java怎么作用于云盘,建立自己的私人云盘 - 使用ownCloud



ownCloud 可以通过Docker部署,使用 the official ownCloud Docker image。该官方镜像设计为与宿主机文件系统的数据卷一起工作,包含独立的 MariaDB 和 Redis containers。配置如下:

exposes ports 80 and 443, allowing for HTTP and HTTPS connections.

mounts the data and MySQL data directories on the host for persistent storage.

Installation on a Local Machine¶

To use it, first create a new project directory and download docker-compose.yml from the ownCloud Docker GitHub repository into that new directory. Next, create a .env configuration file, which contains the required configuration settings. Only a few settings are required, these are:

Setting Name




The ownCloud version



The ownCloud domain



The admin username



The admin user’s password



The HTTP port to bind to



The HTTP port to bind to


Then, you can start the container, using your preferred Docker command-line tool. The example below shows how to use Docker Compose.

You can find instructions for using plain docker in the GitHub repository.

# Create a new project directory

mkdir owncloud-docker-server

cd owncloud-docker-server

# Copy docker-compose.yml from the GitHub repository


# Create the environment configuration file

cat << EOF > .env








# Build and start the container

docker-compose up -d

When the process completes, then check that all the containers have successfully started, by running docker-compose ps. If they are all working correctly, you should expect to see output similar to that below:

Name Command State Ports


server_db_1 /usr/bin/entrypoint /bin/s ... Up 3306/tcp

server_owncloud_1 /usr/local/bin/entrypoint ... Up>443/tcp,>80/tcp

server_redis_1 /bin/s6-svscan /etc/s6 Up 6379/tcp

In it, you can see that the database, ownCloud, and Redis containers are running, and that ownCloud is accessible via ports 443 and 8080 on the host machine.

Just because all the containers are running, it takes a few minutes for ownCloud to be fully functional. If you run docker-compose logs --follow owncloud and see a significant amount of information logging to the console, then please wait until it slows down to attempt to access the web UI.

Logging In

To log in to the ownCloud UI, open https://localhost in your browser of choice, where you see the standard ownCloud login screen, as in the image below.

The username and password are the admin username and password which you stored in .env earlier.

The first time that you access the login page via HTTPS, a browser warning appears, as the SSL certificate in the Docker setup is self-signed. However, the self-signed certificate can be overwritten with a valid cert, within the host volume.

Stopping the Containers

Assuming you used docker-compose, as in the previous example, to stop the containers use docker-compose stop. Alternatively, use docker-compose down to stop and remove containers, along with the related networks, images, and volumes.

Upgrading ownCloud on Docker¶

When a new version of ownCloud gets released, you should update your instance. To do so, follow these simple steps.

First, go to your docker directory where your .yaml or .env file exists. Second, put ownCloud into maintenance mode; you can do so using the following command:

docker-compose exec server occ maintenance:mode --on

Third, create a backup in case something goes wrong during the upgrade process, using the following command:

docker-compose exec db backup

Fifth, shutdown the containers.

docker-compose down

Sixth, update the version number of ownCloud in your .env file or the YAML file. You can use sed for it, as in the following example.

# Make sure that you adjust the example to match your installation.

sed -i 's/^OWNCLOUD_VERSION=.*$/OWNCLOUD_VERSION=/' /compose/*/.env

Seventh, view the file to ensure the changes has been implemented.

cat .env

Eighth, start your docker instance again.

docker-compose up -d

Now you should have the current ownCloud running with docker-compose.
