第21课 结构体


  • 前言
  • 一、结构体类型概述
  • 二、定义结构体类型及其变量
  • 三、结构体成员调用
    • 1. 使用成员运算符直接引用
    • 2. 使用结构体指针,用指向运算符引用
  • 四、结构体作为函数参数
    • 示例1
    • 示例2
  • 五、从函数返回一个结构体
  • 六、自定义数据类型——typedef
    • 1.为基本数据类型定义新类型名
    • 2.为数组定义新类型名
    • 3.为结构体类型定义新类型名
  • 课后练习
    • 1. 阅读下面的代码,写出程序运行的结果。
    • 2. 阅读下面的代码,写出程序运行的结果。
    • 3. 阅读下面的代码,写出程序运行的结果。
    • 4. 求每一个学生的总成绩和平均成绩
  • 总结




  1. 结构体类型介绍
  2. 结构体类型的构造以及结构体变量定义
  3. 结构体成员的使用
  4. 关键字struct和typedef


在实际问题中,一组数据往往具有不同的数据类型。如学生成绩是整型,学生姓名是字符串类型。再举个例子,全国人口大普查时,我们需要记录每一位公民的姓名、年龄、性别、住址和身份证号码,这些信息的类型分别定义为整型、字符型和字符串型。为了解决问题, C ++语言给出了一种构造数据类型——“结构体”。需要强调的是,结构体是一种新的数据类型而不是变量,它可以像其他基本数据类型(如 int 、 char 等)那样使用(主要是定义变量),只不过这种类型是我们自己定义的。


  • 使用关键字 struct 而不是关键字 class。
  • 尽管结构体可以包含成员函数,但它们很少这样做。所以,通常情况下结构体声明只会声明成员变量。
  • 结构体声明通常不包括 public 或 private 的访问修饰符。
  • 类成员默认情况是私有的,而结构体的成员则默认为 public。程序员通常希望它们保持公开,只需使用默认值即可。



struct Student {
		string stno;
		string name;
		int score;
} st[100];


struct Student {
		string stno;
		string name;
		int score;
	Student st1, st2, st[100];
	Student *pStu;

正如在类的对象被创建之前,类定义不会被实例化一样,结构体定义不会创建任何结构体的实例。上面定义的结构体Student,其本质上是创建一个名为 Student的新数据类型。即
上面的示例中,Student是一个自己定义的数据类型, st[100]是一个具有100元素的Student类型数组。在定义结构体变量时需要注意,结构体变量名和结构体名不能相同。

using namespace std;

struct Person {
    string name;
    int age;
int main() {
    // 使用列表初始化来初始化结构体
    Person p1 = {"Alice", 25};
    Person p2{"Bob", 30};  // 可以省略等号
    // 输出结构体的内容
    cout << "Name: " << p1.name << ",\t Age: " << p1.age << endl;
    cout << "Name: " << p2.name << ",\t Age: " << p2.age << endl;
    return 0;



1. 使用成员运算符直接引用


 cout << "Name: " << p1.name << ",\t Age: " << p1.age << endl;


2. 使用结构体指针,用指向运算符引用


using namespace std;

struct Employee {
    string name;    // 员工姓名
    int salary;
    int vacationDays,    // 允许的年假
    daysUsed;    	//已使用的年假天数

int main() {
	Employee emp[4] = {
		{"张三", 5000, 10, 7},
		{"李四", 5400, 10, 3},
		{"王五", 6700, 15, 5},
		{"赵六", 5800, 25, 10}
	Employee *p = &emp[0];
	cout << p->name << "\t" << p->salary << "\t" << p->vacationDays << "\t" << p->daysUsed << endl;
	cout << (*p).name << "\t" << (*p).salary << "\t" << (*p).vacationDays << "\t" << (*p).daysUsed << endl;
	cout << emp[0].name << "\t" << emp[0].salary << "\t" << emp[0].vacationDays << "\t" << emp[0].daysUsed << endl;
	// p->name 与 (*p).name是等价的。前者是指向该结构体的存储单元,
	// 而后者是对指针的间接引用,并对结构成员运算符的成员name进行访问。
	// 因为结构成员运算符'.'的优先级比间接引用运算符'*'高,
	// 所以在(*p).name中需要使用括号用以强调先使用的是(*p)。
    return 0;


张三    5000    10      7
张三    5000    10      7
张三    5000    10      7

代码中将指针p声明为struct Employee类型,然后将结构体数组emp的第一个元素的地址赋予指针p。然后就可以使用箭头运算符来访问结构体的成员。

cout << p->name << "\t" << p->salary << "\t" << p->vacationDays << "\t" << p->daysUsed << endl;


using namespace std;

struct Employee {
    string name;    // 员工姓名
    int salary;
    int vacationDays,    // 允许的年假
    daysUsed;    	//已使用的年假天数

int main() {
	Employee emp[4] = {
		{"张三", 5000, 10, 7},
		{"李四", 5400, 10, 3},
		{"王五", 6700, 15, 5},
		{"赵六", 5800, 25, 10}
	Employee *p = &emp[0];
	for(int i=0; i<4; i++) {
		cout << p->name << "\t" << p->salary << "\t" << p->vacationDays << "\t" << p->daysUsed << endl;
    return 0;


