Android Audio System深入探究之AudioTrack(基于Android9)


  • 1. 音频系统概述
  • 2. 放音流程分析
    • 2.1 getMinBufferSize
    • 2.2 AudioTrack
    • 2.3 AudioTrack (Native空间) set分析
      • 2.3.1 Cblk 在AF端初始化
      • 2.3.2 IAudioTrack和AT、AF的关系
      • 2.3.3 共享内存与cblk
    • 2.4 play和write分析
    • 2.5 obtainBuffer 和releaseBuffer
    • 2.6 delete AudioTrack
    • 2.7 stop分析
  • AudioTrack流程总结

基于Android 9

1. 音频系统概述


  • AudioRecorder和AudioTrack:这两个类属于Audio系统对外提供的API类,通过他们可以完成音频数据的采集和输出任务。
  • AudioFlinger:Audio系统的工作引擎,管理系统中输入输出音频流,并承担音频数据的混音,以及读写Audio硬件等工作以实现数据的输入和输出等功能。
  • AudioPolicyService: 它是Audio系统策略控制中心,具体掌管系统音频设备的选择和切换、音量控制、音频流类型管理等功能。


AudioTrack简写为AT, AudioFlinger简称AF, AudioPolicyService简称AP, AudioRecorder简称AR。

2. 放音流程分析

Java层放音API AudioTrack的使用流程如下:

//(1) 根据音频数据来确定所要分配的缓冲区最小size
int bufsize = AudioTrack.getMinBufferSize(8000,//采样率,每秒8000个采样点
                AudioFormat.ENCODING_PCM_16BIT); //采样精度,一个采样点16bit,2个字节
mAudioTrack = new AudioTrack(AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC, 
        AudioTrack.MODE_STREAM); //数据加载模式,流式
//(3)开始播放       ;

//(4) 不断写入音频数据byte[] 到Track中

//(5) 停止播放和释放资源
track.stop(); //停止播放
track.release(); //释放底层资源

上面的示例代码中涉及两个概念: 数据加载模式、音频流类型。

  1. AudioTrack数据加载模式
    AudioTrack有两种数据加载模式; MODE_STREAMMODE_STACTIC
  • MODE_STREAM: 通过write函数多次循环写入 Audio Data到AudioTrack中。这个过程涉及数据从用户提供的Buffer 拷贝到AudioTrack内部Buffer,有一定的延迟。
  • MODE_STATIC:在play之前,一次性将所有数据写入AudioTrack内部缓冲区。该模式适用于铃声、通知这种内存占用少,延迟较低的场景。
  1. 音频流的类型

在AudioTrack构造函数中使用到了 AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC这个参数。该参数与Audio系统对音频流管理和分类有关。

  • STREAM_ALARM : 警告音
  • STREAM_MUSIC :音乐声,例如music播放
  • STREAM_RING : 铃声
  • STREAM_SYSTEM :系统声音,例如低电量提示音、锁屏音等

值得注意的是 上面这些类型的划分与音频数据量的多少没有关系。例如MUSIC和RING类型都可以是某首MP3歌曲。同样铃声预览中铃声的流类型也可以设置为MUSIC类型。


源码位置 hardware/libhardware_legacy/AudioPolicyManagerBase.cpp

AudioPolicyManagerBase::routing_strategy AudioPolicyManagerBase::getStrategy(
        AudioSystem::stream_type stream) {
    // stream to strategy mapping
    switch (stream) {
    case AudioSystem::VOICE_CALL:
    case AudioSystem::BLUETOOTH_SCO:
        return STRATEGY_PHONE;
    case AudioSystem::RING:
    case AudioSystem::ALARM:
    case AudioSystem::NOTIFICATION:
    case AudioSystem::DTMF:
        return STRATEGY_DTMF;
        ALOGE("unknown stream type");
    case AudioSystem::SYSTEM:
        // NOTE: SYSTEM stream uses MEDIA strategy because muting music and switching outputs
        // while key clicks are played produces a poor result
    case AudioSystem::TTS:
    case AudioSystem::MUSIC:
        return STRATEGY_MEDIA;
    case AudioSystem::ENFORCED_AUDIBLE:
  1. Buffer分配和Frame概念

Frame在ALSA系统中是一个单位,被用来描述一个采样点音频数据量的多少,例如一帧等于多少字节呢?1单位Frame等于1个采样点的字节数 X 声道数(比如PCM 16,双声道的1个Frame等于2x2=4字节)。另外,在目前声卡驱动程序中,内部缓冲区也是采用Frame作为单位来分配和管理的。


2.1 getMinBufferSize


static public int getMinBufferSize(int sampleRateInHz, int channelConfig, int audioFormat) {
		//(1) 根据channelConfig配置获取声音通道
        int channelCount = 0;
        switch(channelConfig) {
        case AudioFormat.CHANNEL_OUT_MONO:
        case AudioFormat.CHANNEL_CONFIGURATION_MONO:
            channelCount = 1;
        case AudioFormat.CHANNEL_OUT_STEREO:
            channelCount = 2;
            if (!isMultichannelConfigSupported(channelConfig)) {
                loge("getMinBufferSize(): Invalid channel configuration.");
                return ERROR_BAD_VALUE;
            } else {
                channelCount = AudioFormat.channelCountFromOutChannelMask(channelConfig);
		//(2) 音频格式合法性判定
        if (!AudioFormat.isPublicEncoding(audioFormat)) {
            loge("getMinBufferSize(): Invalid audio format.");
            return ERROR_BAD_VALUE;
        // sample rate, note these values are subject to change
        // Note: AudioFormat.SAMPLE_RATE_UNSPECIFIED is not allowed
        //(3) 采样率合法性判定
        if ( (sampleRateInHz < AudioFormat.SAMPLE_RATE_HZ_MIN) ||
                (sampleRateInHz > AudioFormat.SAMPLE_RATE_HZ_MAX) ) {
            loge("getMinBufferSize(): " + sampleRateInHz + " Hz is not a supported sample rate.");
            return ERROR_BAD_VALUE;
		//(4) 调用JNI方法获取最小BufferSize, 这里之所以要进入native空间是因为minBufferSize的计算还需要确认
        int size = native_get_min_buff_size(sampleRateInHz, channelCount, audioFormat);
        if (size <= 0) {
            loge("getMinBufferSize(): error querying hardware");
            return ERROR;
        else {
            return size;



static const JNINativeMethod gMethods[] = {
    // name,              signature,     funcPtr
                             "(III)I",   (void *)android_media_AudioTrack_get_min_buff_size},

static jint android_media_AudioTrack_get_min_buff_size(JNIEnv *env,  jobject thiz,
    jint sampleRateInHertz, jint channelCount, jint audioFormat) {

    size_t frameCount;
    //调用AudioTrack的getMinFrameCount方法, 这里是以帧为单位的
    const status_t status = AudioTrack::getMinFrameCount(&frameCount, AUDIO_STREAM_DEFAULT,
    if (status != NO_ERROR) {
        ALOGE("AudioTrack::getMinFrameCount() for sample rate %d failed with status %d",
                sampleRateInHertz, status);
        return -1;
    const audio_format_t format = audioFormatToNative(audioFormat);
    if (audio_has_proportional_frames(format)) {
    	//计算每个采样点有多少bytes, 所以最终结果是以byte为单位的
        const size_t bytesPerSample = audio_bytes_per_sample(format);
        return frameCount * channelCount * bytesPerSample;
    } else {
        return frameCount;


