BJADV Toastmaster Club参会须知


➢BJADV Toastmaster俱乐部会议有哪些角色?



BJADV Toastmaster俱乐部会议有哪些角色?


ToastmasterThe Toastmaster is a meeting's director and host. Act as a genial host/hostess; Earnestness, good humor and enthusiasm is needed.GrammarianAs a grammarian, you need to comment on the use of English during the meeting. You have several responsibilities: to introduce new words to members, to comment on language usage during the course of the meeting, and to provide examples of eloquence.Ah CounterThe purpose of the ah-counter is to note any word or sound used as a crutch by anyone who speaks during the meeting. Words may be inappropriate interjections, such as and, well, but, so and you know. Sounds may be ah, um orer. You should also note when a speaker repeats a word or phrase such as “I, I”or “This means, this means.” These words and sounds can be annoying to listeners. The Pause filler occurs when the speaker is thinking over what to say next so it shows the nervousness and lessen your reliability and conviction of the speech subject. Eliminating these pause filler will improve the quality of your presentation.TimerControl the time of the meeting.When giving signal, hold the card high so the speaker could see it easily. After 30seconds of giving the red card, ring the bell.

Table Topics Master (TTM)Table  Topics  has  a  twofold  purpose:  First,  to  give  everyone  in  the  room  an opportunity  to  speak;  Second,  let  people  learn to “think and speak on their feet.” This session  must  be  featured  by  enthusiasm,  variety,  interest  and  the  presentation  of  an achievable  challenge  to  each  speaker.  it  provide  you  with  an  opportunity  to  practice planning,  preparation,  organization,  time  management  and  facilitation  skills;  your preparation and topic  selection help  train members to quickly  organize  and express their thoughts in an impromptu setting.Table Topics Evaluator (TTE)The  Table  Topics  Evaluator  should  evaluate  the  degree  of effectiveness  achieved  in procuring  audience  reaction.  He  should  give  one  good  point  and  one  point  for improvement about each speaker.General Evaluator (GE)Being  general  evaluator  is  a  big  responsibility  and  it  is  integral  to  the  success  of every  single club  member.  People  join  Toastmasters  because  they  have  a  goal –they want  to  learn  something.  The  club  is  where  they  learn.  If  the  learning  environment  isn’t focused and fun, members won’t learn what they joined to learn. Your observations and suggestionshelp ensure the club is meeting the goals and needs of each member.Individual EvaluatorHelp  the  speaker  become  less  self-conscious  and  a  better  speaker.  The  evaluator can comment on the CONTENT, and the DELIVERY.


访客免费参会指南BJADV每周日上午10-12点活动,访客可免费参加:-上台进行即兴演讲每次Table Topic环节由一名会员担任提问官(TTM),根据当期主题预备4-8个问题,每位在场者均有机会上台回答。答题者有30秒思考时间,然后进行1-2分钟即兴演讲。想锻炼抗压力?挑战快速思考?练习口语?分享想法?举手让我们看见你。-围观会员的备稿演讲

以头马官方指导手册为基础,每位会员的备稿演讲侧重不同技巧:如何破冰、演讲结构、如何讲述、身体语言、语音语调、视觉辅助、说服、激励等。稿件内容则由会员自行拟定。因此,访客不仅能看到不同演讲技巧如何呈现,还能听到许多有趣的故事分享。-听到针对自己和他人演讲的系统评估会议中,有专门的的评估反馈环节:包括AH-COUNTER(记录发言者嗯、啊等多余词汇),GRAMMARIAN语法官(指出发言中语法可以提高的地方),EVALUATOR评估官(对你演讲做系统的评估),还能得到来自于其他有经验的会员对你的建议和意见。这些反馈能更有效地帮助成长。How will a Sunday morning power you up?欢迎到会体验!报名方式:联系我们的VPM Sandy (WeChat: yangshen_yao).➢想加入俱乐部,如何成为正式会员?成为正式会员会员可以在会议中得到更多的锻炼机会。根据TM Educational Program的进程,会员可以担任会议主持人、即兴演讲提问官、做备稿演讲、担当时间官、语法官、演讲评估人、总会议评估人等角色,每个角色锻炼的侧重点都不同。俱乐部中有一个领导团队,包括主席(President)、教育副主席(VPE)、会员副主席(VPM)、公关副主席(VPPR)、财务(TREAUSRE)、秘书(SECRETARY)、接洽外联(SAA)等,半年一届,每一个会员都有机会竞选担任;会员有机会参加由TM中国大区一年两度的演讲比赛,胜出都更有机会去美国总部参赛。会员还可以参加俱乐部每月月初的定期聚会以及其他活动。非会员作为客人虽然可自由参加会议,自由参加会议中游戏和即兴演讲,围观备稿演讲和点评环节等,但不能像会员一样系统的练习,保证台上时间的充足,不能在会议中担任角色,以及得到充分的反馈和建议等。此外,TM是一个全球的会员体系,除了享受TM总部资料、官网资料以外,得到的是一个全球的交流平台。除了社会性质的俱乐部,哈佛大学,哥伦比亚大学等各高校,以及微软、汇丰银行、摩根士丹利等世界500强企业内部都有TM俱乐部,而我们的会员资格、CC、CL等都是被每个俱乐部都认可的荣誉。如希望成为正式会员,需要:-至少参加3次Table Topic 环节-找到一位推荐人,向BJADV提交会员申请-进行一次5-6分钟后的audition speech,由现有会员投票

How To Become A Member:

-Attend  our  meeting  as  a  guest  and  participate  as  a  speaker  in  the Table  Topic Session for at least 3 times.-Find  a  member  as  your  sponsor  to  help  you  finish  and  submit  your  application material.-Give your audition speech (5-6 mins).If  you  joined  us  successfully,  you  will  have  a  mentor  to  help  you  grow.  Contact  our VMPSandy (WeChat: yangshen_yao)to find out more!

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