张三    5000    10      7
李四    5400    10      3
王五    6700    15      5
赵六    5800    25      10


using namespace std;

struct Student {
	string name;  //姓名
	int Chinese;  //语文
	int English;
	int Math;    //数学
	int Computer;

int main() {
	Student score[4] =	{
		{"张三", 81, 80, 75, 90},
		{"李四", 91, 60, 68, 80},
		{"王五", 85, 70, 97, 93},
		{"赵六", 95, 90, 98, 85}
	cout << "姓名\t语文\t英语\t数学\t计算机" << endl;
	for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)	{
		cout << score[i].name;
		cout << "\t" << score[i].Chinese;
		cout << "\t" << score[i].English;
		cout << "\t" << score[i].Math;
		cout << "\t" << score[i].Computer;
		cout << endl;
	// system("pause");

	return 0;


姓名    语文    英语    数学    计算机
张三    81      80      75      90
李四    91      60      68      80
王五    85      70      97      93
赵六    95      90      98      85





using namespace std;

struct PayRoll {
    int empNumber;
    string name;
    double hours,payRate;
    double grossPay; // Gross amount the employee earned this week

void getItemData(PayRoll &item) {
    cout << "Enter the employee number: ";
    cin >> item.empNumber;
    cout << "Enter the employee's name: ";
    cin.ignore();	// Skip the '\n' character left in the input buffer
    getline (cin, item.name);
    cout << "Hours worked this week: ";
    cin >> item.hours;
    cout << "Employee's hourly pay rate: ";
    cin >> item.payRate;

void showItem(const PayRoll &item) {
	cout << "\nHere is the employees payroll data:\n";
    cout << "Name:            " << item.name << endl;
    cout << "Employee number: " << item.empNumber << endl;
    cout << "Hours worked:    " << item.hours << endl;
    cout << "Hourly pay rate: " << item.payRate << endl;
    cout << fixed << showpoint << setprecision(2);
    cout << "Gross pay: $" << item.grossPay << endl;
int main() {
	PayRoll employee, employee2; // Employee is a PayRoll structure
    cout << "Enter the employee1s number:";
    cin >> employee.empNumber;
    cout << "Enter the employee's name: ";
    cin.ignore();// Skip the '\n' character left in the input buffer
    getline(cin, employee.name);
    cout << "Hours worked this week: ";
    cin >> employee.hours;
    cout << "Employee's hourly pay rate: ";
    cin >> employee.payRate;
    // Calculate the employee's gross pay
    employee.grossPay = employee.hours * employee.payRate;
    cout << "\nHere is the employees payroll data:\n";
    cout << "Name:            " << employee.name << endl;
    cout << "Employee number: " << employee.empNumber << endl;
    cout << "Hours worked:    " << employee.hours << endl;
    cout << "Hourly pay rate: " << employee.payRate << endl;
    cout << fixed << showpoint << setprecision(2);
    cout << "Gross pay: $" << employee.grossPay << endl;
    cout << endl;
	employee2.grossPay = employee2.payRate * employee2.hours;
	return 0;


Enter the employee1s number:2023001
Enter the employee's name: Tom
Hours worked this week: 40
Employee's hourly pay rate: 100

Here is the employees payroll data:
Name:            Tom
Employee number: 2023001
Hours worked:    40
Hourly pay rate: 100
Gross pay: $4000.00

Enter the employee number: 2023002
Enter the employee's name: Jim
Hours worked this week: 50
Employee's hourly pay rate: 100

Here is the employees payroll data:
Name:            Jim
Employee number: 2023002
Hours worked:    50.00
Hourly pay rate: 100.00
Gross pay: $5000.00


using namespace std;

struct Box {
	string maker;
	float length;
	float width;
	float height;
	float volume;

void show_box(Box& b) {
	cout << "Maker: " << b.maker << endl;
	cout << "Length: " << b.length << endl;
	cout << "Width: " << b.width << endl;
	cout << "Height: " << b.height << endl;
	cout << "Volume: " << b.volume << endl;

void calc_volume(Box& b) {
	b.volume = b.length * b.width * b.height;

template<typename T> 
T& bigger(T&, T&);

Box& bigger<Box>(Box&, Box&);

template<typename T> 
T& bigger(T& x, T& y) {
	return x>y ? x : y;