// static
status_t AudioTrack::getMinFrameCount(
        size_t* frameCount,
        audio_stream_type_t streamType,
        uint32_t sampleRate)
    if (frameCount == NULL) {
        return BAD_VALUE;

    // FIXME handle in server, like createTrack_l(), possible missing info:
    //          audio_io_handle_t output
    //          audio_format_t format
    //          audio_channel_mask_t channelMask
    //          audio_output_flags_t flags (FAST)
    uint32_t afSampleRate;
    status_t status;
    //最终调用AF的sampleRate函数获取, 这个流程中会根据streamtype涉及output设备策略选择(     getOutput(streamType)函数调用, 根据获取的ioHandle查找AudioIoDescriptor)
    status = AudioSystem::getOutputSamplingRate(&afSampleRate, streamType);
    if (status != NO_ERROR) {
        ALOGE("Unable to query output sample rate for stream type %d; status %d",
                streamType, status);
        return status;
    size_t afFrameCount;
    //查询硬件内部缓冲区大小,以Frame为单位, 涉及output策略选择待输出的设备
    //上一节章节解释了1 Frame大小 = 一个采样点字节数 x 声道数
    status = AudioSystem::getOutputFrameCount(&afFrameCount, streamType);
    if (status != NO_ERROR) {
        ALOGE("Unable to query output frame count for stream type %d; status %d",
                streamType, status);
        return status;
    uint32_t afLatency;
    查询硬件延迟时间, 涉及output策略选择待输出的设备
    status = AudioSystem::getOutputLatency(&afLatency, streamType);
    if (status != NO_ERROR) {
        ALOGE("Unable to query output latency for stream type %d; status %d",
                streamType, status);
        return status;

    // When called from createTrack, speed is 1.0f (normal speed).
    // This is rechecked again on setting playback rate (TODO: on setting sample rate, too).
    *frameCount = AudioSystem::calculateMinFrameCount(afLatency, afFrameCount, afSampleRate,
                                              sampleRate, 1.0f /*, 0 notificationsPerBufferReq*/);

    // The formula above should always produce a non-zero value under normal circumstances:
    // AudioTrack.SAMPLE_RATE_HZ_MIN <= sampleRate <= AudioTrack.SAMPLE_RATE_HZ_MAX.
    // Return error in the unlikely event that it does not, as that's part of the API contract.
    if (*frameCount == 0) {
        ALOGE("AudioTrack::getMinFrameCount failed for streamType %d, sampleRate %u",
                streamType, sampleRate);
        return BAD_VALUE;
    ALOGV("getMinFrameCount=%zu: afFrameCount=%zu, afSampleRate=%u, afLatency=%u",
            *frameCount, afFrameCount, afSampleRate, afLatency);
    return NO_ERROR;

OK, 继续看calculateMinFrameCount的实现。
[–>AudioSystem.cpp ]

/* static */ size_t AudioSystem::calculateMinFrameCount(
        uint32_t afLatencyMs, uint32_t afFrameCount, uint32_t afSampleRate,
        uint32_t sampleRate, float speed /*, uint32_t notificationsPerBufferReq*/)
    // Ensure that buffer depth covers at least audio hardware latency
    uint32_t minBufCount = afLatencyMs / ((1000 * afFrameCount) / afSampleRate);
    if (minBufCount < 2) {
        minBufCount = 2;
#if 0
    // The notificationsPerBufferReq parameter is not yet used for non-fast tracks,
    // but keeping the code here to make it easier to add later.
    if (minBufCount < notificationsPerBufferReq) {
        minBufCount = notificationsPerBufferReq;
    ALOGV("calculateMinFrameCount afLatency %u  afFrameCount %u  afSampleRate %u  "
            "sampleRate %u  speed %f  minBufCount: %u" /*"  notificationsPerBufferReq %u"*/,
            afLatencyMs, afFrameCount, afSampleRate, sampleRate, speed, minBufCount
            /*, notificationsPerBufferReq*/);
    return minBufCount * sourceFramesNeededWithTimestretch(
            sampleRate, afFrameCount, afSampleRate, speed);

继续 sourceFramesNeededWithTimestretch 函数分析


// Returns the source frames needed to resample to destination frames.  This is not a precise
// value and depends on the resampler (and possibly how it handles rounding internally).
// Nevertheless, this should be an upper bound on the requirements of the resampler.
// If srcSampleRate and dstSampleRate are equal, then it returns destination frames, which
// may not be true if the resampler is asynchronous.
static inline size_t sourceFramesNeeded(
        uint32_t srcSampleRate/*App传递过来的*/, size_t dstFramesRequired/*底层需要的Frames*/, uint32_t dstSampleRate/*底层读取出来的*/) {
    // +1 舍入 - 即使匹配比率也要这样做(重采样器可能使用相位而不是比率)
    // +1 插值所需的额外样本字节
    return srcSampleRate == dstSampleRate ? dstFramesRequired :
            size_t((uint64_t)dstFramesRequired * srcSampleRate / dstSampleRate + 1 + 1);

static inline size_t sourceFramesNeededWithTimestretch(
        uint32_t srcSampleRate, size_t dstFramesRequired, uint32_t dstSampleRate,
        float speed) {
    // required is the number of input frames the resampler needs
    size_t required = sourceFramesNeeded(srcSampleRate, dstFramesRequired, dstSampleRate);
    // to deliver this, the time stretcher requires:
    return required * (double)speed + 1 + 1; // accounting for rounding dependencies

2.2 AudioTrack


AudioTrack有多个构造函数,android 9中已经建议使用Builder模式构造AndioTrack对象。


public AudioTrack(int streamType, int sampleRateInHz, int channelConfig, int audioFormat,
            int bufferSizeInBytes, int mode, int sessionId)
public AudioTrack(AudioAttributes attributes, AudioFormat format, int bufferSizeInBytes,
            int mode, int sessionId)
//(3) Builder模式构造
public @NonNull AudioTrack build()


 AudioTrack player = new AudioTrack.Builder()
           .setAudioAttributes(new AudioAttributes.Builder()
           .setAudioFormat(new AudioFormat.Builder()

无论采用哪种构造函数, 最终都会调用下面私有构造函数

private AudioTrack(AudioAttributes attributes, AudioFormat format, int bufferSizeInBytes,
            int mode, int sessionId, boolean offload)
                    throws IllegalArgumentException {
        super(attributes, AudioPlaybackConfiguration.PLAYER_TYPE_JAM_AUDIOTRACK);
        // mState already == STATE_UNINITIALIZED

        if (format == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal null AudioFormat");

        // Check if we should enable deep buffer mode
        if (shouldEnablePowerSaving(mAttributes, format, bufferSizeInBytes, mode)) {
            mAttributes = new AudioAttributes.Builder(mAttributes)
                        | AudioAttributes.FLAG_DEEP_BUFFER)
                        & ~AudioAttributes.FLAG_LOW_LATENCY)

