Asp 实现网页静态化




<!--软件名称--> - 收藏家 - 收罗天下:软件、素材、资讯,共享收藏




	Class DBClass
		Private  connectionString
		Private  conn
		Private Sub Class_Initialize()		
		End Sub
		Private Sub Class_Ierminate()		
		End Sub
		Public Property Let ConnStr(ByVal vNewValue)
			connectionString= vNewValue
		End Property
		Public Property Get ConnStr()
			ConnStr = connectionString
		End Property
		Private Sub Open()
			On Error Resume Next
			Set conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
			conn.Open ConnStr
			If (Err) Then
				Set conn = Nothing
				Response.Write "DataBase Open Error"
			End If
		End Sub
		Public Sub Close()
			On Error Resume Next
			set conn = nothing
		End Sub

		Public Function Execute(sql)
			On Error Resume Next
			Set Execute = conn.Execute(sql)
			If (Err) Then
				Response.Write "Execute Error"
			End If
		End Function		
	End Class


	Function FilterChar(sql)
		Dim c
		c = sql
		c = replace(c,"'", "''")
		c = replace(c,"[", "[[]")
		c = replace(c,"_", "[_]")
		c = replace(c,"%", "[%]")
		FilterChar = c
	End Function
	Function ReadFile(file)
		Dim stm
		Set stm = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
		stm.LoadFromFile Server.MapPath(file)
		ReadFile = stm.ReadText
		Set stm=Nothing
	End Function

	Sub CreateFile(fileName,content)
	    Dim stm
		Set stm = server.CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
	    With stm
		    .Charset = "utf-8"
		    .Position = stm.Size
		    .WriteText = content
		    .SaveToFile Server.MapPath(fileName),2
	    End With
	    Set stm = Nothing
	End Sub

	Function FormatDT(date,style)
		Dim y,m,d,h,min,sec
		If (Not IsDate(date)) Then
			FormatDT = ""
			Exit Function
		End If
		y = CStr(Year(date))
		m = CStr(Month(date))
		d = CStr(Day(date))
		h = CStr(Hour(date))
		min = CStr(Minute(date))
		sec = CStr(Second(date))
		If (Len(m)=1) Then m = "0" & m
		If (Len(d)=1) Then d = "0" & d
		If (Len(h)=1) Then h = "0" & h
		If (Len(min )=1) Then min  = "0" & min 
		If (Len(sec)=1) Then sec = "0" & sec
		If (style = "yyyy-MM-dd") Then
			FormatDT = y & "-" & m & "-" & d
			Exit Function
		End If
		If (style = "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss") Then
			FormatDT = y & "-" & m & "-" & d & " " & h & ":" & min & ":" & sec
			Exit Function
		End If
		If (style = "MM-dd") Then
			FormatDT =m & "-" & d
			Exit Function
		End If

		FormatDT = date
	End Function

	Function FilterSql(sql)
		FilterSql = replace(sql,"'","''")
	End Function
	Function OutputHtml(str)
		If (IsNull(str)) Then
			OutputHtml = ""
			Exit Function
		End If
        str = replace(str, "&", "&")
        str = replace(str, "<", "<")
        str = replace(str, ">", ">")
        str = replace(str, Chr(32), " ")
        str = replace(str, Chr(13), "
") OutputHtml = str End Function Function GetByteLength(str) If (IsNull(str)) Then GetByteLength = "" Exit Function End If Dim x,y,i x = Len(str) y = 0 For i=1 To x If (Asc(Mid(str,i,1)) < 0 or Asc(Mid(str,i,1)) > 255) Then y = y + 1 Else y = y + 2 End If Next GetByteLength = y End Function Function GetTextByByteLength(str,byteLength) Dim x,y,i,s s = "" x = Len(str) y = 0 If (x >= 1) Then For i = 1 To x s = s & Mid(str,i,1) If (GetByteLength(s) > byteLength) Then s = Mid(str,1,Len(S)-1) Exit For End If Next End if If ((GetByteLength(str) > byteLength) and (GetByteLength(s) > 3)) Then Dim dotLen dotLen = 0 For i = Len(s) To 1 Step -1 dotLen = dotLen + GetByteLength(Mid(s,i,1)) If (dotLen >= 3) Then 's = Mid(s,1,i) & "..." Exit For End If Next End If GetTextByByteLength= s End Function Function BToKMB(softSize) softSize = CDbl(softSize)/1024 If (softSize < 1024) Then softSize = Mid(CStr(softSize),1,InStr(CStr(softSize),".")+2) & "KB" Else softSize = softSize/1024 softSize = Mid(CStr(softSize),1,InStr(CStr(softSize),".")+2) & "MB" End If BToKMB = softSize End Function %>

