【汉化】Plugin Command Evals

Plugin Command Evals


This plugin allows developers to have JavaScript evals in all plugin commands by using a specific format when writing them.

How to Create Eval in Plugin Command

To create an eval, you simply need to use ${…}
For example, Character Creator EX uses the plugin command:
要创建一个eval,只需使用$ {...} 例如,Character Creator EX使用plugin命令:

OpenCharacterCreator [actorId]

Using this plugin command, you can open the character creator for actor ID 3 by using the following command:
使用此插件命令,可以使用以下命令打开角色创建者角色ID 3 :

OpenCharacterCreator 3

However, now you can also open it through an actor ID defined by a variable.This will open the character creator based on the actor ID stored in variable ID 5:
但是,现在您还可以通过由变量定义的actor ID打开它。这将根据存储在变量ID 5中的角色ID打开角色创建者:

OpenCharacterCreator ${v[5]}

Alternatively, you can make the character creator open based on which actor is in the leader of the party.

OpenCharacterCreator ${$gameParty.leader().actorId()}

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