        // remember which looper is associated with the AudioTrack instantiation
        Looper looper;
        if ((looper = Looper.myLooper()) == null) {
            looper = Looper.getMainLooper();

        int rate = format.getSampleRate();
        if (rate == AudioFormat.SAMPLE_RATE_UNSPECIFIED) {
            rate = 0;

        int channelIndexMask = 0;
        if ((format.getPropertySetMask()
                & AudioFormat.AUDIO_FORMAT_HAS_PROPERTY_CHANNEL_INDEX_MASK) != 0) {
            channelIndexMask = format.getChannelIndexMask();
        int channelMask = 0;
        if ((format.getPropertySetMask()
                & AudioFormat.AUDIO_FORMAT_HAS_PROPERTY_CHANNEL_MASK) != 0) {
            channelMask = format.getChannelMask();
        } else if (channelIndexMask == 0) { // if no masks at all, use stereo
            channelMask = AudioFormat.CHANNEL_OUT_FRONT_LEFT
                    | AudioFormat.CHANNEL_OUT_FRONT_RIGHT;
        int encoding = AudioFormat.ENCODING_DEFAULT;
        if ((format.getPropertySetMask() & AudioFormat.AUDIO_FORMAT_HAS_PROPERTY_ENCODING) != 0) {
            encoding = format.getEncoding();
        audioParamCheck(rate, channelMask, channelIndexMask, encoding, mode);
        mStreamType = AudioSystem.STREAM_DEFAULT;
		//检查audioBuffer Size是否合法

        mInitializationLooper = looper;

        if (sessionId < 0) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid audio session ID: "+sessionId);

        int[] sampleRate = new int[] {mSampleRate};
        int[] session = new int[1];
        session[0] = sessionId;
        // native initialization
        int initResult = native_setup(new WeakReference<AudioTrack>(this), 
        		mAttributes, //属性
                sampleRate, //例如8000
                 mChannelMask, //通道掩码,查看相关定义
                 mChannelIndexMask, //声道索引掩码
                 mAudioFormat, //例如AudioFormat.ENCODING_PCM_16BIT
                mNativeBufferSizeInBytes, //等于bufferSizeInBytes
                mDataLoadMode, //DataLoadMode是MODE_STREAM
                 session, //会话Id
                 0 /*nativeTrackInJavaObj*/,
        if (initResult != SUCCESS) {
            loge("Error code "+initResult+" when initializing AudioTrack.");
            return; // with mState == STATE_UNINITIALIZED

        mSampleRate = sampleRate[0];
        mSessionId = session[0];

        if ((mAttributes.getFlags() & AudioAttributes.FLAG_HW_AV_SYNC) != 0) {
            int frameSizeInBytes;
            if (AudioFormat.isEncodingLinearFrames(mAudioFormat)) {
                frameSizeInBytes = mChannelCount * AudioFormat.getBytesPerSample(mAudioFormat);
            } else {
                frameSizeInBytes = 1;
            mOffset = ((int) Math.ceil(HEADER_V2_SIZE_BYTES / frameSizeInBytes)) * frameSizeInBytes;

        if (mDataLoadMode == MODE_STATIC) {
            mState = STATE_NO_STATIC_DATA;
        } else {
            mState = STATE_INITIALIZED;


继续跟踪,native_setup对应的JNI函数是android_media_AudioTrack_setup, 那么我们来看看其实现

[–>android_media_AudioTrack.cpp ]

static jint
android_media_AudioTrack_setup(JNIEnv *env, jobject thiz, jobject weak_this, jobject jaa,
        jintArray jSampleRate, jint channelPositionMask, jint channelIndexMask,
        jint audioFormat, jint buffSizeInBytes, jint memoryMode, jintArray jSession,
        jlong nativeAudioTrack, jboolean offload) {

    ALOGV("sampleRates=%p, channel mask=%x, index mask=%x, audioFormat(Java)=%d, buffSize=%d"
        "nativeAudioTrack=0x%" PRIX64,
        jSampleRate, channelPositionMask, channelIndexMask, audioFormat, buffSizeInBytes,

    sp<AudioTrack> lpTrack = 0;

// session Id合法性判定
    if (jSession == NULL) {
        ALOGE("Error creating AudioTrack: invalid session ID pointer");
        return (jint) AUDIO_JAVA_ERROR;

    jint* nSession = (jint *) env->GetPrimitiveArrayCritical(jSession, NULL);
    if (nSession == NULL) {
        ALOGE("Error creating AudioTrack: Error retrieving session id pointer");
        return (jint) AUDIO_JAVA_ERROR;
    audio_session_t sessionId = (audio_session_t) nSession[0];
    env->ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical(jSession, nSession, 0);
    nSession = NULL;

    AudioTrackJniStorage* lpJniStorage = NULL;

    audio_attributes_t *paa = NULL;

    jclass clazz = env->GetObjectClass(thiz);
    if (clazz == NULL) {
        ALOGE("Can't find %s when setting up callback.", kClassPathName);
	//android 9中新增了可以传递nativeAudioTrack的构造函数
    // if we pass in an existing *Native* AudioTrack, we don't need to create/initialize one.
    if (nativeAudioTrack == 0) {
        if (jaa == 0) {
            ALOGE("Error creating AudioTrack: invalid audio attributes");
            return (jint) AUDIO_JAVA_ERROR;
        if (jSampleRate == 0) {
            ALOGE("Error creating AudioTrack: invalid sample rates");
            return (jint) AUDIO_JAVA_ERROR;
        int* sampleRates = env->GetIntArrayElements(jSampleRate, NULL);
        int sampleRateInHertz = sampleRates[0];
        env->ReleaseIntArrayElements(jSampleRate, sampleRates, JNI_ABORT);

        // Invalid channel representations are caught by !audio_is_output_channel() below.
        audio_channel_mask_t nativeChannelMask = nativeChannelMaskFromJavaChannelMasks(
                channelPositionMask, channelIndexMask);
        if (!audio_is_output_channel(nativeChannelMask)) {
            ALOGE("Error creating AudioTrack: invalid native channel mask %#x.", nativeChannelMask);

        uint32_t channelCount = audio_channel_count_from_out_mask(nativeChannelMask);

        // 音频格式合法性检查
        // This function was called from Java, so we compare the format against the Java constants
        audio_format_t format = audioFormatToNative(audioFormat);
        if (format == AUDIO_FORMAT_INVALID) {
            ALOGE("Error creating AudioTrack: unsupported audio format %d.", audioFormat);

        // 计算帧数
        size_t frameCount;
        if (audio_has_proportional_frames(format)) {
            const size_t bytesPerSample = audio_bytes_per_sample(format);
            frameCount = buffSizeInBytes / (channelCount * bytesPerSample);
        } else {
            frameCount = buffSizeInBytes;

        // (1) 创建 native AudioTrack 对象
        lpTrack = new AudioTrack();

