第一种最速方式,cmd直接用tree命令,如果还要文件用 tree /f
C:\Users\ds>tree d:\9月考勤 > d:\test.xls
C:\Users\ds>tree /f d:\9月考勤 > d:\test.xls
警告:这个是遍历的,如果目录太大会超级慢,可以自行用os.walk 结合level 修改成遍历文件夹
import time
import os
import subprocess as sp
def list_files(startPath):
with open(r'd:\list.txt', 'w') as fileSave:
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(startPath):
level = root.replace(startPath, '').count(os.sep)
if level<=2:
indent = '*' * 1 * level
fileSave.write('{}{}'.format(indent, os.path.basename(root)) + '\n')
#fileSave.write('{}{}\\'.format(indent, os.path.abspath(root)) + '\n')
#subIndent = '*' * 1 * (level + 1)
#for f in files:
# fileSave.write('{}{}'.format(subIndent, f) + '\n')
#fileSave.write('{}{}{}'.format(subIndent, os.path.abspath(root), f) + '\n')
if __name__ == '__main__':
path= r'd:\共享'
#dir = raw_input('please input the path:')
import os
import subprocess as sp
import re
from pathlib import Path
from pathlib import WindowsPath
from typing import Optional, List
class DirectionTree:
def __init__(self,
direction_name: str = 'WorkingDirection',
direction_path: str = '.',
ignore_list: Optional[List[str]] = None):
self.owner: WindowsPath = Path(direction_path)
self.tree: str = direction_name + '/\n'
self.ignore_list = ignore_list
if ignore_list is None:
self.ignore_list = []
self.direction_ergodic(path_object=self.owner, n=0)
def abc(self):
def tree_add(self, path_object: WindowsPath, n=0, last=False):
if n > 0:
if last:
self.tree += '│' + (' │' * (n - 1)) + ' └────' + path_object.name
self.tree += '│' + (' │' * (n - 1)) + ' ├────' + path_object.name
if last:
self.tree += '└' + ('──' * 2) + path_object.name
self.tree += '├' + ('──' * 2) + path_object.name
if path_object.is_file():
self.tree += '\n'
return False
elif path_object.is_dir():
self.tree += '/\n'
return True
def filter_file(self, file):
for item in self.ignore_list:
if re.fullmatch(item, file.name):
return False
return True
def direction_ergodic(self, path_object: WindowsPath, n=0):
dir_file: list = list(path_object.iterdir())
dir_file.sort(key=lambda x: x.name.lower())
dir_file = [f for f in filter(self.filter_file, dir_file)]
for i, item in enumerate(dir_file):
if i + 1 == len(dir_file):
if self.tree_add(item, n, last=True):
self.direction_ergodic(item, n + 1)
if self.tree_add(item, n, last=False):
self.direction_ergodic(item, n + 1)
if __name__ == '__main__':
i_l = [
'\.git', '__pycache__', 'test.+', 'venv', '.+\.whl', '\.idea', '.+\.jpg', '.+\.png',
'image', 'css', 'admin', 'tool.py', 'db.sqlite3'
tree = DirectionTree(ignore_list=i_l, direction_path=r'D:\9月')
再来一种,转:Python实战笔记(一) 递归输出目录结构 - 半虹 - 博客园