Box& bigger(Box& x, Box& y) {
	return x.volume>y.volume ? x : y;

bool cmp(const Box& a, const Box& b) {
	return a.volume < b.volume;

int main() {
	Box box1, box2;
	box1.maker = "Maker1";
	box1.length = 50;
	box1.width = 40;
	box1.height = 30;
	box2.maker = "Maker2";
	box2.length = 40;
	box2.width = 40;
	box2.height = 40;
	cout << box1.volume << endl;
	cout << box1.volume << endl;
	cout << "\nThe bigger box information:" << endl;
	show_box(bigger(box1, box2));
	cout << "===========================================" << endl;
	Box box[5] = {
		{"box0", 50, 40, 30},
		{"box1", 40, 40, 40},
		{"box2", 45, 40, 45},
		{"box3", 90, 20, 20},
		{"box4", 30, 30, 60}
	for(int i=0; i<5; i++) {
	cout << setw(8) << "Maker"; 
	cout << setw(8) << "Length";
	cout << setw(8) << "Width";
	cout << setw(8) << "Height";
	cout << setw(8) << "Volume" << endl;
	for(int i=0; i<5; i++) {
		cout << setw(8) << box[i].maker;
		cout << setw(8) << box[i].length;
		cout << setw(8) << box[i].width;
		cout << setw(8) << box[i].height;
		cout << setw(8) << box[i].volume;
		cout << endl;
	cout << "===========================================" << endl;
	sort(box, box+5, cmp);
	cout << setw(8) << "Maker"; 
	cout << setw(8) << "Length";
	cout << setw(8) << "Width";
	cout << setw(8) << "Height";
	cout << setw(8) << "Volume" << endl;
	for(int i=0; i<5; i++) {
		cout << setw(8) << box[i].maker;
		cout << setw(8) << box[i].length;
		cout << setw(8) << box[i].width;
		cout << setw(8) << box[i].height;
		cout << setw(8) << box[i].volume;
		cout << endl;
	return 0;


Maker: Maker1
Length: 50
Width: 40
Height: 30
Volume: 60000

The bigger box information:
Maker: Maker2
Length: 40
Width: 40
Height: 40
Volume: 64000
   Maker  Length   Width  Height  Volume
    box0      50      40      30   60000
    box1      40      40      40   64000
    box2      45      40      45   81000
    box3      90      20      20   36000
    box4      30      30      60   54000
   Maker  Length   Width  Height  Volume
    box3      90      20      20   36000
    box4      30      30      60   54000
    box0      50      40      30   60000
    box1      40      40      40   64000
    box2      45      40      45   81000



可以改写示例 1 的 void getItemData(PayRoll &item) 函数以允许getItemData()函数创建 Invltem 结构体的局部实例,在函数中将数据值放入其成员变量中,然后将其传递回 main,而不是将其作为引用变量被 main 使用。

以下是修改void getItemData(PayRoll &item)函数为PayRoll getItemData2() 后的示例代码:

using namespace std;

struct PayRoll {
    int empNumber;
    string name;
    double hours,payRate;
    double grossPay; // Gross amount the employee earned this week

void getItemData(PayRoll &item) {
    cout << "Enter the employee number: ";
    cin >> item.empNumber;
    cout << "Enter the employee's name: ";
    cin.ignore();	// Skip the '\n' character left in the input buffer
    getline (cin, item.name);
    cout << "Hours worked this week: ";
    cin >> item.hours;
    cout << "Employee's hourly pay rate: ";
    cin >> item.payRate;

PayRoll getItemData2() {
    PayRoll item;	//局部结构体变量
    cout << "Enter the employee number: ";
    cin >> item.empNumber;
    cout << "Enter the employee's name: ";
    cin.ignore();	// Skip the '\n' character left in the input buffer
    getline (cin, item.name);
    cout << "Hours worked this week: ";
    cin >> item.hours;
    cout << "Employee's hourly pay rate: ";
    cin >> item.payRate;
    return item;// 将结构体的局部实例传递给main

void showItem(const PayRoll &item) {
	cout << "\nHere is the employees payroll data:\n";
    cout << "Name:            " << item.name << endl;
    cout << "Employee number: " << item.empNumber << endl;
    cout << "Hours worked:    " << item.hours << endl;
    cout << "Hourly pay rate: " << item.payRate << endl;
    cout << fixed << showpoint << setprecision(2);
    cout << "Gross pay: $" << item.grossPay << endl;
int main() {
	PayRoll employee1; // employee1 is a PayRoll structure variable
	employee1 = getItemData2();
	employee1.grossPay = employee1.payRate * employee1.hours;
	return 0;


Enter the employee number: 2024001
Enter the employee's name: Bob
Hours worked this week: 40
Employee's hourly pay rate: 50

Here is the employees payroll data:
Name:            Bob
Employee number: 2024001
Hours worked:    40
Hourly pay rate: 50
Gross pay: $2000.00