        // 读取 AudioAttributes 的值
        paa = (audio_attributes_t *) calloc(1, sizeof(audio_attributes_t));
        const jstring jtags =
                (jstring) env->GetObjectField(jaa, javaAudioAttrFields.fieldFormattedTags);
        const char* tags = env->GetStringUTFChars(jtags, NULL);
        // copying array size -1, char array for tags was calloc'd, no need to NULL-terminate it
        strncpy(paa->tags, tags, AUDIO_ATTRIBUTES_TAGS_MAX_SIZE - 1);
        env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(jtags, tags);
        paa->usage = (audio_usage_t) env->GetIntField(jaa, javaAudioAttrFields.fieldUsage);
        paa->content_type =
                (audio_content_type_t) env->GetIntField(jaa, javaAudioAttrFields.fieldContentType);
        paa->flags = env->GetIntField(jaa, javaAudioAttrFields.fieldFlags);

        ALOGV("AudioTrack_setup for usage=%d content=%d flags=0x%#x tags=%s",
                paa->usage, paa->content_type, paa->flags, paa->tags);
		//(2) 创建AudioTrackJniStorage对象,和数据回调有关
        // initialize the callback information:
        // this data will be passed with every AudioTrack callback
        lpJniStorage = new AudioTrackJniStorage();
        lpJniStorage->mCallbackData.audioTrack_class = (jclass)env->NewGlobalRef(clazz);
        // we use a weak reference so the AudioTrack object can be garbage collected.
        lpJniStorage->mCallbackData.audioTrack_ref = env->NewGlobalRef(weak_this);
        lpJniStorage->mCallbackData.isOffload = offload;
        lpJniStorage->mCallbackData.busy = false;

        audio_offload_info_t offloadInfo;
        if (offload) {
            offloadInfo = AUDIO_INFO_INITIALIZER;
            offloadInfo.format = format;
            offloadInfo.sample_rate = sampleRateInHertz;
            offloadInfo.channel_mask = nativeChannelMask;
            offloadInfo.has_video = false;
            offloadInfo.stream_type = AUDIO_STREAM_MUSIC; //required for offload

        // initialize the native AudioTrack object
        status_t status = NO_ERROR;
        switch (memoryMode) {
        case MODE_STREAM:
			//(3) STREAM模式
            status = lpTrack->set(
                    AUDIO_STREAM_DEFAULT,// stream type, but more info conveyed in paa (last argument)
                    format,// word length, PCM, 采样精度,一般为PCM16或PCM8
                    //查看`static void audioCallback(int event, void* user, void *info)`
                    audioCallback, &(lpJniStorage->mCallbackData),//callback, callback data (user)
                    0,// notificationFrames == 0 since not using EVENT_MORE_DATA to feed the AudioTrack
                    0,// shared mem, 共享内存,流模式下为空,实际使用的共享内存由AF创建
                    true,// thread can call Java, 内部线程可以调JNI函数
                    sessionId,// audio session ID
                    offload ? &offloadInfo : NULL,
                    -1, -1,                       // default uid, pid values

        case MODE_STATIC:
            // AudioTrack is using shared memory, 如果是static模式,使用共享内存

            if (!lpJniStorage->allocSharedMem(buffSizeInBytes)) {
                ALOGE("Error creating AudioTrack in static mode: error creating mem heap base");
                goto native_init_failure;

            status = lpTrack->set(
                    AUDIO_STREAM_DEFAULT,// stream type, but more info conveyed in paa (last argument)
                    format,// word length, PCM
                    audioCallback, &(lpJniStorage->mCallbackData),//callback, callback data (user));
                    0,// notificationFrames == 0 since not using EVENT_MORE_DATA to feed the AudioTrack
                    lpJniStorage->mMemBase,// shared mem
                    true,// thread can call Java
                    sessionId,// audio session ID
                    NULL,                         // default offloadInfo
                    -1, -1,                       // default uid, pid values

            ALOGE("Unknown mode %d", memoryMode);
            goto native_init_failure;

        if (status != NO_ERROR) {
            ALOGE("Error %d initializing AudioTrack", status);
            goto native_init_failure;
    } else {  // end if (nativeAudioTrack == 0)

上面代码列出了三个要点(1)、(2)、(3) , 我们先看AudioTrackJniStorage这个类。

  1. AudioTrackJniStorage分析



class AudioTrackJniStorage {
        sp<MemoryHeapBase>         mMemHeap;
        sp<MemoryBase>             mMemBase;
        audiotrack_callback_cookie mCallbackData;
        sp<JNIDeviceCallback>      mDeviceCallback;

    AudioTrackJniStorage() {
        mCallbackData.audioTrack_class = 0;
        mCallbackData.audioTrack_ref = 0;
        mCallbackData.isOffload = false;

    ~AudioTrackJniStorage() {

    bool allocSharedMem(int sizeInBytes) {
        mMemHeap = new MemoryHeapBase(sizeInBytes, 0, "AudioTrack Heap Base");
        if (mMemHeap->getHeapID() < 0) {
            return false;
        mMemBase = new MemoryBase(mMemHeap, 0, sizeInBytes);
        return true;

AudioTrackJniStorage类中,主要涉及MemoryHeapBaseMemoryBase, 而在Android中,这两个类是共享内存有关的, 看来AudioTrack流程中会涉及到共享内存的使用,先了解下共享内存,戳下面的链接


2.3 AudioTrack (Native空间) set分析

[–> AudioTrack.cpp]

status_t AudioTrack::set(
        audio_stream_type_t streamType, //STREAM_MUSIC
        uint32_t sampleRate, //8000
        audio_format_t format, //PCM_16
        audio_channel_mask_t channelMask,
        size_t frameCount, //由计算获取,这里假设为1024
        audio_output_flags_t flags, //输出flags
        callback_t cbf, //android_media_AudioTrack.cpp 中 `static void audioCallback`
        void* user, // android_media_AudioTrack.cpp:: AudioTrackJniStorage->mCallbackData
        int32_t notificationFrames,
        const sp<IMemory>& sharedBuffer, //共享内存
        bool threadCanCallJava, 
        audio_session_t sessionId,
        transfer_type transferType, //stream 时是TRANSFER_SYNC, static 时TRANSFER_SHARED
        const audio_offload_info_t *offloadInfo,
        uid_t uid,
        pid_t pid,
        const audio_attributes_t* pAttributes,
        bool doNotReconnect,
        float maxRequiredSpeed,
        audio_port_handle_t selectedDeviceId)
    status_t status;
    uint32_t channelCount;
    pid_t callingPid;
    pid_t myPid;

    ALOGV("set(): streamType %d, sampleRate %u, format %#x, channelMask %#x, frameCount %zu, "
          "flags #%x, notificationFrames %d, sessionId %d, transferType %d, uid %d, pid %d",
          streamType, sampleRate, format, channelMask, frameCount, flags, notificationFrames,
          sessionId, transferType, uid, pid);

    mThreadCanCallJava = threadCanCallJava;
    mSelectedDeviceId = selectedDeviceId;
    mSessionId = sessionId;

    switch (transferType) {
    //传输模式为TRANSFER_OBTAIN和TRANSFER_SYNC 不能使用共享内存传递数据
        if (sharedBuffer != 0) {
            ALOGE("Transfer type TRANSFER_OBTAIN but sharedBuffer != 0");
            status = BAD_VALUE;
            goto exit;
        if (sharedBuffer == 0) {
            ALOGE("Transfer type TRANSFER_SHARED but sharedBuffer == 0");
            status = BAD_VALUE;
            goto exit;
        ALOGE("Invalid transfer type %d", transferType);
        status = BAD_VALUE;
        goto exit;
    mSharedBuffer = sharedBuffer;
    mTransfer = transferType;
    mDoNotReconnect = doNotReconnect;

