英文 | 中文 |
Seeing is not believing. | 眼见不一定为实 |
Our senses can deceive us. | 我们的感觉也会欺骗我们 |
Even the stars are not what they appear to be. | 即使是恒星也并非它们看起来的样子 |
The cosmos, as revealed by science, | 被科学展现出来的宇宙 |
is stranger than we ever could have imagined. | 可比我们所能想象的要奇怪得多 |
Light and time and space and gravity | 光时间空间引力 |
conspire to create realities | 共同创造出一个 |
which lie beyond human experience. | 超越人类经验的现实世界 |
That's where we're headed. | 那就是我们要去的地方 |
Come with me. | 跟我来 |
Back in 1802, on a night like this, | 1802年一个这样的夜晚 |
The astronomer William Herschel strolled the beach | 天文学家威廉·赫歇尔与他的儿子约翰 |
on the English coast, with his son John. | 漫步在英国的海滩上 |
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Herschel was the first person ever | 赫歇尔是第一个 |
to see into the deeper waters of the cosmic ocean. | 看到了宇宙之海深处的人 |
There he glimpsed the magic trick | 在那里他瞥见了 |
that light does with time. | 光用时间施下的魔法 |
Father... | 父亲 |
do you believe in ghosts? | 您相信灵魂吗 |
Why, yes, my son! | 为什么这么问我相信孩子 |
You, you do? | 您真的相信吗 |
I would not have thought so. | 我还以为您不信呢 |
Oh, no, not in the human kind of ghost. | 不我信的并非人类的灵魂 |
No... not at all. | 不完全不是 |
But look up, my boy, | 但是抬头看我的孩子 |
And see a sky full of them. | 你可以看见灵魂充满了天空 |
The stars, father? | 您是说恒星吗父亲 |
I do not follow. | 我不明白 |
Every star is a sun as big, as bright as our own. | 每一颗恒星都和我们的太阳一样大而明亮 |
Just imagine how far away from us you'd have to move the sun | 想像一下要把太阳移多远 |
to make it appear as small and faint as a star. | 才能让它像恒星一样小而黯淡呢 |
The light from the stars travels very fast, | 恒星发出的光速度很快 |
faster than anything, | 比一切东西都要快 |
but not infinitely fast. | 但却不是无穷快 |
It takes time for their light to reach us. | 它们的光到达我们也是需要时间的 |
For the nearest ones, it takes years. | 对于最近的一颗也要花好几年时间 |
For others, centuries. | 对别的则要几个世纪 |
Some stars are so far away, | 有些恒星离得太远了 |
it takes eons for their light to get to Earth. | 它们的光到达地球甚至需要数十亿年 |
By the time the light from some stars gets here, | 有些恒星的光到达这里时 |
they are already dead. | 它们都已经死了 |
For those stars, we see only their ghosts. | 对这些恒星我们看到的是它们的灵魂 |
We see their light, | 我们看到了它们的光 |
but their bodies perished long, long ago. | 但它们本身在很久以前就已经逝去了 |
John, I have seen further back in time | 约翰与我之前的人相比 |
than any man before me-- | 我能看到更久之前 |
millions of years into the past. | 我能看到数百万年前 |
William Herschel was the first person to understand | 威廉·赫歇尔第一个理解了 |
that a telescope is a time machine. | 望远镜其实是一台时间机器 |
We cannot look out into space | 我们只要望向太空 |
without seeing back in time. | 那么看到的一定是过去 |
In one second, light travels 300,000 kilometers, | 光一秒钟能传播三十万千米 |
or 186,000 miles. | 或是十八万六千英里 |
That's nearly the distance from the Earth to the Moon. | 这几乎是地球到月球的距离 |
So, the Moon is about one light-second away. | 所以月球离我们一光秒远 |
The next time you look at the Moon, | 下一次你抬头看月亮 |
you'll be seeing one second into the past. | 你看到的是一秒前的历史 |
That Sun... | 太阳 |
it's not really there. | 其实并不在那里 |
It won't actually be above the horizon for another two minutes. | 两分钟后它才真正从地平线升起 |
The sunrise is an illusion. | 日出其实是幻象 |
Earth's atmosphere bends the incoming rays of sunlight | 地球的大气像是一个透镜或是一杯水一样 |
like a lens or a glass of water. | 弯曲了阳光 |
So we see the image of the Sun | 所以我们看到的太阳 |
projected above me is a mirage | 只是在太阳到达那里前 |
before the physical Sun is actually there. | 投射出的幻象 |
That Sun behind me is a mirage. | 我身后的太阳就是个幻象 |
No more real than the shimmering image | 和在一个大热天荒芜的道路上 |
that hovers in the distance over a desert road on a hot day. | 远处出现的蜃楼没有什么不同 |
Sunlight takes about eight minutes to reach Earth, | 阳光到达地球需要八分钟时间 |
so the sun is eight light-minutes away. | 所以太阳距离我们八光分 |
From Earth, we can only ever see the Sun | 从地球上我们只能看见 |
as it was eight minutes ago. | 八分钟前的太阳 |
And another thing, | 还有一件事 |
the Sun doesn't really "rise" at all. | 太阳其实根本不会"升"起来 |
The Earth turns and we turn with it. | 地球在旋转而我们也跟着一起转 |
It may not look like it, but right at this moment, | 也许看起来并不像但是现在 |
I'm moving faster than a jet plane | 我比一架喷气机的速度还快 |
and so are you and everyone on Earth. | 所有在地球上的人都一样 |
While I'm at it, | 当我向那边去时 |
that horizon... | 那条地平线 |
it's not really there at all. | 其实并不存在 |
There's no edge. | 那边没有边界 |
The horizon is just another illusion. | 地平线也是另一种幻象 |