注意,C++ 只允许从函数返回单个值。然而,结构体提供了解决这一限制的方法。即使一个结构体可能有几个成员,它在技术上还是一个单一的对象。通过在结构体中打包多个值,可以从函数返回任意数量的值。


目前学过的数据类型包括基本类型、数组类型、结构体类型等, C ++为它们提供了默认的数据类型名称。我们也可以使用 typedef 自定义数据类型名称来代替这些默认类型名称。 typedef 通常有3种用法,如下所示。


C ++的所有基本类型都可以利用 typedef 关键字来重新定义类型名。其格式为
typedef 已知类型名 新类型名;

 	typedef float REAL;
 	REAL a, b, c;    //等价于float a,b,c; 


typedef 基本类型名 新类型名[元素个数];

 	typedef int ARRAY[10];
 	ARRAY a, b, c;    //等价于int a[10], b[10], c[10]



	 typedef  struct  结构体类型名 {
    } 新结构体类型名; 


	typedef  struct  stPoint {
    	int x;
    	int y;
   } Point;
   Point a, b, c;	//等价于stPoint a,b,c


1. 阅读下面的代码,写出程序运行的结果。

using namespace std;

struct Person {
	string name;
	int age;

int main() {
	Person c[] = {
		{"Zhangsan", 13},
		{"Lisi", 12},
		{"Wangwu", 11},
		{"Zhaoliu", 14},
		{"Chenqi", 10},
	int len = sizeof(c)/sizeof(c[0]);
	for(int i=0; i<len; i++) {
		cout << setw(10) << c[i].name << setw(5) << c[i].age << endl;
    return 0;


  Zhangsan   13
      Lisi   12
    Wangwu   11
   Zhaoliu   14
    Chenqi   10

2. 阅读下面的代码,写出程序运行的结果。

using namespace std;

struct N {
	int x;
	char c;

void func(N n) {
	n.x = 20;
	n.c = 'c';
	cout << n.x << ' ' << n.c << endl;

int main() {
	N a = {10, 'x'};
	cout << a.x << ' ' << a.c << endl;
    return 0;


20 c
10 x


3. 阅读下面的代码,写出程序运行的结果。

using namespace std;

struct Person {
	string name;
	int age;

bool cmp(Person a, Person b) {
	return a.age < b.age;

int main() {
	Person c[] = {
		{"Zhangsan", 13},
		{"Lisi", 12},
		{"Wangwu", 11},
		{"Zhaoliu", 14},
		{"Chenqi", 10},
	int len = sizeof(c)/sizeof(c[0]);
	for(int i=0; i<len; i++) {
		cout << setw(10) << c[i].name << setw(5) << c[i].age << endl;
	cout << "====================================" << endl;
	sort(c, c+len, cmp);
	//Sort(start, end, cmp)
	for(int i=0; i<len; i++) {
		cout << setw(10) << c[i].name << setw(5) << c[i].age << endl;
    return 0;


  Zhangsan   13
      Lisi   12
    Wangwu   11
   Zhaoliu   14
    Chenqi   10
    Chenqi   10
    Wangwu   11
      Lisi   12
  Zhangsan   13
   Zhaoliu   14


void bubbleSort(Person arr[], int len) {
	Person temp;
	for (int i=0; i < len-1; i++) {
		for (int j=0; j < len-1-i; j++) {
			if (arr[j].age > arr[j+1].age) {
				temp = arr[j];
				arr[j] = arr[j+1];
				arr[j+1] = temp;

4. 求每一个学生的总成绩和平均成绩


姓名 语文 数学 英语
Yoga 100 95 100
Beibei 98 96 97
Tian 99 100 98


using namespace std;

struct Student {
	string name;  //姓名
	int Chinese;  //语文
	int English;
	int Math;    //数学
	int total;
	float average;

int main() {
	Student score[4] =	{
		{"张三", 81, 80, 75},
		{"李四", 91, 60, 68},
		{"王五", 85, 70, 97},
		{"赵六", 95, 90, 98}
	for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)	{
		score[i].total = score[i].Chinese+score[i].English+score[i].Math;
		score[i].average = score[i].total/3.0;
	cout << "姓名\t语文\t英语\t数学\t总分\t平均分" << endl;
	for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)	{
		cout << score[i].name;
		cout << "\t" << score[i].Chinese;
		cout << "\t" << score[i].English;
		cout << "\t" << score[i].Math;
		cout << "\t" << score[i].total;
		cout << "\t" << fixed << setprecision(1) << score[i].average;
		cout << endl;
	// system("pause");

	return 0;


姓名    语文    英语    数学    总分    平均分
张三    81      80      75      236     78.7
李四    91      60      68      219     73.0
王五    85      70      97      252     84.0
赵六    95      90      98      283     94.3