    ALOGV_IF(sharedBuffer != 0, "sharedBuffer: %p, size: %zu", sharedBuffer->pointer(),

    ALOGV("set() streamType %d frameCount %zu flags %04x", streamType, frameCount, flags);

    // invariant that mAudioTrack != 0 is true only after set() returns successfully
    if (mAudioTrack != 0) {
        ALOGE("Track already in use");
        status = INVALID_OPERATION;
        goto exit;

        mStreamType = streamType;

    } else {
        // stream type shouldn't be looked at, this track has audio attributes
        memcpy(&mAttributes, pAttributes, sizeof(audio_attributes_t));
        ALOGV("Building AudioTrack with attributes: usage=%d content=%d flags=0x%x tags=[%s]",
                mAttributes.usage, mAttributes.content_type, mAttributes.flags, mAttributes.tags);
        mStreamType = AUDIO_STREAM_DEFAULT;
        if ((mAttributes.flags & AUDIO_FLAG_HW_AV_SYNC) != 0) {
            flags = (audio_output_flags_t)(flags | AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_HW_AV_SYNC);
        if ((mAttributes.flags & AUDIO_FLAG_LOW_LATENCY) != 0) {
            flags = (audio_output_flags_t) (flags | AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_FAST);
        // check deep buffer after flags have been modified above
        if (flags == AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_NONE && (mAttributes.flags & AUDIO_FLAG_DEEP_BUFFER) != 0) {
            flags = AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_DEEP_BUFFER;

    // these below should probably come from the audioFlinger too...
    if (format == AUDIO_FORMAT_DEFAULT) {
        format = AUDIO_FORMAT_PCM_16_BIT;
    } else if (format == AUDIO_FORMAT_IEC61937) { // HDMI pass-through?
        mAttributes.flags |= AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_IEC958_NONAUDIO;

    // validate parameters
    if (!audio_is_valid_format(format)) {
        ALOGE("Invalid format %#x", format);
        status = BAD_VALUE;
        goto exit;
    mFormat = format;

    if (!audio_is_output_channel(channelMask)) {
        ALOGE("Invalid channel mask %#x", channelMask);
        status = BAD_VALUE;
        goto exit;
    mChannelMask = channelMask;
    channelCount = audio_channel_count_from_out_mask(channelMask);
    mChannelCount = channelCount;

    // force direct flag if format is not linear PCM
    // or offload was requested
            || !audio_is_linear_pcm(format)) {
                    ? "Offload request, forcing to Direct Output"
                    : "Not linear PCM, forcing to Direct Output");
        flags = (audio_output_flags_t)
                // FIXME why can't we allow direct AND fast?

    // force direct flag if HW A/V sync requested
    if ((flags & AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_HW_AV_SYNC) != 0) {
        flags = (audio_output_flags_t)(flags | AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_DIRECT);

    if (flags & AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_DIRECT) {
        if (audio_has_proportional_frames(format)) {
            mFrameSize = channelCount * audio_bytes_per_sample(format);
        } else {
            mFrameSize = sizeof(uint8_t);
    } else {
        mFrameSize = channelCount * audio_bytes_per_sample(format);
        // createTrack will return an error if PCM format is not supported by server,
        // so no need to check for specific PCM formats here

    // sampling rate must be specified for direct outputs
    if (sampleRate == 0 && (flags & AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_DIRECT) != 0) {
        status = BAD_VALUE;
        goto exit;
    mSampleRate = sampleRate;
    mOriginalSampleRate = sampleRate;
    // 1.0 <= mMaxRequiredSpeed <= AUDIO_TIMESTRETCH_SPEED_MAX
    mMaxRequiredSpeed = min(max(maxRequiredSpeed, 1.0f), AUDIO_TIMESTRETCH_SPEED_MAX);

    // Make copy of input parameter offloadInfo so that in the future:
    //  (a) createTrack_l doesn't need it as an input parameter
    //  (b) we can support re-creation of offloaded tracks
    if (offloadInfo != NULL) {
        mOffloadInfoCopy = *offloadInfo;
        mOffloadInfo = &mOffloadInfoCopy;
    } else {
        mOffloadInfo = NULL;
        memset(&mOffloadInfoCopy, 0, sizeof(audio_offload_info_t));

    mVolume[AUDIO_INTERLEAVE_LEFT] = 1.0f;
    mVolume[AUDIO_INTERLEAVE_RIGHT] = 1.0f;
    mSendLevel = 0.0f;
    // mFrameCount is initialized in createTrack_l
    mReqFrameCount = frameCount;
    if (notificationFrames >= 0) {
        mNotificationFramesReq = notificationFrames;
        mNotificationsPerBufferReq = 0;
    } else {
    mNotificationFramesAct = 0;
    //callingPid 及myPid 的处理
    callingPid = IPCThreadState::self()->getCallingPid();
    myPid = getpid();
    mAuxEffectId = 0;
    mOrigFlags = mFlags = flags;
    mCbf = cbf;
	//cbf是JNI层传入的回调函数audioCallback, 如果用户设置了回调函数则启动AudioTrackThread
    if (cbf != NULL) {
        mAudioTrackThread = new AudioTrackThread(*this, threadCanCallJava);
        mAudioTrackThread->run("AudioTrack", ANDROID_PRIORITY_AUDIO, 0 /*stack*/);
        // thread begins in paused state, and will not reference us until start()

    // ######## create the IAudioTrack
    status = createTrack_l();

	// 初始化很多变量

    mStatus = status;
    return status;

继续, Native AudioTrack 的set 函数中会调用createTrack_l 函数和AF(AudioFlinger)发生关系, 这里是通过Binder来完成交互的


status_t AudioTrack::createTrack_l()
    status_t status;
    bool callbackAdded = false;
	//(1)Binder调用获取AudioFlinger 服务的代理对象
    const sp<IAudioFlinger>& audioFlinger = AudioSystem::get_audio_flinger();

    if (mFlags & AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_FAST) {
    IAudioFlinger::CreateTrackInput input;
    IAudioFlinger::CreateTrackOutput output;
	//(2) 调用AF的createTrack, 根据传入的CreateTrackInput 参数,创建一个AF端的AT代理对象,类型为IAudioTrack
	//传入参数提醒:Stream模式下shareBuffer为空, 后续AF和AT交互围绕IAudioTrack展开
    sp<IAudioTrack> track = audioFlinger->createTrack(input,


    mFrameCount = output.frameCount;
    mNotificationFramesAct = (uint32_t)output.notificationFrameCount;
    //输出设备从AF端获取,AF再通过APM(AudioPolicyService)获取输出设备, 毕竟APM管理着音频设备及相关策略
    mRoutedDeviceId = output.selectedDeviceId;
    mSessionId = output.sessionId;

    mSampleRate = output.sampleRate;
    if (mOriginalSampleRate == 0) {
        mOriginalSampleRate = mSampleRate;

    mAfFrameCount = output.afFrameCount;
    mAfSampleRate = output.afSampleRate;
    mAfLatency = output.afLatencyMs;

    mLatency = mAfLatency + (1000LL * mFrameCount) / mSampleRate;

    // AudioFlinger now owns the reference to the I/O handle,
    // so we are no longer responsible for releasing it.