The distance between Earth and the outermost planet Neptune | 地球和最外侧行星海王星之间的距离 |
varies as the planets orbit the Sun. | 随着行星绕太阳公转改变 |
On average, the light makes that trip in four hours. | 平均而言需要光走四个小时 |
So for us on Earth, | 对地球上的我们而言 |
the Neptune we see is always four hours in the past, | 我们看到的海王星永远是四小时前的 |
four light-hours away. | 距离四光时远 |
But the distances to the planets, | 但是行星间的距离 |
even the farthest one... | 就算最远的一个 |
are mere baby steps on a much grander scale | 从恒星和星系的大尺度上看 |
of the stars and galaxies. | 其实离得很近 |
As soon as we leave the Sun's immediate neighborhood, | 一旦我们离开太阳附近 |
we need to change the unitive distance | 我们就得把距离单位 |
from light-hours to light-years. | 从光时变成光年 |
A light-year is the yardstick of the cosmos. | 光年才是宇宙的尺度 |
A single one is nearly ten trillion kilometers, | 一光年就有近百万亿千米 |
or about six trillion miles. | 或是60万亿英里 |
It's a unitive distance, just like a meter or a mile. | 这是一个距离单位和米或英里一样 |
It's the distance light travels in a year. | 光年就是光传播一年的距离 |
The nearest star to the Sun, Proxima Centauri, | 离太阳最近的恒星即比邻星 |
is a little more than four light-years away from Earth. | 离地球有超过四光年的距离 |
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How far away is four light-years? | 四光年有多远呢 |
NASA's Voyager spacecraft moves | 美国宇航局的旅行者号飞船 |
at more than 56,000 kilometers an hour. | 速度超过每小时5.6万千米 |
Even at that astonishing speed, it would take Voyager | 就算在这样惊人的速度下旅行者号 |
more than 80,000 years to reach the nearest star. | 也要花八万多年才能到达最近的恒星 |
And the stars of the Pleiades Cluster, | 而昴宿星团的恒星 |
400 light-years away. | 则有400光年远 |
The ship of the imagination | 想象号飞船 |
is equipped with a highly unusual capability-- | 拥有极不寻常的能力 |
one-of-a-kind, actually. | 实际上是独一无二的 |
It makes it possible for us to see what was happening | 它让我们可以看到 |
when the light from a distant star or galaxy | 光从遥远的恒星或是星系 |
first set out on its long journey to Earth. | 踏上去往地球的漫长之旅时发生的事情 |
When that light left the Pleiades, about 400 years ago, | 当那束光大约400年前离开昴星团时 |
Galileo was taking his first look through a telescope. | 伽利略正第一次通过望远镜观测 |
A few years later, he tried to measure the speed of light, | 几年以后他尝试着测量光的速度 |
but he couldn't do it. | 但是他失败了 |
He had a very clever plan, but the technology of that era | 他的计划非常精妙但是那时的技术 |
just wasn't good enough to measure | 没有办法测量 |
the motion of anything that moves as fast as light. | 像光一样快的运动 |
When we look at the Crab Nebula from Earth, | 当我们从地球上看蟹状星云 |
we're seeing much farther back in time. | 我们看到的是更久之前的样子 |
The Crab Nebula was once a giant star, | 蟹状星云曾是一颗巨星 |
ten times the mass of the Sun, | 质量是太阳的十倍 |
until it exploded in a supernova. | 直到它发生了超星新爆炸 |
At its heart is a pulsar, | 在它的中心是一颗脉冲星 |
A collapsed star the size of a city, | 一颗坍缩到一座城市大小的恒星 |
spinning 30 times a second. | 并且每秒自转30周 |
This pulsar's whirling magnetic field | 这颗脉冲星旋转着的磁场 |
whips nearby electrons into a frenzy, | 疯狂地鞭打附近的电子 |
accelerating them to almost the speed of light. | 将它们加速到接近光速 |
They shine with a blue glow that | 它们发出炫目的蓝光 |
lights up the tendrils of gas | 照亮了超新星周围的气体 |
still unraveling from the supernova. | 这些气体仍被持续释放出来 |
The Crab Nebula | 蟹状星云 |
is about 6,500 light-years from Earth. | 离地球约6500光年 |
According to some beliefs, | 有些人相信 |
that's the age of the whole universe. | 这就是宇宙的年龄 |
But if the universe were only 6,500 years old, | 但是若宇宙只有6500岁 |
how could we see the light from anything more distant | 那我们怎么可能看到蟹状星云 |
than the Crab Nebula? | 以外的任何东西呢 |
We couldn't. | 我们不能 |
There wouldn't have been enough time for the light | 这个时间不足以让任何方向的光 |
to get to Earth from anywhere farther away | 从任何超过6500光年外的地方 |
than 6,500 light-years in any direction. | 到达地球 |
That's just enough time for light to travel | 这点时间只够光穿过 |
through a tiny portion of our Milky Way galaxy. | 银河系的很小一部分 |
To believe in a universe | 相信宇宙年轻到 |
as young as 6,000 or 7,000 years old | 只有六千或七千岁 |
is to extinguish the light from most of the galaxy, | 就等于隔绝了银河系绝大部分的光 |
not to mention the light from all the 100 billion | 更不用说可观测宇宙中 |
other galaxies in the observable universe. | 千亿个星系发出的光了 |
The center of our own galaxy | 银河系的中心 |
is about 30,000 light-years from Earth. | 离地球三万光年 |
The light we see today | 当我们今天看到的光 |
coming from the core of the Milky Way left there... | 从银河系的核心离开时 |