t_checkCode
order by tt.check_time;

open cur_task;
fetch cur_task
into t_waybillNo, t_checkCode;
exit when cur_task%notfound;

open cur_time;
fetch cur_time
into t_missTime, t_checkTime;
exit when cur_time%notfound;

if (cur_time%rowcount = 1) then
t_compareTime := t_missTime;
t_compareCheckTime := t_checkTime;
end if;

if (cur_time%rowcount > 1) and
to_number(t_missTime - t_compareCheckTime) * 24 != 16
to_number(t_missTime - t_compareCheckTime) * 24 != 8 then
t_compareTime := t_missTime;
end if;
t_compareCheckTime := t_checkTime;
end loop;
close cur_time;

-- 赋值“快件路由疑似遗失时间点”
update ompweb.tt_doubt_miss_history hh
set hh.route_doubt_miss_time = t_compareTime
where hh.waybillcode = t_waybillNo
and hh.check_zone_code = t_checkCode;

end loop;
close cur_task;

end pro_miss_history;