    // FIXME compare to AudioRecord
    //(3) track是IAudioTrack类型, getCblk最终调用AF端的TrackBase.h
    //TrackBase实现在Tracks.cpp, 成员变量mCblk
    //PlaybackThread-> createTrack_l中创建
    sp<IMemory> iMem = track->getCblk();
    void *iMemPointer = iMem->pointer();
    //(4) Binder死亡通知
    // invariant that mAudioTrack != 0 is true only after set() returns successfully
    if (mAudioTrack != 0) {
        IInterface::asBinder(mAudioTrack)->unlinkToDeath(mDeathNotifier, this);
    mAudioTrack = track;
    mCblkMemory = iMem;
	//(5) Client 使用变量cblk 指向服务端传递过来的共享内存地址iMemPointer
	//iMemPointer是共享内存的首地址,类型为void* , static_cast直接将这个void*类型转成audio_track_cblk_t,
    audio_track_cblk_t* cblk = static_cast<audio_track_cblk_t*>(iMemPointer);
    mCblk = cblk;

    // Starting address of buffers in shared memory.  If there is a shared buffer, buffers
    // is the value of pointer() for the shared buffer, otherwise buffers points
    // immediately after the control block.  This address is for the mapping within client
    // address space.  AudioFlinger::TrackBase::mBuffer is for the server address space.
    void* buffers;
    if (mSharedBuffer == 0) {
        buffers = cblk + 1;
    } else {
        buffers = mSharedBuffer->pointer();
        if (buffers == NULL) {
            ALOGE("Could not get buffer pointer");
            status = NO_INIT;
            goto exit;


    // If IAudioTrack is re-created, don't let the requested frameCount
    // decrease.  This can confuse clients that cache frameCount().
    if (mFrameCount > mReqFrameCount) {
        mReqFrameCount = mFrameCount;

    // reset server position to 0 as we have new cblk.
    mServer = 0;

    // update proxy
    if (mSharedBuffer == 0) {
        mProxy = new AudioTrackClientProxy(cblk, buffers, mFrameCount, mFrameSize);
    } else {
        mStaticProxy = new StaticAudioTrackClientProxy(cblk, buffers, mFrameCount, mFrameSize);
        mProxy = mStaticProxy;



    mStatus = status;

    // sp track destructor will cause releaseOutput() to be called by AudioFlinger
    return status;

2.3.1 Cblk 在AF端初始化

分析 标号(3)处的代码

sp<IMemory> iMem = track->getCblk();



sp<IMemory> getCblk() const { return mCblkMemory; }

那么mCblkMemory 在哪里初始化的呢?
从代码跟踪结果分析 mCblkMemory 是在AF端的Track






size_t size = sizeof(audio_track_cblk_t);
    if (buffer == NULL && alloc == ALLOC_CBLK) {
        // check overflow when computing allocation size for streaming tracks.
        if (size > SIZE_MAX - bufferSize) {
            android_errorWriteLog(0x534e4554, "34749571");
        size += bufferSize;
	//前面我们知道放音是为STREAM模式下, 不会使用共享内存,实际这个时候使用的共享内存是由AF创建的
    if (client != 0) {
        mCblkMemory = client->heap()->allocate(size);
        if (mCblkMemory == 0 ||
                (mCblk = static_cast<audio_track_cblk_t *>(mCblkMemory->pointer())) == NULL) {
            ALOGE("not enough memory for AudioTrack size=%zu", size);
    } else {
        mCblk = (audio_track_cblk_t *) malloc(size);
        if (mCblk == NULL) {
            ALOGE("not enough memory for AudioTrack size=%zu", size);
	//多种分配方式, 这里是根据track type决定的,我们走的是默认type TYPE_DEFAULT, 所以会走ALLOC_CBLK分支
    // construct the shared structure in-place.
    if (mCblk != NULL) {
    	//(1) 指定内存区域常见cblk对象
        new(mCblk) audio_track_cblk_t();
        switch (alloc) {
        case ALLOC_CBLK:
            // stream模式下放音量, clear all buffers
            if (buffer == NULL) {
                mBuffer = (char*)mCblk + sizeof(audio_track_cblk_t);
                memset(mBuffer, 0, bufferSize);
            } else {
                mBuffer = buffer;
#if 0
                mCblk->mFlags = CBLK_FORCEREADY;    // FIXME hack, need to fix the track ready logic
            LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL("invalid allocation type: %d", (int)alloc);
        mBufferSize = bufferSize;


重点关注下标号(1) 中语法

new(mCblk) audio_track_cblk_t();

这个语句是C++语言的placement new.其含义是在指定内存中创建一个对象。我们知道,普通new只能在堆上创建对象,堆的地址由系统分配。这里使用placement new将使audio_track_cblk_t创建在共享内存上,从而可以被多进程访问。

2.3.2 IAudioTrack和AT、AF的关系

Android Audio System深入探究之AudioTrack(基于Android9)_第1张图片


2.3.3 共享内存与cblk


// Important: do not add any virtual methods, including ~
struct audio_track_cblk_t
                // Since the control block is always located in shared memory, this constructor
                // is only used for placement new().  It is never used for regular new() or stack.
                /*virtual*/ ~audio_track_cblk_t() { }

                friend class Proxy;
                friend class ClientProxy;
                friend class AudioTrackClientProxy;
                friend class AudioRecordClientProxy;
                friend class ServerProxy;
                friend class AudioTrackServerProxy;
                friend class AudioRecordServerProxy;

    // The data members are grouped so that members accessed frequently and in the same context
    // are in the same line of data cache.

                uint32_t    mServer;    // Number of filled frames consumed by server (mIsOut),
                                        // or filled frames provided by server (!mIsOut).
                                        // It is updated asynchronously by server without a barrier.
                                        // The value should be used
                                        // "for entertainment purposes only",
                                        // which means don't make important decisions based on it.

                uint32_t    mPad1;      // unused

    volatile    int32_t     mFutex;     // event flag: down (P) by client,
                                        // up (V) by server or binderDied() or interrupt()
#define CBLK_FUTEX_WAKE 1               // if event flag bit is set, then a deferred wake is pending


                // This field should be a size_t, but since it is located in shared memory we
                // force to 32-bit.  The client and server may have different typedefs for size_t.
                uint32_t    mMinimum;       // server wakes up client if available >= mMinimum

                // Stereo gains for AudioTrack only, not used by AudioRecord.
                gain_minifloat_packed_t mVolumeLR;

                uint32_t    mSampleRate;    // AudioTrack only: client's requested sample rate in Hz
                                            // or 0 == default. Write-only client, read-only server.

