Sonnet 15: Forget

Go take me to the Catskill Mountains where

I shun molesting claws of Memory:

May I return to find me free from care,

while age eroding ‘way your imagery.

Lest traces yours remain unwashed by time,

I’ll deluge them with brews of mandrake root.

Let years of slumber my frail heart sublime,

and love-impervious crystal it transmute.

Don’t wake me up until your mind does change

or I will wait th’advent of Judgement day.

What worser fate for me will God arrange

than chasing th’unobtain’ble love for aye?

Sans you eternal blesséd life may ev’n

feel Hell; with you of Earth I’ll make a Heav’n.


你可能感兴趣的:(Sonnet 15: Forget)