                PlaybackRateQueue::Shared mPlaybackRateQueue;

                // client write-only, server read-only
                uint16_t    mSendLevel;      // Fixed point U4.12 so 0x1000 means 1.0

                uint16_t    mPad2 __attribute__((__unused__)); // unused

                // server write-only, client read
                ExtendedTimestampQueue::Shared mExtendedTimestampQueue;

                // This is set by AudioTrack.setBufferSizeInFrames().
                // A write will not fill the buffer above this limit.
    volatile    uint32_t   mBufferSizeInFrames;  // effective size of the buffer


    volatile    int32_t     mFlags;         // combinations of CBLK_*

                union {
                    AudioTrackSharedStreaming   mStreaming;
                    AudioTrackSharedStatic      mStatic;
                    int                         mAlign[8];
                } u;

                // Cache line boundary (32 bytes)

audio_track_cblk_t中关联了很多友元函数来管理共享内存, 我们的流程主要涉及到AudioTrackClientProxyAudioTrackServerProxy, 这些Proxy类都在AudioTrackShared.cpp中实现。

从上面 Cblk 在AF端初始化分析中我们可大致画出共享内存与CB的关系

Android Audio System深入探究之AudioTrack(基于Android9)_第2张图片

2.4 play和write分析


//(3)开始播放       ;

//(4) 不断写入音频数据byte[] 到Track中

流程还是按照调用顺序Java >> JNI >> Native来分析

(1) play()分析


public void play()
    throws IllegalStateException {
        //FIXME use lambda to pass startImpl to superclass
        final int delay = getStartDelayMs();
        if (delay == 0) {
        } else { //延迟播放
            new Thread() {
                public void run() {
                    try {
                    } catch (IllegalStateException e) {

private void startImpl() {
        synchronized(mPlayStateLock) {
        //base类调用, 主要是播放状态更新和音量设置
            mPlayState = PLAYSTATE_PLAYING;

Java层调用native_start进入Jni层, Jni层对应的函数为android_media_AudioTrack_start

[–> android_media_AudioTrack.cpp]

static void
android_media_AudioTrack_start(JNIEnv *env, jobject thiz)
	//前面的分析中我们知道, 在AudioTrack初始化时已经创建了Native的AudioTrack对象, 该对象指针被保存在
	//AudioTrack Java对象的nativeTrackInJavaObj变量中
    sp<AudioTrack> lpTrack = getAudioTrack(env, thiz);
    //调用Native的AudioTrack->start 函数启动play播放

go on, JNI层的android_media_AudioTrack_start 会继续调用 Native层的start函数

[–> AudioTrack.cpp]

status_t AudioTrack::start()
    AutoMutex lock(mLock);
    mInUnderrun = true;
    State previousState = mState;
    if (previousState == STATE_PAUSED_STOPPING) {
        mState = STATE_STOPPING;
    } else {
        mState = STATE_ACTIVE;
    (void) updateAndGetPosition_l();
    int32_t flags = android_atomic_and(~(CBLK_STREAM_END_DONE | CBLK_DISABLED), &mCblk->mFlags);

    status_t status = NO_ERROR;
    if (!(flags & CBLK_INVALID)) {
    	//*****调用AudioTrack的远端代理对象IAudioTrack的start函数, 正真实现在AudioTrackHandle这个Binder对象中
    	//mAudioTrack在 Native AudioTrack->set函数中实例化
        status = mAudioTrack->start();
        if (status == DEAD_OBJECT) {
            flags |= CBLK_INVALID;
    if (flags & CBLK_INVALID) {
        status = restoreTrack_l("start");

    // 按需恢复或者暂停AudioTrackThread回调线程
    sp<AudioTrackThread> t = mAudioTrackThread;
    if (status == NO_ERROR) {
        if (t != 0) {
            if (previousState == STATE_STOPPING) {
            } else {
        } else {

        // Start our local VolumeHandler for restoration purposes.
    } else {
        ALOGE("start() status %d", status);
        mState = previousState;
        if (t != 0) {
            if (previousState != STATE_STOPPING) {
        } else {

    return status;



ssize_t AudioTrack::write(const void* buffer, size_t userSize, bool blocking)
    if (mTransfer != TRANSFER_SYNC) {
        return INVALID_OPERATION;
	//是否不需要混音量直接输出,相关flags处理, 我们不走
    if (isDirect()) {
    if (ssize_t(userSize) < 0 || (buffer == NULL && userSize != 0)) {

    size_t written = 0;
    Buffer audioBuffer; //Buffer是一个辅助性结构
    while (userSize >= mFrameSize) {
        audioBuffer.frameCount = userSize / mFrameSize;
        status_t err = obtainBuffer(&audioBuffer,
                blocking ? &ClientProxy::kForever : &ClientProxy::kNonBlocking);
        //空闲数据缓冲大小是audioBuffer.size, 地址在audioBuffer.i8,数据传递通过memcpy完成
        size_t toWrite = audioBuffer.size;
        memcpy(audioBuffer.i8, buffer, toWrite);
        buffer = ((const char *) buffer) + toWrite;
        userSize -= toWrite;
        written += toWrite;
    if (written > 0) {
        mFramesWritten += written / mFrameSize;
    return written;


2.5 obtainBuffer 和releaseBuffer

[–> AudioTrack.cpp]

status_t AudioTrack::obtainBuffer(Buffer* audioBuffer, const struct timespec *requested,
        struct timespec *elapsed, size_t *nonContig)
    // previous and new IAudioTrack sequence numbers are used to detect track re-creation
    uint32_t oldSequence = 0;
    uint32_t newSequence;

    Proxy::Buffer buffer;
    status_t status = NO_ERROR;

    static const int32_t kMaxTries = 5;
    int32_t tryCounter = kMaxTries;

    do {
        // obtainBuffer() is called with mutex unlocked, so keep extra references to these fields to
        // keep them from going away if another thread re-creates the track during obtainBuffer()
        sp<AudioTrackClientProxy> proxy;
        sp<IMemory> iMem;

        {   // start of lock scope
            AutoMutex lock(mLock);

            newSequence = mSequence;
            //处理前一次调用obtainBuffer()失败的情况,这种情况有可能是media server挂掉了
            // did previous obtainBuffer() fail due to media server death or voluntary invalidation?
            if (status == DEAD_OBJECT) {
            oldSequence = newSequence;


            // Keep the extra references
            proxy = mProxy;
            iMem = mCblkMemory;


            // Non-blocking if track is stopped or paused
            if (mState != STATE_ACTIVE) {
                requested = &ClientProxy::kNonBlocking;

        }   // end of lock scope

        buffer.mFrameCount = audioBuffer->frameCount;
        // FIXME starts the requested timeout and elapsed over from scratch
        // (1) proxy是AudioTrackClientProxy类型, 该类实现在AudioTrackShared.cpp中
        status = proxy->obtainBuffer(&buffer, requested, elapsed);
    } while (((status == DEAD_OBJECT) || (status == NOT_ENOUGH_DATA)) && (tryCounter-- > 0));

    audioBuffer->frameCount = buffer.mFrameCount;
    audioBuffer->size = buffer.mFrameCount * mFrameSize;
    audioBuffer->raw = buffer.mRaw;
    if (nonContig != NULL) {
        *nonContig = buffer.mNonContig;
    return status;

看下标号(1) 相关调用最终发生在AudioTrackShared: ClientProxy中

[–> AudioTrackShared.cpp]

status_t ClientProxy::obtainBuffer(Buffer* buffer, const struct timespec *requested,
        struct timespec *elapsed)
	//(1) 使用 mCblk来获取可用写入Buffer
	audio_track_cblk_t* cblk = mCblk;
	for (;;) {
		// compute number of frames available to write (AudioTrack) or read (AudioRecord)
        int32_t front;
        int32_t rear;
        if (mIsOut) {
            // The barrier following the read of mFront is probably redundant.
            // We're about to perform a conditional branch based on 'filled',
            // which will force the processor to observe the read of mFront
            // prior to allowing data writes starting at mRaw.
            // However, the processor may support speculative execution,
            // and be unable to undo speculative writes into shared memory.
            // The barrier will prevent such speculative execution.
            front = android_atomic_acquire_load(&cblk->u.mStreaming.mFront);
            rear = cblk->u.mStreaming.mRear;
        } else {
            // On the other hand, this barrier is required.
            rear = android_atomic_acquire_load(&cblk->u.mStreaming.mRear);
            front = cblk->u.mStreaming.mFront;
        // write to rear, read from front
        ssize_t filled = rear - front;
        // pipe should not be overfull
        if (!(0 <= filled && (size_t) filled <= mFrameCount)) {
            if (mIsOut) {
                ALOGE("Shared memory control block is corrupt (filled=%zd, mFrameCount=%zu); "
                        "shutting down", filled, mFrameCount);
                mIsShutdown = true;
                status = NO_INIT;
                goto end;
            // for input, sync up on overrun
            filled = 0;
            cblk->u.mStreaming.mFront = rear;
            (void) android_atomic_or(CBLK_OVERRUN, &cblk->mFlags);
        // Don't allow filling pipe beyond the user settable size.
        // The calculation for avail can go negative if the buffer size
        // is suddenly dropped below the amount already in the buffer.
        // So use a signed calculation to prevent a numeric overflow abort.
        ssize_t adjustableSize = (ssize_t) getBufferSizeInFrames();
        ssize_t avail =  (mIsOut) ? adjustableSize - filled : filled;
        if (avail < 0) {
            avail = 0;
        } else if (avail > 0) {
            // 'avail' may be non-contiguous, so return only the first contiguous chunk
            size_t part1;
            if (mIsOut) {
                rear &= mFrameCountP2 - 1;
                part1 = mFrameCountP2 - rear;
            } else {
                front &= mFrameCountP2 - 1;
                part1 = mFrameCountP2 - front;
            if (part1 > (size_t)avail) {
                part1 = avail;
            if (part1 > buffer->mFrameCount) {
                part1 = buffer->mFrameCount;
            buffer->mFrameCount = part1;
            buffer->mRaw = part1 > 0 ?
                    &((char *) mBuffers)[(mIsOut ? rear : front) * mFrameSize] : NULL;
            buffer->mNonContig = avail - part1;
            mUnreleased = part1;
            status = NO_ERROR;

上面obtainBuffer的计算过程还是比较复杂的, 但是最终通过CB这个数据结构管理的,而releaseBuffer则是在使用完这块空间后更新写指针的位置。releaseBuffer实现如下

[–> AudioTrack.cpp]

void ClientProxy::releaseBuffer(Buffer* buffer)
    LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(buffer == NULL);
    size_t stepCount = buffer->mFrameCount;
    LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(!(stepCount <= mUnreleased && mUnreleased <= mFrameCount),
            "%s: mUnreleased out of range, "
            "!(stepCount:%zu <= mUnreleased:%zu <= mFrameCount:%zu), BufferSizeInFrames:%u",
            __func__, stepCount, mUnreleased, mFrameCount, getBufferSizeInFrames());
    mUnreleased -= stepCount;
    audio_track_cblk_t* cblk = mCblk;
    // Both of these barriers are required
    //放音走这个流程, 写数据实在尾部写入, 有点像环形Buffer处理
    if (mIsOut) {
        int32_t rear = cblk->u.mStreaming.mRear;
        android_atomic_release_store(stepCount + rear, &cblk->u.mStreaming.mRear);
    } else {
        int32_t front = cblk->u.mStreaming.mFront;
        android_atomic_release_store(stepCount + front, &cblk->u.mStreaming.mFront);

2.6 delete AudioTrack


    // pull together the numbers, before we clean up our structures

    if (mStatus == NO_ERROR) {
        // Make sure that callback function exits in the case where
        // it is looping on buffer full condition in obtainBuffer().
        // Otherwise the callback thread will never exit.

     * mAudioTrackThread may be created before(call set function),
     * and restoreTrack_l may fail if audio route changed when audio device is unavailable now,
     * then mStatus will be set error status, so when this audiotrack release, must let
     * mAudioTrackThread quit.
    if (mAudioTrackThread != 0) {
        if(mProxy != NULL)
        mAudioTrackThread->requestExit();   // see comment in AudioTrack.h
        mAudioTrackThread = NULL;

   /*if (mStatus == NO_ERROR)*/ {
        // No lock here: worst case we remove a NULL callback which will be a nop
        if (mDeviceCallback != 0 && mOutput != AUDIO_IO_HANDLE_NONE) {
            AudioSystem::removeAudioDeviceCallback(this, mOutput);
            mDeviceCallback = NULL;
        if(mAudioTrack != NULL) {
            IInterface::asBinder(mAudioTrack)->unlinkToDeath(mDeathNotifier, this);
            mAudioTrack = NULL;
        if(mCblkMemory != NULL) {
            mCblkMemory = NULL;

        if(mSharedBuffer != NULL) {
            mSharedBuffer = NULL;
        ALOGV("~AudioTrack, releasing session id %d from %d on behalf of %d",
                mSessionId, IPCThreadState::self()->getCallingPid(), mClientPid);
        AudioSystem::releaseAudioSessionId(mSessionId, mClientPid);


2.7 stop分析


[–> AudioTrack.cpp]

void AudioTrack::stop()
    AutoMutex lock(mLock);
    if (mState != STATE_ACTIVE && mState != STATE_PAUSED) {

    if (isOffloaded_l()) {
        mState = STATE_STOPPING;
    } else {
        mState = STATE_STOPPED;
        ALOGD_IF(mSharedBuffer == nullptr,
                "stop() called with %u frames delivered", mReleased.value());
        mReleased = 0;

    mProxy->stop(); // notify server not to read beyond current client position until start().
    if (mSharedBuffer != 0) {
        // clear buffer position and loop count.
        mStaticProxy->setBufferPositionAndLoop(0 /* position */,
                0 /* loopStart */, 0 /* loopEnd */, 0 /* loopCount */);

    sp<AudioTrackThread> t = mAudioTrackThread;
    if (t != 0) {
        if (!isOffloaded_l()) {
    } else {
        setpriority(PRIO_PROCESS, 0, mPreviousPriority);
        set_sched_policy(0, mPreviousSchedulingGroup);



AT通过Binder调用完成与AF的交互流程, 总体流程图如下:

Android Audio System深入探究之AudioTrack(基于Android9)_第3张图片
